/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "hsTypes.h" #include "plSpanInstance.h" #include "hsGeometry3.h" #include "hsStream.h" void plSpanEncoding::Read(hsStream* s) { fCode = s->ReadByte(); fPosScale = s->ReadSwapScalar(); } void plSpanEncoding::Write(hsStream* s) const { s->WriteByte((UInt8)fCode); s->WriteSwapScalar(fPosScale); } plSpanInstance::plSpanInstance() : fPosDelta(nil), fCol(nil) { fL2W[0][1] = fL2W[0][2] = 0.f; fL2W[1][0] = fL2W[1][2] = 0.f; fL2W[2][0] = fL2W[2][1] = 0.f; fL2W[0][0] = fL2W[1][1] = fL2W[2][2] = 1.f; } plSpanInstance::~plSpanInstance() { DeAlloc(); } void plSpanInstance::DeAlloc() { delete [] fPosDelta; fPosDelta = nil; delete [] fCol; fCol = nil; } void plSpanInstance::Alloc(const plSpanEncoding& encoding, UInt32 numVerts) { DeAlloc(); UInt32 posStride = PosStrideFromEncoding(encoding); if( posStride ) fPosDelta = TRACKED_NEW UInt8[numVerts * posStride]; UInt32 colStride = ColStrideFromEncoding(encoding); if( colStride ) fCol = TRACKED_NEW UInt8[numVerts * colStride]; } void plSpanInstance::Read(hsStream* stream, const plSpanEncoding& encoding, UInt32 numVerts) { Alloc(encoding, numVerts); stream->Read(12 * sizeof(hsScalar), fL2W[0]); if( fPosDelta ) { stream->Read(numVerts * PosStrideFromEncoding(encoding), fPosDelta); } if( fCol ) { stream->Read(numVerts * ColStrideFromEncoding(encoding), fCol); } } void plSpanInstance::Write(hsStream* stream, const plSpanEncoding& encoding, UInt32 numVerts) const { stream->Write(12 * sizeof(hsScalar), fL2W[0]); if( fPosDelta ) { stream->Write(numVerts * PosStrideFromEncoding(encoding), fPosDelta); } if( fCol ) { stream->Write(numVerts * ColStrideFromEncoding(encoding), fCol); } } hsMatrix44 plSpanInstance::LocalToWorld() const { hsMatrix44 retVal; retVal.NotIdentity(); int i; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { int j; for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) { retVal.fMap[i][j] = fL2W[i][j]; } } retVal.fMap[3][0] = retVal.fMap[3][1] = retVal.fMap[3][2] = 0.f; retVal.fMap[3][3] = 1.f; return retVal; } hsMatrix44 plSpanInstance::WorldToLocal() const { hsMatrix44 l2w = LocalToWorld(); hsMatrix44 w2l; l2w.GetInverse(&w2l); return w2l; } void plSpanInstance::SetLocalToWorld(const hsMatrix44& l2w) { int i; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { int j; for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) { fL2W[i][j] = l2w.fMap[i][j]; } } } void plSpanInstance::Encode(const plSpanEncoding& encoding, UInt32 numVerts, const hsVector3* delPos, const UInt32* color) { Alloc(encoding, numVerts); hsAssert(!(encoding.fCode & plSpanEncoding::kPosMask) == !delPos, "Position encoding mismatch"); hsAssert(!(encoding.fCode & plSpanEncoding::kColMask) == !color, "Color encoding mismatch"); // Check that there's anything to encode. if( !(fPosDelta || fCol) ) return; Int8* pos888 = (Int8*)fPosDelta; Int16* pos161616 = (Int16*)fPosDelta; UInt32* pos101010 = (UInt32*)fPosDelta; UInt8* col8 = (UInt8*)fCol; UInt16* col16 = (UInt16*)fCol; UInt32* col32 = (UInt32*)fCol; int i; for( i = 0; i < numVerts; i++ ) { switch(encoding.fCode & plSpanEncoding::kPosMask) { case plSpanEncoding::kPos888: pos888[0] = Int8(delPos->fX / encoding.fPosScale); pos888[1] = Int8(delPos->fY / encoding.fPosScale); pos888[2] = Int8(delPos->fZ / encoding.fPosScale); pos888 += 3; delPos++; break; case plSpanEncoding::kPos161616: pos161616[0] = Int16(delPos->fX / encoding.fPosScale); pos161616[1] = Int16(delPos->fY / encoding.fPosScale); pos161616[2] = Int16(delPos->fZ / encoding.fPosScale); pos161616 += 3; delPos++; break; case plSpanEncoding::kPos101010: *pos101010 = ((UInt32(delPos->fX / encoding.fPosScale) & 0x3f) << 0) | ((UInt32(delPos->fY / encoding.fPosScale) & 0x3f) << 10) | ((UInt32(delPos->fZ / encoding.fPosScale) & 0x3f) << 20); pos101010++; delPos++; break; case plSpanEncoding::kPos008: *pos888 = Int8(delPos->fZ / encoding.fPosScale); pos888++; delPos++; break; case plSpanEncoding::kPosNone: default: break; } switch(encoding.fCode & plSpanEncoding::kColMask) { case plSpanEncoding::kColA8: *col8 = (UInt8)((*color) >> 24); col8++; color++; break; case plSpanEncoding::kColI8: *col8 = (UInt8)((*color) & 0xff); col8++; color++; break; case plSpanEncoding::kColAI88: *col16 = (UInt16)(((*color) >> 16) & 0xffff); col16++; color++; break; case plSpanEncoding::kColRGB888: *col8++ = (UInt8)((*color >> 16) & 0xff); *col8++ = (UInt8)((*color >> 8) & 0xff); *col8++ = (UInt8)((*color >> 0) & 0xff); color++; break; case plSpanEncoding::kColARGB8888: *col32++ = *color; color++; break; case plSpanEncoding::kColNone: default: break; } } }