/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Additional permissions under GNU GPL version 3 section 7 If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it with any of RAD Game Tools Bink SDK, Autodesk 3ds Max SDK, NVIDIA PhysX SDK, Microsoft DirectX SDK, OpenSSL library, Independent JPEG Group JPEG library, Microsoft Windows Media SDK, or Apple QuickTime SDK (or a modified version of those libraries), containing parts covered by the terms of the Bink SDK EULA, 3ds Max EULA, PhysX SDK EULA, DirectX SDK EULA, OpenSSL and SSLeay licenses, IJG JPEG Library README, Windows Media SDK EULA, or QuickTime SDK EULA, the licensors of this Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work. Corresponding Source for a non-source form of such a combination shall include the source code for the parts of OpenSSL and IJG JPEG Library used as well as that of the covered work. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "HeadSpin.h" #include "max.h" #include "dummy.h" #include "resource.h" #include "plComponent.h" #include "plComponentReg.h" #include "plMiscComponents.h" #include "MaxMain/plPlasmaRefMsgs.h" #include "MaxMain/plMaxNode.h" #include "MaxExport/plExportErrorMsg.h" #include "hsResMgr.h" #include "plLoadMask.h" #include "plPickNode.h" void DummyCodeIncludeFuncRepComp() { } const Class_ID REPCOMP_CID(0x157c29f3, 0x18fa54cd); const Class_ID REPGROUP_CID(0x20ce74a2, 0x471b2386); static const int kNumQualities = 4; static const char* kQualityStrings[kNumQualities] = { "Low", "Medium", "High", "Ultra" }; class plRepresentComp : public plComponent { public: enum { kQuality }; public: plRepresentComp(); void DeleteThis() { delete this; } // SetupProperties - Internal setup and write-only set properties on the MaxNode. No reading // of properties on the MaxNode, as it's still indeterminant. virtual hsBool SetupProperties(plMaxNode *node, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg); virtual hsBool PreConvert(plMaxNode *node, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg); virtual hsBool Convert(plMaxNode *node, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg); virtual hsBool DeInit(plMaxNode *node, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg); int GetQuality(); int GetCapability(); void SetLoadMask(const plLoadMask& m); static plRepresentComp* GetComp(INode* node); }; #define WM_ROLLOUT_OPEN WM_USER+1 class plRepresentProc : public ParamMap2UserDlgProc { public: BOOL DlgProc(TimeValue t, IParamMap2 *map, HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { PostMessage(hWnd, WM_ROLLOUT_OPEN, 0, 0); HWND cbox = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_COMP_REPRESENT_QUALITY); int i; for( i = 0; i < kNumQualities; i++ ) { SendMessage(cbox, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)kQualityStrings[i]); } SendMessage(cbox, CB_SETCURSEL, map->GetParamBlock()->GetInt(plRepresentComp::kQuality), 0); } return true; case WM_COMMAND: switch( LOWORD(wParam) ) { case IDC_COMP_REPRESENT_QUALITY: map->GetParamBlock()->SetValue(plRepresentComp::kQuality, t, SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hWnd, LOWORD(wParam)), CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)); return TRUE; } break; } return false; } void DeleteThis() {} }; static plRepresentProc gRepresentProc; CLASS_DESC(plRepresentComp, gRepresentDesc, "Representation", "Rep", COMP_TYPE_GRAPHICS, REPCOMP_CID) ParamBlockDesc2 gRepresentBk ( plComponent::kBlkComp, _T("Represent"), 0, &gRepresentDesc, P_AUTO_CONSTRUCT + P_AUTO_UI, plComponent::kRefComp, IDD_COMP_REPRESENT, IDS_COMP_REPRESENT, 0, 0, &gRepresentProc, plRepresentComp::kQuality, _T("Quality"), TYPE_INT, 0, 0, p_default, 0, end, end ); plRepresentComp::plRepresentComp() { fClassDesc = &gRepresentDesc; fClassDesc->MakeAutoParamBlocks(this); } hsBool plRepresentComp::SetupProperties(plMaxNode* node, plErrorMsg* pErrMsg) { return true; } hsBool plRepresentComp::PreConvert(plMaxNode* node, plErrorMsg* pErrMsg) { return true; } hsBool plRepresentComp::Convert(plMaxNode* node, plErrorMsg* pErrMsg) { return true; } hsBool plRepresentComp::DeInit(plMaxNode* node, plErrorMsg* pErrMsg) { return true; } int plRepresentComp::GetQuality() { return fCompPB->GetInt(kQuality); } int plRepresentComp::GetCapability() { int maxCap = 0; int numTarg = NumTargets(); int iTarg; for( iTarg = 0; iTarg < numTarg; iTarg++ ) { plMaxNodeBase* node = GetTarget(iTarg); if( node ) { const char* name = node->GetName(); int numComp = node->NumAttachedComponents(); int iComp; for( iComp = 0; iComp < numComp; iComp++ ) { plComponentBase* comp = node->GetAttachedComponent(iComp); if( comp ) { const char* compName = comp->GetINode()->GetName(); int cap = comp->GetMinCap(); if( cap > maxCap ) maxCap = cap; } } } } return maxCap; } void plRepresentComp::SetLoadMask(const plLoadMask& m) { int numTarg = NumTargets(); int iTarg; for( iTarg = 0; iTarg < numTarg; iTarg++ ) { plMaxNodeBase* node = GetTarget(iTarg); if( node ) { const char* nodeName = node->GetName(); node->AddLoadMask(m); plLoadMask x = node->GetLoadMask(); x |= m; } } } plRepresentComp* plRepresentComp::GetComp(INode* node) { if( node == nil ) return nil; plComponentBase *comp = ((plMaxNodeBase*)node)->ConvertToComponent(); if( comp == nil ) return nil; if( comp->ClassID() == REPCOMP_CID ) return (plRepresentComp*) comp; return nil; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class plRepGroupComp : public plComponent { public: enum { kReps }; void IGetQC(int quals[], int caps[]); hsBool ComputeAndValidate(plErrorMsg* pErrMsg, int quals[], int caps[], plLoadMask masks[]); void CleanDeadNodes(); public: plRepGroupComp(); void DeleteThis() { delete this; } // SetupProperties - Internal setup and write-only set properties on the MaxNode. No reading // of properties on the MaxNode, as it's still indeterminant. virtual hsBool SetupProperties(plMaxNode *node, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg); virtual hsBool PreConvert(plMaxNode *node, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg); virtual hsBool Convert(plMaxNode *node, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg); virtual hsBool DeInit(plMaxNode *node, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg); hsBool Validate(plErrorMsg* pErrMsg); }; void plRepGroupComp::CleanDeadNodes() { int i = fCompPB->Count(kReps) - 1; while( i >= 0 ) { if( !fCompPB->GetINode(kReps, TimeValue(0), i) ) fCompPB->Delete(kReps, i, 1); i--; } } class plRepGroupProc : public ParamMap2UserDlgProc { public: BOOL DlgProc(TimeValue t, IParamMap2 *map, HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { } return true; case WM_COMMAND: if( HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED ) { switch( LOWORD(wParam) ) { case IDC_ADD_REPS: { std::vector cids; cids.push_back(REPCOMP_CID); IParamBlock2 *pb = map->GetParamBlock(); plPick::Node(pb, plRepGroupComp::kReps, &cids, false, false); map->Invalidate(plRepGroupComp::kReps); } return TRUE; case IDC_UP_REPS: { HWND hNode = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_LIST_REPS); int idx = ListBox_GetCurSel(hNode); if( (idx != LB_ERR) && (idx > 0) ) { IParamBlock2 *pb = map->GetParamBlock(); INode* node = pb->GetINode(plRepGroupComp::kReps, TimeValue(0), idx); pb->Delete(plRepGroupComp::kReps, idx, 1); if( node ) pb->Insert(plRepGroupComp::kReps, idx-1, 1, &node); ListBox_SetCurSel(hNode, idx-1); map->Invalidate(plRepGroupComp::kReps); } } return TRUE; case IDC_DOWN_REPS: { HWND hNode = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_LIST_REPS); IParamBlock2 *pb = map->GetParamBlock(); int idx = ListBox_GetCurSel(hNode); if( (idx != LB_ERR) && (idx < pb->Count(plRepGroupComp::kReps)-1) ) { INode* node = pb->GetINode(plRepGroupComp::kReps, TimeValue(0), idx); pb->Delete(plRepGroupComp::kReps, idx, 1); if( node ) pb->Insert(plRepGroupComp::kReps, idx+1, 1, &node); ListBox_SetCurSel(hNode, idx+1); map->Invalidate(plRepGroupComp::kReps); } } return TRUE; case IDC_VAL_REPS: { plRepGroupComp* repGroup = (plRepGroupComp*)map->GetParamBlock()->GetOwner(); plExportErrorMsg errMsg; repGroup->Validate(&errMsg); } return TRUE; } } break; } return false; } void DeleteThis() {} }; static plRepGroupProc gRepGroupProc; CLASS_DESC(plRepGroupComp, gRepGroupDesc, "Representation Group", "RepGroup", COMP_TYPE_GRAPHICS, REPGROUP_CID) ParamBlockDesc2 gRepGroupBk ( plComponent::kBlkComp, _T("RepGroup"), 0, &gRepGroupDesc, P_AUTO_CONSTRUCT + P_AUTO_UI, plComponent::kRefComp, IDD_COMP_REPGROUP, IDS_COMP_REPGROUP, 0, 0, &gRepGroupProc, plRepGroupComp::kReps, _T("Reps"), TYPE_INODE_TAB, 0, 0, 0, p_ui, TYPE_NODELISTBOX, IDC_LIST_REPS, 0, 0, IDC_DEL_REPS, end, end ); plRepGroupComp::plRepGroupComp() { fClassDesc = &gRepGroupDesc; fClassDesc->MakeAutoParamBlocks(this); } void plRepGroupComp::IGetQC(int quals[], int caps[]) { const int numReps = fCompPB->Count(kReps); int i; for( i = 0; i < numReps; i++ ) { plRepresentComp* rep = plRepresentComp::GetComp(fCompPB->GetINode(kReps, TimeValue(0), i)); quals[i] = rep->GetQuality(); caps[i] = rep->GetCapability(); } } hsBool plRepGroupComp::SetupProperties(plMaxNode* node, plErrorMsg* pErrMsg) { const int numReps = fCompPB->Count(kReps); hsTArray quals(numReps); hsTArray caps(numReps); hsTArray masks(numReps); IGetQC(quals.AcquireArray(), caps.AcquireArray()); ComputeAndValidate(pErrMsg, quals.AcquireArray(), caps.AcquireArray(), masks.AcquireArray()); int i; for( i = 0; i < numReps; i++ ) { plRepresentComp* rep = plRepresentComp::GetComp(fCompPB->GetINode(kReps, TimeValue(0), i)); rep->SetLoadMask(masks[i]); } return true; } hsBool plRepGroupComp::PreConvert(plMaxNode* node, plErrorMsg* pErrMsg) { return true; } hsBool plRepGroupComp::Convert(plMaxNode* node, plErrorMsg* pErrMsg) { return true; } hsBool plRepGroupComp::DeInit(plMaxNode* node, plErrorMsg* pErrMsg) { return true; } hsBool plRepGroupComp::ComputeAndValidate(plErrorMsg* pErrMsg, int quals[], int caps[], plLoadMask masks[]) { const int numReps = fCompPB->Count(kReps); uint32_t preVal = plLoadMask::ValidateReps(numReps, quals, caps); if( preVal ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < 32; i++ ) { if( preVal & (1 << i) ) { char buff[256]; INode* rep = fCompPB->GetINode(kReps, TimeValue(0), i); sprintf(buff, "Rep %d - %s is obscured by an earlier representation in preVal", i, rep ? rep->GetName() : "Unknown"); pErrMsg->Set(true, GetINode()->GetName(), buff).Show(); pErrMsg->Set(false); } } } hsBool val = plLoadMask::ComputeRepMasks(numReps, quals, caps, masks); uint32_t postVal = plLoadMask::ValidateMasks(numReps, masks); if( postVal ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < 32; i++ ) { if( !(preVal & (1 << i)) && (postVal & (1 << i)) ) { char buff[256]; INode* rep = fCompPB->GetINode(kReps, TimeValue(0), i); sprintf(buff, "Rep %d - %s is obscured by an earlier representation in postVal", i, rep ? rep->GetName() : "Unknown"); pErrMsg->Set(true, GetINode()->GetName(), buff).Show(); pErrMsg->Set(false); } } } return !(preVal || val || postVal); } hsBool plRepGroupComp::Validate(plErrorMsg* pErrMsg) { CleanDeadNodes(); const int numReps = fCompPB->Count(kReps); hsTArray quals(numReps); hsTArray caps(numReps); hsTArray masks(numReps); IGetQC(quals.AcquireArray(), caps.AcquireArray()); return ComputeAndValidate(pErrMsg, quals.AcquireArray(), caps.AcquireArray(), masks.AcquireArray()); }