
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
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//                                                                          //
//  plGeometrySpan Header                                                   //
//                                                                          //
//  plGeometrySpans are abstract reprentations of Plasma 2.0 geometry data. //
//  They consist of a material, a transform, bounds and an abstract vertex  //
//  and index buffer pair. plGeometrySpans is what is fed to plDrawableIce  //
//  to convert into its own internal data structures; the format for the    //
//  vertex and index data is (or should be) identical. More or less, they   //
//  are identical to Ice's plIcicle, but this is more abstract (read: not   //
//  internal to Ice).                                                       //
//                                                                          //
//  Also included is a temporary hacked triMesh-to-geometrySpan[] converter //
//  for everyone's convenience until triMeshes disappear.                   //
//                                                                          //
//// Version History /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//                                                                          //
//  Created 3.8.2001 mcn                                                    //
//                                                                          //

#ifndef _plGeometrySpan_h
#define _plGeometrySpan_h

#include "hsTemplates.h"
#include "hsBounds.h"
#include "hsMatrix44.h"
#include "hsColorRGBA.h"
#include "hsBitVector.h"

class hsGMaterial;
class plFogEnvironment;

//// plGeometrySpan Class Definition /////////////////////////////////////////

class plGeometrySpan
            kMaxNumUVChannels   = 8

        /// Duplication of the formats from plGBufferGroup; theoretically, they
        /// could be different, but they're identical for now
        enum Formats
            kUVCountMask    = 0x0f, // Problem is, we need enough bits to store the max #, which means
                                    // we really want ( max # << 1 ) - 1

            kSkinNoWeights  = 0x00, // 0000000
            kSkin1Weight    = 0x10, // 0010000
            kSkin2Weights   = 0x20, // 0100000
            kSkin3Weights   = 0x30, // 0110000
            kSkinWeightMask = 0x30, // 0110000

            kSkinIndices    = 0x40, // 1000000

        enum Properties
            kPropRunTimeLight       = 0x01,
            kPropNoPreShade         = 0x02,
            kLiteMaterial           = 0x00,
            kLiteVtxPreshaded       = 0x04,
            kLiteVtxNonPreshaded    = 0x08,
            kLiteMask               = 0x0c,
            kRequiresBlending       = 0x10,
            kInstanced              = 0x20,
            kUserOwned              = 0x40,
            kPropNoShadow           = 0x80,
            kPropForceShadow        = 0x100,
            kDiffuseFoldedIn        = 0x200,        // Sometimes we want to fold the diffuse color of the material into the vertex color (but only once).
            kPropReverseSort        = 0x400,
            kWaterHeight            = 0x800,
            kFirstInstance          = 0x1000,
            kPartialSort            = 0x2000,
            kVisLOS                 = 0x4000,
            kPropNoShadowCast       = 0x8000

            kNoGroupID = 0

        // Note: these are public because this is really just a glorified
        // struct; no data hiding here
        hsGMaterial         *fMaterial;
        hsMatrix44          fLocalToWorld;
        hsMatrix44          fWorldToLocal;
        hsBounds3Ext        fLocalBounds;
        hsBounds3Ext        fWorldBounds;
        plFogEnvironment    *fFogEnviron;

        uint32_t        fBaseMatrix;
        uint8_t         fNumMatrices;
        uint16_t        fLocalUVWChans;
        uint16_t        fMaxBoneIdx;
        uint32_t        fPenBoneIdx;

        float           fMinDist;
        float           fMaxDist;

        float           fWaterHeight;

        uint8_t         fFormat;
        uint32_t        fProps;
        uint32_t        fNumVerts, fNumIndices;

        /// Current vertex format:
        ///     float   position[ 3 ];
        ///     float   normal[ 3 ];
        ///     float   uvCoords[ ][ 3 ];
        ///     float   weights[];              // 0-3 blending weights
        ///     uint32_t  weightIndices;          // Only if there are >= 1 blending weights

        uint8_t*        fVertexData;
        uint16_t*       fIndexData;
        uint32_t        fDecalLevel;

        hsColorRGBA*    fMultColor;
        hsColorRGBA*    fAddColor;

        uint32_t*       fDiffuseRGBA;
        uint32_t*       fSpecularRGBA;

        mutable hsTArray<plGeometrySpan *>* fInstanceRefs;
        mutable uint32_t                    fInstanceGroupID;       // For writing out/reading in instance refs

        // The following is only used for logging during export. It is never set
        // at runtime. Don't even think about using it for anything.
        plString                            fMaxOwner;

        // The following is ONLY used during pack; it's so we can do a reverse lookup
        // from the instanceRefs list to the correct span in the drawable
        uint32_t      fSpanRefIndex;

        // These two matrices are inverses of each other (duh). They are only used on computing the local
        // bounds. fLocalBounds is always the bounds in the space defined by fWorldToLocal, but the bounds
        // are an OBB, and the orientation of the OBB isn't necessarily the same as fLocalToWorld's axes.
        // For now, it is the orientation of the pivot point in max (but might be further optimized).
        hsMatrix44      fLocalToOBB;
        hsMatrix44      fOBBToLocal;

        plGeometrySpan( const plGeometrySpan *instance );

        /// UV stuff
        uint8_t   GetNumUVs( void ) const { return ( fFormat & kUVCountMask ); }
        void    SetNumUVs( uint8_t numUVs ) 
            hsAssert( numUVs < kMaxNumUVChannels, "Invalid UV count to plGeometrySpan" );
            fFormat = ( fFormat & ~kUVCountMask ) | numUVs; 

        static uint8_t CalcNumUVs( uint8_t format ) { return ( format & kUVCountMask ); }
        static uint8_t UVCountToFormat( uint8_t numUVs ) { return numUVs & kUVCountMask; }
        /// Creation functions
        void    BeginCreate( hsGMaterial *material, const hsMatrix44 &l2wMatrix, uint8_t format );

        // Phasing these in...
        // Note: uvArray should be a fixed array with enough pointers for the max # of uv channels.
        // Any unused UVs should be nil
        uint16_t  AddVertex( hsPoint3 *position, hsPoint3 *normal, hsColorRGBA& multColor, hsColorRGBA& addColor,
                            hsPoint3 **uvPtrArray, float weight1 = -1.0f, float weight2 = -1.0f, float weight3 = -1.0f, uint32_t weightIndices = 0 );
        uint16_t  AddVertex( hsPoint3 *position, hsPoint3 *normal, uint32_t hexColor, uint32_t specularColor = 0,
                            hsPoint3 **uvPtrArray = nil, float weight1 = -1.0f, float weight2 = -1.0f, float weight3 = -1.0f, uint32_t weightIndices = 0 );

        void    AddIndex( uint16_t index );
        void    AddTriIndices( uint16_t index1, uint16_t index2, uint16_t index3 );
        void    AddTriangle( hsPoint3 *vert1, hsPoint3 *vert2, hsPoint3 *vert3, uint32_t color );

        // uvws is an array count*uvwsPerVtx long in order [uvw(s) for vtx0, uvw(s) for vtx1, ...], or is nil
        void    AddVertexArray( uint32_t count, hsPoint3 *positions, hsVector3 *normals, uint32_t *colors, hsPoint3 *uvws=nil, int uvwsPerVtx=0 );
        void    AddIndexArray( uint32_t count, uint16_t *indices );

        void    EndCreate( void );

        /// Manipulation--currently only used for applying static lighting, which of course needs individual vertices
        // Wrong. Also used for the interleaving of the multiple vertex data streams here into single vertex
        //      stream within the plGBufferGroups. mf.
        void    ExtractInitColor( uint32_t index, hsColorRGBA *multColor, hsColorRGBA *addColor) const;
        void    ExtractVertex( uint32_t index, hsPoint3 *pos, hsVector3 *normal, hsColorRGBA *color, hsColorRGBA *specColor = nil );
        void    ExtractVertex( uint32_t index, hsPoint3 *pos, hsVector3 *normal, uint32_t *color, uint32_t *specColor = nil );
        void    ExtractUv( uint32_t vIdx, uint8_t uvIdx, hsPoint3* uv );
        void    ExtractWeights( uint32_t vIdx, float *weightArray, uint32_t *indices );
        void    StuffVertex( uint32_t index, hsPoint3 *pos, hsPoint3 *normal, hsColorRGBA *color, hsColorRGBA *specColor = nil );
        void    StuffVertex( uint32_t index, hsColorRGBA *color, hsColorRGBA *specColor = nil );

        // Clear out the buffers
        void            ClearBuffers( void );

        // Duplicate this span from a given span
        void            CopyFrom( const plGeometrySpan *source );

        // Make this span an instance of the given span. Handles the instance ref array as well as copying over pointers
        void            MakeInstanceOf( const plGeometrySpan *instance );

        // Get the size of one vertex in a span, based on a format
        static uint32_t   GetVertexSize( uint8_t format );

        void    Read( hsStream *stream );
        void    Write( hsStream *stream );

        static uint32_t   AllocateNewGroupID() { return IAllocateNewGroupID(); }

        void        BreakInstance();
        void        ChangeInstance(plGeometrySpan* newInstance);
        void        UnInstance();

        void        AdjustBounds(hsBounds3Ext& bnd) const;


        struct TempVertex 
            hsPoint3    fPosition;
            hsPoint3    fNormal;
            uint32_t      fColor, fSpecularColor;
            hsColorRGBA fMultColor, fAddColor;
            hsPoint3    fUVs[ kMaxNumUVChannels ];
            float       fWeights[ 3 ];
            uint32_t      fIndices;

        bool                    fCreating;
        hsTArray<TempVertex>    fVertAccum;
        hsTArray<uint16_t>        fIndexAccum;

        void        IUnShareData();
        void        IDuplicateUniqueData( const plGeometrySpan *source );
        void        IClearMembers( void );

        // Please don't yell at me. We can't write out the instanceRef pointers, and we can't write
        // out keys because we're not keyed objects, and we can't be keyed objects because we need
        // to be deleted eventually. So instead, we assign each geoSpan a instanceGroupID, unique
        // for each instance group but identical among all geoSpans in a given group (i.e. all
        // members of the instanceRef list). We write these IDs out, then on read, we rebuild the
        // instanceRef arrays by using a hash table to find insert new hsTArrays at the given groupID,
        // and looking up in that hash table to get pointers for each geoSpan's instanceRef array.
        // THIS is because we need a way of assigning unique, unused groupIDs to each geoSpan instance
        // group, and since we only need to know if the ID has been used yet, we can just use a bitVector.
        // NOTE: Group IDs start at 1, not 0, because 0 is reserved for "no instance group". So subtract
        // 1 from the group ID when accessing this array...
        // ....Please don't yell at me :(
        static hsBitVector      fInstanceGroupIDFlags;

        // The following is for rebuilding the said groups on read. The sad thing is that we also
        // have to write out the instanceRef array count for each geoSpan, so that when we read in
        // to do the lookup here, we know that we've read everything and can dump the entry in this
        // table.
        static hsTArray<hsTArray<plGeometrySpan *> *>   fInstanceGroups;

        // THIS is so we can clear fInstanceGroups as early and as efficiently as possible; see
        // the notes on IGetInstanceGroup().
        static uint32_t   fHighestReadInstanceGroup;

        static uint32_t   IAllocateNewGroupID( void );
        static void     IClearGroupID( uint32_t groupID );

        static hsTArray<plGeometrySpan *>   *IGetInstanceGroup( uint32_t groupID, uint32_t expectedCount );

#endif // _plGeometrySpan_h