/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // plStatusLog Functions // // // //// History ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // 10.02.2001 mcn - Created // // 10.16.2001 mcn - Added static versions of AddLine() so you don't need // // to explicitly create a log // // 10.17.2001 mcn - Added support for carriage returns in printed lines // // 10.24.2002 eap - Added kDebugOutput flag for writing to debug window // // 10.25.2002 eap - Updated to work under unix // // 12.13.2002 eap - Added kStdout flag // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include "hsThread.h" #include "hsTemplates.h" #include "hsTimer.h" #include "hsStlUtils.h" #include "plFile/plFileUtils.h" #include "plStatusLog.h" #include "plPipeline.h" #include "plPipeline/plDebugText.h" #include "hsStlUtils.h" #include "plFile/hsFiles.h" #include "plUnifiedTime/plUnifiedTime.h" #include "pnNetCommon/plNetApp.h" #include "pnUtils/pnUtils.h" #include "pnProduct/pnProduct.h" #include "plEncryptLogLine.h" #if HS_BUILD_FOR_UNIX #include #define MAX_PATH PATH_MAX #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// plStatusLogMgr Stuff //////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// wchar plStatusLogMgr::fBasePath[ MAX_PATH ] = L""; //// Constructor & Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////// plStatusLogMgr::plStatusLogMgr() { fDisplays = nil; fCurrDisplay = nil; fDrawer = nil; fLastLogChangeTime = 0; PathGetLogDirectory(fBasePath, arrsize(fBasePath)); } plStatusLogMgr::~plStatusLogMgr() { // Unlink all the displays, but don't delete them; leave that to whomever owns them while( fDisplays != nil ) { plStatusLog *log = fDisplays; fDisplays->IUnlink(); if( log->fFlags & plStatusLog::kDeleteForMe ) DEL(log); } } plStatusLogMgr &plStatusLogMgr::GetInstance( void ) { static plStatusLogMgr theManager; return theManager; } //// IEnsurePathExists /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plStatusLogMgr::IEnsurePathExists( const wchar *dirName ) { // Note: this creates the directory if it doesn't exist, or if it does, // returns false plFileUtils::CreateDir( dirName ); } //// IPathAppend ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plStatusLogMgr::IPathAppend( wchar *base, const wchar *extra, unsigned maxLen ) { if (!base || !extra) return; unsigned baseLen = wcslen(base); unsigned extraLen = wcslen(extra); bool needsSeparator = false; if (baseLen >= 1) needsSeparator = (base[baseLen - 1] != WPATH_SEPARATOR); if (needsSeparator) { if ((baseLen + 1 + 1) >= maxLen) return; // abort, buffer isn't big enough base[baseLen] = WPATH_SEPARATOR; ++baseLen; base[baseLen] = '\0'; } // concat the strings, making sure not to overrun the buffer unsigned curExtraPos = 0; for (unsigned curBasePos = baseLen; curBasePos < maxLen; ++curBasePos) { base[curBasePos] = extra[curExtraPos]; if (extra[curExtraPos] == '\0') break; // done ++curExtraPos; } // ensure we are null-terminated base[maxLen - 1] = '\0'; } //// Draw //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plStatusLogMgr::Draw( void ) { /// Just draw current plStatusLog if( fCurrDisplay != nil && fDrawer != nil ) { plStatusLog* firstLog = nil; if (hsTimer::GetSysSeconds() - fLastLogChangeTime < 1) firstLog = fDisplays; fDrawer->Draw(fCurrDisplay, firstLog); } } //// CreateStatusLog ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// plStatusLog *plStatusLogMgr::CreateStatusLog( UInt8 numDisplayLines, const char *filename, UInt32 flags ) { wchar* wFilename = hsStringToWString(filename); plStatusLog* ret = CreateStatusLog(numDisplayLines, wFilename, flags); delete [] wFilename; return ret; } plStatusLog *plStatusLogMgr::CreateStatusLog( UInt8 numDisplayLines, const wchar *filename, UInt32 flags ) { IEnsurePathExists( fBasePath ); plStatusLog *log = NEW(plStatusLog)( numDisplayLines, filename, flags ); // Put the new log in its alphabetical position plStatusLog** nextLog = &fDisplays; while (*nextLog) { if (wcsicmp(filename, (*nextLog)->GetFileNameW()) <= 0) break; nextLog = &(*nextLog)->fNext; } log->ILink(nextLog); log->fDisplayPointer = &fCurrDisplay; return log; } //// ToggleStatusLog ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plStatusLogMgr::ToggleStatusLog( plStatusLog *logToDisplay ) { if( fCurrDisplay == logToDisplay ) fCurrDisplay = nil; else fCurrDisplay = logToDisplay; fLastLogChangeTime = hsTimer::GetSysSeconds(); } //// SetCurrStatusLog //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plStatusLogMgr::SetCurrStatusLog(const char* logName) { wchar* wLogName = hsStringToWString(logName); SetCurrStatusLog(wLogName); delete [] wLogName; } void plStatusLogMgr::SetCurrStatusLog(const wchar* logName) { plStatusLog* log = FindLog(logName, false); if (log != nil) fCurrDisplay = log; } //// NextStatusLog /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plStatusLogMgr::NextStatusLog( void ) { if( fCurrDisplay == nil ) fCurrDisplay = fDisplays; else fCurrDisplay = fCurrDisplay->fNext; fLastLogChangeTime = hsTimer::GetSysSeconds(); } void plStatusLogMgr::PrevStatusLog( void ) { if( fCurrDisplay == nil ) { fCurrDisplay = fDisplays; while (fCurrDisplay && fCurrDisplay->fNext) fCurrDisplay = fCurrDisplay->fNext; } else { plStatusLog* lastLog = fDisplays; while (lastLog && lastLog->fNext != fCurrDisplay) lastLog = lastLog->fNext; fCurrDisplay = lastLog; } fLastLogChangeTime = hsTimer::GetSysSeconds(); } //// FindLog //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// plStatusLog *plStatusLogMgr::FindLog( const char *filename, hsBool createIfNotFound ) { wchar* wFilename = hsStringToWString(filename); plStatusLog* ret = FindLog(wFilename, createIfNotFound); delete [] wFilename; return ret; } plStatusLog *plStatusLogMgr::FindLog( const wchar *filename, hsBool createIfNotFound ) { plStatusLog *log = fDisplays; while( log != nil ) { if( wcsicmp( log->GetFileNameW(), filename ) == 0 ) return log; log = log->fNext; } if( !createIfNotFound ) return nil; // Didn't find one, so create one! (make it a nice default one :) log = CreateStatusLog( kDefaultNumLines, filename, plStatusLog::kFilledBackground | plStatusLog::kDeleteForMe ); return log; } //// SetBasePath //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plStatusLogMgr::SetBasePath( const char * path ) { wchar* wPath = hsStringToWString(path); SetBasePath(wPath); delete [] wPath; } void plStatusLogMgr::SetBasePath( const wchar * path ) { wcscpy( fBasePath, path ); } //// BounceLogs /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plStatusLogMgr::BounceLogs() { plStatusLog *log = fDisplays; while( log != nil ) { plStatusLog * tmp = log; log = log->fNext; tmp->Bounce(); } } //// DumpLogs //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool plStatusLogMgr::DumpLogs( const char *newFolderName ) { wchar* wFolderName = hsStringToWString(newFolderName); bool ret = DumpLogs(wFolderName); delete [] wFolderName; return ret; } bool plStatusLogMgr::DumpLogs( const wchar *newFolderName ) { bool retVal = true; // assume success // create root path and make sure it exists wchar temp[MAX_PATH]; std::wstring newPath = L""; if (fBasePath) { wcsncpy(temp, fBasePath, MAX_PATH); IPathAppend(temp, newFolderName, MAX_PATH); newPath = temp; } else newPath = newFolderName; IEnsurePathExists(newPath.c_str()); hsWFolderIterator folderIterator; if (fBasePath) folderIterator.SetPath(fBasePath); else folderIterator.SetPath(L"."); while (folderIterator.NextFile()) { if (folderIterator.IsDirectory()) continue; std::wstring baseFilename = folderIterator.GetFileName(); std::wstring source; if (fBasePath) { wcsncpy(temp, fBasePath, MAX_PATH); IPathAppend(temp, baseFilename.c_str(), MAX_PATH); source = temp; } else source = baseFilename; std::wstring destination; wcsncpy(temp, newPath.c_str(), MAX_PATH); IPathAppend(temp, baseFilename.c_str(), MAX_PATH); destination = temp; bool succeeded = (CopyFileW(source.c_str(), destination.c_str(), FALSE) != 0); retVal = retVal && succeeded; } return retVal; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// plStatusLog //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UInt32 plStatusLog::fLoggingOff = false; plStatusLog::plStatusLog( UInt8 numDisplayLines, const wchar *filename, UInt32 flags ) { fFileHandle = nil; fSize = 0; fForceLog = false; fMaxNumLines = numDisplayLines; if( filename != nil ) { fFilename = filename; char* temp = hsWStringToString(filename); fCFilename = temp; delete [] temp; } else { fFilename = L""; fCFilename = ""; flags |= kDontWriteFile; } fOrigFlags = fFlags = flags; IInit(); } plStatusLog::~plStatusLog() { IFini(); } void plStatusLog::IInit() { int i; fFlags = fOrigFlags; fLines = TRACKED_NEW char *[ fMaxNumLines ]; fColors = TRACKED_NEW UInt32[ fMaxNumLines ]; for( i = 0; i < fMaxNumLines; i++ ) { fLines[ i ] = nil; fColors[ i ] = kWhite; } fNext = nil; fBack = nil; } bool plStatusLog::IReOpen( void ) { if( fFileHandle != nil ) { fclose( fFileHandle ); fFileHandle = nil; } // Open the file, clearing it, if necessary if(!(fFlags & kDontWriteFile)) { wchar file[ MAX_PATH ]; wchar fileNoExt[MAX_PATH]; wchar* ext=nil; IParseFileName(file, MAX_PATH, fileNoExt, &ext); fEncryptMe = false; #ifdef PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE fEncryptMe = ( wcsicmp( fFilename.c_str(), L"chat.log" ) != 0 ) ? true : false; if( fEncryptMe ) ext = L".elf"; #endif wchar fileToOpen[MAX_PATH]; swprintf(fileToOpen, MAX_PATH, L"%s.0%s", fileNoExt, ext); if (!(fFlags & kDontRotateLogs)) { wchar work[MAX_PATH], work2[MAX_PATH]; swprintf(work, MAX_PATH, L"%s.3%s",fileNoExt,ext); _wremove(work); swprintf(work2, MAX_PATH, L"%s.2%s",fileNoExt,ext); _wrename(work2, work); swprintf(work, MAX_PATH, L"%s.1%s",fileNoExt,ext); _wrename(work, work2); _wrename(fileToOpen, work); } if (fFlags & kAppendToLast) { fFileHandle = _wfopen( fileToOpen, fEncryptMe ? L"ab" : L"at" ); } else { fFileHandle = _wfopen( fileToOpen, fEncryptMe ? L"wb" : L"wt" ); // if we need to reopen lets just append fFlags |= kAppendToLast; } } if (fFileHandle) fSize = ftell( fFileHandle ); else fSize = 0; return fFileHandle != nil; } void plStatusLog::IFini( void ) { int i; if( fFileHandle != nil ) { fclose( fFileHandle ); fFileHandle = nil; } if( *fDisplayPointer == this ) *fDisplayPointer = nil; if( fBack != nil || fNext != nil ) IUnlink(); for( i = 0; i < fMaxNumLines; i++ ) delete [] fLines[ i ]; delete [] fLines; delete [] fColors; } void plStatusLog::IParseFileName(wchar* file, size_t fnsize, wchar* fileNoExt, wchar** ext) const { const wchar *base = plStatusLogMgr::IGetBasePath(); if( wcslen( base ) != nil ) swprintf( file, fnsize, L"%s%s%s", base, WPATH_SEPARATOR_STR, fFilename.c_str() ); else wcscpy( file, fFilename.c_str() ); plFileUtils::EnsureFilePathExists( file ); // apache-style file backup *ext = wcsrchr(file, L'.'); if (*ext) { int fileLen = *ext - file; wcsncpy(fileNoExt, file, fileLen); fileNoExt[fileLen] = L'\0'; } else { wcscpy(fileNoExt, file); *ext = L""; } } //// IUnlink ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plStatusLog::IUnlink( void ) { hsAssert( fBack, "plStatusLog not in list" ); if( fNext ) fNext->fBack = fBack; *fBack = fNext; fBack = nil; fNext = nil; } //// ILink /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plStatusLog::ILink( plStatusLog **back ) { hsAssert( fNext == nil && fBack == nil, "Trying to link a plStatusLog that's already linked" ); fNext = *back; if( *back ) (*back)->fBack = &fNext; fBack = back; *back = this; } //// IAddLine //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Actually add a stinking line. bool plStatusLog::IAddLine( const char *line, Int32 count, UInt32 color ) { int i; if(fLoggingOff && !fForceLog) return true; /// Scroll pointers up hsTempMutexLock lock( fMutex ); bool ret = true; if (fMaxNumLines > 0) { delete [] fLines[ 0 ]; for( i = 0; i < fMaxNumLines - 1; i++ ) { fLines[ i ] = fLines[ i + 1 ]; fColors[ i ] = fColors[ i + 1 ]; } } /// Add new if( line == nil || strlen( line ) == 0 ) { if (fMaxNumLines > 0) { fColors[ i ] = 0; fLines[ i ] = nil; } ret = IPrintLineToFile( "", 0 ); } else { if( count < 0 ) count = strlen( line ); if (fMaxNumLines > 0) { fLines[ i ] = TRACKED_NEW char[ count + 1 ]; hsStrncpy( fLines[ i ], line, count + 1 ); fLines[ i ][ count ] = 0; char *c = strchr( fLines[ i ], '\n' ); if( c != nil ) { *c = 0; count--; } fColors[ i ] = color; } ret = IPrintLineToFile( line, count ); } return ret; } //// AddLine ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool plStatusLog::AddLine( const char *line, UInt32 color ) { char *c, *str; if(fLoggingOff && !fForceLog) return true; bool ret = true; /// Scan for carriage returns and feed each section into IAddLine() for( str = (char *)line; ( c = strchr( str, '\n' ) ) != nil; str = c + 1 ) { // So if we got here, c points to a carriage return... ret = IAddLine( str, (UInt32)c - (UInt32)str, color ); } /// We might have some left over if( strlen( str ) > 0 ) { ret &= IAddLine( str, -1, color ); } return ret; } //// AddLine printf-style Variations ///////////////////////////////////////// bool plStatusLog::AddLineV( const char *format, va_list arguments ) { if(fLoggingOff && !fForceLog) return true; return AddLineV( kWhite, format, arguments ); } bool plStatusLog::AddLineV( UInt32 color, const char *format, va_list arguments ) { if(fLoggingOff && !fForceLog) return true; char buffer[2000]; vsprintf(buffer, format, arguments); return AddLine( buffer, color ); } bool plStatusLog::AddLineF( const char *format, ... ) { if(fLoggingOff && !fForceLog) return true; va_list arguments; va_start( arguments, format ); return AddLineV( kWhite, format, arguments ); } bool plStatusLog::AddLineF( UInt32 color, const char *format, ... ) { if(fLoggingOff && !fForceLog) return true; va_list arguments; va_start( arguments, format ); return AddLineV( color, format, arguments ); } //// AddLine Static Variations /////////////////////////////////////////////// bool plStatusLog::AddLineS( const char *filename, const char *format, ... ) { plStatusLog *log = plStatusLogMgr::GetInstance().FindLog( filename ); if(fLoggingOff && !log->fForceLog) return true; va_list arguments; va_start( arguments, format ); return log->AddLineV( format, arguments ); } bool plStatusLog::AddLineS( const char *filename, UInt32 color, const char *format, ... ) { plStatusLog *log = plStatusLogMgr::GetInstance().FindLog( filename ); if(fLoggingOff && !log->fForceLog) return true; va_list arguments; va_start( arguments, format ); return log->AddLineV( color, format, arguments ); } //// Clear /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plStatusLog::Clear( void ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < fMaxNumLines; i++ ) { delete [] fLines[ i ]; fLines[ i ] = nil; } } //// Bounce ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plStatusLog::Bounce( UInt32 flags) { if (flags) fOrigFlags=flags; Clear(); if( fFileHandle != nil ) { fclose( fFileHandle ); fFileHandle = nil; } AddLine( "--------- Bounced Log ---------" ); } //// IPrintLineToFile //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool plStatusLog::IPrintLineToFile( const char *line, UInt32 count ) { if( fFlags & kDontWriteFile ) return true; #ifdef PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE UInt8 hint = 0; if( fFlags & kAppendToLast ) { hint = (UInt8)fSize; } #endif if (!fFileHandle) IReOpen(); bool ret = ( fFileHandle!=nil ); if( fFileHandle != nil ) { char work[256]; char buf[2000]; buf[0] = 0; //build line to encrypt if( count != 0 ) { if ( fFlags & kTimestamp ) { StrPrintf(work, arrsize(work), "(%s) ", plUnifiedTime(kNow).Format("%m/%d %H:%M:%S").c_str()); StrPack(buf, work, arrsize(buf)); } if ( fFlags & kTimestampGMT ) { StrPrintf(work, arrsize(work), "(%s) ", plUnifiedTime::GetCurrentTime().Format("%m/%d %H:%M:%S UTC").c_str()); StrPack(buf, work, arrsize(buf)); } if ( fFlags & kTimeInSeconds ) { StrPrintf(work, arrsize(work), "(%lu) ", (unsigned long)plUnifiedTime(kNow).GetSecs()); StrPack(buf, work, arrsize(buf)); } if ( fFlags & kTimeAsDouble ) { StrPrintf(work, arrsize(work), "(%f) ", plUnifiedTime(kNow).GetSecsDouble()); StrPack(buf, work, arrsize(buf)); } if (fFlags & kRawTimeStamp) { StrPrintf(work, arrsize(work), "[t=%10u] ", hsTimer::GetSeconds()); StrPack(buf, work, arrsize(buf)); } if (fFlags & kThreadID) { StrPrintf(work, arrsize(work), "[t=%u] ", hsThread::GetMyThreadId()); StrPack(buf, work, arrsize(buf)); } // find the size of the buf plus the size of the line and only pack that much unsigned BufAndLine = StrLen(buf)+count+1; if ( BufAndLine > arrsize(buf) ) BufAndLine = arrsize(buf); StrPack(buf, line, BufAndLine ); if(!fEncryptMe ) { StrPack(buf, "\n", arrsize(buf)); } } unsigned length = StrLen(buf); #ifdef PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE // Print to a separate line, since we have to encrypt it if( fEncryptMe ) { // Encrypt! plStatusEncrypt::Encrypt( (UInt8 *)buf, hint ); // xor the line length, then write it out, then the line, no terminating character UInt16 encrySize = length ^ ((UInt16)fSize); // try the first write, if it fails reopen and try again int err; err = fputc( encrySize & 0xff, fFileHandle ); if (err == EOF && IReOpen()) { err = fputc( encrySize & 0xff, fFileHandle ); } if (err != EOF) { fSize++; // inc for the last putc err = fputc( encrySize >> 8, fFileHandle ); if (err != EOF) fSize++; // inc for the last putc err = fwrite( buf, 1, length, fFileHandle ); fSize += err; if (!(fFlags & kNonFlushedLog)) fflush(fFileHandle); } else { ret = false; } } else #endif { int err; err = fwrite(buf,1,length,fFileHandle); ret = ( ferror( fFileHandle )==0 ); if ( ret ) { fSize += err; if (!(fFlags & kNonFlushedLog)) fflush(fFileHandle); } } if ( fSize>=kMaxFileSize ) { plStatusLogMgr::GetInstance().BounceLogs(); } } if ( fFlags & kDebugOutput ) { #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 #ifndef PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE std::string str; xtl::format( str, "%.*s\n", count, line ); OutputDebugString( str.c_str() ); #endif #else fprintf( stderr, "%.*s\n", count, line ); #endif } if ( fFlags & kStdout ) { fprintf( stdout, "%.*s\n", count, line ); } return ret; }