
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
 or by snail mail at:
      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
      Mead, WA   99021


#include "pyKey.h"

#include "pfGameGUIMgr/pfGUIListBoxMod.h"
#include "pfGameGUIMgr/pfGUIListElement.h"
#include "pfGameGUIMgr/pfGUIDialogMod.h"
#include "plGImage/plDynamicTextMap.h"

#include "pyGUIControlListBox.h"
#include "pyGUIDialog.h"
#include "pyColor.h"
#include "pyImage.h"

// a special class for different coloured list items
class pfColorListElement : public pfGUIListText
        hsColorRGBA         fTextColor1;
        hsColorRGBA         fTextColor2;
        wchar_t             *fString1;
        wchar_t             *fString2;
        UInt32              fInheritAlpha;
        Int32               fOverrideFontSize;  // size of font to use (if -1 then just use scheme setting)

        enum InheritTypes
            kNoInherit = 0,

        pfColorListElement( const char *string1, hsColorRGBA color1, const char *string2, hsColorRGBA color2, UInt32 inheritalpha, Int32 fontsize=-1 )
            if ( string1 )
                fString1 = hsStringToWString(string1);
                fText = nil;
                fString1 = nil;
                fText = L"";
            fTextColor1 = color1;
            if (string2)
                fString2 = hsStringToWString(string2);
                fString2 = nil;
            fTextColor2 = color2;
            fInheritAlpha = inheritalpha;
            fJustify = kLeftJustify;
            fOverrideFontSize = fontsize;

        pfColorListElement( const wchar_t *string1, hsColorRGBA color1, const wchar_t *string2, hsColorRGBA color2, UInt32 inheritalpha, Int32 fontsize=-1 )
            if ( string1 )
                fString1 = TRACKED_NEW wchar_t[wcslen(string1)+1];
                fText = nil;
                fString1 = nil;
                fText = L"";
            fTextColor1 = color1;
            if (string2)
                fString2 = TRACKED_NEW wchar_t[wcslen(string2)+1];
                fString2 = nil;
            fTextColor2 = color2;
            fInheritAlpha = inheritalpha;
            fJustify = kLeftJustify;
            fOverrideFontSize = fontsize;

        virtual ~pfColorListElement()
            if ( fString1 )
                delete [] fString1;
                fString1 = nil;
                fText = nil;
            if ( fString2 )
                delete [] fString2;

        virtual void SetText( const char *text )
            if ( fString1 )
                delete [] fString1;

            if( text != nil )
                fString1 = hsStringToWString(text);
                fString1 = nil;

        virtual void SetText( const wchar_t *text )
            if ( fString1 )
                delete [] fString1;

            if( text != nil )
                fString1 = TRACKED_NEW wchar_t[wcslen(text)+1];
                fString1 = nil;

        virtual hsBool  Draw( plDynamicTextMap *textGen, UInt16 x, UInt16 y, UInt16 maxWidth, UInt16 maxHeight )
            hsColorRGBA textColor1;
            textColor1 = fTextColor1;
            hsColorRGBA textColor2;
            textColor2 = fTextColor2;

            textGen->SetJustify( (plDynamicTextMap::Justify)fJustify );
            if( fInheritAlpha == kInheritFromNormal )
                textColor1.a = fColors->fForeColor.a;
                textColor2.a = fColors->fForeColor.a;
            else if ( fInheritAlpha == kInheritFromSelect )
                textColor1.a = fColors->fSelForeColor.a;
                textColor2.a = fColors->fSelForeColor.a;
            else if ( fInheritAlpha == kSelectDetermined )
                if ( fSelected )
                    textColor1.a = fColors->fSelForeColor.a;
                    textColor2.a = fColors->fSelForeColor.a;
                    textColor1.a = fColors->fForeColor.a;
                    textColor2.a = fColors->fForeColor.a;
            else if ( fInheritAlpha == kSelectUseGUIColor)
                if ( fSelected )
                    textColor1.r = fColors->fSelForeColor.r;
                    textColor2.r = fColors->fSelForeColor.r;
                    textColor1.g = fColors->fSelForeColor.g;
                    textColor2.g = fColors->fSelForeColor.g;
                    textColor1.b = fColors->fSelForeColor.b;
                    textColor2.b = fColors->fSelForeColor.b;
                    textColor1.a = fColors->fSelForeColor.a;
                    textColor2.a = fColors->fSelForeColor.a;
                    textColor1.a = fColors->fForeColor.a;
                    textColor2.a = fColors->fForeColor.a;

            // draw the first string
            if (fString1)
                if ( fOverrideFontSize != -1 )
                    textGen->SetFont( fColors->fFontFace, (UInt16)fOverrideFontSize, fColors->fFontFlags );
                textGen->SetTextColor( textColor1, fColors->fTransparent && fColors->fBackColor.a == 0.f );
                textGen->DrawWrappedString( x + 2, y, fString1, maxWidth - 4, maxHeight );
                UInt16 width, height;
                x += 2 + width;
                if ( fString2 == nil )
                    y += height;
                if ( fOverrideFontSize != -1 )
                    textGen->SetFont( fColors->fFontFace, fColors->fFontSize, fColors->fFontFlags );

            // draw the second string
            if ( fString2 )
                textGen->SetTextColor( textColor2, fColors->fTransparent && fColors->fBackColor.a == 0.f );
                textGen->DrawWrappedString( x + 2, y, fString2, maxWidth - 4 - x, maxHeight );

            return true;

        virtual void    GetSize( plDynamicTextMap *textGen, UInt16 *width, UInt16 *height )
            hsBool wemade_string = false;
            wchar_t* thestring;
            if ( fString1 && fString2 )
                size_t length = wcslen( fString1 ) + wcslen( fString2 ) + 3;
                thestring = TRACKED_NEW wchar_t[ length ];
                swprintf( thestring, length, L"%s %s", fString1, fString2 );
                wemade_string = true;
            else if (fString1)
                thestring = fString1;
            else if (fString2)
                thestring = fString2;
                thestring = nil;
            *width = textGen->GetVisibleWidth() - 4;

            if ( fOverrideFontSize != -1 )
                textGen->SetFont( fColors->fFontFace, (UInt16)fOverrideFontSize, fColors->fFontFlags );
            textGen->CalcWrappedStringSize( thestring, width, height );
            if ( fOverrideFontSize != -1 )
                textGen->SetFont( fColors->fFontFace, fColors->fFontSize, fColors->fFontFlags );

            if( height != nil )
                *height += 0;
            *width += 4;
            // clean up thestring if we made it
            if ( wemade_string )
                delete [] thestring;

        virtual int     CompareTo( pfGUIListElement *rightSide )
            return -2;


class pfListTextInBox : public pfGUIListText
        UInt32              fMinWidth;
        UInt32              fMinHeight;

        pfListTextInBox::pfListTextInBox( const char *text, UInt32 min_width=0, UInt32 min_height=0 ) : pfGUIListText( text )
            fMinWidth = min_width;
            fMinHeight = min_height;
            fJustify = pfGUIListText::kCenter;

        pfListTextInBox::pfListTextInBox( const wchar_t *text, UInt32 min_width=0, UInt32 min_height=0 ) : pfGUIListText( text )
            fMinWidth = min_width;
            fMinHeight = min_height;
            fJustify = pfGUIListText::kCenter;

        virtual void    GetSize( plDynamicTextMap *textGen, UInt16 *width, UInt16 *height )
            *width = textGen->CalcStringWidth( GetText(), height );
            if ( *width < fMinWidth )
                *width = (UInt16)fMinWidth;
            if( height != nil )
                if( *height == 0 )
                    *height = 10;       // Never allow zero height elements
                    *height += 0;       // Add one pixel on each side for padding (or not, 3.21.02 mcn)
                if ( *height < fMinHeight )
                    *height = (UInt16)fMinHeight;

class pfListPictureInBox : public pfGUIListPicture
        UInt32              fSrcX;
        UInt32              fSrcY;
        UInt32              fSrcWidth;
        UInt32              fSrcHeight;

        pfListPictureInBox::pfListPictureInBox( plKey mipKey, UInt32 x, UInt32 y, UInt32 width, UInt32 height, hsBool respectAlpha ) : pfGUIListPicture( mipKey,respectAlpha )
            fSrcX = x;
            fSrcY = y;
            fSrcWidth = width;
            fSrcHeight = height;

        virtual hsBool Draw( plDynamicTextMap *textGen, UInt16 x, UInt16 y, UInt16 maxWidth, UInt16 maxHeight )
            plMipmap *mip = plMipmap::ConvertNoRef( fMipmapKey->ObjectIsLoaded() );
            if( mip != nil )
                if( fSrcWidth + fBorderSize + fBorderSize > maxWidth || fSrcHeight + fBorderSize + fBorderSize > maxHeight )
                    return false;

                if( fSelected )
                    textGen->FillRect( x, y, (UInt16)fSrcWidth, (UInt16)fSrcHeight, fColors->fSelForeColor );
// hack!!!! This is to get the non-selected items to show up....
//  ... they need some kinda background to alpha to <whatever>
                    if ( fRespectAlpha )
                        hsColorRGBA backcolor = fColors->fBackColor;
                        backcolor.a = 1.0;
                        textGen->FillRect( x, y, (UInt16)fSrcWidth, (UInt16)fSrcHeight, backcolor );
// end of hack

                textGen->DrawClippedImage( x + fBorderSize, y + fBorderSize, mip, (UInt16)fSrcX, (UInt16)fSrcY, (UInt16)fSrcWidth, (UInt16)fSrcHeight, 
                                            fRespectAlpha ? plDynamicTextMap::kImgBlend : plDynamicTextMap::kImgNoAlpha );

            return true;

        virtual void GetSize( plDynamicTextMap *textGen, UInt16 *width, UInt16 *height )
            plMipmap *mip = plMipmap::ConvertNoRef( fMipmapKey->ObjectIsLoaded() );
            if( mip == nil )
                *width = 16;
                if( height != nil )
                    *height = 16;
                *width = (UInt16)(fSrcWidth + fBorderSize + fBorderSize);
                if( height != nil )
                    *height = (UInt16)(fSrcHeight + fBorderSize + fBorderSize);

class pfListPictureInBoxWithSwatches : public pfListPictureInBox
        hsColorRGBA             fPColor, fSColor;


        static UInt16   fSwatchSize, fSwatchOffset;

        pfListPictureInBoxWithSwatches::pfListPictureInBoxWithSwatches( plKey mipKey, UInt32 x, UInt32 y, 
                                                                            UInt32 width, UInt32 height, 
                                                                            hsBool respectAlpha,
                                                                            const hsColorRGBA &primaryColor, const hsColorRGBA &secondaryColor )
                                            : pfListPictureInBox( mipKey, x, y, width, height, respectAlpha )
            fPColor = primaryColor;
            fSColor = secondaryColor;

        virtual hsBool Draw( plDynamicTextMap *textGen, UInt16 x, UInt16 y, UInt16 maxWidth, UInt16 maxHeight )
            if( !pfListPictureInBox::Draw( textGen, x, y, maxWidth, maxHeight ) )
                return false;

            // Draw two color swatches
            if( maxWidth > fSwatchSize * 2 + 1 + fSwatchOffset )
                // Secondary on right
                x = x + maxWidth - fSwatchOffset - fSwatchSize;
                y = y + maxHeight - fSwatchOffset - fSwatchSize;
                textGen->FillRect( x, y, fSwatchSize, fSwatchSize, fSColor );

                // Primary before it
                x -= fSwatchSize + 1;
                textGen->FillRect( x, y, fSwatchSize, fSwatchSize, fPColor );
            return true;
UInt16  pfListPictureInBoxWithSwatches::fSwatchSize = 16;
UInt16  pfListPictureInBoxWithSwatches::fSwatchOffset = 5;

pyGUIControlListBox::pyGUIControlListBox(pyKey& gckey) : pyGUIControl(gckey)

pyGUIControlListBox::pyGUIControlListBox(plKey objkey) : pyGUIControl(objkey)

hsBool pyGUIControlListBox::IsGUIControlListBox(pyKey& gckey)
    if ( gckey.getKey() && pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(gckey.getKey()->ObjectIsLoaded()) )
        return true;
    return false;

Int32 pyGUIControlListBox::GetSelection( void )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            return plbmod->GetSelection();
    return -1;

void pyGUIControlListBox::SetSelection( Int32 item )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )

void pyGUIControlListBox::Refresh( void )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )

void pyGUIControlListBox::RemoveElement( UInt16 index )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )

void pyGUIControlListBox::ClearAllElements( void )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )

UInt16 pyGUIControlListBox::GetNumElements( void )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            return plbmod->GetNumElements();
    return 0;

void pyGUIControlListBox::SetElement( UInt16 idx, const char* text )
    wchar_t *wText = hsStringToWString(text);
    delete [] wText;

void pyGUIControlListBox::SetElementW( UInt16 idx, std::wstring text )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            pfGUIListElement* le = plbmod->GetElement(idx);
            if ( le )
                if ( le->GetType() == pfGUIListElement::kText )
                    // if its a text element type then it should be safe to cast it to a pfGUIListText
                    pfGUIListText* letext = (pfGUIListText*)le;

void pyGUIControlListBox::SetStringJustify( UInt16 idx, UInt32 justify)
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            pfGUIListElement* le = plbmod->GetElement(idx);
            if ( le )
                if ( le->GetType() == pfGUIListElement::kText )
                    // if its a text element type then it should be safe to cast it to a pfGUIListText
                    pfGUIListText* letext = (pfGUIListText*)le;
                    letext->SetJustify( (pfGUIListText::JustifyTypes)justify );

std::string pyGUIControlListBox::GetElement( UInt16 idx )
    std::wstring wRetVal = GetElementW(idx);
    char *temp = hsWStringToString(wRetVal.c_str());
    std::string retVal = temp;
    delete [] temp;
    return retVal;

std::wstring pyGUIControlListBox::GetElementW( UInt16 idx )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            pfGUIListElement* le = plbmod->GetElement(idx);
            if ( le )
                if ( le->GetType() == pfGUIListElement::kText )
                    // if its a text element type then it should be safe to cast it to a pfGUIListText
                    pfGUIListText* letext = (pfGUIListText*)le;
                    return letext->GetText();
                else if ( le->GetType() == pfGUIListElement::kTreeRoot )
                    pfGUIListTreeRoot* elroot = (pfGUIListTreeRoot*)le;
                    return elroot->GetTitle();
    return L"";

Int16 pyGUIControlListBox::AddString( const char *string )
    wchar_t *wString = hsStringToWString(string);
    Int16 retVal = AddStringW(wString);
    delete [] wString;
    return retVal;

Int16 pyGUIControlListBox::AddStringW( std::wstring string )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            pfGUIListText *element = TRACKED_NEW pfGUIListText( string.c_str() );
            if( fBuildRoots.GetCount() > 0 )
                fBuildRoots[ fBuildRoots.GetCount() - 1 ]->AddChild( element );
            return plbmod->AddElement( element );
    return -1;

Int16   pyGUIControlListBox::AddImage( pyImage& image, hsBool respectAlpha )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            pfGUIListPicture *element = TRACKED_NEW pfGUIListPicture(image.GetKey(),respectAlpha);
            if( fBuildRoots.GetCount() > 0 )
                fBuildRoots[ fBuildRoots.GetCount() - 1 ]->AddChild( element );
            return plbmod->AddElement( element );
    return -1;

Int16 pyGUIControlListBox::FindString( const char *toCompareTo )
    wchar_t *wToCompareTo = hsStringToWString(toCompareTo);
    Int16 retVal = FindStringW(wToCompareTo);
    delete [] wToCompareTo;
    return retVal;

Int16 pyGUIControlListBox::FindStringW( std::wstring toCompareTo )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            return plbmod->FindString(toCompareTo.c_str());
    return -1;

Int16 pyGUIControlListBox::AddTextWColor( const char *str, pyColor& textcolor, UInt32 inheritalpha)
    wchar_t *wStr = hsStringToWString(str);
    Int16 retVal = AddTextWColorW(wStr,textcolor,inheritalpha);
    delete [] wStr;
    return retVal;

Int16 pyGUIControlListBox::AddTextWColorW( std::wstring str, pyColor& textcolor, UInt32 inheritalpha)
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            pfColorListElement *element = TRACKED_NEW pfColorListElement( str.c_str(), textcolor.getColor(),nil,hsColorRGBA(),inheritalpha );
            if( fBuildRoots.GetCount() > 0 )
                fBuildRoots[ fBuildRoots.GetCount() - 1 ]->AddChild( element );
            return plbmod->AddElement( element );
    return -1;

Int16 pyGUIControlListBox::AddTextWColorWSize( const char *str, pyColor& textcolor, UInt32 inheritalpha, Int32 fontsize)
    wchar_t *wStr = hsStringToWString(str);
    Int16 retVal = AddTextWColorWSizeW(wStr,textcolor,inheritalpha,fontsize);
    delete [] wStr;
    return retVal;

Int16 pyGUIControlListBox::AddTextWColorWSizeW( std::wstring str, pyColor& textcolor, UInt32 inheritalpha, Int32 fontsize)
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            pfColorListElement *element = TRACKED_NEW pfColorListElement( str.c_str(), textcolor.getColor(),nil,hsColorRGBA(),inheritalpha, fontsize );
            if( fBuildRoots.GetCount() > 0 )
                fBuildRoots[ fBuildRoots.GetCount() - 1 ]->AddChild( element );
            return plbmod->AddElement( element );
    return -1;

void pyGUIControlListBox::Add2TextWColor( const char *str1, pyColor& textcolor1,const char *str2, pyColor& textcolor2, UInt32 inheritalpha)
    wchar_t *wStr1 = hsStringToWString(str1);
    wchar_t *wStr2 = hsStringToWString(str2);
    delete [] wStr2;
    delete [] wStr1;

void pyGUIControlListBox::Add2TextWColorW( std::wstring str1, pyColor& textcolor1, std::wstring str2, pyColor& textcolor2, UInt32 inheritalpha)
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            pfColorListElement *element = TRACKED_NEW pfColorListElement(str1.c_str(),textcolor1.getColor(),str2.c_str(),textcolor2.getColor(),inheritalpha );
            if( fBuildRoots.GetCount() > 0 )
                fBuildRoots[ fBuildRoots.GetCount() - 1 ]->AddChild( element );
            plbmod->AddElement( element );

Int16 pyGUIControlListBox::AddStringInBox( const char *string, UInt32 min_width, UInt32 min_height )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            pfListTextInBox *element = TRACKED_NEW pfListTextInBox( string, min_width, min_height );
            if( fBuildRoots.GetCount() > 0 )
                fBuildRoots[ fBuildRoots.GetCount() - 1 ]->AddChild( element );
            return plbmod->AddElement( element );
    return -1;

Int16 pyGUIControlListBox::AddStringInBoxW( std::wstring string, UInt32 min_width, UInt32 min_height )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            pfListTextInBox *element = TRACKED_NEW pfListTextInBox( string.c_str(), min_width, min_height );
            if( fBuildRoots.GetCount() > 0 )
                fBuildRoots[ fBuildRoots.GetCount() - 1 ]->AddChild( element );
            return plbmod->AddElement( element );
    return -1;

Int16   pyGUIControlListBox::AddImageInBox( pyImage& image, UInt32 x, UInt32 y, UInt32 width, UInt32 height, hsBool respectAlpha )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            pfListPictureInBox *element = TRACKED_NEW pfListPictureInBox(image.GetKey(),x,y,width,height,respectAlpha);
            if( fBuildRoots.GetCount() > 0 )
                fBuildRoots[ fBuildRoots.GetCount() - 1 ]->AddChild( element );
            return plbmod->AddElement( element );
    return -1;

Int16   pyGUIControlListBox::AddImageAndSwatchesInBox( pyImage& image, UInt32 x, UInt32 y, UInt32 width, UInt32 height, hsBool respectAlpha,
                                                        pyColor &primary, pyColor &secondary )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            pfListPictureInBoxWithSwatches *element = TRACKED_NEW pfListPictureInBoxWithSwatches( image.GetKey(),x,y,
                                                                                        primary.getColor(), secondary.getColor() );
            if( fBuildRoots.GetCount() > 0 )
                fBuildRoots[ fBuildRoots.GetCount() - 1 ]->AddChild( element );
            return plbmod->AddElement( element );
    return -1;

void    pyGUIControlListBox::SetSwatchSize( UInt32 size )
    pfListPictureInBoxWithSwatches::fSwatchSize = (UInt16)size;

void    pyGUIControlListBox::SetSwatchEdgeOffset( UInt32 set )
    pfListPictureInBoxWithSwatches::fSwatchOffset = (UInt16)set;

void pyGUIControlListBox::ScrollToBegin( void )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )

void pyGUIControlListBox::ScrollToEnd( void )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )

void pyGUIControlListBox::SetScrollPos( Int32 pos )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )

Int32 pyGUIControlListBox::GetScrollPos( void )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            return plbmod->GetScrollPos();
    return 0;

Int32 pyGUIControlListBox::GetScrollRange( void )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            return plbmod->GetScrollRange();
    return 0;

void pyGUIControlListBox::LockList( void )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )

void pyGUIControlListBox::UnlockList( void )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )

void pyGUIControlListBox::Clickable( void )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )

void pyGUIControlListBox::Unclickable( void )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )

void    pyGUIControlListBox::AddBranch( const char *name, hsBool initiallyOpen )
    wchar_t *wName = hsStringToWString(name);
    delete [] wName;

void    pyGUIControlListBox::AddBranchW( std::wstring name, hsBool initiallyOpen )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            pfGUIListTreeRoot *root = TRACKED_NEW pfGUIListTreeRoot( name.c_str() );
            root->ShowChildren( initiallyOpen );
            if( fBuildRoots.GetCount() > 0 )
                fBuildRoots[ fBuildRoots.GetCount() - 1 ]->AddChild( root );

            fBuildRoots.Append( root );
            plbmod->AddElement( root );

void    pyGUIControlListBox::CloseBranch( void )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            if( fBuildRoots.GetCount() > 0 )
                fBuildRoots.Remove( fBuildRoots.GetCount() - 1 );

void    pyGUIControlListBox::RemoveSelection( Int32 item )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )

void    pyGUIControlListBox::AddSelection( Int32 item )
    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )

PyObject*   pyGUIControlListBox::GetSelectionList()
    // create the list
    PyObject* pySL = PyList_New(0);

    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            int numItems = plbmod->GetNumElements();
            UInt16 i;
            for ( i=0; i<numItems; i++ )
                pfGUIListElement* element = plbmod->GetElement(i);
                if ( element->IsSelected() )
                    PyObject* element = PyInt_FromLong(i);
                    PyList_Append(pySL, element);
    return pySL;

PyObject*   pyGUIControlListBox::GetBranchList()
    // create the list
    PyObject* pySL = PyList_New(0);

    if ( fGCkey )
        // get the pointer to the modifier
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if ( plbmod )
            int numItems = plbmod->GetNumElements();
            UInt16 i;
            for ( i=0; i<numItems; i++ )
                pfGUIListElement* element = plbmod->GetElement(i);
                if ( element )
                    if ( element->GetType() == pfGUIListElement::kTreeRoot )
                        pfGUIListTreeRoot* elroot = (pfGUIListTreeRoot*)element;
                        UInt16 showing = elroot->IsShowingChildren();
                        PyObject* element = PyTuple_New(2);
                        PyTuple_SetItem(element, 0, PyInt_FromLong(i));
                        PyTuple_SetItem(element, 1, PyInt_FromLong(showing));
                        PyList_Append(pySL, element);
    return pySL;

void pyGUIControlListBox::AllowNoSelect()
    if (fGCkey)
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if (plbmod)

void pyGUIControlListBox::DisallowNoSelect()
    if (fGCkey)
        pfGUIListBoxMod* plbmod = pfGUIListBoxMod::ConvertNoRef(fGCkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
        if (plbmod)