
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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 or by snail mail at:
      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
      Mead, WA   99021


#include "pnModifier/plSingleModifier.h"

class hsStream;
class hsResMgr;
class plRandom;
class pfObjectFlocker;

// Database tokens for our prox database
template <class T>
class pfTokenForProximityDatabase
    virtual ~pfTokenForProximityDatabase() {}

    // call this when your position changes
    virtual void UpdateWithNewPosition(const hsPoint3 &newPos) = 0;

    // find all close-by objects (determined by center and radius)
    virtual void FindNeighbors(const hsPoint3 &center, const float radius, std::vector<T> &results) = 0;

// A basic prox database (might need to be optimized in the future)
template <class T>
class pfBasicProximityDatabase
    class tokenType;
    typedef std::vector<tokenType*> tokenVector;
    typedef typename tokenVector::const_iterator tokenIterator;

    // "token" to represent objects stored in the database
    class tokenType: public pfTokenForProximityDatabase<T>
        tokenVector& fTokens;
        T fParent;
        hsPoint3 fPosition;

        // constructor
        tokenType(T parentObject, tokenVector& tokens) : fParent(parentObject), fTokens(tokens)

        // destructor
        virtual ~tokenType()
            // remove this token from the database's vector
            fTokens.erase(std::find(fTokens.begin(), fTokens.end(), this));

        // call this when your position changes
        void UpdateWithNewPosition(const hsPoint3 &newPosition) {fPosition = newPosition;}

        // find all close-by objects (determined by center and radius)
        void FindNeighbors(const hsPoint3 &center, const float radius, std::vector<T> & results)
            // take the slow way, loop and check every one
            const float radiusSquared = radius * radius;
            for (tokenIterator i = fTokens.begin(); i != fTokens.end(); i++)
                const hsVector3 offset(&center, &((**i).fPosition));
                const float distanceSquared = offset.MagnitudeSquared();

                // push onto result vector when within given radius
                if (distanceSquared < radiusSquared)

    // STL vector containing all tokens in database
    tokenVector fGroup;

    // constructor
    pfBasicProximityDatabase(void) {}

    // destructor
    virtual ~pfBasicProximityDatabase() {}

    // allocate a token to represent a given client object in this database
    tokenType *MakeToken(T parentObject) {return TRACKED_NEW tokenType(parentObject, fGroup);}

    // return the number of tokens currently in the database
    int Size(void) {return group.size();}

// A basic vehicle class that handles accelleration, braking, and turning
class pfVehicle
    hsPoint3    fPos; // position in meters
    hsPoint3    fLastPos; // the last position we had
    hsPoint3    fSmoothedPosition;

    hsVector3   fVel; // velocity in meters/second
    hsVector3   fSmoothedAcceleration;

    hsVector3   fForward; // forward vector (unit length)
    hsVector3   fLastForward; // the last forward vector we had
    hsVector3   fSide; // side vector (unit length)
    hsVector3   fUp; // up vector (unit length)

    float       fSpeed; // speed (length of velocity vector)
    float       fMass; // mass of the object (defaults to 1)
    float       fMaxForce; // the maximum steering force that can be applied
    float       fMaxSpeed; // the maximum speed of this vehicle

    float       fCurvature;
    float       fSmoothedCurvature;

    float       fRadius;

    // measure the path curvature (1/turning radius), maintain smoothed version
    void IMeasurePathCurvature(const float elapsedTime);
    pfVehicle() {Reset();}
    virtual ~pfVehicle() {}

    void Reset();

    // get/set attributes
    float Mass() const {return fMass;}
    float SetMass(float m) {return fMass = m;}

    hsVector3 Forward() const {return fForward;}
    hsVector3 SetForward(hsVector3 forward) {return fForward = forward;}
    hsVector3 Side() const {return fSide;}
    hsVector3 SetSide(hsVector3 side) {return fSide = side;}
    hsVector3 Up() const {return fUp;}
    hsVector3 SetUp(hsVector3 up) {return fUp = up;}

    hsPoint3 Position() const {return fPos;}
    hsPoint3 SetPosition(hsPoint3 pos) {return fPos = pos;}

    hsVector3 Velocity() const {return Forward() * fSpeed;}

    float Speed() const {return fSpeed;}
    float SetSpeed(float speed) {return fSpeed = speed;}

    float MaxForce() const {return fMaxForce;}
    float SetMaxForce(float maxForce) {return fMaxForce = maxForce;}

    float MaxSpeed() const {return fMaxSpeed;}
    float SetMaxSpeed(float maxSpeed) {return fMaxSpeed = maxSpeed;}

    float Curvature() const {return fCurvature;}

    float SmoothedCurvature() {return fSmoothedCurvature;}
    float ResetSmoothedCurvature(float value = 0);

    hsVector3 SmoothedAcceleration() {return fSmoothedAcceleration;}
    hsVector3 ResetSmoothedAcceleration(const hsVector3 &value = hsVector3(0,0,0));

    hsPoint3 SmoothedPosition() {return fSmoothedPosition;}
    hsPoint3 ResetSmoothedPosition(const hsPoint3 &value = hsPoint3(0,0,0));

    float Radius() const {return fRadius;}
    float SetRadius(float radius) {return fRadius = radius;}

    // Basic geometry functions

    // Reset local space to identity
    void ResetLocalSpace();

    // Set the side vector to a normalized cross product of forward and up
    void SetUnitSideFromForwardAndUp();

    // Regenerate orthonormal basis vectors given a new forward vector (unit length)
    void RegenerateOrthonormalBasisUF(const hsVector3 &newUnitForward);

    // If the new forward is NOT known to have unit length
    void RegenerateOrthonormalBasis(const hsVector3 &newForward)
    {hsVector3 temp = newForward; temp.Normalize(); RegenerateOrthonormalBasisUF(temp);}

    // For supplying both a new forward, and a new up
    void RegenerateOrthonormalBasis(const hsVector3 &newForward, const hsVector3 &newUp)
    {fUp = newUp; RegenerateOrthonormalBasis(newForward);}

    // Keep forward parallel to velocity, change up as little as possible
    virtual void RegenerateLocalSpace(const hsVector3 &newVelocity, const float elapsedTime);

    // Keep forward parallel to velocity, but "bank" the up vector
    void RegenerateLocalSpaceForBanking(const hsVector3 &newVelocity, const float elapsedTime);

    // Vehicle physics functions

    // apply a steering force to our momentum and adjust our
    // orientation to match our velocity vector
    void ApplySteeringForce(const hsVector3 &force, const float deltaTime);

    // adjust the steering force passed to ApplySteeringForce (so sub-classes can refine)
    // by default, we won't allow backward-facing steering at a low speed
    virtual hsVector3 AdjustRawSteeringForce(const hsVector3 &force, const float deltaTime);

    // apply a braking force
    void ApplyBrakingForce(const float rate, const float deltaTime);

    // predict the position of the vehicle (assumes constant velocity)
    hsPoint3 PredictFuturePosition(const float predictionTime);

// A goal object, basically keeps track of a scene object so we can get velocity from it
class pfBoidGoal
    hsPoint3    fLastPos;
    hsPoint3    fCurPos;
    hsVector3   fForward;
    float       fSpeed; // in meters/sec
    hsBool      fHasLastPos; // does the last position make sense?
    ~pfBoidGoal() {}

    void Update(plSceneObject *goal, float deltaTime);

    hsPoint3 Position() const {return fCurPos;}
    float Speed() const {return fSpeed;}
    hsVector3 Forward() const {return fForward;}
    hsPoint3 PredictFuturePosition(const float predictionTime);

typedef pfTokenForProximityDatabase<pfVehicle*> pfProximityToken;
typedef pfBasicProximityDatabase<pfVehicle*> pfProximityDatabase;

// The actual "flocking following" (not really a boid, but whatever)
class pfBoid: public pfVehicle
    plKey       fObjKey;

    float       fWanderSide;
    float       fWanderUp;

    float       fGoalWeight;
    float       fRandomWeight;

    float       fSeparationRadius;
    float       fSeparationAngle;
    float       fSeparationWeight;

    float       fCohesionRadius;
    float       fCohesionAngle;
    float       fCohesionWeight;

    pfProximityToken* fProximityToken;
    std::vector<pfVehicle*> fNeighbors;

    // Set our flocking settings to default
    void IFlockDefaults();

    // Setup our prox database token
    void ISetupToken(pfProximityDatabase &pd);

    // Are we in the neighborhood of another boid?
    hsBool IInBoidNeighborhood(const pfVehicle &other, const float minDistance, const float maxDistance, const float cosMaxAngle);
    // Wander steering
    hsVector3 ISteerForWander(float timeDelta);
    // Seek the target point
    hsVector3 ISteerForSeek(const hsPoint3 &target);
    // Steer the boid toward our goal
    hsVector3 ISteerToGoal(pfBoidGoal &goal, float maxPredictionTime);
    // Steer to keep separation
    hsVector3 ISteerForSeparation(const float maxDistance, const float cosMaxAngle, const std::vector<pfVehicle*> &flock);
    // Steer to keep the flock together
    hsVector3 ISteerForCohesion(const float maxDistance, const float cosMaxAngle, const std::vector<pfVehicle*> &flock);

    pfObjectFlocker *fFlockerPtr;

    pfBoid(pfProximityDatabase &pd, pfObjectFlocker *flocker, plKey &key);
    pfBoid(pfProximityDatabase &pd, pfObjectFlocker *flocker, plKey &key, hsPoint3 &pos);
    pfBoid(pfProximityDatabase &pd, pfObjectFlocker *flocker, plKey &key, hsPoint3 &pos, float speed, hsVector3 &forward, hsVector3 &side, hsVector3 &up);
    virtual ~pfBoid();

    // Get/set functions
    float GoalWeight() const {return fGoalWeight;}
    float SetGoalWeight(float goalWeight) {return fGoalWeight = goalWeight;}
    float WanderWeight() const {return fRandomWeight;}
    float SetWanderWeight(float wanderWeight) {return fRandomWeight = wanderWeight;}

    float SeparationWeight() const {return fSeparationWeight;}
    float SetSeparationWeight(float weight) {return fSeparationWeight = weight;}
    float SeparationRadius() const {return fSeparationRadius;}
    float SetSeparationRadius(float radius) {return fSeparationRadius = radius;}

    float CohesionWeight() const {return fCohesionWeight;}
    float SetCohesionWeight(float weight) {return fCohesionWeight = weight;}
    float CohesionRadius() const {return fCohesionRadius;}
    float SetCohesionRadius(float radius) {return fCohesionRadius = radius;}

    // Update the boid's data based on the goal and time delta
    void Update(pfBoidGoal &goal, float deltaTime);
    plKey &GetKey() {return fObjKey;}

    // We're redirecting this to the "banking" function
    virtual void RegenerateLocalSpace(const hsVector3 &newVelocity, const float elapsedTime);

class pfFlock
    std::vector<pfBoid*>    fBoids;
    pfBoidGoal              fBoidGoal;
    pfProximityDatabase     *fDatabase;

    // global values so when we add a boid we can set it's parameters
    float fGoalWeight, fRandomWeight;
    float fSeparationWeight, fSeparationRadius;
    float fCohesionWeight, fCohesionRadius;
    float fMaxForce; // max steering force
    float fMaxSpeed, fMinSpeed;

    // Get/set functions (affect the whole flock, and any new boids added)
    float GoalWeight() const {return fGoalWeight;}
    void SetGoalWeight(float goalWeight);
    float WanderWeight() const {return fRandomWeight;}
    void SetWanderWeight(float wanderWeight);

    float SeparationWeight() const {return fSeparationWeight;}
    void SetSeparationWeight(float weight);
    float SeparationRadius() const {return fSeparationRadius;}
    void SetSeparationRadius(float radius);

    float CohesionWeight() const {return fCohesionWeight;}
    void SetCohesionWeight(float weight);
    float CohesionRadius() const {return fCohesionRadius;}
    void SetCohesionRadius(float radius);

    float MaxForce() const {return fMaxForce;}
    void SetMaxForce(float force);
    float MaxSpeed() const {return fMaxSpeed;}
    void SetMaxSpeed(float speed);
    float MinSpeed() const {return fMinSpeed;}
    void SetMinSpeed(float minSpeed);

    // setup/run functions
    void AddBoid(pfObjectFlocker *flocker, plKey &key, hsPoint3 &pos);
    void Update(plSceneObject *goal, float deltaTime);
    pfBoid *GetBoid(int i);

    friend class pfObjectFlocker;

class pfObjectFlocker : public plSingleModifier

    CLASSNAME_REGISTER( pfObjectFlocker );
    GETINTERFACE_ANY( pfObjectFlocker, plSingleModifier );

    virtual void SetTarget(plSceneObject* so);
    virtual hsBool MsgReceive(plMessage* msg);

    virtual void Read(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr);
    virtual void Write(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr);

    void SetNumBoids(UInt8 val);
    void SetBoidKey(plKey key) { fBoidKey = key; }

    float GoalWeight() const {return fFlock.GoalWeight();}
    void SetGoalWeight(float goalWeight) {fFlock.SetGoalWeight(goalWeight);}
    float WanderWeight() const {return fFlock.WanderWeight();}
    void SetWanderWeight(float wanderWeight) {fFlock.SetWanderWeight(wanderWeight);}

    float SeparationWeight() const {return fFlock.SeparationWeight();}
    void SetSeparationWeight(float weight) {fFlock.SetSeparationWeight(weight);}
    float SeparationRadius() const {return fFlock.SeparationRadius();}
    void SetSeparationRadius(float radius) {fFlock.SetSeparationRadius(radius);}

    float CohesionWeight() const {return fFlock.CohesionWeight();}
    void SetCohesionWeight(float weight) {fFlock.SetCohesionWeight(weight);}
    float CohesionRadius() const {return fFlock.CohesionRadius();}
    void SetCohesionRadius(float radius) {fFlock.SetCohesionRadius(radius);}

    float MaxForce() const {return fFlock.MaxForce();}
    void SetMaxForce(float force) {fFlock.SetMaxForce(force);}
    float MaxSpeed() const {return fFlock.MaxSpeed();}
    void SetMaxSpeed(float speed) {fFlock.SetMaxSpeed(speed);}
    float MinSpeed() const {return fFlock.MinSpeed();}
    void SetMinSpeed(float minSpeed) {fFlock.SetMinSpeed(minSpeed);}

    hsBool RandomizeAnimStart() const {return fRandomizeAnimationStart;}
    void SetRandomizeAnimStart(hsBool val) {fRandomizeAnimationStart = val;}
    hsBool UseTargetRotation() const {return fUseTargetRotation;}
    void SetUseTargetRotation(hsBool val) {fUseTargetRotation = val;}

    const static int fFileVersion; // so we don't have to update the global version number when we change

    pfFlock fFlock;
    int fNumBoids;
    plKey fBoidKey;

    hsBool fUseTargetRotation;
    hsBool fRandomizeAnimationStart;

    virtual hsBool IEval(double secs, hsScalar del, UInt32 dirty);
