
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

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(at your option) any later version.

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//  plUoid - A Unique Object IDentifier -- basically, each unique Uoid refers
//           to one and exactly one object.
//           To define such, it contains three elements:
//               - A plLocation, which specifies an (age,chapter,page) combo
//                 (as a sequence number)
//               - A creatable class type (from plFactory)
//               - An object name

#ifndef plUoid_h_inc
#define plUoid_h_inc

#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "plFixedKey.h"
#include "plLoadMask.h"

class hsStream;

//// plLocation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

class plLocation
    enum LocFlags
        kLocalOnly  = 0x1,  // Set if nothing in the room saves state.
        kVolatile   = 0x2,  // Set is nothing in the room persists when the server exits.
        kReserved   = 0x4,
        kBuiltIn    = 0x8,
        kItinerant  = 0x10,

    UInt32 fSequenceNumber;
    UInt16 fFlags;

        kGlobalFixedLocIdx = 0,     // Fixed keys go here, think of as "global,fixed,keys"
        kSceneViewerLocIdx = 1,

        kLocalLocStartIdx = 3,      // These are a range of #s that go to local, testing-only pages.
        kLocalLocEndIdx = 32,       // You can't go over the network with any keys with these locs.

        kNormalLocStartIdx = kLocalLocEndIdx + 1,

        kReservedLocStart = 0xff000000, // Reserved locations are ones that aren't real game locations,                                     
        kGlobalServerLocIdx = kReservedLocStart,    // Global pool room for the server. Only the server gets this one

        kReservedLocAvailableStart = kGlobalServerLocIdx + 1,   // This is the start of the *really* available ones
        kReservedLocEnd = 0xfffffffe,   // But instead act as a holding place for data

        kInvalidLocIdx = 0xffffffff

    plLocation(UInt32 seqNum, UInt16 flags=0) : fFlags(flags) { Set(seqNum); }

    plLocation() { Invalidate(); }
    plLocation(const plLocation& toCopyFrom);
    ~plLocation() {}

    void    Invalidate();
    hsBool  IsValid() const;
    hsBool  IsReserved() const;
    hsBool  IsItinerant() const;
    void    Set(UInt32 seqNum);
    UInt32  GetSequenceNumber() const { return fSequenceNumber; }
    hsBool  IsVirtual() const;

    void    SetFlags(UInt16 flags) { fFlags |= flags; }
    UInt16  GetFlags() const { return fFlags; }

    void    Read(hsStream* s);
    void    Write(hsStream* s) const;

    hsBool operator==(const plLocation& loc) const;
    hsBool operator!=(const plLocation& loc) const { return !(loc == *this); }
    plLocation& operator=(const plLocation& loc);
    bool operator<(const plLocation& loc ) const { return fSequenceNumber < loc.fSequenceNumber; }

    char* StringIze(char* str) const;  // Format to displayable string. Returns the same string for convenience

    static plLocation MakeReserved(UInt32 number);
    static plLocation MakeNormal(UInt32 number);

    static const plLocation kGlobalFixedLoc;
    static const plLocation kSceneViewerLoc;
    static const plLocation kLocalStartLoc;
    static const plLocation kLocalEndLoc;
    static const plLocation kNormalStartLoc;
    static const plLocation kGlobalServerLoc;
    static const plLocation kInvalidLoc;

//// plUoid //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

class plUoid
    plUoid() { fObjectName = nil; Invalidate(); }
    plUoid(const plLocation& location, UInt16 classType, const char* objectName, const plLoadMask& m=plLoadMask::kAlways);
    plUoid(plFixedKeyId fixedKey);
    plUoid(const plUoid& src);

    const plLocation&   GetLocation() const { return fLocation; }
    UInt16              GetClassType() const { return fClassType; }
    const char*         GetObjectName() const { return fObjectName; }
    const plLoadMask&   GetLoadMask() const { return fLoadMask; }

    void Read(hsStream* s);
    void Write(hsStream* s) const;

    void Invalidate();
    hsBool IsValid() const;

    plUoid& operator=(const plUoid& u);
    hsBool  operator==(const plUoid& u) const;
    hsBool  operator!=(const plUoid& u) const { return !operator==(u); }

    hsBool  IsClone() const             { return fCloneID != 0; }
    UInt32  GetClonePlayerID() const    { return fClonePlayerID; }
    UInt32  GetCloneID() const          { return fCloneID; }
    void    SetClone(UInt32 playerID, UInt32 cloneID) { hsAssert(cloneID < 0xffff, "Clone id too high"); fCloneID = UInt16(cloneID); fClonePlayerID = playerID; }

    UInt32 GetObjectID() const { return fObjectID; }
    // Export time only.  Only plRegistryKeyList should call this.
    void SetObjectID(UInt32 id) { fObjectID = id; }

    char* StringIze(char* str) const;  // Format to displayable string

    enum ContentsFlags  // for read/write functions
        kHasCloneIDs    = 0x1,
        kHasLoadMask    = 0x2,

    UInt32      fObjectID;
    UInt32      fClonePlayerID; // The ID of the player who made this clone
    UInt16      fCloneID;       // The ID of this clone (unique per client)
    UInt16      fClassType;
    char*       fObjectName;
    plLocation  fLocation;
    plLoadMask  fLoadMask;

#endif // plUoid_h_inc