
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
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//                                                                          //
//  Export/convert-specific functionality of plAnimStealthNode              //
//                                                                          //

#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "plAnimStealthNode.h"
#include "plPassMtlBase.h"
#include "../resource.h"

#include "MaxMain/plMaxNode.h"
#include "MaxComponent/plMaxAnimUtils.h"
#include "MaxConvert/plConvert.h"
#include "MaxConvert/hsMaterialConverter.h"
#include "plSurface/hsGMaterial.h"
#include "plSurface/plLayerAnimation.h"

#include "iparamm2.h"

//// Helpers /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

static void ISearchLayerRecur( plLayerInterface *layer, const char *segName, hsTArray<plKey>& keys )
    if( !layer )

    plLayerAnimation *animLayer = plLayerAnimation::ConvertNoRef(layer);
    if (animLayer)
        char *ID = animLayer->GetSegmentID();
        if (ID == nil)
            ID = "";
        if (!strcmp(ID, segName))
            if( keys.kMissingIndex == keys.Find(animLayer->GetKey()) )

    ISearchLayerRecur(layer->GetAttached(), segName, keys);

static int ISearchLayerRecur(hsGMaterial* mat, const char *segName, hsTArray<plKey>& keys)
    if (segName == nil || strcmp( segName, ENTIRE_ANIMATION_NAME ) == 0 )
        segName = "";
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < mat->GetNumLayers(); i++ )
        ISearchLayerRecur(mat->GetLayer(i), segName, keys);
    return keys.GetCount();

static int GetMatAnimModKey(Mtl* mtl, plMaxNodeBase* node, const char* segName, hsTArray<plKey>& keys)
    int retVal = 0;

    int i;

    //if( begin < 0 )
    //  begin = 0;

    if( mtl->ClassID() == Class_ID(MULTI_CLASS_ID,0) )
        for( i = 0; i < mtl->NumSubMtls(); i++ )
            retVal += GetMatAnimModKey(mtl->GetSubMtl(i), node, segName, keys);
        hsTArray<hsGMaterial*> matList;

        if (node)
            hsMaterialConverter::Instance().GetMaterialArray(mtl, (plMaxNode*)node, matList);
            hsMaterialConverter::Instance().CollectConvertedMaterials(mtl, matList);

        for( i = 0; i < matList.GetCount(); i++ )
            retVal += ISearchLayerRecur(matList[i], segName, keys);

    return retVal;

SegmentSpec *plAnimStealthNode::IGetSegmentSpec( void ) const
    if( fCachedSegMap != nil )
        const char *name = GetSegmentName();
        if( name != nil )
            SegmentMap::iterator i = fCachedSegMap->find( name );
            if( i != fCachedSegMap->end() )
                SegmentSpec *spec = i->second;
                return spec;
    return nil;

hsScalar    plAnimStealthNode::GetSegStart( void ) const
    SegmentSpec *spec = IGetSegmentSpec();
    if( spec != nil )
        return spec->fStart;

    return 0.f;

hsScalar    plAnimStealthNode::GetSegEnd( void ) const
    SegmentSpec *spec = IGetSegmentSpec();
    if( spec != nil )
        return spec->fEnd;

    return 0.f;

void    plAnimStealthNode::GetLoopPoints( hsScalar &start, hsScalar &end ) const
    start = GetSegStart();
    end = GetSegEnd();

    const char *loopName = GetLoopName();
    if( loopName != nil && loopName[ 0 ] != 0 && fCachedSegMap != nil )
        GetSegMapAnimTime( loopName, fCachedSegMap, SegmentSpec::kLoop, start, end );

void    plAnimStealthNode::GetAllStopPoints( hsTArray<hsScalar> &out )
    if( fCachedSegMap == nil )

    for (SegmentMap::iterator it = fCachedSegMap->begin(); it != fCachedSegMap->end(); it++)
        SegmentSpec *spec = it->second;
        if( spec->fType == SegmentSpec::kStopPoint )
            out.Append( spec->fStart );

//// StuffToTimeConvert //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Handles converting all the settings we have that are applicable for an
//  animTimeConvert and stuffing it into said ATC.

void    plAnimStealthNode::StuffToTimeConvert( plAnimTimeConvert &convert, hsScalar maxLength )
    const char *segName = GetSegmentName();
    bool isEntire = ( segName == nil || strcmp( segName, ENTIRE_ANIMATION_NAME ) == 0 ) ? true : false;

    if( isEntire )
        convert.SetBegin( 0 );
        convert.SetEnd( maxLength );
        SegmentSpec *spec = IGetSegmentSpec();
        convert.SetBegin( ( spec != nil ) ? spec->fStart : 0.f );
        convert.SetEnd( ( spec != nil ) ? spec->fEnd : 0.f );

    // Even if we're not looping, set the loop points. (A responder
    // could tell us later to start looping.)
    if( isEntire )
        convert.SetLoopPoints( 0, maxLength );
        hsScalar loopStart, loopEnd;
        GetLoopPoints( loopStart, loopEnd );
        convert.SetLoopPoints( loopStart, loopEnd );
    convert.Loop( GetLoop() );

    // Auto-start
    if( GetAutoStart() )
        convert.Start( 0 );
        convert.Stop( true );

    // Stuff stop points
    GetAllStopPoints( convert.GetStopPoints() );

    // Ease curve stuff
    if( GetEaseInType() != plAnimEaseTypes::kNoEase )
        convert.SetEase( true, GetEaseInType(), GetEaseInMin(), GetEaseInMax(), GetEaseInLength() );
    if( GetEaseOutType() != plAnimEaseTypes::kNoEase )
        convert.SetEase( false, GetEaseOutType(), GetEaseOutMin(), GetEaseOutMax(), GetEaseOutLength() );

//// plAnimObjInterface Functions ////////////////////////////////////////////

hsBool  plAnimStealthNode::GetKeyList( INode *restrictedNode, hsTArray<plKey> &outKeys )
    if( !fPreppedForConvert )
        hsMessageBox( "This messages is to warn you that mcn screwed up in his attempt to create "
        "a SetupProperties() pass for materials in this scene. You should probably let him know as soon as "
        "possible, and also make a copy of this exact scene so that he can test with it and figure out what "
        "is going wrong. Thank you.", "Mathew is Stupid Error", hsMessageBoxNormal );

    GetMatAnimModKey( GetParentMtl(), (plMaxNode *)restrictedNode, GetSegmentName(), outKeys );
    return true;

//// SetupProperties /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

hsBool  plAnimStealthNode::SetupProperties( plMaxNode *node, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg )
    fPreppedForConvert = true;
    plPassMtlBase *parent = GetParentMtl();
    if( parent != nil && fCachedSegMap == nil )
        fCachedSegMap = GetAnimSegmentMap( parent, nil );
    return true;

//// ConvertDeInit ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

hsBool  plAnimStealthNode::ConvertDeInit( plMaxNode *node, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg )
    fPreppedForConvert = false;
    if( fCachedSegMap != nil )
        DeleteSegmentMap( fCachedSegMap );
    fCachedSegMap = nil;

    return true;