/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "HeadSpin.h" #include "max.h" #include "iMenuMan.h" #include "plMaxMenu.h" #include "plActionTableMgr.h" #include "resource.h" #include "plSaveSelected.h" #include "plComponentDlg.h" #include "plMaxCFGFile.h" #include "plResCollector.h" #include "plAgeDescInterface.h" #include "MaxSceneViewer/SceneViewer.h" #include "plNodeLock.h" #include "plResetXform.h" #include "plTextureSearch.h" #include "MaxExport/plExportDlg.h" // ************************* action table // // random id to identify an action table and context const ActionTableId kActionId = 0x54162b7c; enum { kActionSaveSel, kActionMerge, kActionComponent, kActionResCollect, kActionAgeDesc, kActionCompCopy, kActionSceneViewer, kActionLock, kActionUnlock, kActionTexSearch, kActionReset, kActionSelectNonRenderables, kActionExport, }; static ActionDescription spActions[] = { { kActionSaveSel, // ActionId identifies action for callback execution (within table) IDS_ACT1_DESC, // Action description for display in ui customization IDS_ACT1_NAME, // Action name for display on menu IDS_ACT_CAT // Action category for ui customization }, { kActionMerge, IDS_ACT2_DESC, IDS_ACT2_NAME, IDS_ACT_CAT }, { kActionComponent, IDS_ACT3_NAME, IDS_ACT3_NAME, IDS_ACT_CAT }, { kActionResCollect, IDS_ACT4_NAME, IDS_ACT4_NAME, IDS_ACT_CAT }, { kActionAgeDesc, IDS_ACT5_NAME, IDS_ACT5_NAME, IDS_ACT_CAT }, { kActionCompCopy, IDS_ACT6_NAME, IDS_ACT6_NAME, IDS_ACT_CAT }, { kActionSceneViewer, IDS_ACT7_NAME, IDS_ACT7_NAME, IDS_ACT_CAT }, { kActionLock, IDS_ACT8_DESC, IDS_ACT8_NAME, IDS_ACT_CAT }, { kActionUnlock, IDS_ACT9_DESC, IDS_ACT9_NAME, IDS_ACT_CAT }, { kActionTexSearch, IDS_ACT10_NAME, IDS_ACT10_NAME, IDS_ACT_CAT }, { kActionReset, IDS_ACT11_DESC, IDS_ACT11_NAME, IDS_ACT_CAT }, { kActionSelectNonRenderables, IDS_ACT12_DESC, IDS_ACT12_NAME, IDS_ACT_CAT }, { kActionExport, IDS_PLASMA_EXPORT, IDS_PLASMA_EXPORT, IDS_ACT_CAT } }; // callback for action exection bool DoAction(int id) { switch(id) { case kActionSaveSel: plSaveSelected(); return true; case kActionMerge: plMerge(); return true; case kActionComponent: plComponentDlg::Instance().Open(); return true; case kActionResCollect: plResCollector::Collect(); return true; case kActionAgeDesc: plAgeDescInterface::Instance().Open(); return true; case kActionCompCopy: CopyComponents(); return true; case kActionSceneViewer: #ifdef MAXSCENEVIEWER_ENABLED SceneViewer::Instance().Show(); return true; #else hsMessageBox("The SceneViewer has been disabled in this build", "Disabled", 0); return true; #endif case kActionLock: plNodeLock().Lock(); return true; case kActionUnlock: plNodeLock().Unlock(); return true; case kActionTexSearch: plTextureSearch::Instance().Toggle(); return true; case kActionReset: plResetXform().ResetSelected(); return true; case kActionSelectNonRenderables: plSelectNonRenderables().SelectNonRenderables(); return true; case kActionExport: plExportDlg::Instance().Show(); return true; } return false; } static ActionTableInfo actionInfo(kActionId, "Plasma", spActions, sizeof(spActions) / sizeof(ActionDescription)); // static or global declaration of action table manager plActionTableMgr theActionTableMgr(actionInfo, DoAction); // // ************************* end action table ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Menu Creation Junk MenuContextId kMyMenuContextId=0xcff95f6c; // static char *kMenuName = "Plasma"; static int kMenuVersion = 10; // Increment this number if you add an entry to the menu extern TCHAR *GetString(int id); void AddPlasmaExportMenu() { IMenuManager* pMenuMan = GetCOREInterface()->GetMenuManager(); IMenu* fileMenu = pMenuMan->FindMenu("&File"); int i; bool plasmaExportFound = false; // Make sure our action isn't already in the menu TSTR ourName = GetString(IDS_PLASMA_EXPORT); for (i = 0; i < fileMenu->NumItems(); i++) { IMenuItem* fileMenuItem = fileMenu->GetItem(i); const TSTR& title = fileMenuItem->GetTitle(); if (title == ourName) plasmaExportFound = true; // KLUDGE - MaxAss didn't define the file submenu with an accelerator. // This fixes it. if (title == (CStr)"MAX File Operations") { fileMenuItem->SetUseCustomTitle(true); bool custom = fileMenuItem->GetUseCustomTitle(); fileMenuItem->SetTitle("MAX File Opera&tions"); pMenuMan->UpdateMenuBar(); } } if (!plasmaExportFound) { // Menu item isn't there, add it for (i = 0; i < fileMenu->NumItems(); i++) { IMenuItem* fileMenuItem = fileMenu->GetItem(i); const TSTR& title = fileMenuItem->GetTitle(); // We want to add it after the "Export Selected" menu item if (title == (CStr)"Export Selected...") { ActionTable* pActionTable = GetCOREInterface()->GetActionManager()->FindTable(kActionId); if (!pActionTable) { hsAssert(0, "Action table not found"); return; } IMenuItem* menuItem = GetIMenuItem(); menuItem->SetActionItem(pActionTable->GetAction(kActionExport)); fileMenu->AddItem(menuItem, i+1); pMenuMan->UpdateMenuBar(); return; } } } } void plCreateMenu() { AddPlasmaExportMenu(); IMenuManager* pMenuMan = GetCOREInterface()->GetMenuManager(); bool newlyRegistered = pMenuMan->RegisterMenuBarContext(kMyMenuContextId, kMenuName); // Is the Max menu version the most recent? bool wrongVersion = GetPrivateProfileInt("Menu", "Version", 0, plMaxConfig::GetPluginIni()) < kMenuVersion; if (wrongVersion) { // Delete the old version of the menu IMenu *oldMenu = pMenuMan->FindMenu(kMenuName); if (oldMenu) pMenuMan->UnRegisterMenu(oldMenu); // Update the menu version char buf[30]; WritePrivateProfileString("Menu", "Version", itoa(kMenuVersion, buf, 10), plMaxConfig::GetPluginIni()); } if (wrongVersion || newlyRegistered) { IMenu *pMainMenu = pMenuMan->GetMainMenuBar(); if (!pMainMenu) { hsAssert(0, "Main menu not found"); return; } // Get our action table ActionTable* pActionTable = GetCOREInterface()->GetActionManager()->FindTable(kActionId); if (!pActionTable) { hsAssert(0, "Action table not found"); return; } // Create the Plasma menu IMenu* pPlasmaMenu = GetIMenu(); pPlasmaMenu->SetTitle(kMenuName); // Register the new menu with the system pMenuMan->RegisterMenu(pPlasmaMenu, 0); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Add the menu items // // Add the save selected action to the menu IMenuItem* pMenuItem = GetIMenuItem(); pMenuItem->SetActionItem(pActionTable->GetAction(kActionSaveSel)); pPlasmaMenu->AddItem(pMenuItem); // Add the merge action to the menu pMenuItem = GetIMenuItem(); pMenuItem->SetActionItem(pActionTable->GetAction(kActionMerge)); pPlasmaMenu->AddItem(pMenuItem); // Add the component copy action to the menu pMenuItem = GetIMenuItem(); pMenuItem->SetActionItem(pActionTable->GetAction(kActionCompCopy)); pPlasmaMenu->AddItem(pMenuItem); // Add a separator pMenuItem = GetIMenuItem(); pMenuItem->ActAsSeparator(); pPlasmaMenu->AddItem(pMenuItem); // Add the component manager to the menu pMenuItem = GetIMenuItem(); pMenuItem->SetActionItem(pActionTable->GetAction(kActionComponent)); pPlasmaMenu->AddItem(pMenuItem); // Add the resource collector to the menu pMenuItem = GetIMenuItem(); pMenuItem->SetActionItem(pActionTable->GetAction(kActionResCollect)); pPlasmaMenu->AddItem(pMenuItem); // Add the texture search to the menu pMenuItem = GetIMenuItem(); pMenuItem->SetActionItem(pActionTable->GetAction(kActionTexSearch)); pPlasmaMenu->AddItem(pMenuItem); // Add the age description to the menu pMenuItem = GetIMenuItem(); pMenuItem->SetActionItem(pActionTable->GetAction(kActionAgeDesc)); pPlasmaMenu->AddItem(pMenuItem); // Add a separator pMenuItem = GetIMenuItem(); pMenuItem->ActAsSeparator(); pPlasmaMenu->AddItem(pMenuItem); #ifdef MAXSCENEVIEWER_ENABLED // Add the SceneViewer to the menu pMenuItem = GetIMenuItem(); pMenuItem->SetActionItem(pActionTable->GetAction(kActionSceneViewer)); pPlasmaMenu->AddItem(pMenuItem); #endif // Add a separator pMenuItem = GetIMenuItem(); pMenuItem->ActAsSeparator(); pPlasmaMenu->AddItem(pMenuItem); // Add the Lock Selected to the menu pMenuItem = GetIMenuItem(); pMenuItem->SetActionItem(pActionTable->GetAction(kActionLock)); pPlasmaMenu->AddItem(pMenuItem); // Add the Unlock Selected to the menu pMenuItem = GetIMenuItem(); pMenuItem->SetActionItem(pActionTable->GetAction(kActionUnlock)); pPlasmaMenu->AddItem(pMenuItem); // Add the Reset Selected to the menu pMenuItem = GetIMenuItem(); pMenuItem->SetActionItem(pActionTable->GetAction(kActionReset)); pPlasmaMenu->AddItem(pMenuItem); // Add the SelectNonRenderables to the menu pMenuItem = GetIMenuItem(); pMenuItem->SetActionItem(pActionTable->GetAction(kActionSelectNonRenderables)); pPlasmaMenu->AddItem(pMenuItem); // Create a new menu item to hold the sub-menu IMenuItem* pSubMenuItem1 = GetIMenuItem(); //menu in menu bar... pSubMenuItem1->SetSubMenu(pPlasmaMenu); pMainMenu->AddItem(pSubMenuItem1); pMenuMan->UpdateMenuBar(); // Save the dang menu, in case Max crashes const char *uiDir = GetCOREInterface()->GetDir(APP_UI_DIR); char path[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(path, "%s\\%s", uiDir, "MaxMenus.mnu"); pMenuMan->SaveMenuFile(path); } } // End Menu Creation Junk //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////