/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ /***************************************************************************** * * $/Plasma20/Sources/Plasma/Apps/plClientPatcher/UruPlayer.cpp * ***/ #include "Pch.h" #pragma hdrstop /***************************************************************************** * * Private * ***/ #ifndef PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE static const wchar s_manifest[] = L"Internal"; static const wchar s_macmanifest[] = L"macInternal"; static const wchar s_thinmanifest[] = L"ThinInternal"; #else static const wchar s_manifest[] = L"External"; static const wchar s_macmanifest[] = L"macExternal"; static const wchar s_thinmanifest[] = L"ThinExternal"; #endif struct ManifestFile { LINK(ManifestFile) link; ManifestFile(const wchar clientName[], const wchar downloadName[], const wchar md5val[], int flags, plLauncherInfo *info) { StrCopy(filename, clientName, arrsize(filename)); StrCopy(zipName, downloadName, arrsize(zipName)); StrCopy(md5, md5val, arrsize(md5)); this->flags = flags; this->info = info; md5failed = false; } wchar filename[MAX_PATH]; wchar zipName[MAX_PATH]; wchar md5[MAX_PATH]; int flags; bool md5failed; plLauncherInfo *info; }; class ProgressStream : public plZlibStream { public: virtual UInt32 Write(UInt32 byteCount, const void* buffer); static plLauncherInfo *info; static long totalBytes; static unsigned progress; // for updating bytes per second static dword startTime; }; struct ProcessManifestEntryParam { struct ManifestResult * mr; unsigned index; static long totalSize; static long progress; static double startTime; bool exists; // marked as true if the file exists before MD5 check }; struct ManifestResult { wchar group[MAX_PATH]; ARRAY(NetCliFileManifestEntry) manifest; long * indicator; plLauncherInfo * info; CCritSect critsect; ARRAY(unsigned) indices; }; static void DownloadCallback ( ENetError result, void * param, const wchar filename[], hsStream * writer ); /***************************************************************************** * * Private data * ***/ static const unsigned kMaxManifestFileRequests = 5; static const unsigned kMinThreads = 16; static const unsigned kMaxThreads = 64; static unsigned s_fileRequests; static unsigned s_fileListRequests; static bool s_patchComplete; static PROCESS_INFORMATION s_pi; static long s_numFiles; static CCritSect s_critsect; static char s_workingDir[MAX_PATH]; static bool s_patchError; static long s_asyncCoreInitCount; static long s_numConnectFailures; static bool s_running; static LISTDECL(ManifestFile, link) s_manifestQueue; //static AsyncThreadTaskList * s_taskList; // error strings static const char s_fileOpenError[] = "Unable to create file. Hard drive may be full."; static const char s_md5CheckError[] = "Error downloading file from server, exiting..."; enum { kPerfThreadTaskCount, kNumPerf }; static long s_perf[kNumPerf]; long ProgressStream::totalBytes; unsigned ProgressStream::progress; plLauncherInfo * ProgressStream::info; dword ProgressStream::startTime = 0; long ProcessManifestEntryParam::progress = 0; long ProcessManifestEntryParam::totalSize = 0; double ProcessManifestEntryParam::startTime = 0; /***************************************************************************** * * Exported data * ***/ // IMPORTANT: This string may NEVER change. Doing so will break self-patching, // leaving clients with older patchers "dead in the water", without // a way to play Uru. const wchar kPatcherExeFilename[] = L"UruLauncher.exe"; //============================================================================ // External client file list //============================================================================ #ifdef PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE #ifdef HS_DEBUGGING static wchar s_clientExeName[] = L"plClient_dbg.exe"; #else static wchar s_clientExeName[] = L"UruExplorer.exe"; #endif // HS_DEBUGGING //============================================================================ // Internal client file list //============================================================================ #else #ifdef HS_DEBUGGING static wchar s_clientExeName[] = L"plClient_dbg.exe"; #else static wchar s_clientExeName[] = L"plClient.exe"; #endif // HS_DEBUGGING #endif // PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE /***************************************************************************** * * Private Functions * ***/ //============================================================================ static void LogHandler (ELogSeverity severity, const wchar msg[]) { AsyncLogWriteMsg(L"UruPlayer", severity, msg); } //============================================================================ static void NetErrorHandler (ENetProtocol protocol, ENetError error) { const wchar * srv; switch (protocol) { case kNetProtocolNil: srv = L"Notify"; break; case kNetProtocolCli2File: srv = L"File"; break; case kNetProtocolCli2GateKeeper: srv = L"GateKeeper"; break; DEFAULT_FATAL(protocol); } switch (error) { case kNetErrConnectFailed: case kNetErrTimeout: ++s_numConnectFailures; break; case kNetErrDisconnected: s_patchError = true; break; case kNetErrServerBusy: MessageBox(0, "Due to the high demand, the server is currently busy. Please try again later, or for alternative download options visit: http://www.mystonline.com/play/", "UruLauncher", MB_OK); s_running = false; break; } LogMsg(kLogError, L"NetErr: %s: %s", srv, NetErrorToString(error)); // Notify GameTap something bad happened. if (!s_patchError) { MessageBox( nil, "Unable to connect to server.", "Error", MB_ICONERROR ); s_patchError = true; } /*AsyncAppCallback( kPlayerNotifyFailed, kCmdResultFailed, (void *)NetErrorToString(error) );*/ } /* //============================================================================ static void WaitUruExitProc (void * param) { plLauncherInfo *info = (plLauncherInfo *) param; WaitForSingleObject(s_pi.hProcess, INFINITE); DWORD exitcode; GetExitCodeProcess(s_pi.hProcess, &exitcode); CloseHandle( s_pi.hThread ); CloseHandle( s_pi.hProcess ); if(exitcode == kExitCodeTerminated) { info->stopCallback(kStatusOk, nil); // notify of succesful stop } else { info->exitCallback(kStatusOk, nil); } } */ //============================================================================ static bool MD5Check (const char filename[], const wchar md5[]) { // Do md5 check char md5copy[MAX_PATH]; plMD5Checksum existingMD5(filename); plMD5Checksum latestMD5; StrToAnsi(md5copy, md5, arrsize(md5copy)); latestMD5.SetFromHexString(md5copy); return (existingMD5 == latestMD5); } //============================================================================ static void DecompressOgg (ManifestFile *mf) { unsigned flags = mf->flags; for(;;) { // decompress ogg if necessary if ( (hsCheckBits(flags, plManifestFile::kSndFlagCacheSplit) || hsCheckBits(flags, plManifestFile::kSndFlagCacheStereo)) ) { char path[MAX_PATH]; StrPrintf(path, arrsize(path), "%s%S", s_workingDir, mf->filename); plAudioFileReader* reader = plAudioFileReader::CreateReader(path, plAudioCore::kAll, plAudioFileReader::kStreamNative); if (!reader) { break; } UInt32 size = reader->GetDataSize(); delete reader; ULARGE_INTEGER freeBytesAvailable, totalNumberOfBytes, neededBytes; if (GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(NULL, &freeBytesAvailable, &totalNumberOfBytes, NULL)) { neededBytes.HighPart = 0; neededBytes.LowPart = size; if (neededBytes.QuadPart > freeBytesAvailable.QuadPart) { //PatcherLog(kInfo, "Not enough disk space (asked for %d bytes)", bytesNeeded); break; } } if (hsCheckBits(flags, plManifestFile::kSndFlagCacheSplit)) plAudioFileReader::CacheFile(path, true, true); if (hsCheckBits(flags, plManifestFile::kSndFlagCacheStereo)) plAudioFileReader::CacheFile(path, false, true); } break; } } //============================================================================ void Shutdown(plLauncherInfo *info) { info->SetText("Shutting Down..."); s_patchError = true; s_running = false; } //============================================================================ static void RequestNextManifestFile () { bool success = true; ManifestFile *nextfile = s_manifestQueue.Head(); if(!nextfile) return; s_manifestQueue.Unlink(nextfile); char path[MAX_PATH]; wchar basePath[MAX_PATH]; StrPrintf(path, arrsize(path), "%s%S", s_workingDir, nextfile->filename); StrToUnicode(basePath, path, arrsize(basePath)); PathRemoveFilename(basePath, basePath, arrsize(basePath)); PathCreateDirectory(basePath, kPathCreateDirFlagEntireTree); ProgressStream *writer = NEW(ProgressStream); // optimization: dont delete and recreate. Doesn't seem to be working currently, ZLibStream is breaking if(!writer->Open(path, "wb")) { writer->Close(); delete writer; success = false; } if(success) { #ifndef PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE char text[256]; StrPrintf(text, arrsize(text), "Updating URU... %S", nextfile->filename); nextfile->info->SetText(text); #endif NetCliFileDownloadRequest(nextfile->zipName, writer, DownloadCallback, nextfile, nextfile->info->buildId); } } //============================================================================ static void DownloadCallback ( ENetError result, void * param, const wchar filename[], hsStream * writer ) { s_numConnectFailures = 0; ManifestFile *mf = (ManifestFile *)param; if (IS_NET_ERROR(result) && s_running && !s_patchError) { if (result == kNetErrFileNotFound) { char str[256]; StrPrintf(str, arrsize(str), "File not found on server: %S", filename); MessageBox(nil, str, "URU Launcher", MB_ICONERROR); s_patchError = true; } else if (result == kNetErrRemoteShutdown) { s_patchError = true; } else { // failed, re-queue the file to be downloaded // (after rewinding the stream) writer->Rewind(); plLauncherInfo *info = mf->info; NetCliFileDownloadRequest(filename, writer, DownloadCallback, mf, info->buildId); return; } } writer->Close(); delete writer; // delete our stream char path[MAX_PATH]; StrPrintf( path, arrsize(path), "%s%S", s_workingDir, mf->filename ); if(s_running) { if(!MD5Check(path, mf->md5)) { if(mf->md5failed) { #ifdef PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE MessageBox(nil, s_md5CheckError, "URU Launcher", MB_ICONERROR); #else char str[256]; StrPrintf(str, arrsize(str), "%s %s ", path, s_md5CheckError); MessageBox(nil, str, "URU Launcher", MB_ICONERROR); #endif // PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE Shutdown(mf->info); } writer = NEW(ProgressStream); if (!writer->Open(path, "wb")) { #ifdef PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE MessageBox(nil, s_fileOpenError, "URU Launcher", MB_ICONERROR); #else char str[256]; StrPrintf(str, arrsize(str), "%s %s", s_fileOpenError, path); MessageBox(nil, str, "URU Launcher", MB_ICONERROR); #endif // PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE Shutdown(mf->info); } mf->md5failed = true; plLauncherInfo *info = mf->info; NetCliFileDownloadRequest(filename, writer, DownloadCallback, mf, info->buildId); return; } } AtomicAdd(&s_numFiles, -1); if(s_running) { wchar ext[MAX_EXT]; PathSplitPath(mf->filename, nil, nil, nil, ext); if(!StrCmpI(L".ogg", ext)) { DecompressOgg(mf); } } delete mf; // delete manifest file entry // if we are not still running don't request any more file downloads if(s_running) { if(!s_numFiles) { s_patchComplete = true; } else { RequestNextManifestFile(); } } } //============================================================================ static void ProcessManifestEntry (void * param, ENetError error) { ProcessManifestEntryParam * p = (ProcessManifestEntryParam*)param; #ifndef PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE char text[256]; StrPrintf(text, arrsize(text), "Checking for updates... %S", p->mr->manifest[p->index].clientName); p->mr->info->SetText(text); #endif char path[MAX_PATH]; StrPrintf( path, arrsize(path), "%s%S", s_workingDir, p->mr->manifest[p->index].clientName ); dword start = (dword)(TimeGetTime() / kTimeIntervalsPerMs); if(!MD5Check(path, p->mr->manifest[p->index].md5)) { p->mr->critsect.Enter(); p->mr->indices.Add(p->index); p->mr->critsect.Leave(); AtomicAdd(&ProgressStream::totalBytes, p->mr->manifest[p->index].zipSize); } // if we have a file that was cached the MD5 check will be really fast throwing off our approx time remaining. dword t = TimeGetTime() / kTimeIntervalsPerMs - start; if(t < 25) { // cached file AtomicAdd(&ProcessManifestEntryParam::totalSize, -p->mr->manifest[p->index].zipSize); p->exists = false; } // p->mr->info->SetBytesRemaining(ProcessManifestEntryParam::totalSize); // for testing purposes only if(p->exists) { AtomicAdd(&ProcessManifestEntryParam::progress, p->mr->manifest[p->index].zipSize); PatchInfo patchInfo; patchInfo.stage = 0; patchInfo.progressStage = 0; patchInfo.progress = (unsigned)((float)(ProcessManifestEntryParam::progress) / (float)ProcessManifestEntryParam::totalSize * 1000.0f); p->mr->info->progressCallback(kStatusPending, &patchInfo); if(ProcessManifestEntryParam::progress > ProcessManifestEntryParam::totalSize) { p->mr->info->SetTimeRemaining(0); } else { if(TimeGetTime() / kTimeIntervalsPerMs != ProcessManifestEntryParam::startTime) { double timeElapsed = (TimeGetTime() / kTimeIntervalsPerMs - ProcessManifestEntryParam::startTime) / 1000; double bytesPerSec = (float)(ProcessManifestEntryParam::progress ) / timeElapsed; p->mr->info->SetTimeRemaining(bytesPerSec ? (int)((ProcessManifestEntryParam::totalSize - ProcessManifestEntryParam::progress) / bytesPerSec) : 0); } } } } //============================================================================ static void ProcessManifest (void * param) { wchar basePath[MAX_PATH]; char path[MAX_PATH]; AtomicAdd(&s_perf[kPerfThreadTaskCount], 1); ManifestResult * mr = (ManifestResult *)param; PatchInfo patchInfo; patchInfo.stage = 0; patchInfo.progressStage = 0; patchInfo.progress = 0; mr->info->progressCallback(kStatusPending, &patchInfo); char text[256]; StrPrintf(text, arrsize(text), "Checking for updates..."); mr->info->SetText(text); unsigned entryCount = mr->manifest.Count(); NetCliFileManifestEntry * manifest = mr->manifest.Ptr(); FILE *fd = nil; ARRAY(ProcessManifestEntryParam) params; params.Reserve(mr->manifest.Count()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < entryCount; ++i) { ProcessManifestEntryParam * p = params.New(); p->index = i; p->mr = mr; p->exists = false; StrPrintf(path, arrsize(path), "%s%S", s_workingDir, mr->manifest[i].clientName); fd = fopen(path, "r"); if(fd) { p->exists = true; p->totalSize += p->mr->manifest[i].zipSize; fclose(fd); } } ProcessManifestEntryParam::startTime = TimeGetTime() / kTimeIntervalsPerMs; for (unsigned i = 0; i < entryCount && s_running; ++i){ ProcessManifestEntry(¶ms[i], kNetSuccess); } if(s_running) { PatchInfo patchInfo; patchInfo.stage = 0; patchInfo.progressStage = 0; patchInfo.progress = 1000; mr->info->progressCallback(kStatusPending, &patchInfo); AtomicAdd(&s_numFiles, mr->indices.Count()); if(!s_numFiles || !s_running) { s_patchComplete = true; } else { mr->info->SetText("Updating URU..."); PatchInfo patchInfo; patchInfo.stage = 0; patchInfo.progressStage = 0; patchInfo.progress = 0; mr->info->progressCallback(kStatusPending, &patchInfo); for (unsigned i = 0; i < mr->indices.Count(); ++i) { if(s_running) { unsigned index = mr->indices[i]; StrPrintf(path, arrsize(path), "%s%S", s_workingDir, manifest[index].clientName); StrToUnicode(basePath, path, arrsize(basePath)); PathRemoveFilename(basePath, basePath, arrsize(basePath)); PathCreateDirectory(basePath, kPathCreateDirFlagEntireTree); ManifestFile * mf = NEW(ManifestFile)( manifest[index].clientName, manifest[index].downloadName, manifest[index].md5, manifest[index].flags, mr->info ); if (i < kMaxManifestFileRequests) { ProgressStream * stream; stream = NEWZERO(ProgressStream); if (!stream->Open(path, "wb")) { #ifdef PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE MessageBox(nil, s_fileOpenError, "URU Launcher", MB_ICONERROR); #else char str[256]; StrPrintf(str, arrsize(str), "%s %s", path, s_fileOpenError); MessageBox(nil, str, "URU Launcher", MB_ICONERROR); #endif Shutdown(mr->info); } #ifndef PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE char text[256]; StrPrintf(text, arrsize(text), "Updating URU... %S", manifest[i].clientName); mr->info->SetText(text); #endif // fire off our initial requests. The remaining will be added as files are downloaded NetCliFileDownloadRequest(mf->zipName, stream, DownloadCallback, mf, mr->info->buildId); } else { // queue up this file download s_manifestQueue.Link(mf); } } } } } DEL(mr); AtomicAdd(&s_perf[kPerfThreadTaskCount], -1); } //============================================================================ static void ManifestCallback ( ENetError result, void * param, const wchar group[], const NetCliFileManifestEntry manifest[], unsigned entryCount ){ s_numConnectFailures = 0; plLauncherInfo * info = (plLauncherInfo *) param; if(!s_running || IS_NET_ERROR(result)) { if (s_running && !s_patchError) { switch (result) { case kNetErrTimeout: NetCliFileManifestRequest(ManifestCallback, param, group); break; default: { char str[256]; StrPrintf(str, arrsize(str), "Failed to download manifest from server"); MessageBox(nil, str, "URU Launcher", MB_ICONERROR); s_patchError = true; } break; } } return; } ManifestResult * mr = NEW(ManifestResult); StrCopy(mr->group, group, arrsize(mr->group)); mr->manifest.Set(manifest, entryCount); mr->info = info; // sort our requests by size(this must be done for the next step to work) QSORT( NetCliFileManifestEntry, mr->manifest.Ptr(), mr->manifest.Count(), elem1.fileSize > elem2.fileSize ); // remove duplicate entries. This can cause some bad problems if not done. It will cause MD5 checks to fail, since it can be writing a file while MD5 checking it. ARRAY(NetCliFileManifestEntry) noDuplicates; noDuplicates.Reserve(mr->manifest.Count()); for(unsigned i = 0; i < entryCount - 1; ++i) { if(StrCmp(mr->manifest[i].clientName, mr->manifest[i+1].clientName)) { noDuplicates.Add(mr->manifest[i]); } } noDuplicates.Add(mr->manifest[entryCount - 1]); // adjust our array and set data mr->manifest.ShrinkBy(mr->manifest.Count() - noDuplicates.Count()); mr->manifest.Set(noDuplicates.Ptr(), noDuplicates.Count()); (void)_beginthread(ProcessManifest, 0, mr); } //============================================================================ static void ThinManifestCallback ( ENetError result, void * param, const wchar group[], const NetCliFileManifestEntry manifest[], unsigned entryCount ){ s_numConnectFailures = 0; plLauncherInfo * info = (plLauncherInfo *) param; char text[256]; StrPrintf(text, arrsize(text), "Checking for updates..."); info->SetText(text); if(!s_running || IS_NET_ERROR(result)) { if (s_running && !s_patchError) { switch (result) { case kNetErrTimeout: NetCliFileManifestRequest(ManifestCallback, param, group); break; default: { char str[256]; StrPrintf(str, arrsize(str), "Failed to download manifest from server"); MessageBox(nil, str, "URU Launcher", MB_ICONERROR); s_patchError = true; } break; } } return; } s_patchComplete = true; char path[MAX_PATH]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < entryCount; ++i) { if(!s_running) return; StrPrintf(path, arrsize(path), "%s%S", s_workingDir, manifest[i].clientName); if(!MD5Check(path, manifest[i].md5)){ s_patchComplete = false; if (info->IsTGCider) NetCliFileManifestRequest(ManifestCallback, info, s_macmanifest, info->buildId); else NetCliFileManifestRequest(ManifestCallback, info, s_manifest, info->buildId); break; } PatchInfo patchInfo; patchInfo.stage = 0; patchInfo.progressStage = 0; patchInfo.progress = (unsigned)((float)i / (float)entryCount * 1000.0f); info->progressCallback(kStatusPending, &patchInfo); #ifndef PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE char text[256]; StrPrintf(text, arrsize(text), "Checking for updates... %S", manifest[i].clientName); info->SetText(text); #endif } } /***************************************************************************** * * ProgressStream Functions * ***/ //============================================================================ UInt32 ProgressStream::Write(UInt32 byteCount, const void* buffer) { if(!s_running || s_patchError) return 0; if(!startTime) { startTime = TimeGetSecondsSince2001Utc(); } progress += byteCount; float p = (float)progress / (float)totalBytes * 1000; // progress PatchInfo patchInfo; patchInfo.stage = 1; patchInfo.progress = (unsigned) p; patchInfo.progressStage = 50; info->progressCallback(kStatusPending, (void *)&patchInfo); // there seems to, sometimes, be a slight discrepency in progress and totalBytes. if(progress > totalBytes) { info->SetBytesRemaining(0); info->SetTimeRemaining(0); } else { info->SetBytesRemaining(totalBytes - progress); if(TimeGetSecondsSince2001Utc() != startTime) { dword bytesPerSec = (progress ) / (TimeGetSecondsSince2001Utc() - startTime); info->SetTimeRemaining(bytesPerSec ? (totalBytes - progress) / bytesPerSec : 0); } } return plZlibStream::Write(byteCount, buffer); } //============================================================================ static void FileSrvIpAddressCallback ( ENetError result, void * param, const wchar addr[] ) { NetCliGateKeeperDisconnect(); if (IS_NET_ERROR(result)) { LogMsg(kLogDebug, L"FileSrvIpAddressRequest failed: %s", NetErrorToString(result)); s_patchError = true; return; } plLauncherInfo *info = (plLauncherInfo *) param; // Start connecting to the server NetCliFileStartConnect(&addr, 1, true); NetCliFileManifestRequest(ThinManifestCallback, info, s_thinmanifest, info->buildId); ProgressStream::info = info; PatchInfo patchInfo; patchInfo.stage = 0; patchInfo.progressStage = 0; patchInfo.progress = 0; info->progressCallback(kStatusPending, &patchInfo); } /***************************************************************************** * * Public Functions * ***/ //============================================================================ void InitAsyncCore () { if(AtomicAdd(&s_asyncCoreInitCount, 1) > 0) return; LogRegisterHandler(LogHandler); AsyncCoreInitialize(); AsyncLogInitialize(L"Log", false); wchar productString[256]; ProductString(productString, arrsize(productString)); LogMsg(kLogPerf, L"Patcher: %s", productString); } //============================================================================ void ShutdownAsyncCore () { if(AtomicAdd(&s_asyncCoreInitCount, -1) > 1) return; ASSERT(s_asyncCoreInitCount >= 0); while (s_perf[kPerfThreadTaskCount]) AsyncSleep(10); AsyncLogDestroy(); AsyncCoreDestroy(30 * 1000); LogUnregisterHandler(LogHandler); } //============================================================================ // param = URU_PreparationRequest void UruPrepProc (void * param) { s_running = true; plLauncherInfo *info = (plLauncherInfo *) param; StrToAnsi(s_workingDir, info->path, arrsize(s_workingDir)); InitAsyncCore(); NetClientInitialize(); NetClientSetErrorHandler(NetErrorHandler); NetClientSetTransTimeoutMs(5 * 60 * 1000); // five minute timeout s_patchComplete = false; s_patchError = false; const wchar ** addrs; unsigned count; count = GetGateKeeperSrvHostnames(&addrs); // Start connecting to the server NetCliGateKeeperStartConnect(addrs, count); // request a file server ip address NetCliGateKeeperFileSrvIpAddressRequest(FileSrvIpAddressCallback, param, true); do { NetClientUpdate(); AsyncSleep(10); } while ((!s_patchComplete && !s_patchError && s_running) || s_perf[kPerfThreadTaskCount]); while(ManifestFile *mf = s_manifestQueue.Head()) { DEL(mf); } // If s_patchError, we don't wait around for s_numFiles // to drop to zero because it never does for reasons // I'm not willing to debug at the moment, so we just // bail on them. This causes a race condition with // the outstanding file object cancel/deletion and // subsequently a memory leak. -eap if (s_patchError) { info->SetText("Exiting..."); } else { PatchInfo patchInfo; patchInfo.stage = 2; patchInfo.progressStage = 100; patchInfo.progress = 1000; info->progressCallback(kStatusOk, &patchInfo); } ProgressStream::info = nil; NetCliFileDisconnect (); NetClientUpdate(); // Shutdown the client/server networking subsystem NetClientDestroy(); info->prepCallback(s_patchError ? kStatusError : kStatusOk, nil); } //============================================================================ void PlayerStopProc (void * param) { s_running = false; plLauncherInfo *info = (plLauncherInfo *) param; //TerminateProcess(s_pi.hProcess, kExitCodeTerminated); info->stopCallback(kStatusOk, nil); } //============================================================================ void PlayerTerminateProc (void * param) { s_running = false; plLauncherInfo *info = (plLauncherInfo *) param; ShutdownAsyncCore(); info->terminateCallback(kStatusOk, nil); } //============================================================================ void UruStartProc (void * param) { if(!s_running) return; plLauncherInfo *info = (plLauncherInfo *) param; wchar workDir[MAX_PATH]; StrPrintf(workDir, arrsize(workDir), L"%s", info->path); //fprintf(stderr, "URUPlayer StartProc gamePath is:%ws\n", workDir); wchar cmdLine[MAX_PATH]; StrPrintf(cmdLine, arrsize(cmdLine), L"%s%s %s", workDir, s_clientExeName, info->cmdLine); // Create the named event so the client won't restart us (Windows will clean it up when we exit) HANDLE hPatcherEvent = CreateEventW(nil, TRUE, FALSE, L"UruPatcherEvent"); if (hPatcherEvent == NULL) { info->startCallback(kStatusError, nil); return; } fprintf(stderr, "URUPlayer StartProc, running game process at dir:%ws, cmd:%ws for application:%ws\n", workDir, cmdLine, s_clientExeName); STARTUPINFOW si; ZERO(si); ZERO(s_pi); si.cb = sizeof(si); info->SetText("Launching URU..."); BOOL success = CreateProcessW( NULL, cmdLine, NULL, // plProcessAttributes NULL, // plThreadAttributes FALSE, // bInheritHandles 0, // dwCreationFlags NULL, // lpEnvironment workDir, // lpCurrentDirectory &si, &s_pi ); if (success) { fprintf(stderr, "%d", GetLastError()); info->returnCode = s_pi.dwProcessId; CloseHandle( s_pi.hThread ); CloseHandle( s_pi.hProcess ); // This may smooth the visual transition from GameTap to Uru, or it may make it worse. WaitForInputIdle(s_pi.hProcess, INFINITE); //_beginthread(WaitUruExitProc, 0, param); // wait for the event to signal (give the client 10 seconds to start up, then die) DWORD wait = WaitForSingleObject(hPatcherEvent, 10000); if (wait == WAIT_TIMEOUT) info->startCallback(kStatusOk, nil); else info->startCallback(kStatusOk, nil); } else { info->startCallback(kStatusError, nil); } }