
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
 or by snail mail at:
      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
      Mead, WA   99021

#include "cyAvatar.h"

#include "plgDispatch.h"
#include "plAvatar/plAvatarMgr.h"

#include "plMessage/plAvatarMsg.h"
#include "plMessage/plLinkToAgeMsg.h"
#include "plMessage/plOneShotCallbacks.h"
#include "plMessage/plOneShotMsg.h"
#include "plMessage/plMultistageMsg.h"
#include "pnMessage/plNotifyMsg.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/plFixedKey.h"
#include "plGImage/plMipmap.h"
#include "pyKey.h"
#include "pySceneObject.h"
#include "pyColor.h"
#include "pyImage.h"
#include "cyPythonInterface.h"
#include "cyMisc.h"

#include "plAvatar/plOneShotMod.h"
#include "plAvatar/plMultistageBehMod.h"
#include "plAvatar/plAvatarClothing.h"
#include "plAvatar/plClothingLayout.h"
#include "plAvatar/plArmatureMod.h"
#include "plAvatar/plAvBrainHuman.h"        // needed to call the emote
#include "plAvatar/plAGAnim.h"          // to get the BodyUsage enum
#include "plInputCore/plAvatarInputInterface.h"
#include "plPhysical.h"
#include "plMessage/plSimStateMsg.h"

#include "pnNetCommon/plNetApp.h"
#include "plVault/plVault.h"

#include "plDrawable/plSharedMesh.h"

#include "pnSceneObject/plSceneObject.h"
#include "pnSceneObject/plCoordinateInterface.h"
#include "plDrawable/plMorphSequence.h"

bool IEnterGenericMode(const char *enterAnim, const char *idleAnim, const char *exitAnim, bool autoExit, plAGAnim::BodyUsage bodyUsage,
                       plAvBrainGeneric::BrainType = plAvBrainGeneric::kGeneric);
bool IExitTopmostGenericMode();

cyAvatar::cyAvatar(plKey sender, plKey recvr)
    fNetForce = false;

// setters
void cyAvatar::SetSender(plKey &sender)
    fSender = sender;

void cyAvatar::AddRecvr(plKey &recvr)
    if ( recvr != nil )

void cyAvatar::SetNetForce(hsBool state)
    // set our flag
    fNetForce = state;

void cyAvatar::SetSenderKey(pyKey& pKey)

//  Function   : IFindArmatureModKey
//  PARAMETERS : avObj  - avatar sceneobject
//  PURPOSE    : find the armature mod for this sceneoabject (if its an avatar)
const plArmatureMod* cyAvatar::IFindArmatureMod(plKey avKey)
    plSceneObject* avObj = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(avKey->ObjectIsLoaded());
    if ( avObj )
        // search through its modifiers to see if one of them is an avatar modifier
        int i;
        for ( i=0; i<avObj->GetNumModifiers(); i++ )
            const plModifier* mod = avObj->GetModifier(i);
            // see if it is an avatar mod base class
            const plArmatureMod* avmod = plArmatureMod::ConvertNoRef(mod);
            if ( avmod )
                return avmod;
    // otherwise we didn't find anything
    return nil;

//  Function   : IFindArmatureModKey
//  PARAMETERS : avObj  - avatar sceneobject
//  PURPOSE    : find the armature mod for this sceneoabject (if its an avatar)
plKey cyAvatar::IFindArmatureModKey(plKey avKey)
    const plArmatureMod* avatar = IFindArmatureMod(avKey);
    if ( avatar )
        return avatar->GetKey();
    // otherwise we didn't find anything
    return nil;

//  Function   : oneShot
//  PURPOSE    : oneShot Avatar (must already be there)
void cyAvatar::OneShot(pyKey &seekKey, float duration, hsBool usePhysics,
               const char *animName, hsBool drivable, hsBool reversible)
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0 )
        // create message
        plAvOneShotMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plAvOneShotMsg(
            (plKey )fSender,
            seekKey.getKey(),   // Mark D told me to do it ...paulg
            animName, // Constructor will do a copy. -mf- hsStrcpy(animName),

        // check if this needs to be network forced to all clients
        if (fNetForce )
            // set the network propagate flag to make sure it gets to the other clients
        // must have a receiver!
        // add all our receivers to the message receiver list
        int i;
        for ( i=0; i<fRecvr.Count(); i++ )

        plgDispatch::MsgSend( pMsg );   // whoosh... off it goes

//  Function   : RunBehavior
//  PURPOSE    : Run Behavior, could be single or multi-stage shot
void cyAvatar::RunBehavior(pyKey &behKey, hsBool netForce, hsBool netProp)
    // first there is someone to send to and make sure that we an avatar to send this to
    if ( behKey.getKey() != nil && fRecvr.Count() > 0)
        // must determine if the behKey is pointing to Single or Multi Shot behavior
        if ( plOneShotMod::ConvertNoRef(behKey.getKey()->GetObjectPtr()) != nil )
            // create a message OneShotMessage
            plOneShotMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plOneShotMsg;
            // check if this needs to be network forced to all clients
            if (netProp)
                pMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kNetPropagate, false);

            if (netForce)
                // set the network propagate flag to make sure it gets to the other clients
                pMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kNetForce, false);

            int i;
            for ( i=0; i<fRecvr.Count(); i++ )
                // make sure there is an avatar to set
                if ( fRecvr[i] != nil )
                    pMsg->fPlayerKey = (plKey)fRecvr[i];
                    plgDispatch::MsgSend( pMsg );   // send off command for each valid avatar we find
                                                    // ... really, should only be one... though
        // else if it is a Multistage guy
        else if ( plMultistageBehMod::ConvertNoRef(behKey.getKey()->GetObjectPtr()) != nil )
            // its a multistage thingy... need to send it a plNotifyMsg
            // create new notify message to do the actual send with
            plNotifyMsg* pNMsg = TRACKED_NEW plNotifyMsg;

            // set whether this should be forced over the network (ignoring net-cascading)
            if (netProp)
                pNMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kNetPropagate, false);

            if ( netForce )
                pNMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kNetForce, false);

            // copy data and event records to new NotifyMsg
            pNMsg->fState = 1.0;
            // need to recreate all the events in the new message by Adding them
            if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0 && fRecvr[0] != nil )
                pNMsg->AddPickEvent( (plKey)fRecvr[0], nil, true, hsPoint3(0,0,0) );

            // add receivers
            // loop though adding the ones that want to be notified of the change
            plgDispatch::MsgSend( pNMsg );

//  Function   : RunBehaviorAndReply
//  PURPOSE    : Run Behavior, multistage only, reply to specified key'd object
void cyAvatar::RunBehaviorAndReply(pyKey& behKey, pyKey& replyKey, hsBool netForce, hsBool netProp)
    plMultistageBehMod* pMod = plMultistageBehMod::ConvertNoRef(behKey.getKey()->GetObjectPtr());   
    if ( pMod )
        // its a multistage thingy... need to send it a plNotifyMsg
        // create new notify message to do the actual send with
        plNotifyMsg* pNMsg = TRACKED_NEW plNotifyMsg;

        // set whether this should be forced over the network (ignoring net-cascading)
        if (netProp)
            pNMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kNetPropagate, false);

        if (netForce)
            // set the network propagate flag to make sure it gets to the other clients
            pNMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kNetForce, false);

        // copy data and event records to new NotifyMsg
        pNMsg->fState = 1.0;
        // need to recreate all the events in the new message by Adding them
        if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0 && fRecvr[0] != nil )
            pNMsg->AddPickEvent( (plKey)fRecvr[0], nil, true, hsPoint3(0,0,0) );

        // add receivers
        // loop though adding the ones that want to be notified of the change
        plgDispatch::MsgSend( pNMsg );


//  Function   : NextStage
//  PARAMETERS : behKey  - behavior pyKey
//             : transTime  - the transition time to the next stage
//   (optional): rewind   - whether to rewind to the front of the next stage
//  PURPOSE    : Go to the next stage in a multi-stage behavior
// NOTE: only works with multi-stage behaviors
void cyAvatar::NextStage(pyKey &behKey, hsScalar transTime, hsBool setTime, hsScalar newTime,
                        hsBool setDirection, bool isForward, hsBool netForce)
    // first there is someone to send to and make sure that we an avatar to send this to
    if ( behKey.getKey() != nil && fRecvr.Count() > 0)
        // if it is a Multistage guy
        if ( plMultistageBehMod::ConvertNoRef(behKey.getKey()->GetObjectPtr()) != nil )
            plKey avKey = IFindArmatureModKey( (plKey)fRecvr[0] );
            if ( avKey )
                // create the message
                plAvBrainGenericMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plAvBrainGenericMsg((plKey)fSender, avKey,
                    plAvBrainGenericMsg::kNextStage, 0, setTime, newTime,
                    setDirection, (bool)isForward, transTime);

                if ( netForce )
                    pMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kNetForce | plMessage::kNetPropagate);

                plgDispatch::MsgSend( pMsg );


//  Function   : PreviousStage
//  PARAMETERS : behKey  - behavior pyKey
//             : transTime  - the transition time to the next stage
//   (optional): rewind   - whether to rewind to the front of the next stage
//  PURPOSE    : Go to the previous stage in a multi-stage behavior
// NOTE: only works with multi-stage behaviors
void cyAvatar::PreviousStage(pyKey &behKey, hsScalar transTime, hsBool setTime, hsScalar newTime,
                        hsBool setDirection, bool isForward, hsBool netForce)
    // first there is someone to send to and make sure that we an avatar to send this to
    if ( behKey.getKey() != nil && fRecvr.Count() > 0)
        // if it is a Multistage guy
        if ( plMultistageBehMod::ConvertNoRef(behKey.getKey()->GetObjectPtr()) != nil )
            plKey avKey = IFindArmatureModKey( (plKey)fRecvr[0] );
            if ( avKey )
                // create the message
                plAvBrainGenericMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plAvBrainGenericMsg((plKey)fSender, avKey,
                    plAvBrainGenericMsg::kPrevStage, 0, setTime, newTime,
                    setDirection, (bool)isForward, transTime);

                if ( netForce )
                    pMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kNetForce | plMessage::kNetPropagate);

                plgDispatch::MsgSend( pMsg );


//  Function   : GotoStage
//  PARAMETERS : behKey  - behavior pyKey
//             : stage   - stage number to go to
//             : transTime  - the transition time to the next stage
//   (optional): rewind   - whether to rewind to the front of the next stage
//  PURPOSE    : Go to a particular stage in a multi-stage behavior
// NOTE: only works with multi-stage behaviors
void cyAvatar::GoToStage(pyKey &behKey, Int32 stage, hsScalar transTime, hsBool setTime, hsScalar newTime,
                        hsBool setDirection, bool isForward, hsBool netForce)
    // first there is someone to send to and make sure that we an avatar to send this to
    if ( behKey.getKey() != nil && fRecvr.Count() > 0)
        // if it is a Multistage guy
        if ( plMultistageBehMod::ConvertNoRef(behKey.getKey()->GetObjectPtr()) != nil )
            plKey avKey = IFindArmatureModKey( (plKey)fRecvr[0] );
            if ( avKey )
                // create the message
                plAvBrainGenericMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plAvBrainGenericMsg((plKey)fSender, avKey,
                    plAvBrainGenericMsg::kGotoStage, stage, setTime, newTime,
                    setDirection, isForward, transTime);

                if ( netForce )
                    pMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kNetForce | plMessage::kNetPropagate);

                plgDispatch::MsgSend( pMsg );


void cyAvatar::SetLoopCount(pyKey &behKey, Int32 stage, Int32 loopCount, hsBool netForce)
    // if it is a Multistage guy
    if ( plMultistageBehMod::ConvertNoRef(behKey.getKey()->GetObjectPtr()) != nil )
        plMultistageModMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plMultistageModMsg((plKey)nil, behKey.getKey());
        pMsg->fStageNum = (UInt8)stage;
        pMsg->fNumLoops = (UInt8)loopCount;

        if ( netForce )
            pMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kNetForce | plMessage::kNetPropagate);

        plgDispatch::MsgSend( pMsg );

//  Function   : seek
//  PURPOSE    : seek Avatar (must already be there)

/* Unsupported. Ask Bob if you want it back.

void cyAvatar::Seek(pyKey &seekKey, float duration, hsBool usePhysics)
    // must have a receiver!
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0 )
        // create message
        plAvSeekMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plAvSeekMsg(
            (plKey)fSender,nil, seekKey.getKey(),duration,usePhysics);

        // check if this needs to be network forced to all clients
        if (fNetForce )
            // set the network propagate flag to make sure it gets to the other clients
        // add all our receivers to the message receiver list
        int i;
        for ( i=0; i<fRecvr.Count(); i++ )

        plgDispatch::MsgSend( pMsg );   // whoosh... off it goes

//  Function   : GetAvatarClothingGroup
//  PURPOSE    : Return what clothing group the avatar is in
Int32 cyAvatar::GetAvatarClothingGroup()
    // find the avatar's armature modifier
    const plArmatureMod *avMod = nil;

    // we can really only talk to one avatar, so just get the first one (which is probably the only one)
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0 && fRecvr[0] != nil )
        plSceneObject *so = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(fRecvr[0]->GetObjectPtr());
        if (so != nil)
            avMod = (plArmatureMod*)so->GetModifierByType(plArmatureMod::Index());
            if ( avMod )
                return avMod->GetClothingOutfit()->fGroup;
    return -1;

//  Function   : GetClosetClothingList
//  PURPOSE    : Return a list of the wearable items for this avatar of that clothing_type
std::vector<std::string> cyAvatar::GetEntireClothingList(Int32 clothing_type)
    // Currently, just all the clothing available will be returned
    hsTArray<plClothingItem*> clothingList = plClothingMgr::GetClothingMgr()->GetItemList();
    int numItems = clothingList.GetCount();

    // create the string list to send to python...
    std::vector<std::string> retVal;
    for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++)

    return retVal;

//  Function   : GetClosetClothingList
//  PURPOSE    : Return a list of the wearable items for this avatar of that clothing_type
std::vector<PyObject*> cyAvatar::GetClosetClothingList(Int32 clothing_type)
    std::vector<PyObject*> retVal;

    // find the avatar's armature modifier
    const plArmatureMod *avMod = nil;

    // we can really only talk to one avatar, so just get the first one (which is probably the only one)
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0 && fRecvr[0] != nil )
        plSceneObject *so = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(fRecvr[0]->GetObjectPtr());
        if (so != nil)
            avMod = (plArmatureMod*)so->GetModifierByType(plArmatureMod::Index());
            if ( avMod )
                // Get all the clothes that we can wear
                hsTArray<plClothingItem*> clothingList;
                plClothingMgr::GetClothingMgr()->GetItemsByGroup(avMod->GetClothingOutfit()->fGroup, clothingList);
                int numItems = clothingList.GetCount();
                // create the string list to send to python... as a python object
                int i;
                for ( i=0; i<numItems; i++ )
                    plClothingItem* item = clothingList[i];
                    if ( clothing_type == -1 || item->fType == clothing_type )
                        // add this event record to the main event list (lists within a list)
                        // create list
                        PyObject* clothingItem = PyList_New(5);

                        // [0] = clothing name
                        PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 0, PyString_FromString(item->GetName()));
                        // [1] = clothing type
                        PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 1, PyInt_FromLong(item->fType));

                        // [2] = description
                        const char* description = "";       // assume an empty string
                        if ( item->fDescription != nil )
                            description = item->fDescription;
                        PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 2, PyString_FromString(description));

                        // [3] = ptImage of icon
                        if ( item->fThumbnail != nil )
                            // create a ptImage
                            PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 3, pyImage::New(item->fThumbnail->GetKey()));
                            PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 3, PyInt_FromLong(0));

                        // [4] = fCustomText
                        const char* custom = "";            // assume an empty string
                        if ( item->fCustomText != nil )
                            custom = item->fCustomText;
                        PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 4, PyString_FromString(custom));
    return retVal;

//  Function   : GetAvatarClothingList
//  PURPOSE    : Return a list of the wearable items for this avatar of that clothing_type
std::vector<PyObject*> cyAvatar::GetAvatarClothingList()
    std::vector<PyObject*> retVal;
    // find the avatar's armature modifier
    const plArmatureMod *avMod = nil;
    // we can really only talk to one avatar, so just get the first one (which is probably the only one)
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0 && fRecvr[0] != nil )
        plSceneObject *so = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(fRecvr[0]->GetObjectPtr());
        if (so != nil)
            avMod = (plArmatureMod*)so->GetModifierByType(plArmatureMod::Index());
            if ( avMod )
                // Currently, just all the clothing available will be returned
                hsTArray<plClothingItem*> clothingList = avMod->GetClothingOutfit()->GetItemList();
                int numItems = clothingList.GetCount();
                // create the string list to send to python... as a python object
                int i;
                for ( i=0; i<numItems; i++ )
                    // add this event record to the main event list (lists within a list)
                    // create list
                    PyObject* clothingItem = PyList_New(5);
                    plClothingItem* item = clothingList[i];

                    // [0] = clothing name
                    PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 0, PyString_FromString(item->GetName()));

                    // [1] = clothing type
                    PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 1, PyInt_FromLong(item->fType));

                    // [2] = description
                    const char* description = "";       // assume an empty string
                    if ( item->fDescription != nil )
                        description = item->fDescription;
                    PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 2, PyString_FromString(description));

                    // [3] = ptImage of icon
                    if ( item->fThumbnail != nil )
                        // create a ptImage
                        PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 3, pyImage::New(item->fThumbnail->GetKey()));
                        PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 3, PyInt_FromLong(0));

                    // [4] = fCustomText
                    const char* custom = "";            // assume an empty string
                    if ( item->fCustomText != nil )
                        custom = item->fCustomText;
                    PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 4, PyString_FromString(custom));

    return retVal;

//  Function   : GetWardrobeClothingList
//  PURPOSE    : Return a list of items that are in the avatars closet
std::vector<PyObject*> cyAvatar::GetWardrobeClothingList()
    std::vector<PyObject*> retVal;
    hsTArray<plClosetItem> closetList;
    int numItems = closetList.GetCount();
    // create the string list to send to python... as a python object
    int i;
    for ( i=0; i<numItems; i++ )
        // add this event record to the main event list (lists within a list)
        // create list
        PyObject* closetItem = PyList_New(7);

        // [0] = clothing name
        PyList_SetItem(closetItem, 0, PyString_FromString(closetList[i].fItem->GetName()));
        // [1] = clothing type
        PyList_SetItem(closetItem, 1, PyInt_FromLong(closetList[i].fItem->fType));
        // [2] = description
        const char* description = "";       // assume an empty string
        if ( closetList[i].fItem->fDescription != nil )
            description = closetList[i].fItem->fDescription;
        PyList_SetItem(closetItem, 2, PyString_FromString(description));

        // [3] = ptImage of icon
        if ( closetList[i].fItem->fThumbnail != nil )
            // create a ptImage
            PyList_SetItem(closetItem, 3, pyImage::New(closetList[i].fItem->fThumbnail->GetKey()));
            PyList_SetItem(closetItem, 3, PyInt_FromLong(0));

        // [4] = fCustomText
        const char* custom = "";            // assume an empty string
        if ( closetList[i].fItem->fCustomText != nil )
            custom = closetList[i].fItem->fCustomText;
        PyList_SetItem(closetItem, 4, PyString_FromString(custom));

        // [5] = fTint1
        PyList_SetItem(closetItem, 5, pyColor::New(closetList[i].fOptions.fTint1));
        // [6] = fTint2
        PyList_SetItem(closetItem, 6, pyColor::New(closetList[i].fOptions.fTint2));

    return retVal;

//  Function   : AddWardrobeClothingItem
//  PARAMETERS : clothing_name - the name of the clothing item to add to your wardrobe
//             : tint1 - layer one color
//             : tint2 - layer two color
//  PURPOSE    : To add a clothing item to the avatar's wardrobe (closet)
void cyAvatar::AddWardrobeClothingItem(const char* clothing_name,pyColor& tint1,pyColor& tint2)
    plClothingItem *item = plClothingMgr::GetClothingMgr()->FindItemByName((char*)clothing_name);
    if ( item )
        hsTArray<plClosetItem> items;
        items[0].fItem = item;
        items[0].fOptions.fTint1.Set(tint1.getRed(), tint1.getGreen(), tint1.getBlue(), 1.f);
        items[0].fOptions.fTint2.Set(tint2.getRed(), tint2.getGreen(), tint2.getBlue(), 1.f);


//  Function   : GetUniqueMeshList
//  PARAMETERS : clothing_type - the type of clothing to get
//  PURPOSE    : Return a list of unique clothing items (each has a different mesh)
//             : that belong to the specific type
std::vector<PyObject*> cyAvatar::GetUniqueMeshList(Int32 clothing_type)
    std::vector<PyObject*> retVal;

    // find the avatar's armature modifier
    const plArmatureMod *avMod = nil;

    // we can really only talk to one avatar, so just get the first one (which is probably the only one)
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0 && fRecvr[0] != nil )
        plSceneObject *so = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(fRecvr[0]->GetObjectPtr());
        if (so != nil)
            avMod = (plArmatureMod*)so->GetModifierByType(plArmatureMod::Index());
            if ( avMod )
                // Get all the clothes that we can wear
                hsTArray<plClothingItem*> clothingList;
                plClothingMgr::GetClothingMgr()->GetItemsByGroup(avMod->GetClothingOutfit()->fGroup, clothingList);
                plClothingMgr::GetClothingMgr()->FilterUniqueMeshes(clothingList); // filter all redundant meshes
                int numItems = clothingList.GetCount();
                // create the string list to send to python... as a python object
                int i;
                for ( i=0; i<numItems; i++ )
                    plClothingItem* item = clothingList[i];
                    if ( clothing_type == -1 || item->fType == clothing_type )
                        // add this event record to the main event list (lists within a list)
                        // create list
                        PyObject* clothingItem = PyList_New(5);

                        // [0] = clothing name
                        PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 0, PyString_FromString(item->GetName()));

                        // [1] = clothing type
                        PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 1, PyInt_FromLong(item->fType));

                        // [2] = description
                        const char* description = "";       // assume an empty string
                        if ( item->fDescription != nil )
                            description = item->fDescription;
                        PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 2, PyString_FromString(description));

                        // [3] = ptImage of icon
                        if ( item->fThumbnail != nil )
                            // create a ptImage
                            PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 3, pyImage::New(item->fThumbnail->GetKey()));
                            PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 3, PyInt_FromLong(0));

                        // [4] = fCustomText
                        const char* custom = "";            // assume an empty string
                        if ( item->fCustomText != nil )
                            custom = item->fCustomText;
                        PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 4, PyString_FromString(custom));

    return retVal;

//  Function   : GetAllWithSameMesh
//  PARAMETERS : clothing_name - the name of the mesh to get the textures of
//  PURPOSE    : Return a list of clothing items that have the same mesh as
//             : the item passed in
std::vector<PyObject*> cyAvatar::GetAllWithSameMesh(const char* clothing_name)
    std::vector<PyObject*> retVal;

    // find the avatar's armature modifier
    const plArmatureMod *avMod = nil;

    // we can really only talk to one avatar, so just get the first one (which is probably the only one)
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0 && fRecvr[0] != nil )
        plSceneObject *so = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(fRecvr[0]->GetObjectPtr());
        if (so != nil)
            avMod = (plArmatureMod*)so->GetModifierByType(plArmatureMod::Index());
            if ( avMod )
                // Get all clothes with the same mesh as the one passed in
                hsTArray<plClothingItem*> clothingList;
                plClothingMgr::GetClothingMgr()->GetAllWithSameMesh(plClothingMgr::GetClothingMgr()->FindItemByName((char*)clothing_name), clothingList);
                int numItems = clothingList.GetCount();
                // create the string list to send to python... as a python object
                int i;
                for ( i=0; i<numItems; i++ )
                    // add this event record to the main event list (lists within a list)
                    // create list
                    PyObject* clothingItem = PyList_New(5);
                    plClothingItem* item = clothingList[i];

                    // [0] = clothing name
                    PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 0, PyString_FromString(item->GetName()));

                    // [1] = clothing type
                    PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 1, PyInt_FromLong(item->fType));

                    // [2] = description
                    const char* description = "";       // assume an empty string
                    if ( item->fDescription != nil )
                        description = item->fDescription;
                    PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 2, PyString_FromString(description));

                    // [3] = ptImage of icon
                    if ( item->fThumbnail != nil )
                        // create a ptImage
                        PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 3, pyImage::New(item->fThumbnail->GetKey()));
                        PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 3, PyInt_FromLong(0));

                    // [4] = fCustomText
                    const char* custom = "";            // assume an empty string
                    if ( item->fCustomText != nil )
                        custom = item->fCustomText;
                    PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 4, PyString_FromString(custom));

    return retVal;

//  Function   : GetMatchingClothingItem
//  PURPOSE    : Return the clothing item that matches this one
//             : If no match then returns the number 0
PyObject* cyAvatar::GetMatchingClothingItem(const char* clothing_name)
    // Get all the clothes that we can wear
    hsTArray<plClothingItem*> clothingList;
    plClothingItem* match = plClothingMgr::GetClothingMgr()->GetLRMatch(plClothingMgr::GetClothingMgr()->FindItemByName((char*)clothing_name));
    if ( match )
        // create list
        PyObject* clothingItem = PyList_New(5);
        // [0] = clothing name
        PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 0, PyString_FromString(match->GetName()));

        // [1] = clothing type
        PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 1, PyInt_FromLong(match->fType));

        // [2] = description
        const char* description = "";       // assume an empty string
        if ( match->fDescription != nil )
            description = match->fDescription;
        PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 2, PyString_FromString(description));

        // [3] = ptImage of icon
        if ( match->fThumbnail != nil )
            // create a ptImage
            PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 3, pyImage::New(match->fThumbnail->GetKey()));
            PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 3, PyInt_FromLong(0));

        // [4] = fCustomText
        const char* custom = "";            // assume an empty string
        if ( match->fCustomText != nil )
            custom = match->fCustomText;
        PyList_SetItem(clothingItem, 4, PyString_FromString(custom));

        return clothingItem;
        return PyInt_FromLong(0);

//  Function   : WearClothingItem
//  PURPOSE    : Wear a particular piece of clothing based on name of clothing item
//             : returns 0, if clothing item was not found
hsBool cyAvatar::WearClothingItem(const char* clothing_name)
    return WearClothingItemU(clothing_name,true);

//  Function   : RemoveClothingItem
//  PURPOSE    : Wear a particular piece of clothing based on name of clothing item
//             : returns false, if clothing item was not found
hsBool cyAvatar::RemoveClothingItem(const char* clothing_name)
    return RemoveClothingItemU(clothing_name,true);

//  Function   : TintClothingItem
//  PURPOSE    : Tint a clothing item, i.e. change the color of it
hsBool cyAvatar::TintClothingItem(const char* clothing_name, pyColor& tint)
    return TintClothingItemU(clothing_name,tint,true);

//  Function   : TintClothingItemLayer
//  PARAMETERS : clothing_name   - name of the clothing item to change the color of
//             : tint   - what color to change it to
//             : layer  - which layer to change (1 or 2)
//  PURPOSE    : Tint a clothing item, i.e. change the color of it
hsBool cyAvatar::TintClothingItemLayer(const char* clothing_name, pyColor& tint, UInt8 layer)
    return TintClothingItemLayerU(clothing_name,tint,layer,true);

//  Function   : WearClothingItem
//  PARAMETERS : --- with update flag
//  PURPOSE    : Wear a particular piece of clothing based on name of clothing item
//             : returns 0, if clothing item was not found
hsBool cyAvatar::WearClothingItemU(const char* clothing_name, hsBool update)
    const plArmatureMod *avMod = nil;
    // we can really only talk to one avatar, so just get the first one (which is probably the only one)
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0 && fRecvr[0] != nil )
        plSceneObject *so = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(fRecvr[0]->GetObjectPtr());
        if (so != nil)
            avMod = (plArmatureMod*)so->GetModifierByType(plArmatureMod::Index());
            plClothingItem *item = plClothingMgr::GetClothingMgr()->FindItemByName((char*)clothing_name);

            if (avMod && item)
                if ( fNetForce )
                    avMod->GetClothingOutfit()->AddItem(item, update, true, true);
                    avMod->GetClothingOutfit()->AddItem(item, update);
                return true;

    return false;

//  Function   : RemoveClothingItemU
//  PARAMETERS : --- with update flag
//  PURPOSE    : Wear a particular piece of clothing based on name of clothing item
//             : returns false, if clothing item was not found
hsBool cyAvatar::RemoveClothingItemU(const char* clothing_name, hsBool update)
    const plArmatureMod *avMod = nil;
    // we can really only talk to one avatar, so just get the first one (which is probably the only one)
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0 && fRecvr[0] != nil )
        plSceneObject *so = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(fRecvr[0]->GetObjectPtr());
        if (so != nil)
            avMod = (plArmatureMod*)so->GetModifierByType(plArmatureMod::Index());

            plClothingItem *item = plClothingMgr::GetClothingMgr()->FindItemByName((char*)clothing_name);

            if (avMod && item)
                if ( fNetForce )
                return true;

    return false;

//  Function   : TintClothingItemU
//  PARAMETERS : --- with update flag
//  PURPOSE    : Tint a clothing item, i.e. change the color of it
hsBool cyAvatar::TintClothingItemU(const char* clothing_name, pyColor& tint, hsBool update)
    const plArmatureMod *avMod = nil;
    // we can really only talk to one avatar, so just get the first one (which is probably the only one)
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0 && fRecvr[0] != nil )
        plSceneObject *so = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(fRecvr[0]->GetObjectPtr());
        if (so != nil)
            avMod = (plArmatureMod*)so->GetModifierByType(plArmatureMod::Index());

            plClothingItem *item = plClothingMgr::GetClothingMgr()->FindItemByName((char*)clothing_name);

            if (avMod && item)
                avMod->GetClothingOutfit()->TintItem(item, tint.getRed(),tint.getGreen(),tint.getBlue(),update,true,fNetForce,true,plClothingElement::kLayerTint1);
                return true;

    return false;

//  Function   : TintClothingItemLayer
//  PARAMETERS : clothing_name   - name of the clothing item to change the color of
//             : tint   - what color to change it to
//             : layer  - which layer to change (1 or 2)
//  PURPOSE    : Tint a clothing item, i.e. change the color of it
hsBool cyAvatar::TintClothingItemLayerU(const char* clothing_name, pyColor& tint, UInt8 layer, hsBool update)
    const plArmatureMod *avMod = nil;
    // we can really only talk to one avatar, so just get the first one (which is probably the only one)
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0 && fRecvr[0] != nil )
        plSceneObject *so = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(fRecvr[0]->GetObjectPtr());
        if (so != nil)
            avMod = (plArmatureMod*)so->GetModifierByType(plArmatureMod::Index());

            plClothingItem *item = plClothingMgr::GetClothingMgr()->FindItemByName((char*)clothing_name);

            if (avMod && item)
                // Convert Python layer number to clothing code...
                if (layer == 2)
                    layer = plClothingElement::kLayerTint2;
                    layer = plClothingElement::kLayerTint1;
                avMod->GetClothingOutfit()->TintItem(item, tint.getRed(),tint.getGreen(),tint.getBlue(),update,true,fNetForce,true,layer);
                return true;

    return false;

//  Function   : GetClothingItemParameterString
//  PURPOSE    : Get the custom parameter string for a clothing item
const char* cyAvatar::GetClothingItemParameterString(const char* clothing_name)
    const plArmatureMod *avMod = nil;
    // we can really only talk to one avatar, so just get the first one (which is probably the only one)
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0 && fRecvr[0] != nil )
        plSceneObject *so = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(fRecvr[0]->GetObjectPtr());
        if (so != nil)
            avMod = (plArmatureMod*)so->GetModifierByType(plArmatureMod::Index());

            plClothingItem *item = plClothingMgr::GetClothingMgr()->FindItemByName((char*)clothing_name);

            if (avMod && item)
                if ( item->fCustomText != nil )
                    return item->fCustomText;
                    return "";

    return "";

//  Function   : GetTintClothingItem
//  PURPOSE    : Get the tint a clothing item, i.e. change the color of it
PyObject* cyAvatar::GetTintClothingItem(const char* clothing_name)
    return GetTintClothingItemL(clothing_name,1);

//  Function   : GetTintClothingItem
//  PURPOSE    : Get the tint a clothing item, i.e. change the color of it
PyObject* cyAvatar::GetTintClothingItemL(const char* clothing_name, UInt8 layer)
    const plArmatureMod *avMod = nil;
    // we can really only talk to one avatar, so just get the first one (which is probably the only one)
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0 && fRecvr[0] != nil )
        plSceneObject *so = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(fRecvr[0]->GetObjectPtr());
        if (so != nil)
            avMod = (plArmatureMod*)so->GetModifierByType(plArmatureMod::Index());

            plClothingItem *item = plClothingMgr::GetClothingMgr()->FindItemByName((char*)clothing_name);

            if (avMod && item)
                // Convert Python layer number to clothing code...
                if (layer == 2)
                    layer = plClothingElement::kLayerTint2;
                    layer = plClothingElement::kLayerTint1;
                hsColorRGBA tint = avMod->GetClothingOutfit()->GetItemTint(item,layer);
                return pyColor::New(tint);

    char errmsg[256];
    sprintf(errmsg,"Cannot find clothing item %d to find out what tint it is",clothing_name);
    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, errmsg);
    // returning nil means an error occurred
    return nil;

//  Function   : TintSkin
//  PURPOSE    : Tint the skin of the player's avatar
void cyAvatar::TintSkin(pyColor& tint)

//  Function   : TintSkinU
//  PURPOSE    : Tint the skin of the player's avatar with optional update flag
void cyAvatar::TintSkinU(pyColor& tint, hsBool update)
    const plArmatureMod *avMod = nil;
    // we can really only talk to one avatar, so just get the first one (which is probably the only one)
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0 && fRecvr[0] != nil )
        plSceneObject *so = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(fRecvr[0]->GetObjectPtr());
        if (so != nil)
            avMod = (plArmatureMod*)so->GetModifierByType(plArmatureMod::Index());

//  Function   : GetTintSkin
//  PURPOSE    : Get the tint of the skin of the player's avatar
PyObject* cyAvatar::GetTintSkin()
    const plArmatureMod *avMod = nil;
    // we can really only talk to one avatar, so just get the first one (which is probably the only one)
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0 && fRecvr[0] != nil )
        plSceneObject *so = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(fRecvr[0]->GetObjectPtr());
        if (so != nil)
            avMod = (plArmatureMod*)so->GetModifierByType(plArmatureMod::Index());
            hsColorRGBA tint = avMod->GetClothingOutfit()->fSkinTint;
            // now create the ptColor Python object
            return pyColor::New(tint);
    char errmsg[256];
    sprintf(errmsg,"Cannot find the skin of the player. Whatever that means!");
    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, errmsg);
    // returning nil means an error occurred
    return nil;

plMorphSequence* cyAvatar::LocalMorphSequence()
    plArmatureMod *avMod = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar();
    if (!avMod)
        return nil;

    const plSceneObject *so = avMod->GetClothingSO(0); // grabbing the high LOD node
    if (!so)
        return nil;

    const plModifier* constSeq = nil;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < so->GetNumModifiers(); i++)
        constSeq = so->GetModifier(i);
        if (constSeq && plMorphSequence::ConvertNoRef(constSeq))
            return (plMorphSequence*)constSeq; // safe cast, we've already checked type (plus we're const_cast'ing).

    return nil;

//  Function   : SetMorph
//  PARAMETERS : clothing_name - the name of the clothing to morph
//             : layer - the layer to affect
//             : value - what the new value should be (clipped between -1 and 1)
//  PURPOSE    : Set the morph value of a specific layer of clothing
void cyAvatar::SetMorph(const char* clothing_name, UInt8 layer, float value)
    plClothingItem *item = plClothingMgr::GetClothingMgr()->FindItemByName(clothing_name);
    if( !item )
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "Item not found");

    float wgtPlus;
    float wgtMinus;
    if(value > 1.0) value = 1.0;
    if(value < -1.0) value = -1.0;
    if (value > 0)
        wgtPlus = value;
        wgtMinus = 0;
        wgtMinus = -value;
        wgtPlus = 0;
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0 && fRecvr[0] != nil )
        plSceneObject *so = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(fRecvr[0]->GetObjectPtr());
        if (so != nil)
            const plArmatureMod *avMod = (plArmatureMod*)so->GetModifierByType(plArmatureMod::Index());
            if (avMod && avMod->GetClothingOutfit())
                avMod->GetClothingOutfit()->MorphItem(item, layer, 0, wgtPlus, true);
                avMod->GetClothingOutfit()->MorphItem(item, layer, 1, wgtMinus, true);


//  Function   : GetMorph
//  PARAMETERS : clothing_name - the name of the clothing to get the value from
//             : layer - the layer to get the value from
//  PURPOSE    : Returns the current morph value of the specific layer of clothing
float cyAvatar::GetMorph(const char* clothing_name, UInt8 layer)
    plMorphSequence* seq = LocalMorphSequence();
    if( !seq )
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "Sequence not found");
        return 0;

    plClothingItem *item = plClothingMgr::GetClothingMgr()->FindItemByName(clothing_name);
    if( !item )
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "Item not found");
        return 0;

    plKey meshKey = item->fMeshes[0]->GetKey();

    if (layer >= seq->GetNumLayers(meshKey))
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "Layer index too high");
        return 0;

    float wgtPlus;
    float wgtMinus;

    wgtPlus = seq->GetWeight(layer,0,meshKey);
    wgtMinus = seq->GetWeight(layer,1,meshKey);

    if (wgtPlus > 0)
        return wgtPlus;
        return -wgtMinus;

//  Function   : SetSkinBlend
//  PARAMETERS : layer - the layer to affect
//             : value - what the new value should be (clipped between 0 and 1)
//  PURPOSE    : Set the skin blend for the specified layer
void cyAvatar::SetSkinBlend(UInt8 layer, float value)
    if (value < 0.0) value = 0.0;
    if (value > 1.0) value = 1.0;

    plArmatureMod *avMod = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar();
    if (avMod)
        avMod->GetClothingOutfit()->SetSkinBlend(value, (int)layer + plClothingElement::kLayerSkinBlend1 - 1);

//  Function   : GetSkinBlend
//  PARAMETERS : layer - the layer to get the blend for
//  PURPOSE    : Returns the current layer's skin blend
float cyAvatar::GetSkinBlend(UInt8 layer)
    plArmatureMod *avMod = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar();
    if (avMod)
        return avMod->GetClothingOutfit()->GetSkinBlend((int)layer + plClothingElement::kLayerSkinBlend1 - 1);
    return 0;

//  Function   : SaveClothing
//  PURPOSE    : Saves the current clothing to the vault (including morphs)
void cyAvatar::SaveClothing()
    plArmatureMod *avMod = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar();
    if (avMod)

//  Function   : EnterSubWorld
//  PARAMETERS : object  - a sceneobject that is in the subworld
//  PURPOSE    : Place the Avatar into the subworld of the sceneobject specified
void cyAvatar::EnterSubWorld(pySceneObject& object)
    // make sure that there is atleast one avatar scene object attached (should be)
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0)
        // find the armature modifier
        plArmatureMod* avatar = (plArmatureMod*)IFindArmatureMod((plKey)fRecvr[0]);
            // get the sceneobject that we will use to find the subworld
            plKey SOkey = object.getObjKey();
            if ( SOkey )
                plSceneObject *SO = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(SOkey->ObjectIsLoaded());
                    plKey subWorldKey = SOkey;
                    plKey physKey = avatar->GetKey();
                    plKey nilKey;   // sorry
                    plSubWorldMsg *swMsg = TRACKED_NEW plSubWorldMsg(nilKey, physKey, subWorldKey);

//  Function   : ExitSubWorld
//  PARAMETERS : (none)
//  PURPOSE    : Exit the avatar from the subworld, back into the ... <whatever> world
void cyAvatar::ExitSubWorld()
    // make sure that there is atleast one avatar scene object attached (should be)
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0)
        // find the armature modifier
        plArmatureMod* avatar = (plArmatureMod*)IFindArmatureMod((plKey)fRecvr[0]);
            plKey subWorldKey;      // we're going to the nil subworld
            plKey physKey = avatar->GetKey();
            plKey nilKey;   // sorry
            plSubWorldMsg *swMsg = TRACKED_NEW plSubWorldMsg(nilKey, physKey, subWorldKey);

//  Function   : PlaySimpleAnimation
//  PARAMETERS : object  - a sceneobject that is in the subworld
//  PURPOSE    : Place the Avatar into the subworld of the sceneobject specified
void cyAvatar::PlaySimpleAnimation(const char* animName)
    // make sure that there is atleast one avatar scene object attached (should be)
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0)
        // find the armature modifier
        plArmatureMod* avatar = (plArmatureMod*)IFindArmatureMod((plKey)fRecvr[0]);

//  Function   : ChangeAvatar
//  PARAMETERS : gender name  - is a string of the name of the gender to go to
//  PURPOSE    : Change the local avatar's gender.
//  Valid genders:
//    Male
//    Female
void cyAvatar::ChangeAvatar(const char* genderName)
    wchar wStr[MAX_PATH];
    StrToUnicode(wStr, genderName, arrsize(wStr));
    RelVaultNode * rvnPlr = VaultGetPlayerNodeIncRef();
    if (rvnPlr) {
        VaultPlayerNode plr(rvnPlr);

//  Function   : ChangePlayerName
//  PARAMETERS : name  - is a string of the new name for the player
//  PURPOSE    : Change the local player's avatar name
void cyAvatar::ChangePlayerName(const char* playerName)
    wchar wStr[MAX_PATH];
    StrToUnicode(wStr, playerName, arrsize(wStr));
    RelVaultNode * rvnPlr = VaultGetPlayerNodeIncRef();
    if (rvnPlr) {
        VaultPlayerNode plr(rvnPlr);

//  Function   : Emote
//  PARAMETERS : emoteName - name of the emote to play on the avatar
//  PURPOSE    : plays an emote on a the local avatar (net propagated)
bool cyAvatar::Emote(const char* emoteName)
    // can we find an emote of this name?
    plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar();

    return AvatarEmote(avatar, emoteName);

//  Function   : Sit
//  PARAMETERS : none
//  PURPOSE    : Makes the avatar sit down on the ground where they are.
//               The avatar will automatically stand when the user tries to move.
bool cyAvatar::Sit()
    return IEnterGenericMode("SitDownGround", "SitIdleGround", "SitStandGround", true, plAGAnim::kBodyLower, plAvBrainGeneric::kSitOnGround);

//  Function   : EnterKiMode
//  PARAMETERS : none
//  PURPOSE    : Makes the avatar appear to be using the ki.
bool cyAvatar::EnterKiMode()
    return IEnterGenericMode("KiBegin", "KiUse", "KiEnd", false, plAGAnim::kBodyFull);

//  Function   : ExitKiMode
//  PARAMETERS : none
//  PURPOSE    : Makes the avatar stop appearing to use the ki.
//               May cause problems if EnterKiMode() was not called earlier.
bool cyAvatar::ExitKiMode()
    return IExitTopmostGenericMode();

//  Function   : EnterAFKMode
//  PARAMETERS : none
//  PURPOSE    : Tell the avatar to enter the AFK mode (sitting, head down)
bool cyAvatar::EnterAFKMode()
    return IEnterGenericMode("AFKEnter", "AFKIdle", "AFKExit", true, plAGAnim::kBodyFull, plAvBrainGeneric::kAFK);

//  Function   : ExitAFKMode
//  PARAMETERS : none
//  PURPOSE    : Tell the avatar to exit the AFK mode
//               May cause problems if EnterKiMode() was not called earlier.
bool cyAvatar::ExitAFKMode()
    return IExitTopmostGenericMode();

//  Function   : EnterPBMode
//  PARAMETERS : none
//  PURPOSE    : Enter the personal book mode...stay until further notice.
bool cyAvatar::EnterPBMode()
    return IEnterGenericMode("PersonalBookEnter", "PersonalBookIdle", "PersonalBookExit", false, plAGAnim::kBodyFull);

//  Function   : ExitPBMode
//  PARAMETERS : none
//  PURPOSE    : Leave the personal book mode. Currently leaves any mode; will become
//             : more specific in future version
bool cyAvatar::ExitPBMode()
    return IExitTopmostGenericMode();

int cyAvatar::GetCurrentMode()
    // make sure that there is atleast one avatar scene object attached (should be)
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0)
        // find the armature modifier
        plArmatureMod* avatar = (plArmatureMod*)IFindArmatureMod((plKey)fRecvr[0]);
            return avatar->GetCurrentGenericType();
    return plAvBrainGeneric::kNonGeneric;

//  Function   : disable movement controls
//  PURPOSE    : something tells me python shouldn't do this this way

void cyAvatar::DisableMovementControls()
    plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar();
    if (avatar)
        if (!avatar->IsInputSuspended())

void cyAvatar::EnableMovementControls()
    plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar();   
    if (avatar)
        if (avatar->IsInputSuspended())

void cyAvatar::DisableMouseMovement()

void cyAvatar::EnableMouseMovement()

void cyAvatar::EnableAvatarJump()

void cyAvatar::DisableAvatarJump()

void cyAvatar::EnableForwardMovement()

void cyAvatar::DisableForwardMovement()

bool cyAvatar::LocalAvatarRunKeyDown()
    plArmatureMod *avMod = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar();
    if (avMod)
        return avMod->FastKeyDown();
    return false;

bool cyAvatar::LocalAvatarIsMoving()
    plArmatureMod *avMod = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar();
    if (avMod)
        return avMod->ForwardKeyDown() || avMod->BackwardKeyDown() || avMod->StrafeRightKeyDown() ||
            avMod->StrafeLeftKeyDown() || avMod->TurnRightKeyDown() || avMod->TurnLeftKeyDown() ||
    return false;

void cyAvatar::SetMouseTurnSensitivity(hsScalar val)

hsScalar cyAvatar::GetMouseTurnSensitivity()
    return plArmatureMod::GetMouseTurnSensitivity();

void cyAvatar::SpawnNext()
    static int whichSpawn = 0;
    plAvatarMgr *mgr = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance();
    int max = mgr->NumSpawnPoints();

    whichSpawn = ++whichSpawn < max ? whichSpawn : 0;
    plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar();
        double fakeTime = 0.0f;
        avatar->SpawnAt(whichSpawn, fakeTime);

//  Function   : RegisterForBehaviorNotify()
//  PARAMETERS : none
//  PURPOSE    : To register for notifies from the avatar for any kind of behavior notify
void cyAvatar::RegisterForBehaviorNotify(pyKey &selfKey)
    // make sure that there is atleast one avatar scene object attached (should be)
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0)
        // find the armature modifier
        plArmatureMod* avatar = (plArmatureMod*)IFindArmatureMod((plKey)fRecvr[0]);

//  Function   : UnRegisterForBehaviorNotify()
//  PARAMETERS : none
//  PURPOSE    : To remove the registeration for notifies from the avatar
void cyAvatar::UnRegisterForBehaviorNotify(pyKey &selfKey)
    // make sure that there is atleast one avatar scene object attached (should be)
    if ( fRecvr.Count() > 0)
        // find the armature modifier
        plArmatureMod* avatar = (plArmatureMod*)IFindArmatureMod((plKey)fRecvr[0]);

//  Function   : IEnterGenericMode
//  PARAMETERS : none
//  PURPOSE    : Three-stage multistage animations (sit down, sit, get up) are really common.
//             : This does the basic setup.
bool IEnterGenericMode(const char *enterAnim, const char *idleAnim, const char *exitAnim, bool autoExit, plAGAnim::BodyUsage bodyUsage, 
                       plAvBrainGeneric::BrainType type /* = kGeneric */)
    plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar();
    return PushSimpleMultiStage(avatar, enterAnim, idleAnim, exitAnim, true, autoExit, bodyUsage, type);

//  Function   : IExitTopmostGenericMode
//  PARAMETERS : none
//  PURPOSE    : Exits whatever multistage animation you're in. We currently don't discriminate;
//             : that will be added later.
bool IExitTopmostGenericMode()
    plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar();

    plAvBrainGenericMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plAvBrainGenericMsg(nil, avatar->GetKey(),
        plAvBrainGenericMsg::kGotoStage, 2, false, 0.0,
        false, false, 0.0);

    pMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kNetForce | plMessage::kNetPropagate);

    plgDispatch::MsgSend( pMsg );
    return true;

//  Function   : IsCurrentBrainHuman
//  PARAMETERS : none
//  PURPOSE    : Returns whether the top most brain is a human brain
hsBool cyAvatar::IsCurrentBrainHuman()
    plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar();
    if (avatar)
        plArmatureBrain *brain = avatar->GetCurrentBrain();
        plAvBrainHuman *human = plAvBrainHuman::ConvertNoRef(brain);
        if (human)
            return true;
    return false;