/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ /***************************************************************************** * * $/Plasma20/Sources/Plasma/NucleusLib/pnAsyncCoreExe/pnAceLog.cpp * ***/ #include "Pch.h" #pragma hdrstop #if defined(PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE) && (BUILD_TYPE == BUILD_TYPE_LIVE) // If this is an external live build then don't write log files #define ACELOG_NO_LOG_FILES #endif namespace AsyncLog { /**************************************************************************** * * Private * ***/ static const unsigned kLogFlushMs = 10 * 1000; enum ELogType { #ifdef SERVER kLogTypeDebug, kLogTypePerf, kLogTypeError, #else kLogTypeDebug, #endif kNumLogTypes }; static bool s_breakOnErrors; static wchar s_directory[MAX_PATH]; static CCritSect s_logCrit[kNumLogTypes]; static char * s_logBuf[kNumLogTypes]; static unsigned s_logPos[kNumLogTypes]; static qword s_logWritePos[kNumLogTypes]; static TimeDesc s_logTime[kNumLogTypes]; static unsigned s_logWriteMs[kNumLogTypes]; static AsyncFile s_logFile[kNumLogTypes]; static long s_opsPending; static bool s_running; static AsyncTimer * s_timer; static unsigned s_logSize[kNumLogTypes] = { #ifdef SERVER 64 * 1024, 64 * 1024, 8 * 1024, #else 64 * 1024, #endif }; static const wchar * s_logNameFmt[kNumLogTypes] = { #ifdef SERVER L"Dbg%02u%02u%02u.%s.log", L"Inf%02u%02u%02u.%s.log", L"Err%02u%02u%02u.%s.log", #else L"%s%02u%02u%02u.%s.log", #endif }; static ELogType s_logSeverityToType[kNumLogSeverity] = { #ifdef SERVER kLogTypeDebug, // kLogDebug kLogTypePerf, // kLogPerf kLogTypeError, // kLogError kLogTypeError, // kLogFatal #else kLogTypeDebug, // kLogDebug kLogTypeDebug, // kLogPerf kLogTypeDebug, // kLogError kLogTypeDebug, // kLogFatal #endif }; static char * s_logSeverityToText[kNumLogSeverity] = { "Debug", "Info", "Error", "Fatal", }; /**************************************************************************** * * Local functions * ***/ //============================================================================ static void LogFileNotifyProc ( AsyncFile file, EAsyncNotifyFile code, AsyncNotifyFile * notify, void ** userState ) { switch (code) { case kNotifyFileWrite: FREE(notify->param); AtomicAdd(&s_opsPending, -1); break; case kNotifyFileFlush: AsyncFileClose(file, kAsyncFileDontTruncate); AtomicAdd(&s_opsPending, -1); break; DEFAULT_FATAL(code); } } //============================================================================ static void AllocLogBuffer_CS (unsigned index) { ASSERT(!s_logBuf[index]); s_logBuf[index] = (char *)ALLOC(s_logSize[index]); s_logPos[index] = 0; if (!s_logBuf[index]) ErrorAssert(__LINE__, __FILE__, "Out of memory"); } //============================================================================ static void FreeLogBuffer_CS (unsigned index) { if (s_logBuf[index]) { FREE(s_logBuf[index]); s_logBuf[index] = nil; } } //============================================================================ static void GetLogFilename ( unsigned index, TimeDesc timeDesc, wchar * filename, unsigned chars ) { StrPrintf( filename, chars, s_logNameFmt[index], #ifndef SERVER ProductShortName(), #endif timeDesc.year % 100, timeDesc.month, timeDesc.day, BuildTypeString() ); PathAddFilename(filename, s_directory, filename, chars); } //============================================================================ static bool OpenLogFile_CS (unsigned index) { if (s_logFile[index] != nil) return true; // Build filename wchar filename[MAX_PATH]; GetLogFilename( index, s_logTime[index], filename, arrsize(filename) ); // Open file qword fileTime; EFileError fileError; bool fileExist = PathDoesFileExist(filename); s_logFile[index] = AsyncFileOpen( filename, LogFileNotifyProc, &fileError, kAsyncFileWriteAccess, kAsyncFileModeOpenAlways, kAsyncFileShareRead, nil, // userState &s_logWritePos[index], &fileTime ); if (s_logFile[index] == nil) return false; TimeGetDesc(fileTime, &s_logTime[index]); s_logWriteMs[index] = TimeGetMs(); // Seek to end of file AsyncFileSeek(s_logFile[index], s_logWritePos[index], kFileSeekFromBegin); // If this is a new file, write Byte Order Mark if (!fileExist) { static const char s_bom[] = "\xEF\xBB\xBF"; AsyncFileWrite( s_logFile[index], s_logWritePos[index], s_bom, arrsize(s_bom)- 1, kAsyncFileRwSync, // perform blocking write nil // param ); s_logWritePos[index] += arrsize(s_bom) - 1; } // Write a sentinel in case there are multiple runs in one day static const char s_logOpened[] = "Log Opened\r\n"; AsyncFileWrite( s_logFile[index], s_logWritePos[index], s_logOpened, arrsize(s_logOpened)- 1, kAsyncFileRwSync, // perform blocking write nil ); s_logWritePos[index] += arrsize(s_logOpened) - 1; return true; } //============================================================================ static void WriteLogFile_CS (unsigned index, bool close) { unsigned flags = kAsyncFileRwSync; // kAsyncFileRwNotify if (s_logPos[index]) { if (OpenLogFile_CS(index)) { AsyncFileWrite( s_logFile[index], s_logWritePos[index], s_logBuf[index], s_logPos[index], flags, s_logBuf[index] ); if (flags == kAsyncFileRwSync) DEL(s_logBuf[index]); else AtomicAdd(&s_opsPending, 1); s_logWritePos[index] += s_logPos[index]; s_logWriteMs[index] = TimeGetMs(); s_logBuf[index] = nil; s_logPos[index] = 0; } } if (close && s_logFile[index]) { if (flags == kAsyncFileRwNotify) { AtomicAdd(&s_opsPending, 1); AsyncFileFlushBuffers( s_logFile[index], kAsyncFileDontTruncate, true, nil ); } else { AsyncFileClose( s_logFile[index], kAsyncFileDontTruncate ); } s_logFile[index] = nil; } } //============================================================================ static void FlushLogFile_CS ( unsigned index, TimeDesc timeDesc ) { bool close = !s_running || (s_logTime[index].day != timeDesc.day); WriteLogFile_CS(index, close); if (close) s_logTime[index] = timeDesc; } //============================================================================ static unsigned FlushLogsTimerCallback (void *) { AsyncLogFlush(); return kAsyncTimeInfinite; } } using namespace AsyncLog; /**************************************************************************** * * Exported functions * ***/ //============================================================================ void AsyncLogInitialize ( const wchar logDirName[], bool breakOnErrors ) { s_running = true; // Save options s_breakOnErrors = breakOnErrors; // Build log directory name #ifdef SERVER PathGetProgramDirectory(s_directory, arrsize(s_directory)); #else PathGetUserDirectory(s_directory, arrsize(s_directory)); #endif PathAddFilename(s_directory, s_directory, logDirName, arrsize(s_directory)); #ifndef ACELOG_NO_LOG_FILES // Create log directory if (kPathCreateDirSuccess != PathCreateDirectory(s_directory, 0)) PathRemoveFilename(s_directory, s_directory, arrsize(s_directory)); // Allocate log buffers for (unsigned index = 0; index < kNumLogTypes; ++index) { s_logCrit[index].Enter(); AllocLogBuffer_CS(index); s_logCrit[index].Leave(); } AsyncTimerCreate(&s_timer, FlushLogsTimerCallback, kAsyncTimeInfinite, nil); #endif // ndef ACELOG_NO_LOG_FILES } //============================================================================ void AsyncLogDestroy () { s_running = false; #ifndef ACELOG_NO_LOG_FILES AsyncTimerDelete(s_timer, kAsyncTimerDestroyWaitComplete); for (unsigned index = 0; index < kNumLogTypes; ++index) { s_logCrit[index].Enter(); { WriteLogFile_CS(index, true); FreeLogBuffer_CS(index); } s_logCrit[index].Leave(); } while (s_opsPending) AsyncSleep(10); #endif // ndef ACELOG_NO_LOG_FILES } //============================================================================ void AsyncLogFlush () { #ifndef ACELOG_NO_LOG_FILES TimeDesc timeDesc; TimeGetDesc(TimeGetTime(), &timeDesc); for (unsigned index = 0; index < kNumLogTypes; ++index) { s_logCrit[index].Enter(); FlushLogFile_CS(index, timeDesc); s_logCrit[index].Leave(); } #endif // ndef ACELOG_NO_LOG_FILES } //============================================================================ void LogBreakOnErrors (bool breakOnErrors) { s_breakOnErrors = breakOnErrors; } //============================================================================ void AsyncLogWriteMsg ( const wchar facility[], ELogSeverity severity, const wchar msg[] ) { if (!s_running) return; #ifndef ACELOG_NO_LOG_FILES TimeDesc timeDesc; TimeGetDesc(TimeGetTime(), &timeDesc); char buffer[2048]; const unsigned chars = StrPrintf( buffer, arrsize(buffer), "%02u/%02u/%02u % 2u:%02u:%02u [%S] %s %S\r\n", timeDesc.month, timeDesc.day, timeDesc.year % 100, timeDesc.hour, timeDesc.minute, timeDesc.second, facility, s_logSeverityToText[severity], msg ); unsigned index = s_logSeverityToType[severity]; s_logCrit[index].Enter(); { // If day changed then write and flush file if (s_logTime[index].day != timeDesc.day) FlushLogFile_CS(index, timeDesc); // Otherwise if the buffer is full then write to file else if (s_logPos[index] + chars > s_logSize[index]) WriteLogFile_CS(index, false); // Allocate log buffer if necessary if (!s_logBuf[index]) AllocLogBuffer_CS(index); // Add new data to the log buffer MemCopy(s_logBuf[index] + s_logPos[index], buffer, chars); s_logPos[index] += chars; // Write, flush and close file immediately if this is a fatal error if (severity == kLogFatal) WriteLogFile_CS(index, true); // Drop to debugger if this is an error msg and that option was specified if (s_breakOnErrors && severity >= kLogError) DebugBreakIfDebuggerPresent(); } s_logCrit[index].Leave(); // Queue flush AsyncTimerUpdate(s_timer, kLogFlushMs, kAsyncTimerUpdateSetPriorityHigher); #endif // ndef ACELOG_NO_LOG_FILES } //============================================================================ void AsyncLogGetDirectory (wchar * dest, unsigned destChars) { ASSERT(dest); StrCopy(dest, s_directory, destChars); }