/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #ifndef plNetCommon_h_inc #define plNetCommon_h_inc #ifndef PLNETCOMMON_CONSTANTS_ONLY #include "plNetServerSessionInfo.h" #include "hsStlUtils.h" #endif // PLNETCOMMON_CONSTANTS_ONLY /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Default age info #define kStartUpAgeFilename "StartUp" #define kNeighborhoodAgeFilename "Neighborhood" #define kNeighborhoodAgeFilenameW L"Neighborhood" #define kNeighborhoodAgeInstanceName "Hood" #define kNeighborhoodAgeInstanceNameW L"Hood" #define kStartupNeighborhoodUserDefinedName "DRC" #define kStartupNeighborhoodUserDefinedNameW L"DRC" #define kCityAgeFilename "city" #define kCityAgeFilenameW L"city" #define kCityAgeInstanceName "Ae'gura" #define kCityAgeInstanceNameW L"Ae'gura" #define kAvCustomizationFilename "AvatarCustomization" #define kAvCustomizationAgeInstanceName "AvatarCustomization" #define kNexusAgeFilename "Nexus" #define kNexusAgeInstanceName "Nexus" #define kCleftAgeFilename "Cleft" #define kCleftAgeInstanceName "Cleft" #define kCleftAgeLinkInPointFissureDrop "LinkInPointFissureDrop" #define kDemoAgeFilename "Demo" #define kDemoAgeInstanceName "Demo" #define kPersonalAgeFilename "Personal" #define kPersonalAgeFilenameW L"Personal" #define kPersonalAgeInstanceName "Relto" #define kPersonalAgeInstanceNameW L"Relto" #define kPersonalAgeLinkInPointCloset "LinkInPointCloset" #define kCityFerryTerminalLinkSpawnPtName "LinkInPointFerry" #define kCityFerryTerminalLinkTitle "Ferry Terminal" #define kDescentLinkFromShell "dsntShaftFromShell" #define kWatchersPubAgeFilenameW L"GreatTreePub" #define kWatchersPubAgeInstanceNameW L"The Watcher's Pub" #define kKirelFilenameW L"Neighborhood02" #define kKirelInstanceNameW L"Kirel" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Chronicle Var Names #define kChronicle_CurCityInstance "CurCityInstance" #define kChronicle_InitialAvCustomizationsDone "InitialAvCustomizationsDone" #define kChronicle_CleftSolved "CleftSolved" #define kChronicle_GiveYeeshaReward "GiveYeeshaReward" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define kInvalidVaultNodeID 0 #define kInvalidPlayerID kInvalidVaultNodeID /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Namespace for holding net-oriented shared enums, utils, etc. #ifndef PLNETCOMMON_CONSTANTS_ONLY namespace plNetCommon { // Topics for plNetMsgVaultTask msg namespace VaultTasks { enum { kInvalidLow, kCreatePlayer, kDeletePlayer, kGetPlayerList, kCreateNeighborhood, kJoinNeighborhood, kSetAgePublic, kIncPlayerOnlineTime, kEnablePlayer, kRegisterOwnedAge, kUnRegisterOwnedAge, kRegisterVisitAge, kUnRegisterVisitAge, kFriendInvite, kLastVaultTask, }; const char * VaultTaskStr( int taskID ); } // Args for plNetMsgVaultTask msg namespace VaultTaskArgs { enum { kInvalidLow, kHoodTitle, kHoodDesc, kAgePublic, kIntArg1, kIntArg2, kAgeInfoNodeID, kAgeLinkNodeID, kMTStationName, kSpawnPointName, kAgeInfoStruct, kAgeLinkStruct, kAgeFilename, kAgeInstanceGuid, kNodeID, kFriendName, // Use with key kInviteKey, // Use with friend kAgeLinkNode, }; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace Accounts { namespace Reserved { const char * GetReservedAvatarShape( const char * playerName, const char * currShapeName ); void GetReservedPlayerNames( std::vector<std::string> & out ); bool IsReservedPlayerName( const char * name ); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace LinkingRules { enum Rules { // Link to public age: Use PLS-MCP load balancing rules. Don't remember this link in KI/vault. kBasicLink, // Link and create a book in the AgesIOwn folder kOriginalBook, // Link to a sub age of current age. kSubAgeBook, // Link using info from my AgesIOwn folder kOwnedBook, // Link using info from my AgesICanVisit folder kVisitBook, // Link to a child age of current age. kChildAgeBook, }; static const char * LinkingRuleStr( int rule ) { switch ( rule ) { case kBasicLink: return "kBasicLink"; case kOriginalBook: return "kOriginalBook"; case kSubAgeBook: return "kSubAgeBook"; case kOwnedBook: return "kOwnedBook"; case kVisitBook: return "kVisitBook"; case kChildAgeBook: return "kChildAgeBook"; default: return "UNKNOWN LINKING RULE"; } } } namespace PetitionTypes { enum Types { kGeneralHelp = 0, kBug, kFeedback, kExploit, kHarass, kStuck, kTechnical }; } namespace BuildType { enum Types { kUnknown = 0, kDebug, kInternalRelease, kExternalRelease }; static const char * BuildTypeStr( int rule ) { switch ( rule ) { case kDebug: return "Dbg"; case kInternalRelease: return "IntRel"; case kExternalRelease: return "ExtRel"; default: return "UNKNOWN"; } } } } #endif // PLNETCOMMON_CONSTANTS_ONLY /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // plNetCommon_h_inc