#=============================================== # Changing an SDL record? Be sure to leave the # legacy record intact and make changes in # a new copy of the record. - eap #=============================================== # # State Description for an avatar's clothing # # # Helper SDL desc # Defines an item of clothing # STATEDESC clothingItem { VERSION 3 # version is an int VAR PLKEY item[1] VAR RGB8 tint[1] DEFAULT=(1,1,1) VAR RGB8 tint2[1] DEFAULT=(1,1,1) } # # Helper SDL desc # Defines appearance options # STATEDESC appearanceOptions { VERSION 2 VAR RGB8 skinTint[1] DEFAULT=(1,1,1) VAR BYTE faceBlends[] DEFAULT=0; } # # Top level SDL desc # A variable-length list of clothing items # STATEDESC clothing { VERSION 4 VAR $clothingItem wardrobe[] VAR $appearanceOptions appearance[1] VAR PLKEY linkInAnim[1] DEFAULT=nil }