/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "hsTypes.h" #include "hsStlUtils.h" #include "hsMatrix44.h" #include "hsGeometry3.h" #include "plgDispatch.h" #include "hsResMgr.h" #include "pnMessage/plTimeMsg.h" #include "pnMessage/plRefMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plAgeLoadedMsg.h" #include "pnSceneObject/plSceneObject.h" #include "hsTimer.h" #include "plMath/plRandom.h" #include "pnMessage/plEnableMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plAnimCmdMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plLoadCloneMsg.h" //#include "../plPipeline/plDebugGeometry.h" #include #include #include "pfObjectFlocker.h" #define PI 3.14159f #define HALF_PI (PI/2) #define GRAVITY 9.806650f // meters/second #ifdef INFINITY #undef INFINITY #endif #define INFINITY 999999.0f #define RAND() (float) (rand()/(RAND_MAX * 1.0)) #define SIGN(x) (((x) < 0) ? -1 : 1) const int pfObjectFlocker::fFileVersion = 1; #define FLOCKER_SHOW_DEBUG_LINES 0 #if FLOCKER_SHOW_DEBUG_LINES // make a few easy-to-use colors for the debug lines #define DEBUG_COLOR_RED 255, 0, 0 #define DEBUG_COLOR_GREEN 0, 255, 0 #define DEBUG_COLOR_BLUE 0, 0, 255 #define DEBUG_COLOR_YELLOW 255, 255, 0 #define DEBUG_COLOR_CYAN 0, 255, 255 #define DEBUG_COLOR_PINK 255, 0, 255 #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Some quick utility functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Basic linear interpolation template inline T Interpolate(float alpha, const T& x0, const T& x1) { return x0 + ((x1 - x0) * alpha); } // Clip a value to the min and max, if necessary inline float Clip(const float x, const float min, const float max) { if (x < min) return min; if (x > max) return max; return x; } inline float ScalarRandomWalk(const float initial, const float walkspeed, const float min, const float max) { const float next = initial + (((RAND() * 2) - 1) * walkspeed); if (next < min) return min; if (next > max) return max; return next; } // Classify a value relative to the interval between two bounds: // returns -1 when below the lower bound // returns 0 when between the bounds (inside the interval) // returns +1 when above the upper bound inline int IntervalComparison (float x, float lowerBound, float upperBound) { if (x < lowerBound) return -1; if (x > upperBound) return +1; return 0; } // Blend the new value into the accumulator using the smooth rate // If smoothRate is 0 the accumulator will not change. // If smoothRate is 1 the accumulator will be set to the new value with no smoothing. // Useful values are "near zero". template inline void BlendIntoAccumulator(const float smoothRate, const T &newValue, T &smoothedAccumulator) { smoothedAccumulator = Interpolate(Clip(smoothRate, 0, 1), smoothedAccumulator, newValue); } // return component of vector parallel to a unit basis vector // (IMPORTANT NOTE: assumes "basis" has unit magnitude (length==1)) inline hsVector3 ParallelComponent(const hsVector3 &vec, const hsVector3 &unitBasis) { const float projection = vec * unitBasis; return unitBasis * projection; } // return component of vector perpendicular to a unit basis vector // (IMPORTANT NOTE: assumes "basis" has unit magnitude (length==1)) inline hsVector3 PerpendicularComponent(const hsVector3 &vec, const hsVector3& unitBasis) { return vec - ParallelComponent(vec, unitBasis); } // clamps the length of a given vector to maxLength. If the vector is // shorter its value is returned unaltered, if the vector is longer // the value returned has length of maxLength and is parallel to the // original input. hsVector3 TruncateLength (const hsVector3 &vec, const float maxLength) { const float maxLengthSquared = maxLength * maxLength; const float vecLengthSquared = vec.MagnitudeSquared(); if (vecLengthSquared <= maxLengthSquared) return vec; else return vec * (maxLength / sqrt(vecLengthSquared)); } // Enforce an upper bound on the angle by which a given arbitrary vector // diviates from a given reference direction (specified by a unit basis // vector). The effect is to clip the "source" vector to be inside a cone // defined by the basis and an angle. hsVector3 LimitMaxDeviationAngle(const hsVector3 &vec, const float cosineOfConeAngle, const hsVector3 &basis) { // immediately return zero length input vectors float sourceLength = vec.Magnitude(); if (sourceLength == 0) return vec; // measure the angular diviation of "source" from "basis" const hsVector3 direction = vec / sourceLength; float cosineOfSourceAngle = direction * basis; // Simply return "source" if it already meets the angle criteria. if (cosineOfSourceAngle >= cosineOfConeAngle) return vec; // find the portion of "source" that is perpendicular to "basis" const hsVector3 perp = PerpendicularComponent(vec, basis); // normalize that perpendicular hsVector3 unitPerp = perp; unitPerp.Normalize(); // construct a new vector whose length equals the source vector, // and lies on the intersection of a plane (formed the source and // basis vectors) and a cone (whose axis is "basis" and whose // angle corresponds to cosineOfConeAngle) float perpDist = sqrt(1 - (cosineOfConeAngle * cosineOfConeAngle)); const hsVector3 c0 = basis * cosineOfConeAngle; const hsVector3 c1 = unitPerp * perpDist; return (c0 + c1) * sourceLength; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // pfVehicle functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void pfVehicle::IMeasurePathCurvature(const float elapsedTime) { if (elapsedTime > 0) { const hsVector3 deltaPosition(&fLastPos, &Position()); const hsVector3 deltaForward = (fLastForward - Forward()) / deltaPosition.Magnitude(); const hsVector3 lateral = PerpendicularComponent(deltaForward, Forward()); const float sign = ((lateral * Side()) < 0) ? 1.0f : -1.0f; fCurvature = lateral.Magnitude() * sign; BlendIntoAccumulator(elapsedTime * 4.0f, fCurvature, fSmoothedCurvature); fLastForward = Forward(); fLastPos = Position(); } } // Reset functions void pfVehicle::Reset() { ResetLocalSpace(); SetMass(1); // defaults to 1 so acceleration = force SetSpeed(0); // speed along the forward direction SetMaxForce(10.0f); // steering force is clipped to this magnitude SetMaxSpeed(5.0f); // velocity is clipped to this magnitude SetRadius(0.5f); // size of bounding sphere // Reset bookkeeping for our averages ResetSmoothedPosition(); ResetSmoothedCurvature(); ResetSmoothedAcceleration(); } float pfVehicle::ResetSmoothedCurvature(float value /* = 0 */) { fLastForward.Set(0, 0, 0); fLastPos.Set(0, 0, 0); return fSmoothedCurvature = fCurvature = value; } hsVector3 pfVehicle::ResetSmoothedAcceleration(const hsVector3 &value /* = hsVector3(0,0,0) */) { return fSmoothedAcceleration = value; } hsPoint3 pfVehicle::ResetSmoothedPosition(const hsPoint3 &value /* = hsPoint3(0,0,0) */) { return fSmoothedPosition = value; } void pfVehicle::ResetLocalSpace() { fSide.Set(1, 0, 0); fForward.Set(0, 1, 0); fUp.Set(0, 0, 1); fPos.Set(0, 0, 0); } // Geometry functions void pfVehicle::SetUnitSideFromForwardAndUp() { // derive new unit side vector from forward and up fSide = fForward % fUp; fSide.Normalize(); } void pfVehicle::RegenerateOrthonormalBasisUF(const hsVector3 &newUnitForward) { fForward = newUnitForward; // derive new side vector from NEW forward and OLD up SetUnitSideFromForwardAndUp(); // derive new up vector from new side and new forward (should have unit length since side and forward are // perpendicular and unit length) fUp = fSide % fForward; } void pfVehicle::RegenerateLocalSpace(const hsVector3 &newVelocity, const float /*elapsedTime*/) { // adjust orthonormal basis vectors to be aligned with new velocity if (Speed() > 0) RegenerateOrthonormalBasisUF(newVelocity / Speed()); } void pfVehicle::RegenerateLocalSpaceForBanking(const hsVector3 &newVelocity, const float elapsedTime) { // the length of this global-upward-pointing vector controls the vehicle's // tendency to right itself as it is rolled over from turning acceleration const hsVector3 globalUp(0, 0, 0.2f); // acceleration points toward the center of local path curvature, the // length determines how much the vehicle will roll while turning const hsVector3 accelUp = fSmoothedAcceleration * 0.05f; // combined banking, sum of up due to turning and global up const hsVector3 bankUp = accelUp + globalUp; // blend bankUp into vehicle's up vector const float smoothRate = elapsedTime * 3; hsVector3 tempUp = Up(); BlendIntoAccumulator(smoothRate, bankUp, tempUp); tempUp.Normalize(); SetUp(tempUp); // adjust orthonormal basis vectors to be aligned with new velocity if (Speed() > 0) RegenerateOrthonormalBasisUF(newVelocity / Speed()); } // Physics functions void pfVehicle::ApplySteeringForce(const hsVector3 &force, const float deltaTime) { const hsVector3 adjustedForce = AdjustRawSteeringForce(force, deltaTime); // enforce limit on magnitude of steering force const hsVector3 clippedForce = TruncateLength(adjustedForce, MaxForce()); #if FLOCKER_SHOW_DEBUG_LINES // Draw the adjusted force vector plDebugGeometry::Instance()->DrawLine(Position(), Position() + clippedForce, DEBUG_COLOR_GREEN); #endif // compute acceleration and velocity hsVector3 newAcceleration = (clippedForce / Mass()); hsVector3 newVelocity = Velocity(); // damp out abrupt changes and oscillations in steering acceleration // (rate is proportional to time step, then clipped into useful range) if (deltaTime > 0) { const float smoothRate = Clip(9 * deltaTime, 0.15f, 0.4f); BlendIntoAccumulator(smoothRate, newAcceleration, fSmoothedAcceleration); } // Euler integrate (per frame) acceleration into velocity newVelocity += fSmoothedAcceleration * deltaTime; // enforce speed limit newVelocity = TruncateLength(newVelocity, MaxSpeed()); // update Speed SetSpeed(newVelocity.Magnitude()); // Euler integrate (per frame) velocity into position SetPosition(Position() + (newVelocity * deltaTime)); // regenerate local space (by default: align vehicle's forward axis with // new velocity, but this behavior may be overridden by derived classes.) RegenerateLocalSpace(newVelocity, deltaTime); // maintain path curvature information IMeasurePathCurvature(deltaTime); // running average of recent positions BlendIntoAccumulator(deltaTime * 0.06f, Position(), fSmoothedPosition); } hsVector3 pfVehicle::AdjustRawSteeringForce(const hsVector3 &force, const float deltaTime) { const float maxAdjustedSpeed = 0.2f * MaxSpeed(); if ((Speed() > maxAdjustedSpeed) || (force == hsVector3(0,0,0))) return force; // no adjustment needed if they are going above 20% of max speed else { const float range = Speed() / maxAdjustedSpeed; // make sure they don't turn too much if below 20% of max speed const float cosine = Interpolate(pow(range, 20), 1.0f, -1.0f); return LimitMaxDeviationAngle(force, cosine, Forward()); } } void pfVehicle::ApplyBrakingForce(const float rate, const float deltaTime) { const float rawBraking = Speed() * rate; const float clipBraking = ((rawBraking < MaxForce()) ? rawBraking : MaxForce()); SetSpeed(Speed() - (clipBraking * deltaTime)); } hsPoint3 pfVehicle::PredictFuturePosition(const float predictionTime) { return Position() + (Velocity() * predictionTime); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // pfBoidGoal functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pfBoidGoal::pfBoidGoal() { fLastPos.Set(0, 0, 0); fCurPos.Set(0, 0, 0); fSpeed = 0; fHasLastPos = false; // our last pos doesn't make sense yet } void pfBoidGoal::Update(plSceneObject *goal, float deltaTime) { if (!fHasLastPos) // the last pos is invalid, so we need to init now { fLastPos = fCurPos = goal->GetLocalToWorld().GetTranslate(); fSpeed = 0; fForward.Set(1,0,0); // make a unit vector, it shouldn't matter that it's incorrect as this is only for one frame fHasLastPos = true; return; } fLastPos = fCurPos; fCurPos = goal->GetLocalToWorld().GetTranslate(); hsVector3 change(&fCurPos, &fLastPos); float unadjustedSpeed = change.Magnitude(); fSpeed = unadjustedSpeed / deltaTime; // update speed (mag is in meters, time is in seconds) if (unadjustedSpeed == 0) return; // if our speed is zero, don't recalc our forward vector (leave it as it was last time) fForward = change / unadjustedSpeed; #if FLOCKER_SHOW_DEBUG_LINES // Show where we are predicting the location to be in 1 second plDebugGeometry::Instance()->DrawLine(Position(), PredictFuturePosition(1), DEBUG_COLOR_BLUE); #endif } hsPoint3 pfBoidGoal::PredictFuturePosition(const float predictionTime) { return fCurPos + (fForward * fSpeed * predictionTime); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // pfBoid functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pfBoid::pfBoid(pfProximityDatabase& pd, pfObjectFlocker *flocker, plKey &key) { // allocate a token for this boid in the proximity database fProximityToken = NULL; ISetupToken(pd); Reset(); fFlockerPtr = flocker; fObjKey = key; IFlockDefaults(); fProximityToken->UpdateWithNewPosition(Position()); } pfBoid::pfBoid(pfProximityDatabase& pd, pfObjectFlocker *flocker, plKey &key, hsPoint3 &pos) { // allocate a token for this boid in the proximity database fProximityToken = NULL; ISetupToken(pd); Reset(); fFlockerPtr = flocker; fObjKey = key; SetPosition(pos); IFlockDefaults(); fProximityToken->UpdateWithNewPosition(Position()); } pfBoid::pfBoid(pfProximityDatabase& pd, pfObjectFlocker *flocker, plKey &key, hsPoint3 &pos, float speed, hsVector3 &forward, hsVector3 &side, hsVector3 &up) { // allocate a token for this boid in the proximity database fProximityToken = NULL; ISetupToken(pd); Reset(); fFlockerPtr = flocker; fObjKey = key; SetPosition(pos); SetSpeed(speed); SetForward(forward); SetSide(side); SetUp(up); IFlockDefaults(); fProximityToken->UpdateWithNewPosition(Position()); } pfBoid::~pfBoid() { // delete this boid's token in the proximity database delete fProximityToken; plLoadCloneMsg* msg = TRACKED_NEW plLoadCloneMsg(fObjKey, fFlockerPtr->GetKey(), 0, false); msg->Send(); } void pfBoid::IFlockDefaults() { fSeparationRadius = 5.0f; fSeparationAngle = -0.707f; fSeparationWeight = 12.0f; fCohesionRadius = 9.0f; fCohesionAngle = -0.15f; fCohesionWeight = 8.0f; fGoalWeight = 8.0f; fRandomWeight = 12.0f; } void pfBoid::ISetupToken(pfProximityDatabase &pd) { // delete this boid's token in the old proximity database delete fProximityToken; // allocate a token for this boid in the proximity database fProximityToken = pd.MakeToken(this); } hsBool pfBoid::IInBoidNeighborhood(const pfVehicle &other, const float minDistance, const float maxDistance, const float cosMaxAngle) { if (&other == this) // abort if we're looking at ourselves return false; else { const hsVector3 offset(&(other.Position()), &Position()); const float distanceSquared = offset.MagnitudeSquared(); // definitely in neighborhood if inside minDistance sphere if (distanceSquared < (minDistance * minDistance)) return true; else { // definitely not in neighborhood if outside maxDistance sphere if (distanceSquared > (maxDistance * maxDistance)) return false; else { // otherwise, test angular offset from forward axis (can we "see" it?) const hsVector3 unitOffset = offset / sqrt(distanceSquared); const float forwardness = Forward() * unitOffset; return forwardness > cosMaxAngle; } } } } // Steering functions hsVector3 pfBoid::ISteerForWander(float timeDelta) { // random walk the fWanderSide and fWanderUp variables between -1 and +1 const float speed = 10 * timeDelta; // the 10 value found through experimentation fWanderSide = ScalarRandomWalk(fWanderSide, speed, -1, +1); fWanderUp = ScalarRandomWalk(fWanderUp, speed, -1, +1); hsVector3 force = (Side() * fWanderSide) + (Up() * fWanderUp); #if FLOCKER_SHOW_DEBUG_LINES // Draw the random walk component plDebugGeometry::Instance()->DrawLine(Position(), Position()+force, DEBUG_COLOR_PINK); #endif return force; } hsVector3 pfBoid::ISteerForSeek(const hsPoint3 &target) { #if FLOCKER_SHOW_DEBUG_LINES // Draw to where we are steering towards plDebugGeometry::Instance()->DrawLine(Position(), target, DEBUG_COLOR_RED); #endif const hsVector3 desiredVelocity(&target, &Position()); return desiredVelocity - Velocity(); } hsVector3 pfBoid::ISteerToGoal(pfBoidGoal &goal, float maxPredictionTime) { // offset from this to quarry, that distance, unit vector toward quarry const hsVector3 offset(&goal.Position(), &Position()); const float distance = offset.Magnitude(); if (distance == 0) // nowhere to go return hsVector3(0, 0, 0); const hsVector3 unitOffset = offset / distance; // how parallel are the paths of "this" and the goal // (1 means parallel, 0 is pependicular, -1 is anti-parallel after later calculations) const float parallelness = Forward() * goal.Forward(); // how "forward" is the direction to the quarry // (1 means dead ahead, 0 is directly to the side, -1 is straight back after later calculations) const float forwardness = Forward() * unitOffset; float speed = Speed(); if (speed == 0) speed = 0.00001; // make it really small in case we start out not moving const float directTravelTime = distance / speed; const int f = IntervalComparison(forwardness, -0.707f, 0.707f); // -1 if below -0.707f, 0 if between, and +1 if above 0.707f) const int p = IntervalComparison(parallelness, -0.707f, 0.707f); // 0.707 is basically cos(45deg) (45deg = PI/4) float timeFactor = 0; // to be filled in below - how far ahead to predict position so it looks good // Break the pursuit into nine cases, the cross product of the // quarry being [ahead, aside, or behind] us and heading // [parallel, perpendicular, or anti-parallel] to us. switch (f) { case +1: switch (p) { case +1: // ahead, parallel timeFactor = 4; break; case 0: // ahead, perpendicular timeFactor = 1.8f; break; case -1: // ahead, anti-parallel timeFactor = 0.85f; break; } break; case 0: switch (p) { case +1: // aside, parallel timeFactor = 1; break; case 0: // aside, perpendicular timeFactor = 0.8f; break; case -1: // aside, anti-parallel timeFactor = 4; break; } break; case -1: switch (p) { case +1: // behind, parallel timeFactor = 0.5f; break; case 0: // behind, perpendicular timeFactor = 2; break; case -1: // behind, anti-parallel timeFactor = 2; break; } break; } // estimated time until intercept of quarry const float et = directTravelTime * timeFactor; const float etl = (et > maxPredictionTime) ? maxPredictionTime : et; // estimated position of quarry at intercept const hsPoint3 target = goal.PredictFuturePosition(etl); // steer directly for our target (which is a point ahead of the object we are pursuing) return ISteerForSeek(target); } hsVector3 pfBoid::ISteerForSeparation(const float maxDistance, const float cosMaxAngle, const std::vector &flock) { // steering accumulator and count of neighbors, both initially zero hsVector3 steering(0, 0, 0); int neighbors = 0; // for each of the other vehicles... for (std::vector::const_iterator other = flock.begin(); other != flock.end(); other++) { if (IInBoidNeighborhood(**other, Radius() * 3, maxDistance, cosMaxAngle)) { // add in steering contribution // (opposite of the offset direction, divided once by distance // to normalize, divided another time to get 1/d falloff) const hsVector3 offset(&((**other).Position()), &Position()); const float distanceSquared = offset * offset; steering += (offset / -distanceSquared); // count neighbors neighbors++; } } // divide by neighbors, then normalize to pure direction if (neighbors > 0) { steering = (steering / (float)neighbors); steering.Normalize(); } #if FLOCKER_SHOW_DEBUG_LINES // Draw the random walk component plDebugGeometry::Instance()->DrawLine(Position(), Position()+steering, DEBUG_COLOR_CYAN); #endif return steering; } hsVector3 pfBoid::ISteerForCohesion(const float maxDistance, const float cosMaxAngle, const std::vector &flock) { // steering accumulator and count of neighbors, both initially zero hsVector3 steering(0, 0, 0); int neighbors = 0; // for each of the other vehicles... for (std::vector::const_iterator other = flock.begin(); other != flock.end(); other++) { if (IInBoidNeighborhood(**other, Radius() * 3, maxDistance, cosMaxAngle)) { // accumulate sum of neighbor's positions steering += (**other).Position(); // count neighbors neighbors++; } } // divide by neighbors, subtract off current position to get error- // correcting direction, then normalize to pure direction if (neighbors > 0) { hsVector3 posVector(&(Position()), &(hsPoint3(0,0,0))); // quick hack to turn a point into a vector steering = ((steering / (float)neighbors) - posVector); steering.Normalize(); } #if FLOCKER_SHOW_DEBUG_LINES // Draw the random walk component plDebugGeometry::Instance()->DrawLine(Position(), Position()+steering, DEBUG_COLOR_YELLOW); #endif return steering; } // Used for frame-by-frame updates; no time deltas on positions. void pfBoid::Update(pfBoidGoal &goal, float deltaTime) { const float maxTime = 20; // found by testing // find all flockmates within maxRadius using proximity database fNeighbors.clear(); fProximityToken->FindNeighbors(Position(), fSeparationRadius, fNeighbors); hsVector3 goalVector = ISteerToGoal(goal, maxTime); hsVector3 randomVector = ISteerForWander(deltaTime); hsVector3 separationVector = ISteerForSeparation(fSeparationRadius, fSeparationAngle, fNeighbors); hsVector3 cohesionVector = ISteerForCohesion(fCohesionRadius, fCohesionAngle, fNeighbors); hsVector3 steeringVector = (fGoalWeight * goalVector) + (fRandomWeight * randomVector) + (fSeparationWeight * separationVector) + (fCohesionWeight * cohesionVector); ApplySteeringForce(steeringVector, deltaTime); fProximityToken->UpdateWithNewPosition(Position()); } void pfBoid::RegenerateLocalSpace(const hsVector3 &newVelocity, const float elapsedTime) { RegenerateLocalSpaceForBanking(newVelocity, elapsedTime); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // pfFlock functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pfFlock::pfFlock() : fGoalWeight(8.0f), fRandomWeight(12.0f), fSeparationRadius(5.0f), fSeparationWeight(12.0f), fCohesionRadius(9.0f), fCohesionWeight(8.0f), fMaxForce(10.0f), fMaxSpeed(5.0f), fMinSpeed(4.0f) { fDatabase = TRACKED_NEW pfBasicProximityDatabase(); } pfFlock::~pfFlock() { int flock_size = fBoids.size(); for (int i = 0; i < flock_size; i++) { delete fBoids[i]; fBoids[i] = nil; } fBoids.clear(); delete fDatabase; fDatabase = NULL; } void pfFlock::SetGoalWeight(float goalWeight) { for (int i = 0; i < fBoids.size(); i++) fBoids[i]->SetGoalWeight(goalWeight); fGoalWeight = goalWeight; } void pfFlock::SetWanderWeight(float wanderWeight) { for (int i = 0; i < fBoids.size(); i++) fBoids[i]->SetWanderWeight(wanderWeight); fRandomWeight = wanderWeight; } void pfFlock::SetSeparationWeight(float weight) { for (int i = 0; i < fBoids.size(); i++) fBoids[i]->SetSeparationWeight(weight); fSeparationWeight = weight; } void pfFlock::SetSeparationRadius(float radius) { for (int i = 0; i < fBoids.size(); i++) fBoids[i]->SetSeparationRadius(radius); fSeparationRadius = radius; } void pfFlock::SetCohesionWeight(float weight) { for (int i = 0; i < fBoids.size(); i++) fBoids[i]->SetCohesionWeight(weight); fCohesionWeight = weight; } void pfFlock::SetCohesionRadius(float radius) { for (int i = 0; i < fBoids.size(); i++) fBoids[i]->SetCohesionRadius(radius); fCohesionRadius = radius; } void pfFlock::SetMaxForce(float force) { for (int i = 0; i < fBoids.size(); i++) fBoids[i]->SetMaxForce(force); fMaxForce = force; } void pfFlock::SetMaxSpeed(float speed) { for (int i = 0; i < fBoids.size(); i++) { float speedAdjust = (fMaxSpeed - fMinSpeed) * RAND(); fBoids[i]->SetMaxSpeed(speed - speedAdjust); } fMaxSpeed = speed; } void pfFlock::SetMinSpeed(float minSpeed) { fMinSpeed = minSpeed; } void pfFlock::Update(plSceneObject *goal, float deltaTime) { // update the goal data fBoidGoal.Update(goal, deltaTime); // update the flock float delta = (deltaTime > 0.3f) ? 0.3f : deltaTime; std::vector::iterator i; for (i = fBoids.begin(); i != fBoids.end(); i++) (*i)->Update(fBoidGoal, delta); } void pfFlock::AddBoid(pfObjectFlocker *flocker, plKey &key, hsPoint3 &pos) { pfBoid *newBoid = TRACKED_NEW pfBoid(*fDatabase, flocker, key, pos); newBoid->SetGoalWeight(fGoalWeight); newBoid->SetWanderWeight(fRandomWeight); newBoid->SetSeparationWeight(fSeparationWeight); newBoid->SetSeparationRadius(fSeparationRadius); newBoid->SetCohesionWeight(fCohesionWeight); newBoid->SetCohesionRadius(fCohesionRadius); newBoid->SetMaxForce(fMaxForce); float speedAdjust = (fMaxSpeed - fMinSpeed) * RAND(); newBoid->SetMaxSpeed(fMaxSpeed - speedAdjust); fBoids.push_back(newBoid); } pfBoid *pfFlock::GetBoid(int i) { if (i >= 0 && i < fBoids.size()) return fBoids[i]; else return nil; } pfObjectFlocker::pfObjectFlocker() : fUseTargetRotation(false), fRandomizeAnimationStart(true), fNumBoids(0) { } pfObjectFlocker::~pfObjectFlocker() { plgDispatch::Dispatch()->UnRegisterForExactType(plEvalMsg::Index(), GetKey()); } void pfObjectFlocker::SetNumBoids(UInt8 val) { fNumBoids = val; } hsBool pfObjectFlocker::MsgReceive(plMessage* msg) { plInitialAgeStateLoadedMsg* loadMsg = plInitialAgeStateLoadedMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (loadMsg) { plEnableMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plEnableMsg; pMsg->AddReceiver(fBoidKey); pMsg->SetCmd(plEnableMsg::kDrawable); pMsg->AddType(plEnableMsg::kDrawable); pMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kPropagateToModifiers | plMessage::kPropagateToChildren); pMsg->SetCmd(plEnableMsg::kDisable); pMsg->Send(); hsPoint3 pos(fTarget->GetLocalToWorld().GetTranslate()); for (int i = 0; i < fNumBoids; i++) { plLoadCloneMsg* cloneMsg = TRACKED_NEW plLoadCloneMsg(fBoidKey->GetUoid(), GetKey(), 0); plKey newKey = cloneMsg->GetCloneKey(); cloneMsg->Send(); hsScalar xAdjust = (2 * RAND()) - 1; // produces a random number between -1 and 1 hsScalar yAdjust = (2 * RAND()) - 1; hsScalar zAdjust = (2 * RAND()) - 1; hsPoint3 boidPos(pos.fX + xAdjust, pos.fY + yAdjust, pos.fZ + zAdjust); fFlock.AddBoid(this, newKey, boidPos); } plgDispatch::Dispatch()->UnRegisterForExactType(plInitialAgeStateLoadedMsg::Index(), GetKey()); plgDispatch::Dispatch()->RegisterForExactType(plEvalMsg::Index(), GetKey()); return true; } plLoadCloneMsg* lcMsg = plLoadCloneMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (lcMsg && lcMsg->GetIsLoading()) { if (fRandomizeAnimationStart) { plAnimCmdMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plAnimCmdMsg; pMsg->SetSender(GetKey()); pMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kPropagateToModifiers | plMessage::kPropagateToChildren); pMsg->AddReceiver( lcMsg->GetCloneKey() ); pMsg->SetCmd(plAnimCmdMsg::kGoToPercent); pMsg->fTime = RAND(); pMsg->Send(); } } return plSingleModifier::MsgReceive(msg); } hsBool pfObjectFlocker::IEval(double secs, hsScalar del, UInt32 dirty) { fFlock.Update(fTarget, del); plSceneObject* boidSO = nil; for (int i = 0; i < fNumBoids; i++) { pfBoid* boid = fFlock.GetBoid(i); boidSO = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(boid->GetKey()->VerifyLoaded()); hsMatrix44 l2w; hsMatrix44 w2l; if (fUseTargetRotation) l2w = fTarget->GetLocalToWorld(); else { l2w = boidSO->GetLocalToWorld(); hsVector3 forward = boid->Forward(); hsVector3 up = boid->Up(); hsVector3 side = boid->Side(); // copy the vectors over for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { l2w.fMap[i][0] = side[i]; l2w.fMap[i][1] = forward[i]; l2w.fMap[i][2] = up[i]; } } hsScalarTriple pos = boid->Position(); l2w.SetTranslate(&pos); l2w.GetInverse(&w2l); boidSO->SetTransform(l2w, w2l); } return true; } void pfObjectFlocker::SetTarget(plSceneObject* so) { plSingleModifier::SetTarget(so); if( fTarget ) { plgDispatch::Dispatch()->RegisterForExactType(plInitialAgeStateLoadedMsg::Index(), GetKey()); } } void pfObjectFlocker::Read(hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr) { plSingleModifier::Read(s, mgr); int version = s->ReadByte(); hsAssert(version <= fFileVersion, "Flocker data is newer then client, please update your client"); SetNumBoids(s->ReadByte()); fBoidKey = mgr->ReadKey(s); fFlock.SetGoalWeight(s->ReadSwapScalar()); fFlock.SetWanderWeight(s->ReadSwapScalar()); fFlock.SetSeparationWeight(s->ReadSwapScalar()); fFlock.SetSeparationRadius(s->ReadSwapScalar()); fFlock.SetCohesionWeight(s->ReadSwapScalar()); fFlock.SetCohesionRadius(s->ReadSwapScalar()); fFlock.SetMaxForce(s->ReadSwapScalar()); fFlock.SetMaxSpeed(s->ReadSwapScalar()); fFlock.SetMinSpeed(s->ReadSwapScalar()); fUseTargetRotation = s->ReadBool(); fRandomizeAnimationStart = s->ReadBool(); } void pfObjectFlocker::Write(hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr) { plSingleModifier::Write(s, mgr); s->WriteByte(fFileVersion); s->WriteByte(fNumBoids); mgr->WriteKey(s, fBoidKey); s->WriteSwapScalar(fFlock.GoalWeight()); s->WriteSwapScalar(fFlock.WanderWeight()); s->WriteSwapScalar(fFlock.SeparationWeight()); s->WriteSwapScalar(fFlock.SeparationRadius()); s->WriteSwapScalar(fFlock.CohesionWeight()); s->WriteSwapScalar(fFlock.CohesionRadius()); s->WriteSwapScalar(fFlock.MaxForce()); s->WriteSwapScalar(fFlock.MaxSpeed()); s->WriteSwapScalar(fFlock.MinSpeed()); s->WriteBool(fUseTargetRotation); s->WriteBool(fRandomizeAnimationStart); }