
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
 or by snail mail at:
      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
      Mead, WA   99021

*   $/Plasma20/Sources/Plasma/NucleusLib/pnNetProtocol/Private/pnNpCommon.h

#error "Header $/Plasma20/Sources/Plasma/NucleusLib/pnNetProtocol/Private/pnNpCommon.h included more than once"

*   Client message field types


const NetMsgField kNetMsgFieldAccountName   = NET_MSG_FIELD_STRING(kMaxAccountNameLength);
const NetMsgField kNetMsgFieldPlayerName    = NET_MSG_FIELD_STRING(kMaxPlayerNameLength);
const NetMsgField kNetMsgFieldShaDigest     = NET_MSG_FIELD_RAW_DATA(sizeof(ShaDigest));
const NetMsgField kNetMsgFieldUuid          = NET_MSG_FIELD_DATA(sizeof(Uuid));
const NetMsgField kNetMsgFieldTransId       = NET_MSG_FIELD_DWORD();
const NetMsgField kNetMsgFieldTimeMs        = NET_MSG_FIELD_DWORD();
const NetMsgField kNetMsgFieldENetError     = NET_MSG_FIELD_DWORD();
const NetMsgField kNetMsgFieldEAgeId        = NET_MSG_FIELD_DWORD();
const NetMsgField kNetMsgFieldNetNode       = NET_MSG_FIELD_DWORD();
const NetMsgField kNetMsgFieldBuildId       = NET_MSG_FIELD_DWORD();


*   Player information structures

#include <PshPack1.h>
struct SrvPlayerInfo {
    unsigned    playerInt;
    wchar       playerName[kMaxPlayerNameLength];
    wchar       avatarShape[kMaxVaultNodeStringLength];
    unsigned    explorer;
#include <PopPack.h>

*   NetAgeInfo

struct NetAgeInfo {
    Uuid        ageInstId;
    wchar       ageFilename[kMaxAgeNameLength];
    wchar       ageInstName[kMaxAgeNameLength];
    wchar       ageUserName[kMaxAgeNameLength];
    wchar       ageDesc[1024];
    dword       ageSequenceNumber;
    dword       ageLanguage;
    dword       population;         // only used with GetPublicAgeList query results
    dword       currentPopulation;  // only used with GetPublicAgeList query results

*   NetGameScore

struct NetGameScore {
    unsigned    scoreId;
    unsigned    ownerId;
    UInt32      createdTime;
    wchar       gameName[kMaxGameScoreNameLength];
    unsigned    gameType;
    int         value;

    unsigned Read (const byte inbuffer[], unsigned bufsz, byte** end = nil);    // returns number of bytes read
    unsigned Write (ARRAY(byte) * buffer) const;                                // returns number of bytes written

    void CopyFrom (const NetGameScore & score);

*   NetGameRank

struct NetGameRank {
    unsigned    rank;
    int         score;
    wchar       name[kMaxPlayerNameLength];

    unsigned Read (const byte inbuffer[], unsigned bufsz, byte** end = nil);    // returns number of bytes read
    unsigned Write (ARRAY(byte) * buffer) const;                                // returns number of bytes written

    void CopyFrom (const NetGameRank & fromRank);

*   Server vault structures

// NetVaultNode
// Threaded apps: App is responsible for locking node->critsect before accessing *any* field in this struct
struct NetVaultNode : AtomicRef {
    enum RwOptions {
        kRwDirtyOnly    = 1<<0, // READ : No meaning
                                // WRITE: Only write fields marked dirty
        kRwUpdateDirty  = 1<<1, // READ : Set dirty flag on fields read from stream
                                // WRITE: Clear dirty flag on fields written to stream
    enum CopyOptions {
        kCopySetDirty   = 1<<0,     // set dirty flag on changed dst fields
        kCopyOverwrite  = 1<<1,     // overwrite fields for which dst node already has values
        kCopyClear      = 1<<2,     // clear dst fields for which src node does not have values
    // These flag values must not change unless all servers are
    // simultaneously replaced, so basically forget it.
    static const qword kNodeId          = (qword)1<< 0;
    static const qword kCreateTime      = (qword)1<< 1;
    static const qword kModifyTime      = (qword)1<< 2;
    static const qword kCreateAgeName   = (qword)1<< 3;
    static const qword kCreateAgeUuid   = (qword)1<< 4;
    static const qword kCreatorAcct     = (qword)1<< 5;
    static const qword kCreatorId       = (qword)1<< 6;
    static const qword kNodeType        = (qword)1<< 7;
    static const qword kInt32_1         = (qword)1<< 8;
    static const qword kInt32_2         = (qword)1<< 9;
    static const qword kInt32_3         = (qword)1<<10;
    static const qword kInt32_4         = (qword)1<<11;
    static const qword kUInt32_1        = (qword)1<<12;
    static const qword kUInt32_2        = (qword)1<<13;
    static const qword kUInt32_3        = (qword)1<<14;
    static const qword kUInt32_4        = (qword)1<<15;
    static const qword kUuid_1          = (qword)1<<16;
    static const qword kUuid_2          = (qword)1<<17;
    static const qword kUuid_3          = (qword)1<<18;
    static const qword kUuid_4          = (qword)1<<19;
    static const qword kString64_1      = (qword)1<<20;
    static const qword kString64_2      = (qword)1<<21;
    static const qword kString64_3      = (qword)1<<22;
    static const qword kString64_4      = (qword)1<<23;
    static const qword kString64_5      = (qword)1<<24;
    static const qword kString64_6      = (qword)1<<25;
    static const qword kIString64_1     = (qword)1<<26;
    static const qword kIString64_2     = (qword)1<<27;
    // blobs always come last
    static const qword kText_1          = (qword)1<<28;
    static const qword kText_2          = (qword)1<<29;
    static const qword kBlob_1          = (qword)1<<30;
    static const qword kBlob_2          = (qword)1<<31;
    CCritSect   critsect;
    qword       fieldFlags;
    qword       dirtyFlags;
    Uuid        revisionId;

    // Treat these as read-only or node flag fields will become invalid 
    // Threaded apps: Must be accessed with node->critsect locked   
    unsigned    nodeId;
    unsigned    createTime;
    unsigned    modifyTime;
    wchar *     createAgeName;
    Uuid        createAgeUuid;
    Uuid        creatorAcct;    // accountId of node creator
    unsigned    creatorId;      // playerId of node creator
    unsigned    nodeType;
    int         int32_1;
    int         int32_2;
    int         int32_3;
    int         int32_4;
    unsigned    uint32_1;
    unsigned    uint32_2;
    unsigned    uint32_3;
    unsigned    uint32_4;
    Uuid        uuid_1;
    Uuid        uuid_2;
    Uuid        uuid_3;
    Uuid        uuid_4;
    wchar *     string64_1;
    wchar *     string64_2;
    wchar *     string64_3;
    wchar *     string64_4;
    wchar *     string64_5;
    wchar *     string64_6;
    wchar *     istring64_1;
    wchar *     istring64_2;
    wchar *     text_1;
    wchar *     text_2;
    byte *      blob_1; unsigned blob_1Length;
    byte *      blob_2; unsigned blob_2Length;
    NetVaultNode ();
    ~NetVaultNode ();

    // Threaded apps: Must be called with node->critsect locked 
    unsigned Read_LCS (const byte buffer[], unsigned bufsz, unsigned rwOpts);   // returns number of bytes read
    unsigned Write_LCS (ARRAY(byte) * buffer, unsigned rwOpts);                 // returns number of bytes written
    bool Matches (const NetVaultNode * other);
    void CopyFrom (const NetVaultNode * other, unsigned copyOpts);
    // Threaded apps: Must be called with node->critsect locked 
    void SetNodeId (unsigned v);
    void SetCreateTime (unsigned v);
    void SetModifyTime (unsigned v);
    void SetCreateAgeName (const wchar v[]);
    void SetCreateAgeUuid (const Uuid & v);
    void SetCreatorAcct (const Uuid & v);
    void SetCreatorId (unsigned v);
    void SetNodeType (unsigned v);
    void SetInt32_1 (int v);
    void SetInt32_2 (int v);
    void SetInt32_3 (int v);
    void SetInt32_4 (int v);
    void SetUInt32_1 (unsigned v);
    void SetUInt32_2 (unsigned v);
    void SetUInt32_3 (unsigned v);
    void SetUInt32_4 (unsigned v);
    void SetUuid_1 (const Uuid & v);
    void SetUuid_2 (const Uuid & v);
    void SetUuid_3 (const Uuid & v);
    void SetUuid_4 (const Uuid & v);
    void SetString64_1 (const wchar v[]);
    void SetString64_2 (const wchar v[]);
    void SetString64_3 (const wchar v[]);
    void SetString64_4 (const wchar v[]);
    void SetString64_5 (const wchar v[]);
    void SetString64_6 (const wchar v[]);
    void SetIString64_1 (const wchar v[]);
    void SetIString64_2 (const wchar v[]);
    void SetText_1 (const wchar v[]);
    void SetText_2 (const wchar v[]);
    void SetBlob_1 (const byte v[], unsigned len);
    void SetBlob_2 (const byte v[], unsigned len);
    void SetText (qword fieldFlag, const wchar v[]);
    void SetBlob (qword fieldFlag, const byte v[], unsigned len);

    // These are only here to aid macro expansions (naming case matches field flags)
    inline unsigned GetNodeId () const { return nodeId; }
    inline unsigned GetCreateTime () const { return createTime; }
    inline unsigned GetModifyTime () const { return modifyTime; }
    inline wchar * GetCreateAgeName () const { return createAgeName; }
    inline Uuid GetCreateAgeUuid () const { return createAgeUuid; }
    inline Uuid GetCreatorAcct () const { return creatorAcct; }
    inline unsigned GetCreatorId () const { return creatorId; }
    inline unsigned GetNodeType () const { return nodeType; }
    inline int GetInt32_1 () const { return int32_1; }
    inline int GetInt32_2 () const { return int32_2; }
    inline int GetInt32_3 () const { return int32_3; }
    inline int GetInt32_4 () const { return int32_4; }
    inline unsigned GetUInt32_1 () const { return uint32_1; }
    inline unsigned GetUInt32_2 () const { return uint32_2; }
    inline unsigned GetUInt32_3 () const { return uint32_3; }
    inline unsigned GetUInt32_4 () const { return uint32_4; }
    inline Uuid GetUuid_1 () const { return uuid_1; }
    inline Uuid GetUuid_2 () const { return uuid_2; }
    inline Uuid GetUuid_3 () const { return uuid_3; }
    inline Uuid GetUuid_4 () const { return uuid_4; }
    inline wchar * GetString64_1 () const { return string64_1; }
    inline wchar * GetString64_2 () const { return string64_2; }
    inline wchar * GetString64_3 () const { return string64_3; }
    inline wchar * GetString64_4 () const { return string64_4; }
    inline wchar * GetString64_5 () const { return string64_5; }
    inline wchar * GetString64_6 () const { return string64_6; }
    inline wchar * GetIString64_1 () const { return istring64_1; }
    inline wchar * GetIString64_2 () const { return istring64_2; }
    // no blob "getters"

inline void IVaultNodeSetString (
    qword           bit,
    NetVaultNode *  node,
    char **         pdst,
    const char      src[],
    unsigned        chars
) {
    if (src && src[0])
        *pdst = StrDupLen(src, chars);
        *pdst = StrDupLen("", chars);
    node->fieldFlags |= bit;
    node->dirtyFlags |= bit;

inline void IVaultNodeSetString (
    qword           bit,
    NetVaultNode *  node,
    wchar **        pdst,
    const wchar     src[],
    unsigned        chars
) {
    if (src && src[0])
        *pdst = StrDupLen(src, chars);
        *pdst = StrDupLen(L"", chars);
    node->fieldFlags |= bit;
    node->dirtyFlags |= bit;

template <typename T>
inline void IVaultNodeSetValue (
    qword           bit,
    NetVaultNode *  node,
    T *             pdst,
    const T &       src
) {
    *pdst = src;
    node->fieldFlags |= bit;
    node->dirtyFlags |= bit;

inline void IVaultNodeSetBlob (
    qword           bit,
    NetVaultNode *  node,
    byte **         pdst,
    unsigned *      pdstLen,
    const byte      src[],
    unsigned        srcLen
) {
    if (src) {
        *pdst = (byte*)MEMDUP(src, srcLen);
        *pdstLen = srcLen;
    else {
        *pdst = nil;
        *pdstLen = 0;
    node->fieldFlags |= bit;
    node->dirtyFlags |= bit;

// NetVaultNodeFieldArray
struct NetVaultNodeFieldArray {
    enum EWhereCondition {
    enum ESqlType {
    struct Field {
        void *          addr;
        const wchar *   name;
        Field (void * addr, const wchar name[])
        : addr(addr), name(name)
        { }
    ARRAY(Field)    fields;
    NetVaultNode *  node;

    NetVaultNodeFieldArray (NetVaultNode * node);
    ~NetVaultNodeFieldArray ();

    void * GetFieldAddress (qword bit);
    const wchar * GetFieldName (qword bit);
    // client must lock node's local critical section before calling these.
    void GetFieldValueString_LCS (qword bit, wchar * dst, unsigned dstChars);   
    void BuildWhereClause_LCS (EWhereCondition condition, wchar * dst, unsigned dstChars);
    ESqlType GetSqlType_LCS (qword bit);

// NetVaultNodeRef (packed because is sent over wire directly)
#include <PshPack1.h>
struct NetVaultNodeRef {
    unsigned    parentId;
    unsigned    childId;
    unsigned    ownerId;
    bool        seen;
#include <PopPack.h>

// SrvPackBuffer

// Allocate a CSrvPackBuffer on the heap with one extra dword to allow for padding
#define SRV_ALLOC_BUFFER(bytes)                                     \
    new(ALLOC(sizeof(CSrvPackBuffer) + (bytes) + sizeof(dword)))    \
    CSrvPackBuffer(bytes + sizeof(dword))

// Allocate a CSrvPackBuffer on the stack with one extra dword to allow for padding
#define SRV_ALLOCA_BUFFER(bytes)                                        \
    new(_alloca(sizeof(CSrvPackBuffer) + (bytes) + sizeof(dword)))  \
    CSrvPackBuffer(bytes + sizeof(dword))

class CSrvPackBuffer {
    CSrvPackBuffer (unsigned bytes);

    void * Alloc (unsigned bytes);
    void AddData (const void * ptr, unsigned bytes);
    void AddString (const wchar str[]);
    void AddDWordArray (const dword * arr, unsigned count);
    void AddDWordArray (const unsigned * arr, unsigned count);
    // add new "Add..." methods here as needed

    unsigned Size ();
    byte * m_pos;
    byte * m_end;
    byte * m_data;

class CSrvUnpackBuffer {
    CSrvUnpackBuffer (const void * buffer, unsigned count);

    const void *  GetData (unsigned bytes);
    const wchar * GetString ();
    const dword * GetDWordArray (unsigned count);
    unsigned BytesLeft ();
    bool ParseError ();

    const byte * m_pos;
    const byte * m_end;