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*   $/Plasma20/Sources/Plasma/NucleusLib/pnUtils/Private/pnUtTime.cpp

#include "../Pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop

*   Exports

void TimeGetElapsedDesc (
    dword             minutesElapsed,
    TimeElapsedDesc * desc
) {

    const unsigned kMinutesPerHour  = 60;
    const unsigned kMinutesPerDay   = 1440;
    const unsigned kMinutesPerWeek  = 10080;
    const unsigned kMinutesPerMonth = 43830;
    const unsigned kMinutesPerYear  = 525960;

    dword & elapsed = minutesElapsed;
    desc->years   = (elapsed / kMinutesPerYear);  elapsed -= desc->years  * kMinutesPerYear;
    desc->months  = (elapsed / kMinutesPerMonth); elapsed -= desc->months * kMinutesPerMonth;
    desc->weeks   = (elapsed / kMinutesPerWeek);  elapsed -= desc->weeks  * kMinutesPerWeek;
    desc->days    = (elapsed / kMinutesPerDay);   elapsed -= desc->days   * kMinutesPerDay;
    desc->hours   = (elapsed / kMinutesPerHour);  elapsed -= desc->hours  * kMinutesPerHour;
    desc->minutes = elapsed;


dword TimeGetSecondsSince2001Utc () {
	qword time    = TimeGetTime();
	dword seconds = (dword)((time - kTime1601To2001) / kTimeIntervalsPerSecond);
	return seconds;

dword TimeGetSecondsSince1970Utc () {
	qword time    = TimeGetTime();
	dword seconds = (dword)((time  - kTime1601To1970) / kTimeIntervalsPerSecond);
	return seconds;