498 lines
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498 lines
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/*==LICENSE==* |
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools |
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. |
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
(at your option) any later version. |
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
GNU General Public License for more details. |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com |
or by snail mail at: |
Cyan Worlds, Inc. |
14617 N Newport Hwy |
Mead, WA 99021 |
*==LICENSE==*/ |
#include "plPhysXCooking.h" |
#include "hsGeometry3.h" |
#include "plPhysX/plSimulationMgr.h" |
#include "plPhysX/plPXStream.h" |
#include "plPhysX/plPXConvert.h" |
#include "hsSTLStream.h" |
#include "Nx.h" |
#include "NxStream.h" |
#include "NxPhysics.h" |
#include "NxCooking.h" |
#include "NxPlane.h" |
#include "NxUtilLib.h" |
#include "NxMat33.h" |
bool plPhysXCooking::fSkipErrors = false; |
NxUtilLib* plPhysXCooking::fUtilLib =nil; |
//assumes that the Vectors are normalized |
hsBool ThreePlaneIntersect(const NxVec3& norm0, const NxVec3& point0, |
const NxVec3& norm1, const NxVec3& point1, |
const NxVec3& norm2, const NxVec3& point2, NxVec3& loc) |
{ |
//need to make sure these planes aren't parallel |
hsBool suc=0; |
NxVec3 cross=norm1.cross( norm2); |
hsScalar denom=norm0.dot(cross); |
if(abs(denom)<0.0001) return 0;//basically paralell |
// if we are here there must be a point in 3 space |
try{ |
hsScalar d1,d2,d3; |
d1=norm0.dot(point0); |
d2=norm1.dot(point1); |
d3=norm2.dot(point2); |
NxVec3 n1Xn2=norm1.cross(norm2); |
NxVec3 n2Xn0=norm2.cross(norm0); |
NxVec3 n0Xn1=norm0.cross(norm1); |
NxVec3 pos=(d1*n1Xn2+ d2*n2Xn0 + d3*n0Xn1)/(denom); |
loc.x=pos.x; |
loc.y=pos.y; |
loc.z=pos.z; |
suc= 1; |
} |
catch(...) |
{ |
suc=0; |
} |
return suc; |
} |
void plPhysXCooking::Init() |
{ |
NxInitCooking(); |
NxUtilLib* fUtilLib=NxGetUtilLib(); |
NxCookingParams parms=NxGetCookingParams(); |
parms.skinWidth=.05; |
NxSetCookingParams(parms); |
} |
void plPhysXCooking::Shutdown() |
{ |
NxCloseCooking(); |
fUtilLib=nil; |
fSkipErrors = false; |
} |
hsVectorStream* plPhysXCooking::CookTrimesh(int nVerts, hsPoint3* verts, int nFaces, UInt16* faces) |
{ |
NxTriangleMeshDesc triDesc; |
triDesc.numVertices = nVerts; |
triDesc.pointStrideBytes = sizeof(hsPoint3); |
triDesc.points = verts; |
triDesc.numTriangles = nFaces; |
triDesc.triangleStrideBytes = sizeof(UInt16) * 3; |
triDesc.triangles = faces; |
triDesc.flags = NX_MF_16_BIT_INDICES; |
hsVectorStream* ram = TRACKED_NEW hsVectorStream; |
plPXStream buf(ram); |
bool status = NxCookTriangleMesh(triDesc, buf); |
hsAssert(status, "Trimesh failed to cook"); |
if (status) |
{ |
ram->Rewind(); |
return ram; |
} |
else |
{ |
delete ram; |
return nil; |
} |
} |
bool plPhysXCooking::IsPointInsideHull(hsPlane3* hull, int nPlanes, const hsPoint3& pos) |
{ |
int i; |
for( i = 0; i < nPlanes; i++ ) |
{ |
// add a fudge to the point so not to trip on the ever so slightly concave |
// ... so pull the point out in the direction of the normal of the plane we are testing. |
hsPoint3 fudgepos = pos + (hull[i].GetNormal()*0.005f); |
if (!ITestPlane(fudgepos, hull[i])) |
return false; |
} |
return true; |
} |
bool plPhysXCooking::TestIfConvex(NxConvexMesh* convexMesh, int nVerts, hsPoint3* verts) |
{ |
bool retVal = true; |
// build planes from the convex mesh |
NxConvexMeshDesc desc; |
convexMesh->saveToDesc(desc); |
hsPlane3* planes = TRACKED_NEW hsPlane3[desc.numTriangles]; |
int i; |
for ( i = 0; i < desc.numTriangles; i++) |
{ |
UInt32* triangle = (UInt32*)(((char*)desc.triangles) + desc.triangleStrideBytes*i); |
float* vertex1 = (float*)(((char*)desc.points) + desc.pointStrideBytes*triangle[0]); |
float* vertex2 = (float*)(((char*)desc.points) + desc.pointStrideBytes*triangle[1]); |
float* vertex3 = (float*)(((char*)desc.points) + desc.pointStrideBytes*triangle[2]); |
hsPoint3 pt1(vertex1[0],vertex1[1],vertex1[2]); |
hsPoint3 pt2(vertex2[0],vertex2[1],vertex2[2]); |
hsPoint3 pt3(vertex3[0],vertex3[1],vertex3[2]); |
planes[i] = hsPlane3(&pt1,&pt2,&pt3); |
} |
// now see if any of the points from the mesh are inside the hull |
for (int j=0; j<nVerts && retVal; j++) |
{ |
if ( IsPointInsideHull(planes,desc.numTriangles,verts[j]) ) |
retVal = false; |
} |
delete [] planes; |
return retVal; |
} |
hsVectorStream* plPhysXCooking::CookHull(int nVerts, hsPoint3* verts, bool inflate) |
{ |
NxConvexMeshDesc convexDesc; |
convexDesc.numVertices = nVerts; |
convexDesc.pointStrideBytes = sizeof(hsPoint3); |
convexDesc.points = verts; |
convexDesc.flags = NX_CF_COMPUTE_CONVEX; |
if(inflate) |
{ |
convexDesc.flags|= NX_CF_INFLATE_CONVEX ; |
} |
hsVectorStream* ram = TRACKED_NEW hsVectorStream; |
plPXStream buf(ram); |
bool status = NxCookConvexMesh(convexDesc, buf); |
hsAssert(status, "Convex mesh failed to cook"); |
if (status) |
{ |
ram->Rewind(); |
return ram; |
} |
else |
{ |
delete ram; |
return nil; |
} |
} |
/* |
NxTriangleMesh* ReadExplicit(hsStream* stream) |
{ |
const int nVertices = stream->ReadSwap32(); |
hsPoint3* pVertices = TRACKED_NEW hsPoint3[nVertices]; |
stream->ReadSwapScalar(nVertices*3, (float*)pVertices); |
const int nFaces = stream->ReadSwap32(); |
unsigned short* pTriangles = TRACKED_NEW unsigned short[nFaces * 3]; |
stream->ReadSwap16(nFaces * 3, pTriangles); |
NxTriangleMeshDesc triDesc; |
triDesc.numVertices = nVertices; |
triDesc.pointStrideBytes = sizeof(hsPoint3); |
triDesc.points = pVertices; |
triDesc.numTriangles = nFaces; |
triDesc.triangleStrideBytes = sizeof(UInt16) * 3; |
triDesc.triangles = pTriangles; |
triDesc.flags = NX_MF_16_BIT_INDICES;// | NX_MF_FLIPNORMALS; |
hsRAMStream ram; |
plNxStream buf(&ram); |
NxInitCooking(); |
bool status = NxCookTriangleMesh(triDesc, buf); |
hsAssert(status, "Trimesh failed to cook"); |
NxCloseCooking(); |
delete[] pVertices; |
delete[] pTriangles; |
if (status) |
{ |
ram.Rewind(); |
return plSimulationMgr::GetInstance()->GetSDK()->createTriangleMesh(buf); |
} |
return nil; |
} |
NxConvexMesh* ReadConvexHull(hsStream* stream) |
{ |
const int nVertices = stream->ReadSwap32(); |
hsPoint3* pVertices = TRACKED_NEW hsPoint3[nVertices]; |
stream->ReadSwapScalar(nVertices*3, (float*)pVertices); |
NxConvexMeshDesc convexDesc; |
convexDesc.numVertices = nVertices; |
convexDesc.pointStrideBytes = sizeof(hsPoint3); |
convexDesc.points = pVertices; |
convexDesc.flags = NX_CF_COMPUTE_CONVEX; |
hsRAMStream ram; |
plNxStream buf(&ram); |
NxInitCooking(); |
bool status = NxCookConvexMesh(convexDesc, buf); |
hsAssert(status, "Convex mesh failed to cook"); |
NxCloseCooking(); |
delete[] pVertices; |
if (status) |
{ |
ram.Rewind(); |
return plSimulationMgr::GetInstance()->GetSDK()->createConvexMesh(buf); |
} |
return nil; |
} |
void ReadBoxFromHull(hsStream* stream, NxBoxShapeDesc& box) |
{ |
const int nVertices = stream->ReadSwap32(); |
hsPoint3* pVertices = TRACKED_NEW hsPoint3[nVertices]; |
stream->ReadSwapScalar(nVertices*3, (float*)pVertices); |
hsScalar minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ; |
minX = minY = minZ = FLT_MAX; |
maxX = maxY = maxZ = -FLT_MAX; |
for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++) |
{ |
hsPoint3& vec = pVertices[i]; |
minX = hsMinimum(minX, vec.fX); |
minY = hsMinimum(minY, vec.fY); |
minZ = hsMinimum(minZ, vec.fZ); |
maxX = hsMaximum(maxX, vec.fX); |
maxY = hsMaximum(maxY, vec.fY); |
maxZ = hsMaximum(maxZ, vec.fZ); |
} |
delete[] pVertices; |
float xWidth = maxX - minX; |
float yWidth = maxY - minY; |
float zWidth = maxZ - minZ; |
box.dimensions.x = xWidth / 2; |
box.dimensions.y = yWidth / 2; |
box.dimensions.z = zWidth / 2; |
// hsMatrix44 mat; |
// box.localPose.getRowMajor44(&mat.fMap[0][0]); |
// hsPoint3 trans(minX + (xWidth / 2), minY + (yWidth / 2), minY + (yWidth / 2)); |
// mat.SetTranslate(&trans); |
// box.localPose.setRowMajor44(&mat.fMap[0][0]); |
} |
*/ |
hsBool ProjectPointOnToPlane(const hsVector3& planeNormal,hsScalar& d0, |
const hsVector3 pointToProject, hsPoint3& res) |
{ |
NxVec3 vec=plPXConvert::Vector(planeNormal); |
NxVec3 orig,projected; |
orig=plPXConvert::Vector(pointToProject); |
NxPlane* pl=new NxPlane(vec,d0); |
projected=pl->project(orig); |
res.fX=projected.x; |
res.fY=projected.y; |
res.fZ=projected.z; |
return 1; |
} |
void plPhysXCooking::PCA(const NxVec3* points,int numPoints, NxMat33& out) |
{ |
NxVec3 mean(0.f,0.f,0.f); |
hsScalar Cov[3][3]; |
memset(Cov,0,9* sizeof hsScalar); |
for(int i=0; i<numPoints;i++) |
{ |
mean+=points[i]; |
} |
mean=mean/(hsScalar)numPoints; |
for(int i=0;i<numPoints;i++) |
{ |
Cov[0][0]+=pow(points[i].x-mean.x ,2.0f)/(hsScalar)(numPoints); |
Cov[1][1]+=pow(points[i].y-mean.y ,2.0f)/(hsScalar)(numPoints); |
Cov[2][2]+=pow(points[i].z-mean.z ,2.0f)/(hsScalar)(numPoints); |
Cov[0][1]+=(points[i].x-mean.x)*(points[i].y-mean.y)/(hsScalar)(numPoints); |
Cov[0][2]+=(points[i].x-mean.x)*(points[i].z-mean.z)/(hsScalar)(numPoints); |
Cov[1][2]+=(points[i].y-mean.y)*(points[i].z-mean.z)/(hsScalar)(numPoints); |
} |
Cov[2][0]=Cov[0][2]; |
Cov[1][0]=Cov[0][1]; |
Cov[2][1]=Cov[1][2]; |
NxF32 Covun[9]; |
for(int i=0;i<3;i++) |
{ |
for(int j=0; j<3;j++) |
{ |
Covun[3*i +j]=Cov[i][j]; |
} |
} |
NxVec3 eigenVals; |
NxMat33 CovNx,Rot; |
CovNx.setRowMajor(Covun); |
if(fUtilLib==nil)Init(); |
NxDiagonalizeInertiaTensor(CovNx,eigenVals,out); |
} |
hsVectorStream* plPhysXCooking::IMakePolytope(const plMaxMeshExtractor::NeutralMesh& inMesh) |
{ |
hsBool success=0; |
std::vector<hsPoint3> outCloud; |
hsPoint3 offset; |
int numPlanes=26; |
float planeMax[26]; |
int indexMax[26]; |
//prep |
NxVec3* vectors = TRACKED_NEW NxVec3[26]; |
int curvec=0; |
for(int xcomp= -1;xcomp<2;xcomp++) |
{ |
for(int ycomp= -1;ycomp<2;ycomp++) |
{ |
for(int zcomp= -1;zcomp<2;zcomp++) |
{ |
if(!((xcomp==0)&&(ycomp==0)&&(zcomp==0))) |
{ |
vectors[curvec].set((hsScalar)(xcomp),(hsScalar)(ycomp),(hsScalar)(zcomp)); |
vectors[curvec].normalize(); |
planeMax[curvec]=(-FLT_MAX); |
//indexMax[curvec]=0; |
curvec++; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
/* |
for(int i=0;i<26;i++) |
{//make your max and mins |
planeMax[i]=(-FLT_MAX); |
} |
*/ |
hsPoint3 centroid(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); |
for(int i=0;i<inMesh.fNumVerts;i++) centroid+=inMesh.fVerts[i]; |
centroid=centroid/(float)inMesh.fNumVerts; |
//temp |
NxVec3* nxLocs=new NxVec3[inMesh.fNumVerts]; |
NxVec3* nxLocs2=new NxVec3[inMesh.fNumVerts]; |
for(int i=0;i<inMesh.fNumVerts;i++) |
{ |
hsPoint3 temppt=inMesh.fVerts[i] - centroid; |
nxLocs[i]=plPXConvert::Point(temppt); |
} |
NxMat33 rot; |
NxVec3 eigen; |
PCA(nxLocs,inMesh.fNumVerts,rot); |
NxMat33 invrot; |
rot.getInverse(invrot); |
for(int i=0; i<inMesh.fNumVerts;i++) |
{ |
nxLocs2[i]=invrot*nxLocs[i]; |
} |
for(int i=0;i<inMesh.fNumVerts;i++) |
{ |
for(int plane=0;plane<26;plane++) |
{ |
float dist=nxLocs2[i].dot(vectors[plane]); |
if(dist>=planeMax[plane]) |
{ |
planeMax[plane]=dist; |
indexMax[plane]=i; |
} |
} |
} |
for(int i=0;i<inMesh.fNumVerts;i++) |
{ |
AABBMin.fX = hsMinimum(nxLocs2[i].x, AABBMin.fX); |
AABBMin.fY = hsMinimum(nxLocs2[i].y, AABBMin.fY); |
AABBMin.fZ = hsMinimum(nxLocs2[i].z, AABBMin.fZ); |
AABBMax.fX = hsMaximum(nxLocs2[i].x, AABBMax.fX); |
AABBMax.fY = hsMaximum(nxLocs2[i].y, AABBMax.fY); |
AABBMax.fZ = hsMaximum(nxLocs2[i].z, AABBMax.fZ); |
} |
int resultingPoints=0; |
for(int i=0;i<26;i++) |
{ |
for(int j=0;j<26;j++) |
{ |
for(int k=0;k<26;k++) |
{ |
NxVec3 res; |
if(ThreePlaneIntersect(vectors[i],nxLocs2[indexMax[i]],vectors[j],nxLocs2[indexMax[j]], vectors[k],nxLocs2[indexMax[k]],res)) |
{ |
//check it is within all slabs |
bool within=true; |
int curplane=0; |
do |
{ |
float intersecdist=res.dot(vectors[curplane]); |
if((intersecdist-planeMax[curplane])>0.0001) |
{ |
within=false; |
} |
curplane++; |
} |
while((curplane<26)&&within); |
if(within) |
// if((res.x>=AABBMin.fX)&&(res.x<=AABBMax.fX)&& |
// (res.y>=AABBMin.fY)&&(res.y<=AABBMax.fY)&& |
// (res.z>=AABBMin.fZ)&&(res.z<=AABBMax.fZ)) |
{ |
NxVec3 reverted; |
reverted=rot*res; |
reverted.x=reverted.x +centroid.fX; |
reverted.y=reverted.y +centroid.fY; |
reverted.z=reverted.z +centroid.fZ; |
hsPoint3 out; |
out=plPXConvert::Point(reverted); |
outCloud.push_back(out); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
//planes discovered |
//this is'nt right |
//cleanup |
offset=centroid; |
delete[] vectors; |
hsPoint3* pointages=TRACKED_NEW hsPoint3[outCloud.size()]; |
for(int x=0;x<outCloud.size();x++)pointages[x]=outCloud[x]; |
hsVectorStream* vectorstrm; |
vectorstrm= CookHull(outCloud.size(),pointages,true); |
delete[] pointages; |
delete[] nxLocs; |
delete[] nxLocs2; |
return vectorstrm; |