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#include "yuv.h"
yuv_sv411_to_cl422dc(int invert, void *data, void *yuv, int width, int height)
struct yuv411 *in = data;
struct yuv422 *out_even = yuv;
struct yuv422 *out_odd = out_even + width / 2;
int i, j; /* counters */
for (i = height / 2; i--; ) {
for (j = width / 4; j--; ) {
YUV422_Y0(*out_even) = YUV411_Y00(*in);
YUV422_U0(*out_even) = YUV411_U00(*in);
YUV422_V0(*out_even) = YUV411_V00(*in);
YUV422_Y1(*out_even) = YUV411_Y01(*in);
YUV422_Y0(*out_even) = YUV411_Y02(*in);
YUV422_U0(*out_even) = YUV411_U02(*in);
YUV422_V0(*out_even) = YUV411_V02(*in);
YUV422_Y1(*out_even) = YUV411_Y03(*in);
YUV422_Y0(*out_odd) = YUV411_Y10(*in);
YUV422_U0(*out_odd) = YUV411_U10(*in);
YUV422_V0(*out_odd) = YUV411_V10(*in);
YUV422_Y1(*out_odd) = YUV411_Y11(*in);
YUV422_Y0(*out_odd) = YUV411_Y12(*in);
YUV422_U0(*out_odd) = YUV411_U12(*in);
YUV422_V0(*out_odd) = YUV411_V12(*in);
YUV422_Y1(*out_odd) = YUV411_Y13(*in);
out_even += width / 2;
out_odd += width / 2;
yuv_sv411_to_cl422dc_quartersize(int invert, void *data, void *yuv,
int width, int height)
int w4 = width / 4; /* quarter of width is used often */
struct yuv411 *in_even = data;
struct yuv411 *in_odd = in_even + w4;
struct yuv422 *out_even = yuv;
struct yuv422 *out_odd = out_even + w4;
int i, j; /* counters */
int u, v; /* U and V values */
for (i = height / 4; i--; ) {
for (j = w4; j--; ) {
u = YUV411_U00(*in_even);
v = YUV411_V00(*in_even);
YUV422_Y0(*out_even) = YUV411_Y00(*in_even);
YUV422_U0(*out_even) = u;
YUV422_V0(*out_even) = v;
YUV422_Y1(*out_even) = YUV411_Y02(*in_even);
YUV422_Y0(*out_odd) = YUV411_Y10(*in_odd);
YUV422_U0(*out_odd) = u;
YUV422_V0(*out_odd) = v;
YUV422_Y1(*out_odd) = YUV411_Y12(*in_odd);
in_even += w4;
in_odd += w4;
out_even += w4;
out_odd += w4;
yuv_sv411_to_cl422dc_sixteenthsize(int invert, void *data, void *yuv,
int width, int height)
int w4_3 = 3 * width / 4; /* three quarters of width is used often */
int w8 = width / 8; /* and so is one eighth */
struct yuv411 *in_even = data;
struct yuv411 *in_odd = in_even + width / 2;
struct yuv422 *out_even = yuv;
struct yuv422 *out_odd = out_even + w8;
int i, j; /* counters */
int u, v; /* U and V values */
for (i = height / 8; i--; ) {
for (j = w8; j--; ) {
u = YUV411_U00(in_even[0]);
v = YUV411_V00(in_even[0]);
YUV422_Y0(*out_even) = YUV411_Y00(in_even[0]);
YUV422_U0(*out_even) = u;
YUV422_V0(*out_even) = v;
YUV422_Y1(*out_even) = YUV411_Y00(in_even[1]);
YUV422_Y0(*out_odd) = YUV411_Y00(in_odd[0]);
YUV422_U0(*out_odd) = u;
YUV422_V0(*out_odd) = v;
YUV422_Y1(*out_odd) = YUV411_Y00(in_even[1]);
in_even += 2;
in_odd += 2;
in_even += w4_3;
in_odd += w4_3;
out_even += w8;
out_odd += w8;