/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "hsTypes.h" #include "plMorphDelta.h" #include "hsStream.h" #include "hsMemory.h" #include "plAccessGeometry.h" #include "plAccessSpan.h" #include "plAccessVtxSpan.h" #include "plGeometrySpan.h" #include "plTweak.h" static const hsScalar kMinWeight = 1.e-2f; plMorphSpan::plMorphSpan() : fUVWs(nil), fNumUVWChans(0) { } plMorphSpan::~plMorphSpan() { delete [] fUVWs; } plMorphDelta::plMorphDelta() : fWeight(0) { } plMorphDelta::~plMorphDelta() { } plMorphDelta::plMorphDelta(const plMorphDelta& src) { *this = src; } plMorphDelta& plMorphDelta::operator=(const plMorphDelta& src) { SetNumSpans(src.GetNumSpans()); int i; for( i = 0; i < fSpans.GetCount(); i++ ) { SetDeltas(i, src.fSpans[i].fDeltas, src.fSpans[i].fNumUVWChans, src.fSpans[i].fUVWs); } return *this; } void plMorphDelta::Apply(hsTArray<plAccessSpan>& dst, hsScalar weight /* = -1.f */) const { if( weight == -1.f) weight = fWeight; // None passed in, use our stored value if( weight <= kMinWeight ) return; // Easy // For each span int iSpan; for( iSpan = 0; iSpan < fSpans.GetCount(); iSpan++ ) { plAccessVtxSpan& vtxDst = dst[iSpan].AccessVtx(); plMorphSpan& span = fSpans[iSpan]; // For each vertDelta const hsPoint3* uvwDel = span.fUVWs; int iDelta; for( iDelta = 0; iDelta < span.fDeltas.GetCount(); iDelta++ ) { const plVertDelta& delta = span.fDeltas[iDelta]; // Add delPos * wgt to position // Add delNorm * wgt to normal vtxDst.Position(delta.fIdx) += delta.fPos * weight; vtxDst.Normal(delta.fIdx) += delta.fNorm * weight; // Leave skin weights and indices alone? // Skip color for now, since diffuse and specular are // ignored on the avatar? // // Add delDiff * wgt to diffuse // // Add delSpec * wgt to specular // For each UVW hsPoint3* uvws = vtxDst.UVWs(delta.fIdx); int iUVW; for( iUVW = 0; iUVW < span.fNumUVWChans; iUVW++ ) { // Add delUVW * wgt to uvw *uvws += *uvwDel * weight; uvws++; uvwDel++; } } } } // MorphDelta - ComputeDeltas void plMorphDelta::ComputeDeltas(const hsTArray<plAccessSpan>& base, const hsTArray<plAccessSpan>& moved) { SetNumSpans(base.GetCount()); // For each span { // for( i = 0; i < numVerts; i++ ) { // NOTE: we want to discard zero deltas, but a // delta in any channel forces us to save the whole thing. // But we don't want to compare to zero (because we'll end // up with a lot of near zero deltas), but the epsilon we // compare to needs to be different for comparing something // like a normal delta and a position delta. // // For position, normal, color and all uvws // Calc del and delLenSq // If any delLenSq big enough, set nonZero to true // If nonZero { // Append to deltas (i, del's) } } } } // MorphDelta - ComputeDeltas void plMorphDelta::ComputeDeltas(const hsTArray<plGeometrySpan*>& base, const hsTArray<plGeometrySpan*>& moved, const hsMatrix44& d2b, const hsMatrix44& d2bTInv) { SetNumSpans(base.GetCount()); hsPoint3 delUVWs[8]; // For each span int iSpan; for( iSpan = 0; iSpan < base.GetCount(); iSpan++ ) { plAccessSpan baseAcc; plAccessGeometry::Instance()->AccessSpanFromGeometrySpan(baseAcc, base[iSpan]); plAccessSpan movedAcc; plAccessGeometry::Instance()->AccessSpanFromGeometrySpan(movedAcc, moved[iSpan]); plAccPosNormUVWIterator baseIter(&baseAcc.AccessVtx()); plAccPosNormUVWIterator movedIter(&movedAcc.AccessVtx()); plMorphSpan& dst = fSpans[iSpan]; const UInt16 numUVWs = baseAcc.AccessVtx().NumUVWs(); hsTArray<plVertDelta> deltas; hsTArray<hsPoint3> uvws; deltas.SetCount(0); uvws.SetCount(0); int iVert = 0;; for( baseIter.Begin(), movedIter.Begin(); baseIter.More(); baseIter.Advance(), movedIter.Advance() ) { // NOTE: we want to discard zero deltas, but a // delta in any channel forces us to save the whole thing. // But we don't want to compare to zero (because we'll end // up with a lot of near zero deltas), but the epsilon we // compare to needs to be different for comparing something // like a normal delta and a position delta. // // For position, normal, color and all uvws // Calc del and delLenSq // If any delLenSq big enough, set nonZero to true hsBool nonZero = false; // These are actually min del SQUARED. plConst(hsScalar) kMinDelPos(1.e-4f); // From Budtpueller's Handbook of Constants plConst(hsScalar) kMinDelNorm(3.e-2f); // About 10 degrees plConst(hsScalar) kMinDelUVW(1.e-4f); // From BHC hsPoint3 mPos = d2b * *movedIter.Position(); hsVector3 delPos( &mPos, baseIter.Position()); hsScalar delPosSq = delPos.MagnitudeSquared(); if( delPosSq > kMinDelPos ) nonZero = true; else delPos.Set(0,0,0); hsVector3 delNorm = (d2bTInv * *movedIter.Normal()) - *baseIter.Normal(); hsScalar delNormSq = delNorm.MagnitudeSquared(); if( delNormSq > kMinDelNorm ) nonZero = true; else delNorm.Set(0,0,0); int i; for( i = 0; i < numUVWs; i++ ) { delUVWs[i] = *movedIter.UVW(i) - *baseIter.UVW(i); hsScalar delUVWSq = delUVWs[i].MagnitudeSquared(); if( delUVWSq > kMinDelUVW ) nonZero = true; else delUVWs[i].Set(0,0,0); } if( nonZero ) { // Append to deltas (i, del's) plVertDelta del; del.fIdx = iVert; del.fPos = delPos; del.fNorm = delNorm; deltas.Append(del); for( i = 0; i < numUVWs; i++ ) uvws.Append(delUVWs[i]); } else { nonZero = false; // Breakpoint. } iVert++; } SetDeltas(iSpan, deltas, numUVWs, uvws.AcquireArray()); } } void plMorphDelta::SetNumSpans(int n) { fSpans.Reset(); fSpans.SetCount(n); } void plMorphDelta::AllocDeltas(int iSpan, int nDel, int nUVW) { fSpans[iSpan].fDeltas.SetCount(nDel); fSpans[iSpan].fNumUVWChans = nUVW; delete [] fSpans[iSpan].fUVWs; int uvwCnt = nDel * nUVW; if( uvwCnt ) fSpans[iSpan].fUVWs = TRACKED_NEW hsPoint3[uvwCnt]; else fSpans[iSpan].fUVWs = nil; } void plMorphDelta::SetDeltas(int iSpan, const hsTArray<plVertDelta>& deltas, int numUVWChans, const hsPoint3* uvws) { AllocDeltas(iSpan, deltas.GetCount(), numUVWChans); if( deltas.GetCount() ) { HSMemory::BlockMove(&deltas[0], fSpans[iSpan].fDeltas.AcquireArray(), deltas.GetCount() * sizeof(plVertDelta)); if( numUVWChans ) HSMemory::BlockMove(uvws, fSpans[iSpan].fUVWs, deltas.GetCount() * numUVWChans * sizeof(*uvws)); } } void plMorphDelta::Read(hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr) { fWeight = s->ReadSwapScalar(); int n = s->ReadSwap32(); SetNumSpans(n); int iSpan; for( iSpan = 0; iSpan < n; iSpan++ ) { int nDel = s->ReadSwap32(); int nUVW = s->ReadSwap32(); AllocDeltas(iSpan, nDel, nUVW); if( nDel ) { s->Read(nDel * sizeof(plVertDelta), fSpans[iSpan].fDeltas.AcquireArray()); if( nUVW ) s->Read(nDel * nUVW * sizeof(hsPoint3), fSpans[iSpan].fUVWs); } } } void plMorphDelta::Write(hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr) { s->WriteSwapScalar(fWeight); s->WriteSwap32(fSpans.GetCount()); int iSpan; for( iSpan = 0; iSpan < fSpans.GetCount(); iSpan++ ) { int nDel = fSpans[iSpan].fDeltas.GetCount(); int nUVW = fSpans[iSpan].fNumUVWChans; s->WriteSwap32(nDel); s->WriteSwap32(nUVW); if( nDel ) { // Initialize our padding here, so we don't write random data for (int i = 0; i < nDel; i++) { plVertDelta& delta = fSpans[iSpan].fDeltas[i]; delta.fPadding = 0; } s->Write(nDel * sizeof(plVertDelta), fSpans[iSpan].fDeltas.AcquireArray()); if( nUVW ) s->Write(nDel * nUVW * sizeof(hsPoint3), fSpans[iSpan].fUVWs); } } }