
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
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*   $/Plasma20/Sources/Plasma/NucleusLib/pnUtils/Private/pnUtCmd.h

#error "Header $/Plasma20/Sources/Plasma/NucleusLib/pnUtils/Private/pnUtCmd.h included more than once"

*   Constants

// Sets of mutually exclusive flags
const unsigned kCmdArgFlagged       = 0x0 << 0;     // default
const unsigned kCmdArgOptional      = 0x1 << 0;
const unsigned kCmdArgRequired      = 0x2 << 0;
const unsigned kCmdMaskArg          = 0xf << 0;

const unsigned kCmdTypeBool         = 0x0 << 4;     // default
const unsigned kCmdTypeInt          = 0x1 << 4;
const unsigned kCmdTypeUnsigned     = 0x2 << 4;
const unsigned kCmdTypeFloat        = 0x3 << 4;
const unsigned kCmdTypeString       = 0x4 << 4;
const unsigned kCmdMaskType         = 0xf << 4;

const unsigned kCmdBoolSet          = 0x0 << 8;     // default
const unsigned kCmdBoolUnset        = 0x1 << 8;
const unsigned kCmdMaskBool         = 0xf << 8;

// Other flags
const unsigned kCmdCaseSensitive    = 0x1 << 28;

// Error codes
enum ECmdError {

*   Types

struct CmdArgDef {
    unsigned        flags;
    const wchar *   name;   // must be compile-time constant
    unsigned        id;

class CCmdParser {
    class CICmdParser * fParser;

    static void DispatchError (const wchar str[], ECmdError errorCode, const wchar arg[], const wchar value[], void * param);
    static bool DispatchExtra (const wchar str[], void * param);

    CCmdParser ();
    void Initialize (const CmdArgDef def[], unsigned defCount);

    CCmdParser (const CmdArgDef def[], unsigned defCount);
    virtual ~CCmdParser ();

    bool          GetBool (unsigned id) const;
    bool          GetBool (const wchar name[]) const;
    float         GetFloat (unsigned id) const;
    float         GetFloat (const wchar name[]) const;
    int           GetInt (unsigned id) const;
    int           GetInt (const wchar name[]) const;
    const wchar * GetString (unsigned id) const;
    const wchar * GetString (const wchar name[]) const;
    unsigned      GetUnsigned (unsigned id) const;
    unsigned      GetUnsigned (const wchar name[]) const;
    bool          IsSpecified (unsigned id) const;
    bool          IsSpecified (const wchar name[]) const;

    virtual void  OnError (const wchar str[], ECmdError errorCode, const wchar arg[], const wchar value[]);
    virtual bool  OnExtra (const wchar str[]);

    bool          Parse (const wchar cmdLine[] = nil);

class CCmdParserSimple : public CCmdParser {
    CCmdParserSimple (
        unsigned    requiredStringCount,
        unsigned    optionalStringCount,
        const wchar flaggedBoolNames[]  // double null terminated if used
