
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
 or by snail mail at:
      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
      Mead, WA   99021

#include "plNetClientMgr.h"
#include "plNetClientVault.h"
#include "../pnNetCommon/plNetMsg.h"
#include "../plGImage/plMipmap.h"
#include "../plJPEG/plJPEG.h"
#include "../plVault/plVaultTasks.h"
#include "hsResMgr.h"
#include "../pnMessage/plRefMsg.h"
#include "../plVault/plDniCoordinateInfo.h"
#include "../plVault/plAgeInfoSource.h"


class plNetClientAgeInfoSource : public plAgeInfoSource
    plDniCoordinateInfo fNilCoords; // TEMPORARY
    const plDniCoordinateInfo * GetAgeCoords( void ) const
        return &fNilCoords; // tmp
    const plUnifiedTime * GetAgeTime( void ) const
        static plUnifiedTime ut;
        return &ut;
    const char * GetAgeName( void ) const
        return plNetClientMgr::GetInstance()->GetAgeName();
    const plServerGuid * GetAgeGuid( void ) const
        return plNetClientMgr::GetInstance()->GetCurrSessionInfo()->GetServerGuid();
    static plNetClientAgeInfoSource * GetInstance( void )
        static plNetClientAgeInfoSource Me;
        return &Me;



plNetApp * plNetClientVault::GetNetApp( void ) const
    return plNetClientMgr::GetInstance();

plAgeInfoSource * plNetClientVault::GetAgeInfo( void ) const
    return plNetClientAgeInfoSource::GetInstance();

void plNetClientVault::IInitNode( plVaultNode * node )
    plVaultImageNode * IMG = plVaultImageNode::ConvertNoRef( node );
    if ( IMG )
        plNetClientVault::ExtractImageFromNode( IMG );

void plNetClientVault::IFiniNode( plVaultNode * node )
    plVaultImageNode * IMG = plVaultImageNode::ConvertNoRef( node );
    if ( IMG && IMG->GetMipmap() )
        plNetClientMgr::GetInstance()->GetKey()->Release( IMG->GetMipmap()->GetKey() );
        IMG->ISetMipmap( nil );

int plNetClientVault::ISendNetMsg( plNetMsgVault * msg, UInt32 sendFlags )
    return plNetClientMgr::GetInstance()->SendMsg( msg, sendFlags );

void plNetClientVault::IOnTaskTimedOut( plVaultTask * task )
    std::string msg;
    xtl::format( msg, "KI task timed out: %s", task->ClassName() );
    plNetClientMgr::GetInstance()->OnNetFailure( msg.c_str(), true );

bool plNetClientVault::IAmOnline( void ) const
    return plNetClientMgr::GetInstance()->IsEnabled()!=0;

//// Image/Mipmap Conversion //////////////////////////////////////////////////

hsBool  plNetClientVault::StuffImageIntoNode( plMipmap * src, plVaultImageNode * dst )
    hsRAMStream ramStream;

    // Create our JPEG stream
    plJPEG::Instance().SetWriteQuality( 50 );   // In percent quality

    if( !plJPEG::Instance().WriteToStream( &ramStream, src ) )
        return false;

    // Copy the stream to the image element now
    void * buffer = dst->AllocBuffer( ramStream.GetEOF() );
    if( buffer == nil )
        return false;
    ramStream.CopyToMem( buffer );
    dst->SetImageType( plVaultImageNode::kJPEG );

    // possibly make a plKey for the mipmap.
    return plNetClientVault::ExtractImageFromNode( dst );

hsBool plNetClientVault::ExtractImageFromNode( plVaultImageNode * src)
    // no id? exit now. we will be called again when element is given an id.
    if ( src->GetID()==0 )
        return false;

    // already have a mipmap and it has a key? release it
    if ( src->GetMipmap() && src->GetMipmap()->GetKey()!=nil )
        plNetClientMgr::GetInstance()->GetKey()->Release( src->GetMipmap()->GetKey() );
        src->ISetMipmap( nil );

    // convert image data to a plMipmap
    switch( src->GetImageType() )
        case plVaultImageNode::kJPEG:
                // Copy to a RAM stream so the JPEG class is happy
                hsRAMStream ramStream;
                ramStream.Write( src->GetBufSize(), src->GetBuffer() );
                // create mipmap from image data
                src->ISetMipmap( plJPEG::Instance().ReadFromStream( &ramStream ) );

                hsAssert( false, "ExtractImageFromNode: Invalid image type" );
                return false;   // Invalid image type

    if ( !src->GetMipmap() )
        hsAssert( false, "ExtractImageFromNode failed" );
        return false;

    // we now have a mipmap, but it doesn't have a key. make a key for it
    static int UniqueIdentifier = 0;

    char keyName[512];
    sprintf( keyName, "VaultImage_%lu_%d", src->GetID(), UniqueIdentifier++ );

    // create a key for the mipmap
    plKey imageKey = hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->NewKey( keyName, src->IGetMipmap(),
        plLocation::kGlobalFixedLoc );

    // ref the image key
    hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->AddViaNotify( imageKey, new plGenRefMsg(
        plNetClientMgr::GetInstance()->GetKey(), plRefMsg::kOnCreate, 0, 0 ),
        plRefFlags::kActiveRef );       

    return ( src->GetMipmap()->GetKey()!=nil );



bool plNetPlayerVault::IIsThisMe( plVaultPlayerInfoNode * node ) const
    return GetPlayer()->GetPlayerInfo()->GetID()==node->GetID();

plVaultPlayerNode * plNetPlayerVault::GetPlayer( void ) const
    return plVaultPlayerNode::ConvertNoRef( GetRootNode() );

void plNetPlayerVault::IFillOutConnectFields( plNetMsgVault * msg ) const
    msg->AddInt( plVault::kArg_VaultClientType, plVault::kNodeType_VaultPlayer );
    msg->AddInt( plVault::kArg_VaultClientID, plNetClientMgr::GetInstance()->GetDesiredPlayerID() );

bool plNetPlayerVault::IIsThisMsgMine( plNetMsgVault * msg ) const
    if ( plVaultClient::IIsThisMsgMine( msg ) )
        return true;
    return ( msg->GetInt( plVault::kArg_VaultClientID )==plNetClientMgr::GetInstance()->GetDesiredPlayerID() );

// End.