/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // plFileUtils - Namespace of fun file utilities // //// History ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // 5.7.2002 mcn - Created // 4.8.2003 chip - added FileCopy and FileMove for Unix // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "hsTypes.h" #include "hsStlUtils.h" #include "plFileUtils.h" #include "hsFiles.h" #include "hsStringTokenizer.h" #include "hsWindows.h" #include "../plUnifiedTime/plUnifiedTime.h" #include "plSecureStream.h" // for the default key #include #include #include #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 #include #include #endif #if HS_BUILD_FOR_UNIX #include #include #include #endif //// CreateDir /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Creates the directory specified. Returns false if unsuccessful or // directory already exists hsBool plFileUtils::CreateDir( const char *path ) { // Create our directory #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 return ( mkdir( path ) == 0 ) ? true : ( errno==EEXIST ); #elif HS_BUILD_FOR_UNIX return ( mkdir( path, 0777 ) == 0 ) ? true : ( errno==EEXIST ); #endif } hsBool plFileUtils::CreateDir( const wchar *path ) { // Create our directory #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 return ( _wmkdir( path ) == 0 ) ? true : ( errno==EEXIST ); #elif HS_BUILD_FOR_UNIX return ( mkdir( path, 0777 ) == 0 ) ? true : ( errno==EEXIST ); #endif } hsBool plFileUtils::RemoveDir(const char* path) { return (rmdir(path) == 0); } hsBool plFileUtils::RemoveDirTree(const char * path) { hsFolderIterator it(path); while (it.NextFile()) { const char * fname = it.GetFileName(); if ( fname[0]=='.' ) continue; char pathAndName[128]; it.GetPathAndName(pathAndName); if ( it.IsDirectory() ) { RemoveDirTree( pathAndName ); RemoveDir( pathAndName ); } else { RemoveFile( pathAndName ); } } RemoveDir( path ); return 1; } //// RemoveFile //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool plFileUtils::RemoveFile(const char* filename, bool delReadOnly) { if (delReadOnly) chmod(filename, S_IWRITE); return (unlink(filename) == 0); } bool plFileUtils::RemoveFile(const wchar* filename, bool delReadOnly) { if (delReadOnly) _wchmod(filename, S_IWRITE); return (_wunlink(filename) == 0); } bool plFileUtils::FileCopy(const char* existingFile, const char* newFile) { wchar* wExisting = hsStringToWString(existingFile); wchar* wNew = hsStringToWString(newFile); bool ret = FileCopy(wExisting, wNew); delete [] wExisting; delete [] wNew; return ret; } bool plFileUtils::FileCopy(const wchar* existingFile, const wchar* newFile) { #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 return (::CopyFileW(existingFile, newFile, FALSE) != 0); #elif HS_BUILD_FOR_UNIX char data[1500]; FILE* fp = fopen(existingFile, "rb"); FILE* fw = fopen(newFile, "w"); int num = 0; bool retVal = true; if (fp && fw){ while(!feof(fp)){ num = fread(data, sizeof( char ), 1500, fp); if( ferror( fp ) ) { retVal = false; break; } fwrite(data, sizeof( char ), num, fw); } fclose(fp); fclose(fw); } else { retVal = false; } return retVal; #else hsAssert(0, "Not implemented"); return false; #endif } bool plFileUtils::FileMove(const char* existingFile, const char* newFile) { #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 return (::MoveFile(existingFile, newFile) != 0); #elif HS_BUILD_FOR_UNIX FileCopy(existingFile,newFile); return( RemoveFile( existingFile )==0); #else hsAssert(0, "Not implemented"); return false; #endif } bool plFileUtils::FileMove(const wchar* existingFile, const wchar* newFile) { #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 return (::MoveFileW(existingFile, newFile) != 0); #elif HS_BUILD_FOR_UNIX FileCopy(existingFile,newFile); return( RemoveFile( existingFile )==0); #else hsAssert(0, "Not implemented"); return false; #endif } bool plFileUtils::FileExists(const wchar* file) { FILE* fp = _wfopen(file, L"rb"); bool retVal = (fp != nil); if (fp) fclose(fp); return retVal; } bool plFileUtils::FileExists(const char* file) { FILE* fp = fopen(file, "rb"); bool retVal = (fp != nil); if (fp) fclose(fp); return retVal; } //// EnsureFilePathExists //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Given a filename with path, makes sure the file's path exists hsBool plFileUtils::EnsureFilePathExists( const char *filename ) { wchar* wFilename = hsStringToWString(filename); hsBool ret = EnsureFilePathExists(wFilename); delete [] wFilename; return ret; } hsBool plFileUtils::EnsureFilePathExists( const wchar *filename ) { hsWStringTokenizer izer( filename, L"\\/" ); hsBool lastWorked = false; wchar token[ kFolderIterator_MaxPath ]; while( izer.Next( token, arrsize( token ) ) && izer.HasMoreTokens() ) { // Want the full path from the start of the string lastWorked = CreateDir( izer.fString ); izer.RestoreLastTerminator(); } return lastWorked; } //// GetFileTimes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gets the creation and modification dates of the file specified. Returns // false if unsuccessful hsBool plFileUtils::GetFileTimes( const char *path, plUnifiedTime *createTimeOut, plUnifiedTime *modifyTimeOut ) { struct stat fileInfo; int result = stat( path, &fileInfo ); if( result != 0 ) return false; if( createTimeOut != nil ) *createTimeOut = plUnifiedTime( fileInfo.st_ctime ); if( modifyTimeOut != nil ) *modifyTimeOut = plUnifiedTime( fileInfo.st_mtime ); return true; } plFileUtils::Modify plFileUtils::CompareModifyTimes(const char* file1, const char* file2) { plUnifiedTime modTime1, modTime2; if (GetFileTimes(file1, nil, &modTime1) && GetFileTimes(file2, nil, &modTime2)) { double diff = plUnifiedTime::GetTimeDifference(modTime1, modTime2); if (hsABS(diff) <= 2) return kFilesEqual; else if (diff > 0) return kFile1Newer; else return kFile2Newer; } return kFileError; } bool plFileUtils::SetModifyTime( const char * filename, const plUnifiedTime & timestamp ) { #ifdef HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(filename, GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nil,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,nil); if (hFile==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; SYSTEMTIME systime; systime.wDay = timestamp.GetDay(); systime.wDayOfWeek = timestamp.GetDayOfWeek(); systime.wHour = timestamp.GetHour(); systime.wMilliseconds = 0; systime.wMinute = timestamp.GetMinute(); systime.wMonth = timestamp.GetMonth(); systime.wSecond = timestamp.GetSecond(); systime.wYear = timestamp.GetYear(); FILETIME localFileTime, filetime; SystemTimeToFileTime(&systime,&localFileTime); LocalFileTimeToFileTime(&localFileTime,&filetime); SetFileTime(hFile,nil,nil,&filetime); CloseHandle(hFile); return true; #elif HS_BUILD_FOR_UNIX struct stat sbuf; int result = stat( filename, &sbuf ); if( result ) return false; struct utimbuf utb; utb.actime = sbuf.st_atime; utb.modtime = timestamp.GetSecs(); result = utime( filename, &utb ); if( result ) return false; return true; #endif } //// StripPath /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char* plFileUtils::GetFileName(const char* path) { const char* c = strrchr(path, '/'); if (c == nil) c = strrchr(path, '\\'); if (c == nil) c = path; else c++; return c; } const wchar* plFileUtils::GetFileName(const wchar* path) { const wchar* c = wcsrchr(path, L'/'); if (c == nil) c = wcsrchr(path, L'\\'); if (c == nil) c = path; else c++; return c; } void plFileUtils::StripFile(char* pathAndName) { char* fileName = (char*)GetFileName(pathAndName); if (fileName != pathAndName) *fileName = '\0'; } void plFileUtils::StripFile(wchar* pathAndName) { wchar* fileName = (wchar*)GetFileName(pathAndName); if (fileName != pathAndName) *fileName = L'\0'; } void plFileUtils::StripExt(char* fileName) { char* ext = (char*)GetFileExt(fileName); if (ext) *(ext-1) = '\0'; } const char* plFileUtils::GetFileExt(const char* pathAndName) { const char* fileName = GetFileName(pathAndName); if (fileName) { const char* ext = strrchr(fileName, '.'); if (ext) return ext+1; } return nil; } const wchar* plFileUtils::GetFileExt(const wchar* pathAndName) { const wchar* fileName = GetFileName(pathAndName); if (fileName) { const wchar* ext = wcsrchr(fileName, L'.'); if (ext) return ext+1; } return nil; } void plFileUtils::AddSlash(char* path) { char lastChar = path[strlen(path)-1]; if (lastChar != '\\' && lastChar != '/') strcat(path, "\\"); } void plFileUtils::ConcatFileName(char* path, const char* fileName) { AddSlash(path); strcat(path, fileName); } //// GetFileSize ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UInt32 plFileUtils::GetFileSize( const char *path ) { wchar* wPath = hsStringToWString(path); UInt32 ret = GetFileSize(wPath); delete [] wPath; return ret; } UInt32 plFileUtils::GetFileSize( const wchar *path ) { UInt32 len = 0; hsUNIXStream str; if (str.Open(path, L"rb")) { len = str.GetEOF(); str.Close(); } return len; } //// GetSecureEncryptionKey ////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool plFileUtils::GetSecureEncryptionKey(const char* filename, UInt32* key, unsigned length) { wchar* wFilename = hsStringToWString(filename); bool ret = GetSecureEncryptionKey(wFilename, key, length); delete [] wFilename; return ret; } bool plFileUtils::GetSecureEncryptionKey(const wchar* filename, UInt32* key, unsigned length) { // looks for an encryption key file in the same directory, and reads it std::wstring sFilename = filename; // grab parent directory unsigned loc = sFilename.rfind(L"\\"); if (loc == std::wstring::npos) loc = sFilename.rfind(L"/"); std::wstring sDir; if (loc != std::wstring::npos) sDir = sFilename.substr(0, loc); else // no directory sDir = L"./"; if ((sDir[sDir.length()-1] != L'/') && (sDir[sDir.length()-1] != L'\\')) sDir += L'/'; // add the slash, if it doesn't has one // now add the key filename std::wstring keyFile = sDir + kWKeyFilename; if (FileExists(keyFile.c_str())) { // file exists, read from it hsUNIXStream file; file.Open(keyFile.c_str(), L"rb"); unsigned bytesToRead = length * sizeof(UInt32); byte* buffer = (byte*)ALLOC(bytesToRead); unsigned bytesRead = file.Read(bytesToRead, buffer); file.Close(); unsigned memSize = min(bytesToRead, bytesRead); memcpy(key, buffer, memSize); FREE(buffer); return true; } else { // file doesn't exist, use default key unsigned memSize = min(length, arrsize(plSecureStream::kDefaultKey)); memSize *= sizeof(UInt32); memcpy(key, plSecureStream::kDefaultKey, memSize); return false; } }