/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "HeadSpin.h" #include "plCameraModifier.h" #include "plCameraBrain.h" #include "plVirtualCamNeu.h" #include "hsTimer.h" #include "plgDispatch.h" #include "pnSceneObject/plSceneObject.h" #include "pnSceneObject/plCoordinateInterface.h" #include "plMessage/plInputEventMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plAnimCmdMsg.h" #include "pnMessage/plTimeMsg.h" #include "pnKeyedObject/plKey.h" #include "pnKeyedObject/plFixedKey.h" #include "plInputCore/plInputDevice.h" #include "plInputCore/plInputManager.h" #include "hsResMgr.h" #include "pnMessage/plCameraMsg.h" #include "plPhysical/plSimDefs.h" #include "plPhysical.h" #include "pnSceneObject/plSimulationInterface.h" #include "plAvatar/plAvatarMgr.h" #include "plAvatar/plArmatureMod.h" #include "plAvatar/plAvCallbackAction.h" // new stuff plCameraModifier1::plCameraModifier1() : fBrain(nil), fSubObj(nil), fFOVw(45.0f), fFOVh(33.75f), fAnimated(false), fStartAnimOnPush(false), fStopAnimOnPop(false), fResetAnimOnPop(false), fInSubLastUpdate(false), fUpdateBrainTarget(false) { fFrom.Set(0,0,0); fAt.Set(0,1,0); } plCameraModifier1::~plCameraModifier1() { int i; for (i = 0; i < GetNumTrans(); i++) delete(GetTrans(i)); fTrans.SetCountAndZero(0); for (i = 0; i < fMessageQueue.Count(); i++) hsRefCnt_SafeUnRef(fMessageQueue[i]); fMessageQueue.SetCountAndZero(0); for (i = 0; i < fFOVInstructions.Count(); i++) hsRefCnt_SafeUnRef(fFOVInstructions[i]); fFOVInstructions.SetCountAndZero(0); } void plCameraModifier1::AddTarget(plSceneObject* so) { fTarget = so; if( plVirtualCam1::Instance() ) plVirtualCam1::Instance()->AddCameraLoaded(so); fFrom = (so->GetWorldToLocal().GetTranslate()); if (GetBrain()) { if (fTarget->GetCoordinateInterface()) GetBrain()->AddTarget(); else fUpdateBrainTarget = true; // update the brain later } if (GetKey()) { plgDispatch::Dispatch()->RegisterForExactType(plEvalMsg::Index(), GetKey()); } } void plCameraModifier1::SetSubject(plSceneObject* pObj) { if (GetBrain()) GetBrain()->SetSubject(pObj); else fSubObj = pObj; } plSceneObject* plCameraModifier1::GetSubject() { if (GetBrain()) return GetBrain()->GetSubject(); else return fSubObj; } void plCameraModifier1::SetFOVw(hsScalar f, hsBool fUpdateVCam) { fFOVw = f; if (plVirtualCam1::Instance() && fUpdateVCam) plVirtualCam1::SetFOV(fFOVw, fFOVh, this); } void plCameraModifier1::SetFOVh(hsScalar f, hsBool fUpdateVCam) { fFOVh = f; if (plVirtualCam1::Instance() && fUpdateVCam) plVirtualCam1::SetFOV(fFOVw, fFOVh, this); } hsBool plCameraModifier1::SetFaded(hsBool b) { if (GetBrain()) return GetBrain()->SetFaded(b); return false; } hsBool plCameraModifier1::GetFaded() { if (GetBrain()) return GetBrain()->GetFaded(); return false; } hsBool plCameraModifier1::MsgReceive(plMessage* msg) { if (GetBrain()) GetBrain()->MsgReceive(msg); plCameraMsg* pCamMsg = plCameraMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (pCamMsg) { if (pCamMsg->Cmd(plCameraMsg::kAddFOVKeyframe)) { hsRefCnt_SafeRef(msg); fFOVInstructions.Append(pCamMsg); return true; } else if (pCamMsg->Cmd(plCameraMsg::kSetAnimated)) { fAnimated = true; return true; } } plEventCallbackMsg* pEventMsg = plEventCallbackMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (pEventMsg) { double time = (double)fFOVInstructions[pEventMsg->fIndex]->GetConfig()->fAccel; double time2 = (double)pEventMsg->fEventTime; time = hsABS(time - time2); hsScalar h = fFOVInstructions[pEventMsg->fIndex]->GetConfig()->fFOVh; if (GetBrain()) GetBrain()->SetFOVGoal(h, time); } plAnimCmdMsg* pAnimMsg = plAnimCmdMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (pAnimMsg) { hsRefCnt_SafeRef(msg); msg->ClearReceivers(); msg->AddReceiver(msg->GetSender()); fMessageQueue.Append(msg); return true; } plGenRefMsg* pRefMsg = plGenRefMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (pRefMsg ) { if( pRefMsg->GetContext() & (plRefMsg::kOnCreate | plRefMsg::kOnRequest) ) { if (pRefMsg->fType == kRefBrain) { plCameraBrain1* pBrain = plCameraBrain1::ConvertNoRef(pRefMsg->GetRef()); if (pBrain) { pBrain->SetCamera(this); fBrain = pBrain; if (fSubObj) fBrain->SetSubject(fSubObj); } } else if (pRefMsg->fType == kRefCallbackMsg && fMessageQueue[pRefMsg->fWhich] != nil) { plgDispatch::MsgSend(fMessageQueue[pRefMsg->fWhich]); fMessageQueue[pRefMsg->fWhich] = nil; } } else if( pRefMsg->GetContext() & (plRefMsg::kOnDestroy | plRefMsg::kOnRemove) ) { plCameraBrain1* pBrain = (plCameraBrain1*)(pRefMsg->GetRef()); if (fBrain == pBrain) fBrain = nil; } return true; } return plSingleModifier::MsgReceive(msg); } void plCameraModifier1::Update() { // update the brain // this freeze thing is a useful debugging tool... if (plVirtualCam1::Instance()->freeze) return; if (GetBrain()) { if (fUpdateBrainTarget && fTarget->GetCoordinateInterface()) // if we need to update the brain and the target is loaded { fUpdateBrainTarget = false; GetBrain()->AddTarget(); // update the brain's target } hsBool moveInSub = !(GetBrain()->HasFlag(plCameraBrain1::kIgnoreSubworldMovement)); if (moveInSub && GetBrain()->GetSubject()) { plKey worldKey = nil; // First check if this is a physical. If so, grab the subworld from that if (GetBrain()->GetSubject()->GetSimulationInterface()) { plPhysical* phys = GetBrain()->GetSubject()->GetSimulationInterface()->GetPhysical(); if (phys) worldKey = phys->GetWorldKey(); } // Also, check if this is an avatar. They don't have physicals, you // have to ask the avatar controller for the subworld key. if (!worldKey) { plArmatureMod* armMod = plAvatarMgr::FindAvatar(plKey(GetBrain()->GetSubject()->GetKey())); if (armMod && armMod->GetController() ) worldKey = armMod->GetController()->GetSubworld(); } if (worldKey) { // this picks up and moves the camera to it's previous subworld coordinate (so the subworld isn't moving out from underneath us) hsMatrix44 l2w, w2l; plSceneObject* so = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(worldKey->ObjectIsLoaded()); if (so) { l2w = so->GetLocalToWorld(); w2l = so->GetWorldToLocal(); if (fInSubLastUpdate) { if (!(fLastSubPos == fFrom && fLastSubPOA == fAt)) { SetTargetPos(l2w * fLastSubPos); SetTargetPOA(l2w * fLastSubPOA); } } else { fInSubLastUpdate = true; } GetBrain()->Update(); fLastSubPos = w2l * GetTargetPos(); fLastSubPOA = w2l * GetTargetPOA(); } return; } else { fInSubLastUpdate = false; } } GetBrain()->Update(); fLastSubPos = GetTargetPos(); fLastSubPOA = GetTargetPOA(); } } void plCameraModifier1::Read(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr) { hsKeyedObject::Read(stream, mgr); fBrain = nil; mgr->ReadKeyNotifyMe(stream, TRACKED_NEW plGenRefMsg(GetKey(), plRefMsg::kOnCreate, 0, kRefBrain), plRefFlags::kActiveRef); int count = stream->ReadSwap32(); int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { plKey key = mgr->ReadKey(stream); hsBool cutpos = stream->ReadBool(); hsBool cutpoa = stream->ReadBool(); hsBool ignore = stream->ReadBool(); hsScalar v = stream->ReadSwapScalar(); hsScalar a = stream->ReadSwapScalar(); hsScalar d = stream->ReadSwapScalar(); hsScalar pV = stream->ReadSwapScalar(); hsScalar pA = stream->ReadSwapScalar(); hsScalar pD = stream->ReadSwapScalar(); CamTrans* camTrans = TRACKED_NEW CamTrans(key); camTrans->fAccel = a; camTrans->fDecel = d; camTrans->fVelocity = v; camTrans->fPOAAccel = pA; camTrans->fPOADecel = pD; camTrans->fPOAVelocity = pV; camTrans->fCutPos = cutpos; camTrans->fCutPOA = cutpoa; camTrans->fIgnore = ignore; fTrans.Append(camTrans); } fFOVw = stream->ReadSwapFloat(); fFOVh = stream->ReadSwapFloat(); int n = stream->ReadSwap32(); fMessageQueue.SetCountAndZero(n); for(i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { plMessage* pMsg = plMessage::ConvertNoRef(mgr->ReadCreatable(stream)); fMessageQueue[i] = pMsg; } for(i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { mgr->ReadKeyNotifyMe(stream, TRACKED_NEW plGenRefMsg(GetKey(), plRefMsg::kOnCreate, i, kRefCallbackMsg), plRefFlags::kActiveRef); } n = stream->ReadSwap32(); fFOVInstructions.SetCountAndZero(n); for(i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { plCameraMsg* pMsg = plCameraMsg::ConvertNoRef(mgr->ReadCreatable(stream)); fFOVInstructions[i] = pMsg; } fAnimated = stream->ReadBool(); fStartAnimOnPush = stream->ReadBool(); fStopAnimOnPop = stream->ReadBool(); fResetAnimOnPop = stream->ReadBool(); } void plCameraModifier1::Write(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr) { hsKeyedObject::Write(stream, mgr); if (fBrain) mgr->WriteKey(stream, fBrain ); int i = fTrans.Count(); stream->WriteSwap32(i); for (i = 0; i < fTrans.Count(); i++) { mgr->WriteKey(stream, fTrans[i]->fTransTo); stream->WriteBool(fTrans[i]->fCutPos); stream->WriteBool(fTrans[i]->fCutPOA); stream->WriteBool(fTrans[i]->fIgnore); stream->WriteSwapScalar(fTrans[i]->fVelocity); stream->WriteSwapScalar(fTrans[i]->fAccel); stream->WriteSwapScalar(fTrans[i]->fDecel); stream->WriteSwapScalar(fTrans[i]->fPOAVelocity); stream->WriteSwapScalar(fTrans[i]->fPOAAccel); stream->WriteSwapScalar(fTrans[i]->fPOADecel); } stream->WriteSwapFloat(fFOVw); stream->WriteSwapFloat(fFOVh); stream->WriteSwap32(fMessageQueue.Count()); for (i = 0; i < fMessageQueue.Count(); i++) { mgr->WriteCreatable(stream, fMessageQueue[i]); } for (i = 0; i < fMessageQueue.Count(); i++) { mgr->WriteKey(stream, fMessageQueue[i]->GetSender()); } stream->WriteSwap32(fFOVInstructions.Count()); for (i = 0; i < fFOVInstructions.Count(); i++) { mgr->WriteCreatable(stream, fFOVInstructions[i]); } stream->WriteBool(fAnimated); stream->WriteBool(fStartAnimOnPush); stream->WriteBool(fStopAnimOnPop); stream->WriteBool(fResetAnimOnPop); } void plCameraModifier1::Push(hsBool recenter) { if (fAnimated) { if (fStartAnimOnPush) { plAnimCmdMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plAnimCmdMsg; pMsg->SetCmd(plAnimCmdMsg::kRunForward); pMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kPropagateToModifiers); pMsg->AddReceiver(GetTarget()->GetKey()); if (GetBrain() && GetBrain()->GetSubject()) pMsg->AddReceiver(GetBrain()->GetSubject()->GetKey()); pMsg->Send(); } } if (fBrain) fBrain->Push(recenter); if (GetKey()) { plgDispatch::Dispatch()->RegisterForExactType(plMouseEventMsg::Index(), GetKey()); } } void plCameraModifier1::Pop() { if (fAnimated) { if (fStopAnimOnPop) { plAnimCmdMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plAnimCmdMsg; pMsg->SetCmd(plAnimCmdMsg::kStop); pMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kPropagateToModifiers); pMsg->AddReceiver(GetTarget()->GetKey()); if (GetBrain() && GetBrain()->GetSubject()) pMsg->AddReceiver(GetBrain()->GetSubject()->GetKey()); pMsg->Send(); } if (fResetAnimOnPop) { plAnimCmdMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plAnimCmdMsg; pMsg->SetCmd(plAnimCmdMsg::kGoToBegin); pMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kPropagateToModifiers); pMsg->AddReceiver(GetTarget()->GetKey()); if (GetBrain() && GetBrain()->GetSubject()) pMsg->AddReceiver(GetBrain()->GetSubject()->GetKey()); pMsg->Send(); } } if (fBrain) fBrain->Pop(); if (GetKey()) // the reason we might not have a key is a special run-time POA which doesn't need to receive messages... { plgDispatch::Dispatch()->UnRegisterForExactType(plMouseEventMsg::Index(), GetKey()); } } void plCameraModifier1::SetTransform(hsPoint3 at) { if (!GetTarget()) return; hsMatrix44 l2w; hsMatrix44 w2l; hsVector3 up(0,0,1); l2w.Make(&fFrom, &at, &up); l2w.GetInverse(&w2l); IGetTargetCoordinateInterface(0)->SetTransform( l2w, w2l ); }