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//                                                                          //
//  plEAXEffects - Various classes and wrappers to support EAX              //
//                  acceleration.                                           //
//                                                                          //

#ifndef _plEAXEffects_h
#define _plEAXEffects_h

#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "hsTemplates.h"

//// Listener Settings Class Definition ///////////////////////////////////////

class plDSoundBuffer;
class plEAXListenerMod;

#include <EFX-Util.h>

class plEAXListener 
    static plEAXListener    &GetInstance( void );

    hsBool  Init( void );
    void    Shutdown( void );

    bool SetGlobalEAXProperty(GUID guid, unsigned long ulProperty, void *pData, unsigned long ulDataSize );
    bool GetGlobalEAXProperty(GUID guid, unsigned long ulProperty, void *pData, unsigned long ulDataSize );
    void    ProcessMods( hsTArray<plEAXListenerMod *> &modArray );
    void    ClearProcessCache( void );

    void    IFail( hsBool major );
    void    IFail( const char *msg, hsBool major );
    void    IRelease( void );

    void    IMuteProperties( EAXREVERBPROPERTIES *props, hsScalar percent );

    hsBool              fInited;
    // Cache info
    Int32               fLastModCount;
    hsBool              fLastWasEmpty;
    hsScalar            fLastSingleStrength;
    plEAXListenerMod    *fLastBigRegion;


//// Soft Buffer Settings Class Definition ////////////////////////////////////
//  Used to hold buffer settings that will be attenuated by a soft volume,
//  to make the main settings class a bit cleaner

class hsStream;
class plEAXSourceSoftSettings
        Int16       fOcclusion;
        hsScalar    fOcclusionLFRatio, fOcclusionRoomRatio, fOcclusionDirectRatio;

        void        Read( hsStream *s );
        void        Write( hsStream *s );

        void        SetOcclusion( Int16 occ, hsScalar lfRatio, hsScalar roomRatio, hsScalar directRatio );
        Int16       GetOcclusion( void ) const { return fOcclusion; }
        hsScalar    GetOcclusionLFRatio( void ) const { return fOcclusionLFRatio; }
        hsScalar    GetOcclusionRoomRatio( void ) const { return fOcclusionRoomRatio; }
        hsScalar    GetOcclusionDirectRatio( void ) const { return fOcclusionDirectRatio; }

        void        Reset( void );

//// Buffer Settings Class Definition /////////////////////////////////////////

class plEAXSource;

class plEAXSourceSettings
        virtual ~plEAXSourceSettings();

        void    Read( hsStream *s );
        void    Write( hsStream *s );

        void    Enable( hsBool e );
        hsBool  IsEnabled( void ) const { return fEnabled; }

        void    SetRoomParams( Int16 room, Int16 roomHF, hsBool roomAuto, hsBool roomHFAuto );
        Int16   GetRoom( void ) const   { return fRoom; }
        Int16   GetRoomHF( void )  const  { return fRoomHF; }
        hsBool  GetRoomAuto( void ) const   { return fRoomAuto; }
        hsBool  GetRoomHFAuto( void ) const  { return fRoomHFAuto; }

        void    SetOutsideVolHF( Int16 vol );
        Int16   GetOutsideVolHF( void ) const { return fOutsideVolHF; }

        void        SetFactors( hsScalar airAbsorption, hsScalar roomRolloff, hsScalar doppler, hsScalar rolloff );
        hsScalar    GetAirAbsorptionFactor( void ) const { return fAirAbsorptionFactor; }
        hsScalar    GetRoomRolloffFactor( void ) const { return fRoomRolloffFactor; }
        hsScalar    GetDopplerFactor( void ) const { return fDopplerFactor; }
        hsScalar    GetRolloffFactor( void ) const { return fRolloffFactor; }

        plEAXSourceSoftSettings &GetSoftStarts( void ) { return fSoftStarts; }
        plEAXSourceSoftSettings &GetSoftEnds( void ) { return fSoftEnds; }
        plEAXSourceSoftSettings &GetCurrSofts( void )  { return fCurrSoftValues; }

        void        SetOcclusionSoftValue( hsScalar value );
        hsScalar    GetOcclusionSoftValue( void ) const { return fOcclusionSoftValue; }

        void        ClearDirtyParams( void ) const { fDirtyParams = 0; }

        friend class plEAXSource;
        friend  plEAXSourceSoftSettings;

        hsBool      fEnabled;
        Int16       fRoom, fRoomHF;
        hsBool      fRoomAuto, fRoomHFAuto;
        Int16       fOutsideVolHF;
        hsScalar    fAirAbsorptionFactor, fRoomRolloffFactor, fDopplerFactor, fRolloffFactor;
        plEAXSourceSoftSettings fSoftStarts, fSoftEnds, fCurrSoftValues;
        hsScalar    fOcclusionSoftValue;
        mutable UInt32      fDirtyParams;

        enum ParamSets
            kOcclusion      = 0x01,
            kRoom           = 0x02,
            kOutsideVolHF   = 0x04,
            kFactors        = 0x08,
            kAll            = 0xff

        void    IRecalcSofts( UInt8 whichOnes );

//// Source Class Definition //////////////////////////////////////////////////

class plEAXSource
    friend plEAXSourceSettings;
    friend  plEAXSourceSoftSettings;

    virtual ~plEAXSource();

    void    Init( plDSoundBuffer *parent );
    void    Release( void );
    hsBool  IsValid( void ) const;
    bool SetSourceEAXProperty(unsigned source, GUID guid, unsigned long ulProperty, void *pData, unsigned long ulDataSize);
    bool GetSourceEAXProperty(unsigned source, GUID guid, unsigned long ulProperty, void *pData, unsigned long ulDataSize);
    void    SetFrom(  plEAXSourceSettings *settings, unsigned source, hsBool force = false );

    hsBool  fInit;

#endif //_plEAXEffects_h