
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

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(at your option) any later version.

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#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "plMultipassMtl.h"
#include "plPassMtl.h"
#include "plMultipassMtlPB.h"
#include "plMultipassMtlDlg.h"

class plMultipassClassDesc : public ClassDesc2
    int             IsPublic()      { return TRUE; }
    void*           Create(BOOL loading) { return TRACKED_NEW plMultipassMtl(loading); }
    const TCHAR*    ClassName()     { return GetString(IDS_MULTI_MTL); }
    SClass_ID       SuperClassID()  { return MATERIAL_CLASS_ID; }
    Class_ID        ClassID()       { return MULTIMTL_CLASS_ID; }
    const TCHAR*    Category()      { return NULL; }
    const TCHAR*    InternalName()  { return _T("PlasmaMultipass"); }
    HINSTANCE       HInstance()     { return hInstance; }
static plMultipassClassDesc plMultipassMtlDesc;
ClassDesc2* GetMultiMtlDesc() { return &plMultipassMtlDesc; }

#include "plMultipassMtlPB.cpp"

plMultipassMtl::plMultipassMtl(BOOL loading) : fPassesPB(NULL)

    if (!loading) 


void plMultipassMtl::Reset() 

ParamDlg* plMultipassMtl::CreateParamDlg(HWND hwMtlEdit, IMtlParams *imp) 
    fMtlDlg = TRACKED_NEW plMultipassMtlDlg(hwMtlEdit, imp, this);

    return fMtlDlg; 

void plMultipassMtl::SetParamDlg(ParamDlg *dlg)
    fMtlDlg = (plMultipassMtlDlg*)dlg;

BOOL plMultipassMtl::SetDlgThing(ParamDlg* dlg)
    if (dlg == fMtlDlg)
        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

Interval plMultipassMtl::Validity(TimeValue t)
    Interval valid = FOREVER;       

/*  for (int i = 0; i < fSubTexmap.Count(); i++) 
        if (fSubTexmap[i]) 
            valid &= fSubTexmap[i]->Validity(t);
//  float u;
//  fPBlock->GetValue(pb_spin,t,u,valid);
    return valid;

 |  Subanim & References support

int plMultipassMtl::NumSubs()
    return NumSubMtls();

TSTR plMultipassMtl::SubAnimName(int i) 
    return GetSubMtlSlotName(i);

Animatable* plMultipassMtl::SubAnim(int i)
    return GetSubMtl(i);

int plMultipassMtl::NumRefs()
    return 1;

RefTargetHandle plMultipassMtl::GetReference(int i)
    if (i == kRefPasses)
        return fPassesPB;

    return NULL;

void plMultipassMtl::SetReference(int i, RefTargetHandle rtarg)
    if (i == kRefPasses)
        fPassesPB = (IParamBlock2 *)rtarg;

int plMultipassMtl::NumParamBlocks()
    return 1;

IParamBlock2 *plMultipassMtl::GetParamBlock(int i)
    if (i == kRefPasses)
        return fPassesPB;

    return NULL;

IParamBlock2 *plMultipassMtl::GetParamBlockByID(BlockID id)
    if (fPassesPB->ID() == id)
        return fPassesPB;

    return NULL;

RefResult plMultipassMtl::NotifyRefChanged(Interval changeInt, RefTargetHandle hTarget, 
   PartID& partID, RefMessage message ) 
    switch (message)
        if (hTarget == fPassesPB)
            ParamID changingParam = fPassesPB->LastNotifyParamID();

    return REF_SUCCEED;

// Subtexmap access

int plMultipassMtl::NumSubMtls()
    return fPassesPB->GetInt(kMultCount);

Mtl *plMultipassMtl::GetSubMtl(int i)
    if (i < NumSubMtls())
        return fPassesPB->GetMtl(kMultPasses, 0, i);

    return NULL;

void plMultipassMtl::SetSubMtl(int i, Mtl *m)
    if (i < NumSubMtls())
        fPassesPB->SetValue(kMultPasses, 0, m, i);

TSTR plMultipassMtl::GetSubMtlSlotName(int i)
    TSTR str;
    str.printf("Pass %d", i+1);
    return str;

TSTR plMultipassMtl::GetSubMtlTVName(int i)
    return GetSubMtlSlotName(i);

 |  Standard IO

#define MTL_HDR_CHUNK 0x4000

IOResult plMultipassMtl::Save(ISave *isave)
    IOResult res;
    res = MtlBase::Save(isave);
    if (res!=IO_OK) return res;

    return IO_OK;

IOResult plMultipassMtl::Load(ILoad *iload)
    IOResult res;
    int id;
    while (IO_OK==(res=iload->OpenChunk()))
        switch(id = iload->CurChunkID())
            case MTL_HDR_CHUNK:
                res = MtlBase::Load(iload);
        if (res!=IO_OK) 
            return res;

    return IO_OK;

 |  Updating and cloning

RefTargetHandle plMultipassMtl::Clone(RemapDir &remap)
    plMultipassMtl *mnew = TRACKED_NEW plMultipassMtl(FALSE);
    *((MtlBase*)mnew) = *((MtlBase*)this); 
    mnew->ReplaceReference(kRefPasses, remap.CloneRef(fPassesPB));

    BaseClone(this, mnew, remap);

    return (RefTargetHandle)mnew;

void plMultipassMtl::NotifyChanged() 

void plMultipassMtl::Update(TimeValue t, Interval& valid) 
    if (!fIValid.InInterval(t))
//      fPassesPB->GetValue(kMtlLayLayer1On, t, fMapOn[0], fIValid);

        for (int i = 0; i < NumSubMtls(); i++)
            if (GetSubMtl(i))
                GetSubMtl(i)->Update(t, fIValid);

    valid &= fIValid;

 |  Determine the characteristics of the material
void plMultipassMtl::SetAmbient(Color c, TimeValue t) {}        
void plMultipassMtl::SetDiffuse(Color c, TimeValue t) {}        
void plMultipassMtl::SetSpecular(Color c, TimeValue t) {}
void plMultipassMtl::SetShininess(float v, TimeValue t) {}
Color plMultipassMtl::GetAmbient(int mtlNum, BOOL backFace) { return Color(0,0,0); }
Color plMultipassMtl::GetDiffuse(int mtlNum, BOOL backFace) { return Color(0,0,0); }
Color plMultipassMtl::GetSpecular(int mtlNum, BOOL backFace)    { return Color(0,0,0); }
float plMultipassMtl::GetXParency(int mtlNum, BOOL backFace)    { return 0.0f; }
float plMultipassMtl::GetShininess(int mtlNum, BOOL backFace)   { return 0.0f; }
float plMultipassMtl::GetShinStr(int mtlNum, BOOL backFace) { return 0.0f; }
float plMultipassMtl::WireSize(int mtlNum, BOOL backFace)       { return 0.0f; }

 |  Actual shading takes place

void plMultipassMtl::Shade(ShadeContext& sc) 
    // Get the background color
    Color backColor, backTrans;

    int count = NumSubMtls();
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        if (fPassesPB->GetInt(kMultOn, 0, i) == 0)
        // Call each pass' shade function with the previous color
        Mtl *mtl = GetSubMtl(i);
        //backTrans = Color(0,0,0);
        if (mtl->ClassID() == PASS_MTL_CLASS_ID)
            plPassMtl *passMtl = (plPassMtl*)mtl;
            passMtl->ShadeWithBackground(sc, backColor);
            backTrans *= sc.out.t;
            backColor = backColor * sc.out.t + sc.out.c;

    sc.out.t = backTrans;
    sc.out.c = backColor;

float plMultipassMtl::EvalDisplacement(ShadeContext& sc)
    return 0.0f;

Interval plMultipassMtl::DisplacementValidity(TimeValue t)
    Interval iv;

    return iv;  

void plMultipassMtl::SetNumSubMtls(int num)
    TimeValue t = GetCOREInterface()->GetTime();
    int curNum = fPassesPB->GetInt(kMultCount);

    fPassesPB->SetValue(kMultCount, 0, num);

    fPassesPB->SetCount(kMultPasses, num);
    fPassesPB->SetCount(kMultOn, num);
    fPassesPB->SetCount(kMultLayerCounts, num);

    for (int i = curNum; i < num; i++)
        plPassMtl *newMtl = TRACKED_NEW plPassMtl(false);
        fPassesPB->SetValue(kMultPasses, t, newMtl, i);
        fPassesPB->SetValue(kMultOn, t, TRUE, i);
        GetCOREInterface()->AssignNewName(fPassesPB->GetMtl(kMultPasses, t, i));