/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "plClientGuid.h" #include "hsStream.h" #include <sstream> #include "plNetCommon.h" #include "pnMessage/plMessage.h" #include "plSockets/plNet.h" plClientGuid::plClientGuid() :fPlayerID(0) ,fCCRLevel(0) ,fFlags(0) ,fProtectedLogin(false) ,fBuildType(plNetCommon::BuildType::kUnknown) ,fSrcAddr(0) ,fSrcPort(0) ,fReserved(false) { fAccountUUID.Clear(); } void plClientGuid::SetAccountUUID(const plUUID * v ) { fAccountUUID.CopyFrom( v ); if ( !fAccountUUID.IsNull() ) fFlags|=kAccountUUID; else fFlags&=~kAccountUUID; } void plClientGuid::SetAccountUUID(const plUUID & v ) { SetAccountUUID( &v ); } void plClientGuid::SetBuildType(UInt8 type) { fBuildType=type; fFlags|=kBuildType; } void plClientGuid::SetPlayerID(UInt32 id) { fPlayerID=id; if ( fPlayerID ) { fFlags|=kPlayerID; fFlags&=~kTempPlayerID; } else fFlags&=~kPlayerID; } void plClientGuid::SetTempPlayerID(UInt32 id) { fPlayerID=id; if ( fPlayerID ) { fFlags&=~kPlayerID; fFlags|=kTempPlayerID; } else { fFlags&=~kTempPlayerID; } } void plClientGuid::SetPlayerName( const char * v ) { fPlayerName = v?v:""; if ( fPlayerName.size() ) fFlags|=kPlayerName; else fFlags&=~kPlayerName; } void plClientGuid::SetCCRLevel(UInt8 v) { fCCRLevel=v; fFlags|=kCCRLevel; } void plClientGuid::SetProtectedLogin(bool b) { fProtectedLogin=b; fFlags |= kProtectedLogin; } void plClientGuid::SetSrcAddr( UInt32 v ) { fSrcAddr = v; if ( fSrcAddr ) fFlags|=kSrcAddr; else fFlags&=~kSrcAddr; } void plClientGuid::SetSrcAddrFromStr( const char * s ) { hsAssert(false, "eric, port me"); } void plClientGuid::SetSrcPort( UInt16 v ) { fSrcPort = v; if ( fSrcPort ) fFlags|=kSrcPort; else fFlags&=~kSrcPort; } void plClientGuid::SetReserved(bool b) { fReserved=b; fFlags |= kReserved; } void plClientGuid::SetClientKey(const std::string& key) { fClientKey = key; if ( fClientKey.size() ) fFlags|=kClientKey; else fFlags&=~kClientKey; } const char * plClientGuid::GetSrcAddrStr() const { hsAssert(false, "eric, port me"); static const char foo[] = ""; return foo; } std::string plClientGuid::AsStdString() const { #define kComma "," #define kEmpty "" const char * spacer = kEmpty; std::stringstream ss; ss << "["; if (IsFlagSet(kPlayerID)) { ss << spacer << "Pid:" << fPlayerID; spacer = kComma; } else if (IsFlagSet(kTempPlayerID)) { ss << spacer << "tPd:" << fPlayerID; spacer = kComma; } if (IsFlagSet(kPlayerName)) { ss << spacer << "Plr:" << fPlayerName; } if (IsFlagSet(kCCRLevel)) { ss << spacer << "CCR:" << (int)fCCRLevel; spacer = kComma; } if (IsFlagSet(kProtectedLogin)) { ss << spacer << "Pro:" << (int)fProtectedLogin; spacer = kComma; } if (IsFlagSet(kBuildType)) { ss << spacer << "Bld:" << plNetCommon::BuildType::BuildTypeStr(fBuildType); spacer = kComma; } if ( IsFlagSet(kSrcAddr) ) { ss << spacer << "Addr:" << GetSrcAddrStr(); spacer = kComma; } if ( IsFlagSet(kSrcPort) ) { ss << spacer << "Port:" << (int)fSrcPort; spacer = kComma; } if (IsFlagSet(kAccountUUID)) { ss << spacer << "plUUID:" << fAccountUUID.AsStdString(); spacer = kComma; } if ( IsFlagSet(kReserved)) { ss << spacer << "Res:" << (int)fReserved; spacer = kComma; } if (IsFlagSet(kClientKey)) { ss << spacer << "ClientKey:" << fClientKey; spacer = kComma; } ss << "]"; return ss.str().c_str(); } std::string plClientGuid::AsLogString() const { #define kSemicolon ";" const char* spacer = kSemicolon; std::stringstream ss; if (IsFlagSet(kAccountUUID)) { ss << "AcctUUID=" << fAccountUUID.AsStdString(); ss << spacer; } if (IsFlagSet(kPlayerID)) { ss << "PlayerID=" << fPlayerID; ss << spacer; } // else if (IsFlagSet(kTempPlayerID)) // { // ss << "tempPlayerID:" << fPlayerID; // ss << spacer; // } if ( IsFlagSet(kSrcAddr) ) { ss << "SrcAddr=" << GetSrcAddrStr(); ss << spacer; } if ( IsFlagSet(kSrcPort) ) { ss << "SrcPort=" << (int)fSrcPort; ss << spacer; } if (IsFlagSet(kCCRLevel)) { ss << "CCRLevel=" << (int)fCCRLevel; ss << spacer; } if (IsFlagSet(kProtectedLogin)) { ss << "Protected=" << (int)fProtectedLogin; ss << spacer; } if (IsFlagSet(kBuildType)) { ss << "Build=" << plNetCommon::BuildType::BuildTypeStr(fBuildType); ss << spacer; } if (IsFlagSet(kReserved)) { ss << "Reserved=" << (int)fReserved; ss << spacer; } if (IsFlagSet(kClientKey)) { ss << "ClientKey=" << fClientKey; ss << spacer; } return ss.str().c_str(); } void plClientGuid::Read(hsStream * s, hsResMgr* mgr) { s->LogSubStreamStart("push me"); s->LogReadSwap(&fFlags,"Flags"); if (IsFlagSet(kAccountUUID)) { s->LogSubStreamPushDesc("AcctUUID"); fAccountUUID.Read( s ); } if (IsFlagSet(kPlayerID)) s->LogReadSwap(&fPlayerID,"PlayerID"); else if (IsFlagSet(kTempPlayerID)) s->LogReadSwap(&fPlayerID,"TempPlayerID"); if (IsFlagSet(kPlayerName)) { s->LogSubStreamPushDesc("PlayerName"); plMsgStdStringHelper::Peek( fPlayerName, s ); } if (IsFlagSet(kCCRLevel)) s->LogReadSwap(&fCCRLevel,"CCRLevel"); if (IsFlagSet(kProtectedLogin)) s->LogReadSwap(&fProtectedLogin,"ProtectedLogin"); if (IsFlagSet(kBuildType)) s->LogReadSwap(&fBuildType,"BuildType"); if (IsFlagSet(kSrcAddr)) s->LogReadSwap(&fSrcAddr,"SrcAddr"); if (IsFlagSet(kSrcPort)) s->LogReadSwap(&fSrcPort,"SrcPort"); if (IsFlagSet(kReserved)) s->LogReadSwap(&fReserved,"Reserved"); if (IsFlagSet(kClientKey)) { s->LogSubStreamPushDesc("ClientKey"); plMsgStdStringHelper::Peek( fClientKey, s ); } s->LogSubStreamEnd(); } void plClientGuid::Write(hsStream * s, hsResMgr* mgr) { s->WriteSwap(fFlags); if (IsFlagSet(kAccountUUID)) fAccountUUID.Write( s ); if (IsFlagSet(kPlayerID)) s->WriteSwap(fPlayerID); else if (IsFlagSet(kTempPlayerID)) s->WriteSwap(fPlayerID); if (IsFlagSet(kPlayerName)) plMsgStdStringHelper::Poke( fPlayerName, s ); if (IsFlagSet(kCCRLevel)) s->WriteSwap(fCCRLevel); if (IsFlagSet(kProtectedLogin)) s->WriteSwap(fProtectedLogin); if (IsFlagSet(kBuildType)) s->WriteSwap(fBuildType); if (IsFlagSet(kSrcAddr)) s->WriteSwap(fSrcAddr); if (IsFlagSet(kSrcPort)) s->WriteSwap(fSrcPort); if (IsFlagSet(kReserved)) s->WriteSwap(fReserved); if (IsFlagSet(kClientKey)) plMsgStdStringHelper::Poke( fClientKey, s ); } void plClientGuid::CopyFrom(const plClientGuid * other) { fFlags = other->fFlags; fAccountUUID.CopyFrom( &other->fAccountUUID ); fPlayerID = other->fPlayerID; fPlayerName = other->fPlayerName; fCCRLevel = other->fCCRLevel; fProtectedLogin = other->fProtectedLogin; fBuildType = other->fBuildType; fSrcAddr = other->fSrcAddr; fSrcPort = other->fSrcPort; fReserved = other->fReserved; fClientKey = other->fClientKey; } void plClientGuid::UpdateFrom(const plClientGuid * other) { if ( !HasAccountUUID() && other->HasAccountUUID() ) SetAccountUUID( other->GetAccountUUID() ); if ( !HasPlayerID() && other->HasPlayerID() ) SetPlayerID( other->GetPlayerID() ); if ( !HasPlayerName() && other->HasPlayerName() ) SetPlayerName( other->GetPlayerName() ); if ( !HasProtectedLogin() && other->HasProtectedLogin() ) SetProtectedLogin( other->GetProtectedLogin() ); if ( !HasCCRLevel() && other->HasCCRLevel() ) SetCCRLevel( other->GetCCRLevel() ); if ( !HasBuildType() && other->HasBuildType() ) SetBuildType( other->GetBuildType() ); if ( !HasSrcAddr() && other->HasSrcAddr() ) SetSrcAddr( other->GetSrcAddr() ); if ( !HasSrcPort() && other->HasSrcPort() ) SetSrcPort( other->GetSrcPort() ); if ( !HasReservedBit() && other->HasReservedBit() ) SetReserved( other->IsReserved() ); if ( !HasClientKey() && other->HasClientKey() ) SetClientKey( other->GetClientKey() ); } void plClientGuid::Clear() { plClientGuid tmp; CopyFrom( &tmp ); } bool plClientGuid::IsEqualTo(const plClientGuid * other) const { return fFlags == other->fFlags && fAccountUUID.IsEqualTo( &other->fAccountUUID ) && fPlayerID == other->fPlayerID && fPlayerName == other->fPlayerName && fCCRLevel == other->fCCRLevel && fProtectedLogin == other->fProtectedLogin && fBuildType == other->fBuildType && fReserved == other->fReserved && fClientKey == other->fClientKey; } bool operator==(const plClientGuid & X, const plClientGuid & Y) { return ( X.fAccountUUID.IsEqualTo( &Y.fAccountUUID )&&X.fPlayerID==Y.fPlayerID&&X.fFlags==Y.fFlags); } bool operator!=(const plClientGuid & X, const plClientGuid & Y) { return ( !X.fAccountUUID.IsEqualTo( &Y.fAccountUUID )||X.fPlayerID!=Y.fPlayerID||X.fFlags!=Y.fFlags); } bool operator<(const plClientGuid & X, const plClientGuid & Y) { return ( X.fAccountUUID.CompareTo( &Y.fAccountUUID )<0||X.fPlayerID<Y.fPlayerID); }