
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
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(at your option) any later version.

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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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//                                                                          //
//  pfGUIControlMod Definition                                              //
//                                                                          //

#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "pfGUIControlMod.h"
#include "pfGameGUIMgr.h"
#include "pfGUIDialogMod.h"
#include "pfGUIControlHandlers.h"
#include "pfGUIDialogHandlers.h"
#include "pfGUIListElement.h"   // Includes dropTargetProc

#include "pnMessage/plRefMsg.h"
#include "pnMessage/plEnableMsg.h"
#include "pfMessage/pfGameGUIMsg.h"
#include "pnSceneObject/plDrawInterface.h"
#include "pnSceneObject/plCoordinateInterface.h"
#include "pnSceneObject/plAudioInterface.h"

#include "plGImage/plDynamicTextMap.h"
#include "plSurface/plLayer.h"
#include "plMessage/plRenderMsg.h"
#include "pnMessage/plSoundMsg.h"
#include "plPipeline.h"

#include "plDrawable/plAccessGeometry.h"
#include "plDrawable/plAccessSpan.h"
#include "plDrawable/plAccessVtxSpan.h"

#include "pfGUIPopUpMenu.h"     // For skin, can we move that please? Thank you

#include "plgDispatch.h"
#include "hsResMgr.h"

//// pfGUIColorScheme Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIColorScheme::IReset( void )
    fForeColor.Set( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
    fBackColor.Set( 0, 0, 0, 1 );
    fSelForeColor.Set( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
    fSelBackColor.Set( 0, 0, 1, 1 );
    fTransparent = false;
    fFontFace = hsStrcpy( "Times New Roman" );
    fFontSize = 10;
    fFontFlags = 0;


    delete [] fFontFace;

pfGUIColorScheme::pfGUIColorScheme( hsColorRGBA &foreColor, hsColorRGBA &backColor )
    fForeColor = foreColor;
    fBackColor = backColor;

pfGUIColorScheme::pfGUIColorScheme( const char *face, UInt8 size, UInt8 fontFlags )
    fFontFace = hsStrcpy( face );
    fFontSize = size;
    fFontFlags = fontFlags;

void    pfGUIColorScheme::SetFontFace( const char *face )
    delete [] fFontFace;
    fFontFace = hsStrcpy( face );

void    pfGUIColorScheme::Read( hsStream *s )
    fForeColor.Read( s );
    fBackColor.Read( s );
    fSelForeColor.Read( s );
    fSelBackColor.Read( s );
    s->ReadSwap( &fTransparent );

    delete [] fFontFace;
    fFontFace = s->ReadSafeString();
    s->ReadSwap( &fFontSize );
    s->ReadSwap( &fFontFlags );

void    pfGUIColorScheme::Write( hsStream *s )
    fForeColor.Write( s );
    fBackColor.Write( s );
    fSelForeColor.Write( s );
    fSelBackColor.Write( s );
    s->WriteSwap( fTransparent );

    s->WriteSafeString( fFontFace );
    s->WriteSwap( fFontSize );
    s->WriteSwap( fFontFlags );

//// Constructor/Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////

    fEnabled = true;
    fDialog = nil;
    fBoundsValid = false;
    fCenterValid = false;
    fFocused = false;
    fInteresting = false;
    fVisible = true;
    fHandler = nil;
    fTagID = 0;
    fDropTargetHdlr = nil;
    fDynTextMap = nil;
    fProxy = nil;

    fColorScheme = nil;
    fSkin = nil;
    fNotifyOnInteresting = false;

    ISetHandler( nil );
    SetDropTargetHdlr( nil );
    SetColorScheme( nil );

//// IEval ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

hsBool  pfGUIControlMod::IEval( double secs, hsScalar del, UInt32 dirty )
//  UpdateBounds();
    return false;

//// GetBounds ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

const hsBounds3 &pfGUIControlMod::GetBounds( void )
    return fBounds; 

//// SetTransform ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Override from plModifier so we can update our bounds

void    pfGUIControlMod::SetTransform( const hsMatrix44 &l2w, const hsMatrix44 &w2l )
    fBoundsValid = false;

//// GetVectorAngle //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

static hsScalar GetVectorAngle( const hsPoint3 &basePt, const hsPoint3 &pointA, const hsPoint3 &pointB )
    hsVector3   vectorA( &pointA, &basePt ), vectorB( &pointB, &basePt );

    hsScalar dot = vectorA * vectorB;
    hsVector3 cross = vectorA % vectorB;
    hsScalar crossLen = cross.fZ;

    return atan2( crossLen, dot );

//// CreateConvexHull ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Algorithm is Graham's scan algorithm:
//          R.L. Graham, "An efficient algorithm for determining the convex hull of a finite 
//                      planar set", Info. Proc. Lett. 1, 132-133 (1972). 

static hsBool   CreateConvexHull( hsPoint3 *inPoints, int &numPoints )
    int         i, j, pointA, pointB, pointC;
    hsScalar    *angles;

    if( numPoints < 3 )
        return false;

    // Step 1: Find a point interior to our hull. Easiest is average of all our input points...
    // (plus: set the Zs of all the points to the Z of the first point, since we want to be
    //  working in 2D)
    hsPoint3    avgPoint = inPoints[ 0 ];
    for( i = 1; i < numPoints; i++ )
        avgPoint += inPoints[ i ];
        inPoints[ i ].fZ = inPoints[ 0 ].fZ;
    avgPoint.fX /= numPoints;
    avgPoint.fY /= numPoints;
    avgPoint.fZ /= numPoints;

    // Step 2: Sort all the in points by the angle to the X axis (vector <1,0>).
    //   Step A: Calculate all the angles

    angles = TRACKED_NEW hsScalar[ numPoints ];
    hsPoint3    xAxisPoint( avgPoint.fX + 1, avgPoint.fY, avgPoint.fZ );
    for( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ )
        angles[ i ] = GetVectorAngle( avgPoint, inPoints[ i ], xAxisPoint );

    //   Step B: Bubble sort by the angles
    for( i = 0; i < numPoints - 1; i++ )
        for( j = i + 1; j < numPoints; j++ )
            if( angles[ j ] < angles[ i ] )
                hsScalar tempAngle = angles[ j ];
                angles[ j ] = angles[ i ];
                angles[ i ] = tempAngle;

                hsPoint3 tempPt = inPoints[ j ];
                inPoints[ j ] = inPoints[ i ];
                inPoints[ i ] = tempPt;

    // Step 3: Eliminate non-convex points to form the hull
    for( pointA = 0, pointB = 1, pointC = 2; pointA < numPoints && numPoints > 3; )
        // Two cases of wrap-around...
        if( pointC >= numPoints )
            pointC -= numPoints;
        else if( pointC < 0 )
            pointC += numPoints;
        if( pointB >= numPoints )
            pointB -= numPoints;
        else if( pointB < 0 )
            pointB += numPoints;

        // For points A, B, and C, find the interior angle between them
        hsScalar angle = GetVectorAngle( inPoints[ pointB ], inPoints[ pointA ], inPoints[ pointC ] );
        // If the angle is < 180, then it's a good angle and we can advance all our points by 1...
        // Note: we have a tolerance so that we don't get points that form edges that are pretty darned close...
        const hsScalar tolerance = hsScalarPI / 90.f;
        if( angle > tolerance && angle < hsScalarPI - tolerance )
            // Angle is > 180 degrees, this is bad. This means our middle point doesn't belong,
            // so we need to remove it
            for( i = pointB; i < numPoints - 1; i++ )
                inPoints[ i ] = inPoints[ i + 1 ];
            if( pointC > pointB )
            // There's one case where point B and C could've wrapped around and so deleting that point
            // actually moves point A down by 1...
            if( pointA > pointB )

            // Back up the points by 1 if possible (so we can keep checking to make sure we're still convex).
            // If not, just increment C up
            if( pointA > 0 )

    delete [] angles;

    return true;

//// GetObjectPoints /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Retrieves ALL of the points of a sceneObject's meshes. And I mean ALL of 
//  'em...

static void GetObjectPoints( plSceneObject *so, hsTArray<hsPoint3> &outPoints )
    const plDrawInterface* di = so->GetDrawInterface();
    if( !di )

    // The following uses mf's spiffy plAccessGeometry/Spans stuff, which, in 
    // one word, kicksAss.
    hsTArray<plAccessSpan> spans;
    plAccessGeometry::Instance()->OpenRO( di, spans );

    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < spans.GetCount(); i++ )
        plAccessVtxSpan& vtxSrc = spans[ i ].AccessVtx();
        plAccPositionIterator iterSrc( &vtxSrc );

        for( iterSrc.Begin(); iterSrc.More(); iterSrc.Advance() )
            outPoints.Append( *iterSrc.Position() );
    if (plAccessGeometry::Instance())
        plAccessGeometry::Instance()->Close( spans );
//// PointsOnSameSide ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Given two ends of a line segment and two points, tells you whether the
//  two points are on the same side of the line. Used in PointInTriangle().

static hsBool   PointsOnSameSide( const hsPoint3 &line1, const hsPoint3 &line2, const hsPoint3 &pointA, const hsPoint3 &pointB )
    hsVector3 baseVec( &line2, &line1 );
    hsVector3   cp1 = hsVector3( &pointA, &line1 ) % baseVec;
    hsVector3   cp2 = hsVector3( &pointB, &line1 ) % baseVec;
    return ( cp1.fZ * cp2.fZ > 0 ) ? true : false;

//// PointInTriangle /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Given three points that define a triangle and a fourth point, tells you
//  whether the fourth point is inside the triangle.

static hsBool   PointInTriangle( hsPoint3 tri1, hsPoint3 tri2, hsPoint3 tri3, const hsPoint3 &testPoint )
    tri1.fZ = tri2.fZ = tri3.fZ = testPoint.fZ;
    if( PointsOnSameSide( tri1, tri2, testPoint, tri3 ) &&
        PointsOnSameSide( tri2, tri3, testPoint, tri1 ) &&
        PointsOnSameSide( tri3, tri1, testPoint, tri2 ) )
        return true;
    return false;

//// PointInBounds ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Tells you whether said point is in the control's bounds.

hsBool  pfGUIControlMod::PointInBounds( const hsPoint3 &point )

    if( fBounds.GetType() != kBoundsEmpty && fBounds.GetType() != kBoundsUninitialized && fBounds.IsInside( &point ) )
        if( fBoundsPoints.GetCount() > 0 )
            // We have a more-accurate bounds set, so use it
            int     i;

            for( i = 1; i < fBoundsPoints.GetCount() - 1; i++ )
                // Test the triangle (0,i,i+1)
                if( PointInTriangle( fBoundsPoints[ 0 ], fBoundsPoints[ i ], fBoundsPoints[ i + 1 ], point ) )
                    return true;
            return false;
            return true;
    return false;

//// CalcInitialBounds ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Called by the dialog once as soon as the dialog adds the control, so that
//  initial bounds for the control can be calced. This is used for initing
//  any dynmaic text maps, since we want to use the initial bounds to do so
//  instead of any currently animated state of the bounds.

void    pfGUIControlMod::CalcInitialBounds( void )
    UpdateBounds( nil, true );
    fInitialBounds = fBounds;

//// UpdateBounds ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIControlMod::UpdateBounds( hsMatrix44 *invXformMatrix, hsBool force )
    hsMatrix44  xformMatrix, projMatrix;
    hsPoint3    corners[ 8 ];
    int         i;

    if( ( !fBoundsValid || force ) && fDialog && GetTarget() )
        plDrawInterface *DI = IGetTargetDrawInterface( 0 );
        if( DI == nil )

        if( HasFlag( kBetterHitTesting ) )
            hsTArray<hsPoint3>  scrnPoints;

            // Create a list of points to make a 2D convex hull from
            GetObjectPoints( GetTarget(), scrnPoints );
            hsMatrix44 l2w = GetTarget()->GetLocalToWorld();
            for( i = 0; i < scrnPoints.GetCount(); i++ )
                scrnPoints[ i ] = l2w * scrnPoints[ i ];
                scrnPoints[ i ] = fDialog->WorldToScreenPoint( scrnPoints[ i ] );

            // Now create a convex hull from them, assuming the Zs are all the same
            int numPoints = scrnPoints.GetCount();
            if( !CreateConvexHull( scrnPoints.AcquireArray(), numPoints ) )

            // Copy & store. Also recalc our bounding box just for fun
            fBoundsPoints.SetCount( numPoints );
            for( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ )
                fBoundsPoints[ i ] = scrnPoints[ i ];
                fBounds.Union( &fBoundsPoints[ i ] );

            hsBounds3Ext worldBounds = DI->GetLocalBounds();
            hsMatrix44 l2w = GetTarget()->GetLocalToWorld();
            worldBounds.Transform( &l2w );

            worldBounds.GetCorners( corners );
            for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
                hsPoint3 scrnPt = fDialog->WorldToScreenPoint( corners[ i ] );
                fBounds.Union( &scrnPt );

        // Calc center Z
//      if( !fCenterValid )
#if 0
            corners[ 1 ] = GetTarget()->GetLocalToWorld().GetTranslate();
            float w = corners[ 1 ].fX * fXformMatrix.fMap[3][0]
                    + corners[ 1 ].fY * fXformMatrix.fMap[3][1]
                    + corners[ 1 ].fZ * fXformMatrix.fMap[3][2]
                    + 1.f * fXformMatrix.fMap[3][3];
            corners[ 1 ] = fXformMatrix * corners[ 1 ];

            corners[ 1 ].fX = ( ( corners[ 1 ].fX / corners[ 1 ].fZ ) + 1.f ) / 2.f;
            corners[ 1 ].fY = ( ( corners[ 1 ].fY / corners[ 1 ].fZ ) + 1.f ) / 2.f;
            fScreenCenter = corners[ 1 ];

//          fScreenCenter.fZ = w;

            corners[ 1 ] = GetTarget()->GetLocalToWorld().GetTranslate();
            fDialog->WorldToScreenPoint( corners[ 1 ].fX, corners[ 1 ].fY, corners[ 1 ].fZ, fScreenCenter );
            fCenterValid = true;
            corners[ 1 ] = GetTarget()->GetLocalToWorld().GetTranslate();
            fScreenCenter = fDialog->WorldToScreenPoint( corners[ 1 ] );
            corners[ 1 ] = fScreenCenter;
            fCenterValid = true;

        fScreenMinZ = fBounds.GetMins().fZ;

        // Manually change the bounds so we know the z ranges from at least -1 to 1, suitable for us testing against for clicks
        corners[ 0 ] = fBounds.GetCenter();
        corners[ 0 ].fZ = -1.f;
        fBounds.Union( &corners[ 0 ] );
        corners[ 0 ].fZ = 1.f;
        fBounds.Union( &corners[ 0 ] );

        fBoundsValid = true;

//// SetObjectCenter /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Given the x/y coordinates in 0..1 space, recalcs the sceneObject position
//  and moves the object to match, retaining the stored fCenterZ coordinate

void    pfGUIControlMod::SetObjectCenter( hsScalar x, hsScalar y )
    hsMatrix44  xformMatrix, l2p, p2l;
    hsPoint3    center, corners[ 8 ];

    if( x > 1.f )
        x = 1.f;
    else if( x < 0.f )
        x = 0.f;
    if( y > 1.f )
        y = 1.f;
    else if( y < 0.f )
        y = 0.f;
    if( fDialog && GetTarget() )
        plCoordinateInterface *CI = IGetTargetCoordinateInterface( 0 );
        if( CI == nil )

//      if( !fInvXformValid )
//          UpdateBounds();

        l2p = GetTarget()->GetLocalToWorld();
hsPoint3 oldPt = l2p.GetTranslate();

hsPoint3 oldScrnPt = fDialog->WorldToScreenPoint( oldPt );
hsPoint3 oldPtRedux;
fDialog->ScreenToWorldPoint( oldScrnPt.fX, oldScrnPt.fY, oldScrnPt.fZ, oldPtRedux );

        fDialog->ScreenToWorldPoint( x, y, fScreenCenter.fZ, center );

        l2p.SetTranslate( &center );
        l2p.GetInverse( &p2l );

        GetTarget()->SetTransform( l2p, p2l );

        fScreenCenter.fX = x;
        fScreenCenter.fY = y;

void    pfGUIControlMod::SetTarget( plSceneObject *object )
    plSingleModifier::SetTarget( object );


//// MsgReceive //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

#include "plProfile.h"
plProfile_CreateTimer("Gui", "RenderSetup", GUITime);

hsBool  pfGUIControlMod::MsgReceive( plMessage *msg )
    plRenderMsg* rend = plRenderMsg::ConvertNoRef( msg );

    if( rend )
        plProfile_BeginLap(GUITime, this->GetKey()->GetUoid().GetObjectName());
        // Only need it once
        if( ISetUpDynTextMap( rend->Pipeline() ) )
            plgDispatch::Dispatch()->UnRegisterForExactType( plRenderMsg::Index(), GetKey() );
        plProfile_EndLap(GUITime, this->GetKey()->GetUoid().GetObjectName());
        return true;

    plGenRefMsg *refMsg = plGenRefMsg::ConvertNoRef( msg );
    if( refMsg != nil )
        if( refMsg->fType == kRefDynTextMap )
            if( refMsg->GetContext() & ( plRefMsg::kOnCreate | plRefMsg::kOnRequest | plRefMsg::kOnReplace ) )
                fDynTextMap = plDynamicTextMap::ConvertNoRef( refMsg->GetRef() );
                // Register for a render msg so we can leech the material when we finally
                // have a pipeline to work with
                plgDispatch::Dispatch()->RegisterForExactType( plRenderMsg::Index(), GetKey() );
                fDynTextMap = nil;
            return true;
        else if( refMsg->fType == kRefDynTextLayer )
            if( refMsg->GetContext() & ( plRefMsg::kOnCreate | plRefMsg::kOnRequest | plRefMsg::kOnReplace ) )
                fDynTextLayer = plLayerInterface::ConvertNoRef( refMsg->GetRef() );
                fDynTextLayer = nil;
            return true;
        else if( refMsg->fType == kRefProxy )
            if( refMsg->GetContext() & ( plRefMsg::kOnCreate | plRefMsg::kOnRequest | plRefMsg::kOnReplace ) )
                fProxy = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef( refMsg->GetRef() );
                fProxy = nil;
            return true;
        else if( refMsg->fType == kRefSkin )
            if( refMsg->GetContext() & ( plRefMsg::kOnCreate | plRefMsg::kOnRequest | plRefMsg::kOnReplace ) )
                fSkin = pfGUISkin::ConvertNoRef( refMsg->GetRef() );
                fSkin = nil;

            return true;

    return plSingleModifier::MsgReceive( msg );

//// ISetUpDynTextMap ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Given a pointer to a dynamic text map, regurgitates it so it matches our
//  screen res and fun stuff like that. Also sets the layer transform to give
//  us a 1:1 textel-pixel ratio, which we like.

hsBool  pfGUIControlMod::ISetUpDynTextMap( plPipeline *pipe )
    if( fDynTextMap == nil )
        hsAssert( false, "Trying to set up a nil dynamicTextMap in a GUI control" );
        return true;
    if( fDynTextLayer == nil || fInitialBounds.GetType() == kBoundsUninitialized )//|| fDialog == nil )
        return false;

    UInt32 scrnWidth, scrnHeight;
    if( !HasFlag( kScaleTextWithResolution ) )
        // Scale so that there is a 1:1 pixel:textel ratio
        scrnWidth = pipe->Width();
        scrnHeight = pipe->Height();
        // Scale with the resolution so that we take up the same % of screen space no matter what resolution
        // Assume a base "resolution" of 1024xX, where X is such that the ratio "1024/X = scrnWidth/scrnHt" holds
        const int kBaseScaleRes = 1024;
        const int kBaseScaleHeightRes = 768;
        scrnWidth = kBaseScaleRes;
        scrnHeight = kBaseScaleHeightRes;
        // we are going to just force things to be in 4 by 3 ratio...
        // ...cause it seems to work better.
///////     scrnHeight = ( pipe->Height() * kBaseScaleRes ) / pipe->Width();

    const hsBounds3 &bounds = fInitialBounds;//GetBounds();
    UInt16 width = (UInt16)(( bounds.GetMaxs().fX - bounds.GetMins().fX ) * scrnWidth);
    UInt16 height = (UInt16)(( bounds.GetMaxs().fY - bounds.GetMins().fY ) * scrnHeight);

    // Allow derived controls to allocate some extra scratch space if desired
    // (Do it this way so we can pass in our current calculated dimensions for them to play with)
    UInt16 extraW = width, extraH = height;
    IGrowDTMDimsToDesiredSize( extraW, extraH );
    extraW -= width;
    extraH -= height;

    fDynTextMap->Create( width, height, HasFlag( kXparentBgnd ), extraW, extraH );

    fDynTextMap->SetFont( GetColorScheme()->fFontFace, GetColorScheme()->fFontSize, GetColorScheme()->fFontFlags,
                            HasFlag( kXparentBgnd ) ? false : true );
    fDynTextMap->SetTextColor( GetColorScheme()->fForeColor, 
                            ( HasFlag( kXparentBgnd ) && GetColorScheme()->fBackColor.a == 0.f ) ? true : false );

    // Now we gotta set the texture transform on the layer so our texture comes
    // out with 1:1 mapping from textel to pixel
    plLayer *layer = (plLayer *)fDynTextLayer;
    layer->SetTransform( fDynTextMap->GetLayerTransform() );

    // Let the derived classes do their things

    // Do our first update

    return true;

//// Get/SetColorScheme //////////////////////////////////////////////////////

pfGUIColorScheme    *pfGUIControlMod::GetColorScheme( void ) const
    if( fColorScheme == nil )
        return fDialog->GetColorScheme();

    return fColorScheme;

void    pfGUIControlMod::SetColorScheme( pfGUIColorScheme *newScheme )
    if( fColorScheme != nil )
        hsRefCnt_SafeUnRef( fColorScheme );
        fColorScheme = nil;

    fColorScheme = newScheme;
    if( fColorScheme != nil )
        hsRefCnt_SafeRef( fColorScheme );

//// SetDynTextMap ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIControlMod::SetDynTextMap( plLayerInterface *layer, plDynamicTextMap *dynText )
    hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->AddViaNotify( layer->GetKey(), TRACKED_NEW plGenRefMsg( GetKey(), plRefMsg::kOnCreate, -1, pfGUIControlMod::kRefDynTextLayer ), plRefFlags::kActiveRef );
    hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->AddViaNotify( dynText->GetKey(), TRACKED_NEW plGenRefMsg( GetKey(), plRefMsg::kOnCreate, -1, pfGUIControlMod::kRefDynTextMap ), plRefFlags::kActiveRef );

//// SetEnabled //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIControlMod::SetEnabled( hsBool e )
    if( e == fEnabled )

    fEnabled = e;

//// SetFocused //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIControlMod::SetFocused( hsBool e )
    if( e == fFocused )

    fFocused = e;

//// SetInteresting //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIControlMod::SetInteresting( hsBool i )
    if( i == fInteresting )

    fInteresting = i;

    if ( fNotifyOnInteresting && fDialog && fDialog->GetHandler() )


//// SetVisible //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIControlMod::SetVisible( hsBool vis )
    if( vis == fVisible )

    fVisible = vis;
    if (fTarget)
        plEnableMsg *msg = TRACKED_NEW plEnableMsg();
        msg->SetCmd( fVisible ? plEnableMsg::kEnable : plEnableMsg::kDisable );
        msg->SetCmd( plEnableMsg::kDrawable );
        msg->AddReceiver( fTarget->GetKey() );
        plgDispatch::MsgSend( msg );

    if( !fVisible && fFocused )
        fDialog->SetFocus( nil );

void    pfGUIControlMod::Refresh( void )

//// Read/Write //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIControlMod::Read( hsStream *s, hsResMgr *mgr )
    plSingleModifier::Read(s, mgr);
    s->ReadSwap( &fTagID );
    fVisible = s->ReadBool();

    // Read the handler in
    ISetHandler( pfGUICtrlProcWriteableObject::Read( s ) );

    // Read in the dynTextMap if there is one
    if( s->ReadBool() )
        mgr->ReadKeyNotifyMe( s, TRACKED_NEW plGenRefMsg( GetKey(), plRefMsg::kOnCreate, -1, kRefDynTextLayer ), plRefFlags::kActiveRef );
        mgr->ReadKeyNotifyMe( s, TRACKED_NEW plGenRefMsg( GetKey(), plRefMsg::kOnCreate, -1, kRefDynTextMap ), plRefFlags::kActiveRef );
        fDynTextLayer = nil;
        fDynTextMap = nil;

    if( s->ReadBool() )
        SetColorScheme( nil );
        fColorScheme = TRACKED_NEW pfGUIColorScheme();
        fColorScheme->Read( s );

    // Read in our sound indices
    UInt8 i, count = s->ReadByte();
    if( count == 0 )
        fSoundIndices.SetCountAndZero( count );
        for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            fSoundIndices[ i ] = (int)s->ReadSwap32();

    if( HasFlag( kHasProxy ) )
        mgr->ReadKeyNotifyMe( s, TRACKED_NEW plGenRefMsg( GetKey(), plRefMsg::kOnCreate, -1, kRefProxy ), plRefFlags::kActiveRef );

    mgr->ReadKeyNotifyMe( s, TRACKED_NEW plGenRefMsg( GetKey(), plRefMsg::kOnCreate, -1, kRefSkin ), plRefFlags::kActiveRef );

void    pfGUIControlMod::Write( hsStream *s, hsResMgr *mgr )
    if( HasFlag( kHasProxy ) && !fProxy )
        ClearFlag( kHasProxy );

    plSingleModifier::Write( s, mgr );
    s->WriteSwap( fTagID );
    s->WriteBool( fVisible );

    // Write the handler out (if it's not a writeable, damn you)
    pfGUICtrlProcWriteableObject::Write( (pfGUICtrlProcWriteableObject *)fHandler, s );

    // Write out the dynTextMap
    if( fDynTextMap != nil )
        s->WriteBool( true );
        mgr->WriteKey( s, fDynTextLayer->GetKey() );
        mgr->WriteKey( s, fDynTextMap->GetKey() );
        s->WriteBool( false );

    if( fColorScheme != nil )
        s->WriteBool( true );
        fColorScheme->Write( s );
        s->WriteBool( false );

    // Write out our sound indices
    s->WriteByte( fSoundIndices.GetCount() );
    UInt8 i;
    for( i = 0; i < fSoundIndices.GetCount(); i++ )
        s->WriteSwap32( fSoundIndices[ i ] );

    if( HasFlag( kHasProxy ) )
        mgr->WriteKey( s, fProxy->GetKey() );

    mgr->WriteKey( s, fSkin );

//// HandleKeyPress/Event ////////////////////////////////////////////////////

hsBool  pfGUIControlMod::HandleKeyPress( wchar_t key, UInt8 modifiers ) 
    return false; 

hsBool  pfGUIControlMod::HandleKeyEvent( pfGameGUIMgr::EventType event, plKeyDef key, UInt8 modifiers ) 
    return false; 

//// IScreenToLocalPt ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIControlMod::IScreenToLocalPt( hsPoint3 &pt )
    const hsBounds3 &bnds = GetBounds();

    pt.fX -= bnds.GetMins().fX;
    pt.fY -= bnds.GetMins().fY;
    pt.fX /= bnds.GetMaxs().fX - bnds.GetMins().fX;
    pt.fY /= bnds.GetMaxs().fY - bnds.GetMins().fY;

//// ISetHandler /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIControlMod::ISetHandler( pfGUICtrlProcObject *h, hsBool clearInheritFlag )
    if( fHandler && fHandler->DecRef() )
        delete fHandler;

    fHandler = h; 
    if( fHandler )

    if( clearInheritFlag )
        ClearFlag( kInheritProcFromDlg );

//// DoSomething /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIControlMod::DoSomething( void )
    if( fEnabled && fHandler != nil )
        fHandler->DoSomething( this );

//// HandleExtendedEvent /////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIControlMod::HandleExtendedEvent( UInt32 event )
    if( fEnabled && fHandler != nil )
        fHandler->HandleExtendedEvent( this, event );

//// SetDropTargetHdlr ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIControlMod::SetDropTargetHdlr( pfGUIDropTargetProc *h )
    if( fDropTargetHdlr && fDropTargetHdlr->DecRef() )
        delete fDropTargetHdlr;

    fDropTargetHdlr = h; 
    if( fDropTargetHdlr )

//// SetSoundIndex ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Associates the given GUI event with an index of a sound on the target SO's
//  audioInterface. The guiCtrlEvent is specific to each type of control.

void    pfGUIControlMod::SetSoundIndex( UInt8 guiCtrlEvent, int soundIndex )
    if( fSoundIndices.GetCount() < guiCtrlEvent + 1 )
        fSoundIndices.ExpandAndZero( guiCtrlEvent + 1 );

    fSoundIndices[ guiCtrlEvent ] = soundIndex + 1; // We +1, since 0 means no sound

//// IPlaySound //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Sends a sound play message with the soundIndex associated with the given
//  event.

void    pfGUIControlMod::IPlaySound( UInt8 guiCtrlEvent, hsBool loop /* = false */ )
    if( guiCtrlEvent >= fSoundIndices.GetCount() || fSoundIndices[ guiCtrlEvent ] == 0 )

    if( GetTarget() == nil || GetTarget()->GetAudioInterface() == nil )

    plSoundMsg  *msg = TRACKED_NEW plSoundMsg;
    msg->fIndex = fSoundIndices[ guiCtrlEvent ] - 1;
    msg->SetCmd( plSoundMsg::kGoToTime );
    msg->fTime = 0.f;
    msg->SetCmd( plSoundMsg::kPlay );
    if (loop)
        msg->fLoop = true;
        msg->SetCmd( plSoundMsg::kSetLooping );
    msg->Send( GetTarget()->GetAudioInterface()->GetKey() );

void    pfGUIControlMod::IStopSound(UInt8 guiCtrlEvent)
    if (guiCtrlEvent >= fSoundIndices.GetCount() || fSoundIndices[guiCtrlEvent] == 0)

    if (GetTarget() == nil || GetTarget()->GetAudioInterface() == nil )

    plSoundMsg *msg = TRACKED_NEW plSoundMsg;
    msg->fIndex = fSoundIndices[guiCtrlEvent] - 1;