/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // plDynSurfaceWriter Class Header // // Abstract class wrapping around Windows GDI functionality for writing to // // a generic RGBA surface. Allows us to create one writer per DTMap or a // // single shared writer to conserve OS resources on 98/ME. // // // // Cyan, Inc. // // // //// Version History ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // 10.28.2002 mcn - Created. // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "hsTypes.h" #include "hsWindows.h" #include "plDynSurfaceWriter.h" #include "plDynamicTextMap.h" #include "hsExceptions.h" #include "hsUtils.h" #include "hsMatrix44.h" #include "plMessage/plDynamicTextMsg.h" #include "pnKeyedObject/plKey.h" #include "plProfile.h" #include "plStatusLog/plStatusLog.h" #include "plWinFontCache.h" //// plWinSurface Helper Functions //////////////////////////////////////////// #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 static UInt32 sNumDCsAllocated; static UInt32 sNumBitmapsAllocated; plDynSurfaceWriter::plWinSurface::plWinSurface() { fDC = nil; fBitmap = nil; fFont = nil; fBits = nil; fTextColor = RGB( 255, 255, 255 ); fWidth = fHeight = 0; fSaveNum = 0; fFontFace = nil; fFontSize = 0; fFontFlags = 0; fFontAntiAliasRGB = false; fFontBlockedRGB = false; } plDynSurfaceWriter::plWinSurface::~plWinSurface() { Release(); } void plDynSurfaceWriter::plWinSurface::Allocate( UInt16 w, UInt16 h ) { int i; BITMAPINFO *bmi; Release(); fWidth = w; fHeight = h; /// Initialize a bitmap info struct to describe our surface if( IBitsPerPixel() == 8 ) bmi = (BITMAPINFO *)( TRACKED_NEW UInt8[ sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) + sizeof( RGBQUAD ) * 256 ] ); else bmi = TRACKED_NEW BITMAPINFO; memset( &bmi->bmiHeader, 0, sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) ); bmi->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ); bmi->bmiHeader.biWidth = (int)fWidth; bmi->bmiHeader.biHeight = -(int)fHeight; bmi->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmi->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; bmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount = IBitsPerPixel(); if( IBitsPerPixel() == 8 ) { // Set up map for grayscale bitmap for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) { bmi->bmiColors[ i ].rgbRed = i; bmi->bmiColors[ i ].rgbGreen = i; bmi->bmiColors[ i ].rgbBlue = i; bmi->bmiColors[ i ].rgbReserved = i; } } /// Create a screen-compatible DC fDC = CreateCompatibleDC( nil ); if( fDC == nil ) { char msg[ 256 ]; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, nil, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID( LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT ), msg, sizeof( msg ), nil ); char *ret = strrchr( msg, '\n' ); if( ret != nil ) *ret = 0; plStatusLog::AddLineS( "pipeline.log", 0xffff0000, "Unable to allocate DC for dynamic text map (%s, %d DCs allocated already)", msg, sNumDCsAllocated ); if (IBitsPerPixel() == 8 ) delete [] bmi; else delete bmi; return; } sNumDCsAllocated++; /// Create a bitmap using the DC and the bitmapInfo struct we filled out fBitmap = CreateDIBSection( fDC, bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void **)&fBits, nil, 0 ); if( fBitmap == nil ) { char msg[ 256 ]; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, nil, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID( LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT ), msg, sizeof( msg ), nil ); char *ret = strrchr( msg, '\n' ); if( ret != nil ) *ret = 0; plStatusLog::AddLineS( "pipeline.log", 0xffff0000, "Unable to allocate RGB DIB section for dynamic text map (%s, %d bitmaps allocated already)", msg, sNumBitmapsAllocated ); if (IBitsPerPixel() == 8 ) delete [] bmi; else delete bmi; return; } sNumBitmapsAllocated++; /// Set up some basic props SetMapMode( fDC, MM_TEXT ); SetBkMode( fDC, TRANSPARENT ); SetTextAlign( fDC, TA_TOP | TA_LEFT ); fSaveNum = SaveDC( fDC ); SelectObject( fDC, fBitmap ); if (IBitsPerPixel() == 8 ) delete [] bmi; else delete bmi; } void plDynSurfaceWriter::plWinSurface::Release( void ) { if( fBitmap != nil ) sNumBitmapsAllocated--; if( fDC != nil ) sNumDCsAllocated--; if( fSaveNum != 0 ) RestoreDC( fDC, fSaveNum ); fSaveNum = 0; DeleteObject( fBitmap ); DeleteDC( fDC ); fDC = nil; fBitmap = nil; fFont = nil; fBits = nil; fWidth = fHeight = 0; delete [] fFontFace; fFontFace = nil; fFontSize = 0; fFontFlags = 0; fFontAntiAliasRGB = false; fFontBlockedRGB = false; } hsBool plDynSurfaceWriter::plWinSurface::WillFit( UInt16 w, UInt16 h ) { if( fWidth >= w && fHeight >= h ) return true; return false; } static int SafeStrCmp( const char *str1, const char *str2 ) { if( str1 == nil && str2 == nil ) return -1; if( str1 != nil && str2 != nil ) return strcmp( str1, str2 ); return -1; } hsBool plDynSurfaceWriter::plWinSurface::FontMatches( const char *face, UInt16 size, UInt8 flags, hsBool aaRGB ) { if( SafeStrCmp( face, fFontFace ) == 0 && fFontSize == size && fFontFlags == flags && fFontAntiAliasRGB == aaRGB ) return true; return false; } void plDynSurfaceWriter::plWinSurface::SetFont( const char *face, UInt16 size, UInt8 flags, hsBool aaRGB ) { delete [] fFontFace; fFontFace = ( face != nil ) ? hsStrcpy( face ) : nil; fFontSize = size; fFontFlags = flags; fFontAntiAliasRGB = aaRGB; bool hadAFont = false; if( fFont != nil ) { hadAFont = true; plWinFontCache::GetInstance().FreeFont( fFont ); fFont = nil; } if( face == nil ) return; bool bold = ( fFontFlags & plDynSurfaceWriter::kFontBold ) ? true : false; bool italic = ( fFontFlags & plDynSurfaceWriter::kFontItalic ) ? true : false; int nHeight = -MulDiv( size, GetDeviceCaps( fDC, LOGPIXELSY ), 72 ); fFont = plWinFontCache::GetInstance().GetMeAFont( face, nHeight, bold ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL, italic, fFontAntiAliasRGB ? ANTIALIASED_QUALITY : DEFAULT_QUALITY ); if( fFont == nil && fFontAntiAliasRGB ) { static bool warnedCantAntiAlias = false; // Creation of font failed; could be that we can't do anti-aliasing? Try not doing it... if( !warnedCantAntiAlias ) { plStatusLog::AddLineS( "pipeline.log", "WARNING: Cannot allocate anti-aliased font. Falling back to non-anti-aliased. This will be the only warning" ); warnedCantAntiAlias = true; } fFont = plWinFontCache::GetInstance().GetMeAFont( face, nHeight, bold ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL, italic, fFontAntiAliasRGB ? ANTIALIASED_QUALITY : DEFAULT_QUALITY ); } if( fFont == nil ) { hsAssert( false, "Cannot create Windows font for plDynSurfaceWriter" ); plStatusLog::AddLineS( "pipeline.log", "ERROR: Cannot allocate font for RGB surface! (face: %s, size: %d %s %s)", face, nHeight, bold ? "bold" : "", italic ? "italic" : "" ); delete [] fFontFace; fFontFace = nil; fFontSize = 0; return; } if( SelectObject( fDC, fFont ) == nil && hadAFont ) { char msg[ 256 ]; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, nil, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID( LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT ), msg, sizeof( msg ), nil ); char *ret = strrchr( msg, '\n' ); if( ret != nil ) *ret = 0; plStatusLog::AddLineS( "pipeline.log", 0xffff0000, "SelectObject() FAILED (%s)", msg ); } } #endif // BUILD_FOR_WIN32 //// StupidStatic ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// hsBool plDynSurfaceWriter::fForceSharedSurfaces = false; hsBool plDynSurfaceWriter::fOSDetected = false; hsBool plDynSurfaceWriter::fOSCanShareSurfaces = false; hsBool plDynSurfaceWriter::CanHandleLotsOfThem( void ) { if( fOSDetected ) return fOSCanShareSurfaces; fOSDetected = true; #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 OSVERSIONINFO versionInfo; memset( &versionInfo, 0, sizeof( versionInfo ) ); versionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( versionInfo ); if( GetVersionEx( &versionInfo ) ) { plStatusLog::AddLineS( "pipeline.log", "OS version detection results:" ); plStatusLog::AddLineS( "pipeline.log", " Version: %d.%d", versionInfo.dwMajorVersion, versionInfo.dwMinorVersion ); plStatusLog::AddLineS( "pipeline.log", " Build #: %d", versionInfo.dwBuildNumber ); plStatusLog::AddLineS( "pipeline.log", " Platform ID: %d", versionInfo.dwPlatformId ); if( versionInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT ) { if( fForceSharedSurfaces ) { plStatusLog::AddLineS( "pipeline.log", "Detected NT-based platform, but sharing surfaces due to override" ); fOSCanShareSurfaces = false; } else { plStatusLog::AddLineS( "pipeline.log", "Detected NT-based platform, allowing separate surfaces" ); fOSCanShareSurfaces = true; } } else { plStatusLog::AddLineS( "pipeline.log", "Detected non-NT-based platform: sharing surfaces" ); fOSCanShareSurfaces = false; } } else { plStatusLog::AddLineS( "pipeline.log", "OS version detection failed" ); fOSCanShareSurfaces = false; } #endif return fOSCanShareSurfaces; } //// Constructor & Destructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////// plDynSurfaceWriter::plDynSurfaceWriter() { IInit(); } plDynSurfaceWriter::~plDynSurfaceWriter() { Reset(); } plDynSurfaceWriter::plDynSurfaceWriter( plDynamicTextMap *target, UInt32 flags ) { IInit(); fFlags = flags; SwitchTarget( target ); } void plDynSurfaceWriter::IInit( void ) { fCurrTarget = 0; fJustify = kLeftJustify; fFlags = 0; fFlushed = true; fFontFace = nil; fFontSize = 0; fFontBlockedRGB = false; } //// Reset //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plDynSurfaceWriter::Reset( void ) { fRGBSurface.Release(); fAlphaSurface.Release(); fCurrTarget = nil; fFlushed = true; delete [] fFontFace; fFontFace = nil; fFontSize = 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Target Switching ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// FlushToTarget //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Flushes all ops to the target. void plDynSurfaceWriter::FlushToTarget( void ) { int x, y; if( fCurrTarget != nil && !fFlushed ) { #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 // Flush the GDI so we can grab the bits GdiFlush(); UInt32 *destBits = (UInt32 *)fCurrTarget->GetImage(); // Are we merging in the alpha bits? if( fFlags & kSupportAlpha ) { // Yup, munge 'em UInt32 *srcRGBBits = fRGBSurface.GetBits(); UInt8 *srcAlphaBits = fAlphaSurface.GetBits(); UInt32 destWidth = fCurrTarget->GetWidth(); for( y = 0; y < fCurrTarget->GetHeight(); y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < destWidth; x++ ) destBits[ x ] = ( srcRGBBits[ x ] & 0x00ffffff ) | ( (UInt32)srcAlphaBits[ x ] << 24 ); destBits += destWidth; srcRGBBits += fRGBSurface.fWidth; srcAlphaBits += fAlphaSurface.fWidth; } } else { // Nope, just a 24-bit copy and set alphas to ff UInt32 *srcBits = fRGBSurface.GetBits(); UInt32 destWidth = fCurrTarget->GetWidth(); for( y = 0; y < fCurrTarget->GetHeight(); y++ ) { memcpy( destBits, srcBits, destWidth * sizeof( UInt32 ) ); // Fill in 0xff for( x = 0; x < destWidth; x++ ) destBits[ x ] |= 0xff000000; destBits += destWidth; srcBits += fRGBSurface.fWidth; } } #endif } fFlushed = true; } //// SwitchTarget ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Switches targets. Will flush to old target before switching. Also, if // kDiscard isn't specified, will copy contents of new target to working // surface. void plDynSurfaceWriter::SwitchTarget( plDynamicTextMap *target ) { if( target == fCurrTarget ) return; if( !fFlushed ) FlushToTarget(); fCurrTarget = target; fFlushed = true; // Will force a copy next IEnsureSurfaceUpdated() // Make sure our surfaces fit bool hadToAllocate = false; if( target != nil ) { if( !fRGBSurface.WillFit( (UInt16)(target->GetWidth()), (UInt16)(target->GetHeight()) ) ) { fRGBSurface.Allocate( (UInt16)(target->GetWidth()), (UInt16)(target->GetHeight()) ); hadToAllocate = true; } if( fFlags & kSupportAlpha ) { if( !fAlphaSurface.WillFit( (UInt16)(target->GetWidth()), (UInt16)(target->GetHeight()) ) ) { fAlphaSurface.Allocate( (UInt16)(target->GetWidth()), (UInt16)(target->GetHeight()) ); hadToAllocate = true; } } } else { fRGBSurface.Release(); fAlphaSurface.Release(); hadToAllocate = true; } if( hadToAllocate ) { delete [] fFontFace; fFontFace = nil; fFontSize = 0; fFontFlags = 0; } } //// IEnsureSurfaceUpdated //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Makes sure our surfaces are ready to write to. void plDynSurfaceWriter::IEnsureSurfaceUpdated( void ) { UInt32 x, y; // If we're flushed, then we haven't drawn since the last flush, // which means we want to copy from our target before we start drawing. // If we've already drawn, then we won't be flushed and we don't want // to be copying over what we've already drawn if( fCurrTarget != nil && fFlushed ) { UInt32 *srcBits = (UInt32 *)fCurrTarget->GetImage(); // Are we merging in the alpha bits? if( fFlags & kSupportAlpha ) { // Yup, de-munge 'em UInt32 *destRGBBits = fRGBSurface.GetBits(); UInt8 *destAlphaBits = fAlphaSurface.GetBits(); UInt32 srcWidth = fCurrTarget->GetWidth(); for( y = 0; y < fCurrTarget->GetHeight(); y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < srcWidth; x++ ) { destRGBBits[ x ] = srcBits[ x ]; // Windows GDI probably doesn't care about the alpha bits here. Hopefully... destAlphaBits[ x ] = (UInt8)(srcBits[ x ] >> 24); } srcBits += srcWidth; destRGBBits += fRGBSurface.fWidth; destAlphaBits += fAlphaSurface.fWidth; } } else { // Nope, just do a straight memcopy UInt32 *destBits = fRGBSurface.GetBits(); UInt32 srcWidth = fCurrTarget->GetWidth(); for( y = 0; y < fCurrTarget->GetHeight(); y++ ) { memcpy( destBits, srcBits, srcWidth * sizeof( UInt32 ) ); srcBits += srcWidth; destBits += fRGBSurface.fWidth; } } // ALSO, we need to re-update our settings, since different targets // can have different fonts or justifications ISetFont( fCurrTarget->GetFontFace(), fCurrTarget->GetFontSize(), 0/*fCurrTarget->GetWriterFontFlags()*/, fCurrTarget->GetFontAARGB() ); SetJustify( (Justify)fCurrTarget->GetFontJustify() ); ISetTextColor( fCurrTarget->GetFontColor(), fCurrTarget->GetFontBlockRGB() ); fFlushed = false; } } hsBool plDynSurfaceWriter::IsValid( void ) const { if( fCurrTarget == nil ) return false; if( fRGBSurface.fDC == nil || fRGBSurface.fBitmap == nil ) return false; if( ( fFlags & kSupportAlpha ) && ( fAlphaSurface.fDC == nil || fAlphaSurface.fBitmap == nil ) ) return false; return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Rendering Functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// SetBitsFromBuffer //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* void plDynSurfaceWriter::SetBitsFromBuffer( UInt32 *clearBuffer, UInt16 width, UInt16 height ) { int x, y; UInt32 *data = (UInt32 *)fImage, *srcData = clearBuffer; UInt8 *destAlpha = nil; if( !IsValid() ) return; #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 GdiFlush(); #endif // Clear *all* to zero memset( data, 0, fWidth * fHeight * sizeof( UInt32 ) ); if( fHasAlpha ) { #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 memset( fWinAlphaBits, 0, fWidth * fHeight ); destAlpha = fWinAlphaBits; #endif } // Buffer is of size fVisWidth x fVisHeight, so we need a bit of work to do this right for( y = 0; y < fVisHeight; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < fVisWidth; x++ ) { data[ x ] = srcData[ x ]; } if( destAlpha != nil ) { for( x = 0; x < fVisWidth; x++ ) destAlpha[ x ] = srcData[ x ] >> 24; destAlpha += fWidth; } data += fWidth; srcData += fVisWidth; } } */ //// ClearToColor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plDynSurfaceWriter::ClearToColor( hsColorRGBA &color ) { if( !IsValid() ) return; IEnsureSurfaceUpdated(); #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 UInt32 i, hexColor = color.ToARGB32(); // Flush the GDI first, so it doesn't decide to overwrite us later GdiFlush(); UInt32 *rgbBits = fRGBSurface.GetBits(); for( i = 0; i < fRGBSurface.fWidth * fRGBSurface.fHeight; i++ ) rgbBits[ i ] = hexColor; if( fFlags & kSupportAlpha ) { UInt8 *alphaBits = fAlphaSurface.GetBits(), alpha = (UInt8)(hexColor >> 24); for( i = 0; i < fAlphaSurface.fWidth * fAlphaSurface.fHeight; i++ ) alphaBits[ i ] = alpha; } #endif } //// SetFont ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OS-specific. Load the given font for drawing the text with. void plDynSurfaceWriter::SetFont( const char *face, UInt16 size, UInt8 fontFlags, hsBool antiAliasRGB ) { if( !IsValid() ) return; IEnsureSurfaceUpdated(); ISetFont( face, size, fontFlags, antiAliasRGB ); } //// ISetFont ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plDynSurfaceWriter::ISetFont( const char *face, UInt16 size, UInt8 fontFlags, hsBool antiAliasRGB ) { fFlags = ( fFlags & ~kFontShadowed ) | ( fontFlags & kFontShadowed ); if( !fRGBSurface.FontMatches( face, size, fontFlags, antiAliasRGB ) ) fRGBSurface.SetFont( face, size, fontFlags, antiAliasRGB ); if( fFlags & kSupportAlpha ) { if( !fAlphaSurface.FontMatches( face, size, fontFlags, !antiAliasRGB ) ) fAlphaSurface.SetFont( face, size, fontFlags, !antiAliasRGB ); } } //// SetTextColor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // blockRGB basically forces the RGB channel to write in blocks instead of // actual characters. This isn't useful unless you're relying on the alpha // channel to do the text (opaque text and transparent background), in which // case you want plenty of block color in your RGB channel because it'll get // alpha-ed out by the alpha channel. void plDynSurfaceWriter::SetTextColor( hsColorRGBA &color, hsBool blockRGB ) { if( !IsValid() ) return; IEnsureSurfaceUpdated(); ISetTextColor( color, blockRGB ); } //// IRefreshTextColor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plDynSurfaceWriter::ISetTextColor( hsColorRGBA &color, hsBool blockRGB ) { #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 int r = (int)(color.r * 255.f); int g = (int)(color.g * 255.f); int b = (int)(color.b * 255.f); fRGBSurface.fTextColor = RGB( r, g, b ); if( fFlags & kSupportAlpha ) { int a = (int)(color.a * 255.f); fAlphaSurface.fTextColor = RGB( a, a, a ); } fFontBlockedRGB = blockRGB; if( fFontBlockedRGB && !( fFlags & kFontShadowed ) ) { ::SetBkColor( fRGBSurface.fDC, fRGBSurface.fTextColor ); ::SetBkMode( fRGBSurface.fDC, OPAQUE ); } else ::SetBkMode( fRGBSurface.fDC, TRANSPARENT ); ::SetTextColor( fRGBSurface.fDC, fRGBSurface.fTextColor ); if( fFlags & kSupportAlpha ) ::SetTextColor( fAlphaSurface.fDC, fAlphaSurface.fTextColor ); #endif } //// SetJustify /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plDynSurfaceWriter::SetJustify( Justify j ) { fJustify = j; } //// IRefreshOSJustify //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plDynSurfaceWriter::IRefreshOSJustify( void ) { if( !IsValid() ) return; UINT justMode; switch( fJustify ) { case kLeftJustify: justMode = TA_LEFT; break; case kCenter: justMode = TA_CENTER; break; case kRightJustify: justMode = TA_RIGHT; break; } ::SetTextAlign( fRGBSurface.fDC, justMode ); if( fFlags & kSupportAlpha ) ::SetTextAlign( fAlphaSurface.fDC, justMode ); } //// DrawString /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plDynSurfaceWriter::DrawString( UInt16 x, UInt16 y, const char *text ) { if( !IsValid() ) return; IEnsureSurfaceUpdated(); IRefreshOSJustify(); #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 if( fFlags & kFontShadowed ) { ::SetTextColor( fRGBSurface.fDC, RGB( 0, 0, 0 ) ); ::TextOut( fRGBSurface.fDC, x + 1, y + 1, text, strlen( text ) ); ::SetTextColor( fRGBSurface.fDC, fRGBSurface.fTextColor ); ::TextOut( fRGBSurface.fDC, x, y, text, strlen( text ) ); if( fFlags & kSupportAlpha ) { ::TextOut( fAlphaSurface.fDC, x + 1, y + 1, text, strlen( text ) ); ::TextOut( fAlphaSurface.fDC, x, y, text, strlen( text ) ); } } else { ::TextOut( fRGBSurface.fDC, x, y, text, strlen( text ) ); if( fFlags & kSupportAlpha ) ::TextOut( fAlphaSurface.fDC, x, y, text, strlen( text ) ); } #endif } //// DrawClippedString //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plDynSurfaceWriter::DrawClippedString( Int16 x, Int16 y, const char *text, UInt16 width, UInt16 height ) { if( !IsValid() ) return; IEnsureSurfaceUpdated(); IRefreshOSJustify(); #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 RECT r; ::SetRect( &r, x, y, x + width, y + height ); if( fJustify == kRightJustify ) x += width - 1; else if( fJustify == kCenter ) x += width >> 1; if( fFlags & kFontShadowed ) { ::SetTextColor( fRGBSurface.fDC, RGB( 0, 0, 0 ) ); ::OffsetRect( &r, 1, 1 ); ::ExtTextOut( fRGBSurface.fDC, x + 1, y + 1, ETO_CLIPPED, &r, text, strlen( text ), nil ); if( fFlags & kSupportAlpha ) ::ExtTextOut( fAlphaSurface.fDC, x + 1, y + 1, ETO_CLIPPED, &r, text, strlen( text ), nil ); ::OffsetRect( &r, -1, -1 ); ::SetTextColor( fRGBSurface.fDC, fRGBSurface.fTextColor ); } ::ExtTextOut( fRGBSurface.fDC, x, y, ETO_CLIPPED, &r, text, strlen( text ), nil ); if( fFlags & kSupportAlpha ) ::ExtTextOut( fAlphaSurface.fDC, x, y, ETO_CLIPPED, &r, text, strlen( text ), nil ); #endif } //// DrawClippedString //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plDynSurfaceWriter::DrawClippedString( Int16 x, Int16 y, const char *text, UInt16 clipX, UInt16 clipY, UInt16 width, UInt16 height ) { if( !IsValid() ) return; IEnsureSurfaceUpdated(); IRefreshOSJustify(); #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 RECT r; ::SetRect( &r, clipX, clipY, clipX + width, clipY + height ); if( fFlags & kFontShadowed ) { ::SetTextColor( fRGBSurface.fDC, RGB( 0, 0, 0 ) ); ::OffsetRect( &r, 1, 1 ); ::ExtTextOut( fRGBSurface.fDC, x + 1, y + 1, ETO_CLIPPED, &r, text, strlen( text ), nil ); if( fFlags & kSupportAlpha ) ::ExtTextOut( fAlphaSurface.fDC, x + 1, y + 1, ETO_CLIPPED, &r, text, strlen( text ), nil ); ::OffsetRect( &r, -1, -1 ); ::SetTextColor( fRGBSurface.fDC, fRGBSurface.fTextColor ); } ::ExtTextOut( fRGBSurface.fDC, x, y, ETO_CLIPPED, &r, text, strlen( text ), nil ); if( fFlags & kSupportAlpha ) ::ExtTextOut( fAlphaSurface.fDC, x, y, ETO_CLIPPED, &r, text, strlen( text ), nil ); #endif } //// DrawWrappedString //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plDynSurfaceWriter::DrawWrappedString( UInt16 x, UInt16 y, const char *text, UInt16 width, UInt16 height ) { if( !IsValid() ) return; IEnsureSurfaceUpdated(); #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 RECT r; ::SetRect( &r, x, y, x + width, y + height ); UINT format = DT_TOP | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_WORDBREAK; switch( fJustify ) { case kLeftJustify: format |= DT_LEFT; break; case kCenter: format |= DT_CENTER; break; case kRightJustify: format |= DT_RIGHT; break; } if( fFlags & kFontShadowed ) { ::SetTextColor( fRGBSurface.fDC, RGB( 0, 0, 0 ) ); ::OffsetRect( &r, 1, 1 ); ::DrawText( fRGBSurface.fDC, text, strlen( text ), &r, format ); if( fFlags & kSupportAlpha ) ::DrawText( fAlphaSurface.fDC, text, strlen( text ), &r, format ); ::OffsetRect( &r, -1, -1 ); ::SetTextColor( fRGBSurface.fDC, fRGBSurface.fTextColor ); } ::DrawText( fRGBSurface.fDC, text, strlen( text ), &r, format ); if( fFlags & kSupportAlpha ) ::DrawText( fAlphaSurface.fDC, text, strlen( text ), &r, format ); #endif } //// CalcStringWidth ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UInt16 plDynSurfaceWriter::CalcStringWidth( const char *text, UInt16 *height ) { if( !IsValid() ) return 0; IEnsureSurfaceUpdated(); #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 SIZE size; ::GetTextExtentPoint32( fRGBSurface.fDC, text, strlen( text ), &size ); if( height != nil ) *height = (UInt16)size.cy; return (UInt16)size.cx; #endif } //// CalcWrappedStringSize //////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plDynSurfaceWriter::CalcWrappedStringSize( const char *text, UInt16 *width, UInt16 *height ) { if( !IsValid() ) return; IEnsureSurfaceUpdated(); #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 RECT r; ::SetRect( &r, 0, 0, *width, 0 ); UINT format = DT_TOP | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_WORDBREAK | DT_CALCRECT; switch( fJustify ) { case kLeftJustify: format |= DT_LEFT; break; case kCenter: format |= DT_CENTER; break; case kRightJustify: format |= DT_RIGHT; break; } ::DrawText( fRGBSurface.fDC, text, strlen( text ), &r, format ); *width = (UInt16)(r.right); if( height != nil ) *height = (UInt16)r.bottom; #endif } //// FillRect ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plDynSurfaceWriter::FillRect( UInt16 x, UInt16 y, UInt16 width, UInt16 height, hsColorRGBA &color ) { if( !IsValid() ) return; IEnsureSurfaceUpdated(); #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 RECT rc; ::SetRect( &rc, x, y, x + width, y + height ); int r = (int)(color.r * 255.f); int g = (int)(color.g * 255.f); int b = (int)(color.b * 255.f); int a = (int)(color.a * 255.f); HBRUSH brush = ::CreateSolidBrush( RGB( r, g, b ) ); ::FillRect( fRGBSurface.fDC, &rc, brush ); ::DeleteObject( brush ); if( fFlags & kSupportAlpha ) { brush = ::CreateSolidBrush( RGB( a, a, a ) ); ::FillRect( fAlphaSurface.fDC, &rc, brush ); ::DeleteObject( brush ); } #endif } //// FrameRect //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plDynSurfaceWriter::FrameRect( UInt16 x, UInt16 y, UInt16 width, UInt16 height, hsColorRGBA &color ) { if( !IsValid() ) return; IEnsureSurfaceUpdated(); #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 RECT rc; ::SetRect( &rc, x, y, x + width, y + height ); int r = (int)(color.r * 255.f); int g = (int)(color.g * 255.f); int b = (int)(color.b * 255.f); int a = (int)(color.a * 255.f); HBRUSH brush = ::CreateSolidBrush( RGB( r, g, b ) ); ::FrameRect( fRGBSurface.fDC, &rc, brush ); ::DeleteObject( brush ); if( fFlags & kSupportAlpha ) { brush = ::CreateSolidBrush( RGB( a, a, a ) ); ::FrameRect( fAlphaSurface.fDC, &rc, brush ); ::DeleteObject( brush ); } #endif } /* //// DrawImage //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plDynSurfaceWriter::DrawImage( UInt16 x, UInt16 y, plMipmap *image, hsBool respectAlpha ) { if( !IsValid() ) return; #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 // Flush the GDI first, to make sure it's done GdiFlush(); #endif plMipmap::CompositeOptions opts( respectAlpha ? 0 : plMipmap::kForceOpaque ); if( !fHasAlpha ) opts.fFlags = plMipmap::kCopySrcAlpha; // Don't care, this is fastest Composite( image, x, y, &opts ); /// HACK for now, since the alpha in the mipmap gets copied straight into the /// 32-bit color buffer, but our separate hacked alpha buffer hasn't been updated if( fHasAlpha && !respectAlpha ) { HBRUSH brush = ::CreateSolidBrush( RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) ); RECT rc; ::SetRect( &rc, x, y, x + image->GetWidth(), y + image->GetHeight() ); ::FillRect( fWinAlphaDC, &rc, brush ); ::DeleteObject( brush ); } } //// DrawClippedImage ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plDynSurfaceWriter::DrawClippedImage( UInt16 x, UInt16 y, plMipmap *image, UInt16 srcClipX, UInt16 srcClipY, UInt16 srcClipWidth, UInt16 srcClipHeight, hsBool respectAlpha ) { if( !IsValid() ) return; #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 // Flush the GDI first, to make sure it's done GdiFlush(); #endif plMipmap::CompositeOptions opts( respectAlpha ? 0 : plMipmap::kForceOpaque ); if( !fHasAlpha ) opts.fFlags = plMipmap::kCopySrcAlpha; // Don't care, this is fastest opts.fSrcClipX = srcClipX; opts.fSrcClipY = srcClipY; opts.fSrcClipWidth = srcClipWidth; opts.fSrcClipHeight = srcClipHeight; Composite( image, x, y, &opts ); /// HACK for now, since the alpha in the mipmap gets copied straight into the /// 32-bit color buffer, but our separate hacked alpha buffer hasn't been updated if( fHasAlpha && !respectAlpha ) { HBRUSH brush = ::CreateSolidBrush( RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) ); RECT rc; ::SetRect( &rc, x, y, x + ( srcClipWidth > 0 ? srcClipWidth : image->GetWidth() ), y + ( srcClipHeight > 0 ? srcClipHeight : image->GetHeight() ) ); ::FillRect( fWinAlphaDC, &rc, brush ); ::DeleteObject( brush ); } } */