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*   $/Plasma20/Sources/Plasma/NucleusLib/pnNetProtocol/Private/Protocols/Srv2Vault/pnNpSrv2Vault.h

#error "Header $/Plasma20/Sources/Plasma/NucleusLib/pnNetProtocol/Private/Protocols/Srv2Vault/pnNpSrv2Vault.h included more than once"

// kNetProtocolSrv2Db messages
// Because SrvVault must remain compatible with older auth builds, these message ids
// must not change unless all front-end servers are synchronously replaced.
enum {
    // Player creation
    kSrv2Vault_PlayerCreateRequest      = 0,
    kSrv2Vault_PlayerDeleteRequest      = 1,
    kSrv2Vault_UpgradeVisitorRequest    = 2,
    kSrv2Vault_ChangePlayerNameRequest  = 3,
    // Account
    kSrv2Vault_AccountLoginRequest      = 20,
    kSrv2Vault_AccountLogout            = 21,
    // NodeRefs
    kSrv2Vault_FetchChildNodeRefs       = 40,
    kSrv2Vault_NodeAdd                  = 41,
    kSrv2Vault_NodeRemove               = 42,
    kSrv2Vault_NodeAdd2                 = 43,
    kSrv2Vault_NodeRemove2              = 44,
    // Nodes
    kSrv2Vault_NodeFetch                = 60,
    kSrv2Vault_CreateNodeRequest        = 61,
    kSrv2Vault_NodeSave                 = 62,
    kSrv2Vault_DeleteNodeRequest        = 63,
    kSrv2Vault_NodeFindRequest          = 64,
    kSrv2Vault_SendNode                 = 65,
    kSrv2Vault_NodeSave2                = 66,
    // Notification targets
    kSrv2Vault_RegisterPlayerVault      = 80,
    kSrv2Vault_UnregisterPlayerVault    = 81,
    kSrv2Vault_RegisterAgeVault         = 82,
    kSrv2Vault_UnregisterAgeVault       = 83,
    kSrv2Vault_AgeInitRequest           = 84,
    // Public ages
    kSrv2Vault_GetPublicAgeList         = 100,
    kSrv2Vault_SetAgePublic             = 101,
    kSrv2Vault_CurrentPopulationReply   = 102,
    // MCP Notifications
    kSrv2Vault_AccountOnline            = 140,
    kSrv2Vault_AccountOffline           = 141,
    kSrv2Vault_PlayerOnline             = 142,
    kSrv2Vault_PlayerOffline            = 143,
    kSrv2Vault_AgeOnline                = 144,
    kSrv2Vault_AgeOffline               = 145,
    kSrv2Vault_PlayerJoinedAge          = 146,
    kSrv2Vault_PlayerLeftAge            = 147,

enum {
    // Player creation
    kVault2Srv_PlayerCreateReply        = 0,
    kVault2Srv_PlayerDeleteReply        = 1,
    kVault2Srv_UpgradeVisitorReply      = 2,
    kVault2Srv_ChangePlayerNameReply    = 3,
    // Account
    kVault2Srv_AccountLoginReply        = 20,
    // NodeRefs
    kVault2Srv_NodeRefsFetched          = 40,
    // Nodes
    kVault2Srv_NodeFetched              = 60,
    kVault2Srv_NodeCreated              = 61,
    kVault2Srv_NodeFindReply            = 62,
    // Notification
    kVault2Srv_NodeChanged              = 80,
    kVault2Srv_NodeAdded                = 81,
    kVault2Srv_NodeRemoved              = 82,
    kVault2Srv_NodeDeleted              = 83,

    // Notification targets
    kVault2Srv_AgeInitReply             = 102,
    // Public ages
    kVault2Srv_PublicAgeList            = 120,
    kVault2Srv_CurrentPopulationRequest = 121,

    // AgeSDL
    kVault2Srv_NotifyAgeSDLChanged      = 140,

#include <PshPack1.h>

*   Srv2Vault connect packet

struct Srv2Vault_ConnData {
    dword   dataBytes;
    dword   buildId;
    dword   srvType;
struct Srv2Vault_Connect {
    AsyncSocketConnectPacket    hdr;
    Srv2Vault_ConnData          data;

*   Srv2Vault packets

struct Srv2Vault_PlayerCreateRequest : SrvMsgHeader {
    Uuid    accountUuid;
    wchar   playerName[kMaxPlayerNameLength];
    wchar   avatarShape[MAX_PATH];
    wchar   friendInvite[MAX_PATH];
    byte    explorer;

struct Srv2Vault_PlayerDeleteRequest : SrvMsgHeader {
    Uuid    accountId;
    dword   playerId;

struct Srv2Vault_UpgradeVisitorRequest : SrvMsgHeader {
    Uuid    accountId;
    dword   playerId;

struct Srv2Vault_AccountLoginRequest : SrvMsgHeader {
    Uuid    accountUuid;

struct Srv2Vault_AccountLogout : SrvMsgHeader {
    Uuid    accountUuid;

struct Srv2Vault_FetchChildNodeRefs : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword   parentId;
    dword   maxDepth;

struct Srv2Vault_NodeFetch : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword   nodeId;

struct Srv2Vault_CreateNodeRequest : SrvMsgHeader {
    Uuid    accountId;
    dword   creatorId;
    dword   nodeBytes;
    byte    nodeBuffer[1];

struct Srv2Vault_DeleteNodeRequest : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword       nodeId;
    unsigned    playerCheckId;
    unsigned    isRequestFromAuth;

struct Srv2Vault_NodeSave : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword       nodeId;
    unsigned    playerCheckId;
    unsigned    isRequestFromAuth;
    Uuid        revisionId;
    dword       nodeBytes;
    byte        nodeBuffer[1];

struct Srv2Vault_NodeSave2 : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword   nodeId;
    unsigned    playerCheckId;
    unsigned    isRequestFromAuth;
    Uuid    revisionId;
    dword   nodeBytes;
    byte    nodeBuffer[1];

struct Srv2Vault_NodeAdd : SrvMsgHeader {
    NetVaultNodeRef ref;

struct Srv2Vault_NodeAdd2 : SrvMsgHeader {
    NetVaultNodeRef ref;

struct Srv2Vault_NodeRemove : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword   parentId;
    dword   childId;
    unsigned    playerCheckId;
    unsigned    isRequestFromAuth;  

struct Srv2Vault_NodeRemove2 : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword   parentId;
    dword   childId;
    unsigned    playerCheckId;
    unsigned    isRequestFromAuth;

struct Srv2Vault_NodeFindRequest : SrvMsgHeader {
    // Template node to match
    dword   nodeBytes;
    byte    nodeBuffer[1];  // [nodeBytes], actually
    // no more fields after var length alloc

struct Srv2Vault_SendNode : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword   srcPlayerId;    // sender
    dword   srcNodeId;      // sent item
    dword   dstPlayerId;    // recipient

struct Srv2Vault_RegisterPlayerVault : SrvMsgHeader {
    Uuid    accountId;
    dword   playerId;

struct Srv2Vault_UnregisterPlayerVault : SrvMsgHeader {
    Uuid    accountId;

struct Srv2Vault_RegisterAgeVault : SrvMsgHeader {
    Uuid    accountId;
    dword   ageId;  // age's vault node id

struct Srv2Vault_UnregisterAgeVault : SrvMsgHeader {
    Uuid    accountId;

struct Srv2Vault_AgeInitRequest : SrvMsgHeader {
    Uuid    accountId;
    dword   playerId;
    Uuid    ageInstId;
    Uuid    parentAgeInstId;
    dword   ageLanguage;
    dword   ageSequenceNumber;
// packed fields:
    // wchar ageFilename[]
    // wchar ageInstName[]
    // wchar ageUserName[]
    // wchar ageDesc[]

struct Srv2Vault_GetPublicAgeList : SrvMsgHeader {
    wchar   ageName[kMaxAgeNameLength];

struct Srv2Vault_SetAgePublic : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword   playerId;
    dword   ageInfoId;
    byte    publicOrNot;

struct Srv2Vault_CurrentPopulationReply : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword           ageCount;
    unsigned        agePopulations[1];  // [ageCount], actually
    // no more fields after var length alloc

struct Srv2Vault_ChangePlayerNameRequest : SrvMsgHeader {
    Uuid    accountId;
    dword   playerId;
    wchar   newName[kMaxPlayerNameLength];

struct Srv2Vault_AccountOnline : SrvMsgHeader {
    Uuid    acctId;
    dword   buildId;
    dword   authNode;

struct Srv2Vault_AccountOffline : SrvMsgHeader {
    Uuid    acctId;
    dword   buildId;

struct Srv2Vault_PlayerOnline : SrvMsgHeader {
    Uuid    acctId;
    dword   buildId;
    dword   playerId;

struct Srv2Vault_PlayerOffline : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword   playerId;
    dword   buildId;

struct Srv2Vault_AgeOnline : SrvMsgHeader {
    Uuid    ageInstId;
    dword   buildId;
    dword   gameNode;

struct Srv2Vault_AgeOffline : SrvMsgHeader {
    Uuid    ageInstId;
    dword   buildId;

struct Srv2Vault_PlayerJoinedAge : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword   playerId;
    Uuid    ageInstId;
    dword   buildId;

struct Srv2Vault_PlayerLeftAge : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword   playerId;
    dword   buildId;

*   Vault2Srv packets

struct Vault2Srv_PlayerCreateReply : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword   playerId;

struct Vault2Srv_AccountLoginReply : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword           playerInfoCount;
    SrvPlayerInfo   playerInfos[1];

struct Vault2Srv_NodeRefsFetched : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword           refCount;
    NetVaultNodeRef refs[1];

struct Vault2Srv_NodeFetched : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword           nodeBytes;
    byte            nodeBuffer[1];

struct Vault2Srv_NodeCreated : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword           nodeId;

struct Vault2Srv_NodeChanged : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword           nodeId;
    Uuid            revisionId;
    Uuid            accountId;  // the notify target

struct Vault2Srv_NodeAdded : SrvMsgHeader {
    NetVaultNodeRef ref;
    Uuid            accountId;  // the notify target

struct Vault2Srv_NodeRemoved : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword           parentId;
    dword           childId;
    Uuid            accountId;  // the notify target

struct Vault2Srv_NodeDeleted : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword           nodeId;
    Uuid            accountId;  // the notify target

struct Vault2Srv_NodeFindReply : SrvMsgHeader {
    // out: ids of matching nodes
    dword           nodeIdCount;
    dword           nodeIds[1]; // [nodeIdCount], actually
    // no more fields after var length alloc

struct Vault2Srv_AgeInitReply : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword           ageNodeId;
    dword           ageInfoNodeId;
    Uuid            accountId;  // the requestor

struct Vault2Srv_PublicAgeList : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword           ageCount;
    NetAgeInfo      ages[1];    // [ageCount], actually
    // no more fields after var length alloc

struct Vault2Srv_NotifyAgeSDLChanged : SrvMsgHeader {
    wchar       ageName[kMaxAgeNameLength];
    Uuid        ageInstId;

struct Vault2Srv_CurrentPopulationRequest : SrvMsgHeader {
    dword       ageCount;
    Uuid        ageInstIds[1];  // [ageCount], actually
    // no more fields after var length alloc

#include <PopPack.h>

*   Srv2Vault functions

bool Srv2VaultValidateConnect (
    AsyncNotifySocketListen *   listen,
    Srv2Vault_ConnData *        connectPtr