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/*==LICENSE==* Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Additional permissions under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or
combining it with any of RAD Game Tools Bink SDK, Autodesk 3ds Max SDK,
NVIDIA PhysX SDK, Microsoft DirectX SDK, OpenSSL library, Independent
JPEG Group JPEG library, Microsoft Windows Media SDK, or Apple QuickTime SDK
(or a modified version of those libraries),
containing parts covered by the terms of the Bink SDK EULA, 3ds Max EULA,
PhysX SDK EULA, DirectX SDK EULA, OpenSSL and SSLeay licenses, IJG
JPEG Library README, Windows Media SDK EULA, or QuickTime SDK EULA, the
licensors of this Program grant you additional
permission to convey the resulting work. Corresponding Source for a
non-source form of such a combination shall include the source code for
the parts of OpenSSL and IJG JPEG Library used as well as that of the covered
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email
or by snail mail at:
Cyan Worlds, Inc.
14617 N Newport Hwy
Mead, WA 99021
#ifndef PLSYNCHOBJ_inc
#define PLSYNCHOBJ_inc
#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/hsKeyedObject.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/plKey.h"
#include "hsStlUtils.h"
#include "plNetGroup.h"
// plSynchedObject
// one per savable object
class hsStream;
class plDirtyNotifier;
class plSynchedObject : public hsKeyedObject
enum LocallyOwnedAnswer
enum Flags
kDontDirty = 0x1,
kSendReliably = 0x2, // object wants reliable send
kHasConstantNetGroup = 0x4, // has a constant net group.
kDontSynchGameMessages = 0x8, // don't send/recv game actions
kExcludePersistentState = 0x10, // don't send SDL state msgs to server, check exclude list
kExcludeAllPersistentState=0x20, // don't send ANY type of SDL state
kLocalOnly = (kExcludeAllPersistentState | kDontSynchGameMessages), // localOnly in all respects
kHasVolatileState = 0x40, // server won't save this state on shutdown
kAllStateIsVolatile = 0x80
enum SDLSendFlags
kBCastToClients = 0x1,
kForceFullSend = 0x2,
kSkipLocalOwnershipCheck= 0x4,
kSendImmediately = 0x8,
kDontPersistOnServer = 0x10, // for an SDL bcast msg which is used for synching only, not persisting
kUseRelevanceRegions = 0x20,
kNewState = 0x40,
kIsAvatarState = 0x80,
struct StateDefn
plKey fObjKey;
UInt32 fSendFlags;
std::string fSDLName;
plSynchedObject* GetObject() const { return plSynchedObject::ConvertNoRef(fObjKey->ObjectIsLoaded()); }
StateDefn() : fObjKey(nil),fSendFlags(0) {}
StateDefn(plKey k, UInt32 f, const char* sdlName) : fObjKey(k),fSendFlags(f) { fSDLName=sdlName; }
typedef std::vector<std::string> SDLStateList;
SDLStateList fSDLExcludeList;
SDLStateList fSDLVolatileList;
UInt32 fSynchFlags;
plNetGroupId fNetGroup;
static std::vector<hsBool> fSynchStateStack;
static plSynchedObject* fStaticSynchedObj; // static which temporarily holds address of each object's synchMgr
static std::vector<StateDefn> fDirtyStates;
static void IRemoveDirtyState(plKey o, const char* sdlName);
static void IAddDirtyState(plKey o, const char* sdlName, UInt32 sendFlags);
bool IOKToDirty(const char* SDLStateName) const;
SDLStateList::const_iterator IFindInSDLStateList(const SDLStateList& list, const char* sdlName) const;
bool IOKToNetwork(const char* sdlName, UInt32* synchFlags) const;
virtual ~plSynchedObject();
CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plSynchedObject );
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plSynchedObject, hsKeyedObject);
virtual hsBool MsgReceive(plMessage* msg);
// getters
int GetSynchFlags() const { return fSynchFlags; }
plNetGroupId GetNetGroup() const { return fNetGroup; };
plNetGroupId GetEffectiveNetGroup() const;
// setters
void SetSynchFlagsBit(UInt32 f) { fSynchFlags |= f; }
virtual void SetNetGroupConstant(plNetGroupId netGroup);
virtual void SetNetGroup(plNetGroupId netGroup) { fNetGroup = netGroup; }
plNetGroupId SelectNetGroup(plKey groupKey);
virtual hsBool DirtySynchState(const char* sdlName, UInt32 sendFlags);
void SendSDLStateMsg(const char* SDLStateName, UInt32 synchFlags); // don't use, only for net code
void ClearSynchFlagsBit(UInt32 f) { fSynchFlags &= ~f; }
// static
static hsBool GetSynchDisabled() { return fSynchStateStack.size() ? fSynchStateStack.back() : true; }
static void PushSynchDisabled(hsBool b) { fSynchStateStack.push_back(b); }
static hsBool PopSynchDisabled();
static plSynchedObject* GetStaticSynchedObject() { return fStaticSynchedObj; }
static Int32 GetNumDirtyStates() { return fDirtyStates.size(); }
static plSynchedObject::StateDefn* GetDirtyState(Int32 i) { return &fDirtyStates[i]; }
static void ClearDirtyState(std::vector<StateDefn>& carryOver) { fDirtyStates=carryOver; }
// IO
// void SendCreationMsg(double secs);
// void SendDestructionMsg(double secs) ;
virtual void Read(hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr);
virtual void Write(hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr);
int IsLocallyOwned() const; // returns yes/no/maybe
// disable net synching only
bool IsNetSynched() const { return (fSynchFlags & kDontSynchGameMessages)==0; }
void SetNetSynched(bool b) { if (!b) fSynchFlags |= kDontSynchGameMessages; else fSynchFlags &= ~kDontSynchGameMessages; }
// disable net synching AND persisting
bool IsLocalOnly() const { return (fSynchFlags & kLocalOnly)==0; }
void SetLocalOnly(bool b) { if (b) fSynchFlags |= kLocalOnly; else fSynchFlags &= ~kLocalOnly; }
// disable particular types of persistence
void AddToSDLExcludeList(const char*);
void RemoveFromSDLExcludeList(const char*);
bool IsInSDLExcludeList(const char*) const;
// make volatile particular types of state
void AddToSDLVolatileList(const char*);
void RemoveFromSDLVolatileList(const char*);
bool IsInSDLVolatileList(const char*) const;
// synched value stuff, currently unused
// current size is 16 + numValue bytes*2 + numFriends*4 bytes
typedef UInt16 AddrOffsetType;
typedef UInt8 NumSynchedValuesType;
typedef UInt16 FlagsType;
friend class plSynchedValueBase;
AddrOffsetType* fSynchedValueAddrOffsets; // represent dwords offsets
NumSynchedValuesType fNumSynchedValues;
// array of friends
plSynchedValueBase** fSynchedValueFriends;
NumSynchedValuesType fNumSynchedValueFriends;
// dirty callback notifiers
std::vector<plDirtyNotifier*> fDirtyNotifiers;
void IAppendSynchedValueAddrOffset(AddrOffsetType synchedValueAddrOffset);
void IAppendSynchedValueFriend(plSynchedValueBase* v);
plSynchedValueBase* IGetSynchedValue(NumSynchedValuesType i) const
{ return (plSynchedValueBase*)((Int32)this + (fSynchedValueAddrOffsets[i]<<2)); }
plSynchedValueBase* IGetSynchedValueFriend(NumSynchedValuesType i) const
{ return fSynchedValueFriends[i]; }
Int32 GetNumSynchedValues() const { return fNumSynchedValues+fNumSynchedValueFriends; }
plSynchedValueBase* GetSynchedValue(int i) const;
UInt8 RegisterSynchedValue(plSynchedValueBase* v);
hsBool RemoveSynchedValue(plSynchedValueBase* v); // handles SVFriends too
void RegisterSynchedValueFriend(plSynchedValueBase* v);
// dirty CB notifiers
void AddDirtyNotifier(plDirtyNotifier* dn);
void RemoveDirtyNotifier(plDirtyNotifier* dn);
void CallDirtyNotifiers();
// helper class to set dirty tracking on/off within scope
class plSynchEnabler
plSynchEnabler(hsBool enable) { plSynchedObject::PushSynchDisabled(!enable); }
~plSynchEnabler() { plSynchedObject::PopSynchDisabled(); }
// plDirtyNotifier - When a synchedObj
// gets dirty, this callback will be called.
class plDirtyNotifier
plKey fSynchedObjKey;
void* fUserData;
plDirtyNotifier() : fSynchedObjKey(nil),fUserData(nil) {}
virtual ~plDirtyNotifier()
if (fSynchedObjKey)
plSynchedObject* so = plSynchedObject::ConvertNoRef(fSynchedObjKey->ObjectIsLoaded());
if (so)
void SetSynchedObjKey(plKey k) { fSynchedObjKey=k; } // should be set
void SetUserData(void* v) { fUserData=v;} // optional
plKey GetSynchedObjKey() { return fSynchedObjKey; }
void* GetUserData() { return fUserData;}
// override
virtual void Callback() = 0;
#define SYNCHED_VALUE(type) plSynchedValue<type>
#define SYNCHED_TARRAY(type) plSynchedTArray<type>
#define SYNCHED_VALUE_FRIEND(type) plSynchedValueFriend<type>
#define SYNCHED_TARRAY_FRIEND(type) plSynchedTArrayFriend<type>
#define SYNCHED_VALUE(type) type
#define SYNCHED_TARRAY(type) hsTArray<type>
#define SYNCHED_VALUE_FRIEND(type) type
#define SYNCHED_TARRAY_FRIEND(type) hsTArray<type>
#endif // PLSYNCHOBJ_inc