/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "HeadSpin.h" #include "Max.h" #include "notetrck.h" #include "hsTypes.h" #include "hsTemplates.h" #include "plMaxAnimUtils.h" #include "MaxExport/plErrorMsg.h" float TimeValueToGameTime(TimeValue t) { int FR = ::GetFrameRate(); int TPF = ::GetTicksPerFrame(); int TPS = TPF*FR; return float(t)/float(TPS); } bool GetSegMapAnimTime(const char *animName, SegmentMap *segMap, SegmentSpec::SegType type, float& begin, float& end) { if (segMap) { if (animName && segMap->find(animName) != segMap->end()) { SegmentSpec *spec = (*segMap)[animName]; if (spec->fType == type) { if (spec->fStart != -1) begin = spec->fStart; if (spec->fEnd != -1) end = spec->fEnd; return true; } } } return false; } SegmentMap *GetSharedAnimSegmentMap(std::vector<Animatable*>& anims, plErrorMsg *pErrorMsg) { if (anims.empty()) return nil; SegmentMap *segMap = GetAnimSegmentMap(anims[0], pErrorMsg); if (!segMap) return nil; int i; for (i = 1; i < anims.size(); i++) { SegmentMap *curSegMap = GetAnimSegmentMap(anims[i], pErrorMsg); // This node doesn't have a segmap, so we can't have any anims shared among all the nodes. if (!curSegMap) { DeleteSegmentMap(segMap); return nil; } if (segMap->begin() == segMap->end()) { DeleteSegmentMap(segMap); return nil; } SegmentMap::iterator it = segMap->begin(); while (it != segMap->end()) { if (curSegMap->find(it->second->fName) == curSegMap->end()) { SegmentMap::iterator del = it; it++; segMap->erase(del->second->fName); } else it++; } DeleteSegmentMap(curSegMap); } return segMap; } SegmentSpec::SegmentSpec(float start, float end, char * name, SegType type) : fStart(start), fEnd(end), fName(name), fType(type), fInitial(-1) { } SegmentSpec::~SegmentSpec() { delete [] fName; } // constants used for parsing the note tracks enum NoteType { kNoteStartAnim, kNoteEndAnim, kNoteStartLoop, kNoteEndLoop, kNoteMarker, kNoteStopPoint, kNoteInitial, kNoteUnknown, kNoteSuppress, }; SegmentSpec::SegmentSpec() { fStart = -1; fEnd = -1; fInitial = -1; fName = nil; fType = kAnim; } bool SegmentSpec::Contains(SegmentSpec *spec) { if (!spec) return false; if (spec->fType == kMarker || spec->fType == kStopPoint) return (spec->fStart >= fStart && spec->fStart <= fEnd); if (fStart == -1 || fEnd == -1) return false; if (spec->fStart == -1) return (fStart < spec->fEnd); if (spec->fEnd == -1) return (fEnd > spec->fStart); if (fStart <= spec->fStart && fEnd >= spec->fEnd) return true; return false; } bool DoesHaveStopPoints(Animatable *anim) { if (!anim || !anim->HasNoteTracks()) return false; int numTracks = anim->NumNoteTracks(); for (int i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) { DefNoteTrack *track = (DefNoteTrack *)anim->GetNoteTrack(i); int numKeys = track->keys.Count(); for (int j = 0; j < numKeys; j++) { char buf[256]; strcpy(buf, track->keys[j]->note); strlwr(buf); if (strstr(buf, "@stoppoint")) return true; } } return false; } void GetSegment(const char *note, float time, SegmentMap *segMap, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg) { char segName[256]; char segSuffix[256]; int matchedFields = sscanf(note, " %[^@] @ %s ", segName, segSuffix); if (matchedFields == 2) { NoteType type = kNoteUnknown; if (!stricmp(segSuffix, "start") || !stricmp(segSuffix, "begin")) type = kNoteStartAnim; else if (!stricmp(segSuffix, "end")) type = kNoteEndAnim; else if (!stricmp(segSuffix, "startloop") || !stricmp(segSuffix, "loopstart") || !stricmp(segSuffix, "beginloop") || !stricmp(segSuffix, "loopbegin")) type = kNoteStartLoop; else if (!stricmp(segSuffix, "endloop") || !stricmp(segSuffix, "loopend")) type = kNoteEndLoop; else if (!stricmp(segSuffix, "marker")) type = kNoteMarker; else if (!stricmp(segSuffix, "stoppoint")) type = kNoteStopPoint; else if (!stricmp(segSuffix, "initial")) type = kNoteInitial; else if (!stricmp(segSuffix, "suppress")) type = kNoteSuppress; if (type == kNoteUnknown) { if (pErrMsg) { pErrMsg->Set(true, "NoteTrack Anim Error", "Malformed segment note: %s", segName); pErrMsg->Show(); pErrMsg->Set(); } } else { SegmentMap::iterator existing = segMap->find(segName); SegmentSpec *existingSpec = (existing != segMap->end()) ? (*existing).second : nil; const char *kErrorTitle = "NoteTrack Anim Error"; if (existingSpec) { // an existing spec, but we're processing a start note? if (type == kNoteStartAnim && pErrMsg) { pErrMsg->Set(true, kErrorTitle, "Got out of order start note. No Start given for %s", segName).Show(); pErrMsg->Set(); } // existing spec, has an end, we're also processing an end? else if (type == kNoteEndAnim && existingSpec->fEnd != -1 && pErrMsg) { pErrMsg->Set(true, kErrorTitle, "Got two ends for the same segment %s", segName).Show(); pErrMsg->Set(); } else if (type == kNoteStartLoop && existingSpec->fStart != -1 && pErrMsg) { pErrMsg->Set(true, kErrorTitle, "Got two loop starts for the same segment, %s", segName).Show(); pErrMsg->Set(); } else if (type == kNoteEndLoop && existingSpec->fEnd != -1 && pErrMsg) { pErrMsg->Set(true, kErrorTitle, "Got two loop ends for the same segment, %s", segName).Show(); pErrMsg->Set(); } else if (type == kNoteMarker && pErrMsg) { pErrMsg->Set(true, kErrorTitle, "Marker has the same name (%s) as another spec in its notetrack", segName).Show(); pErrMsg->Set(); } else if (type == kNoteStopPoint && pErrMsg) { pErrMsg->Set(true, kErrorTitle, "Stop point has the same name (%s) as another spec in its notetrack", segName).Show(); pErrMsg->Set(); } if (type == kNoteEndAnim || type == kNoteEndLoop) existingSpec->fEnd = time; else if (type == kNoteStartLoop) existingSpec->fStart = time; else if (type == kNoteInitial) existingSpec->fInitial = time; } else { if (type == kNoteEndAnim && pErrMsg) { pErrMsg->Set(true, kErrorTitle, "Got an end note without a corresponding start. Ignoring %s", segName).Show(); pErrMsg->Set(); } else { char *nameCopy = TRACKED_NEW char[strlen(segName)+1]; strcpy(nameCopy, segName); switch (type) { case kNoteStartAnim: (*segMap)[nameCopy] = TRACKED_NEW SegmentSpec(time, -1, nameCopy, SegmentSpec::kAnim); break; case kNoteStartLoop: (*segMap)[nameCopy] = TRACKED_NEW SegmentSpec(time, -1, nameCopy, SegmentSpec::kLoop); break; case kNoteEndLoop: (*segMap)[nameCopy] = TRACKED_NEW SegmentSpec(-1, time, nameCopy, SegmentSpec::kLoop); break; case kNoteMarker: (*segMap)[nameCopy] = TRACKED_NEW SegmentSpec(time, -1, nameCopy, SegmentSpec::kMarker); break; case kNoteStopPoint: (*segMap)[nameCopy] = TRACKED_NEW SegmentSpec(time, -1, nameCopy, SegmentSpec::kStopPoint); break; case kNoteSuppress: (*segMap)[nameCopy] = TRACKED_NEW SegmentSpec(-1, -1, nameCopy, SegmentSpec::kSuppress); break; default: delete [] nameCopy; break; } } } } } } // Read through all the notes in all the note tracks on the given node // Check the contents of each node for a name like "walk@start", i.e. <string>@[start | end] // For each match, open a segment specification and p SegmentMap * GetAnimSegmentMap(Animatable *anim, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg) { if (!anim->HasNoteTracks()) return nil; SegmentMap *segMap = TRACKED_NEW SegmentMap(); int numTracks = anim->NumNoteTracks(); for (int i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) { DefNoteTrack * track = (DefNoteTrack *)anim->GetNoteTrack(i); int numKeys = track->keys.Count(); for (int j = 0; j < numKeys; j++) { char *note = track->keys[j]->note; float time = TimeValueToGameTime(track->keys[j]->time); GetSegment(note, time, segMap, pErrMsg); } } return segMap; } void DeleteSegmentMap(SegmentMap *segMap) { // If we have a segment map, delete the memory associated with it if (segMap) { for (SegmentMap::iterator i = segMap->begin(); i != segMap->end(); i++) delete (*i).second; delete segMap; } }