/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ /***************************************************************************** * * $/Plasma20/Sources/Plasma/NucleusLib/pnSimpleNet/pnSimpleNet.cpp * ***/ #include "Pch.h" #pragma hdrstop /***************************************************************************** * * Local types * ***/ struct SimpleNetConn : AtomicRef { LINK(SimpleNetConn) link; AsyncSocket sock; AsyncCancelId cancelId; unsigned channelId; bool abandoned; struct ConnectParam * connectParam; SimpleNet_MsgHeader * oversizeMsg; ARRAY(byte) oversizeBuffer; ~SimpleNetConn () { ASSERT(!link.IsLinked()); } }; struct SimpleNetChannel : AtomicRef, THashKeyVal { HASHLINK(SimpleNetChannel) link; FSimpleNetOnMsg onMsg; FSimpleNetOnError onError; LISTDECL(SimpleNetConn, link) conns; SimpleNetChannel (unsigned channel) : THashKeyVal(channel) { } ~SimpleNetChannel () { ASSERT(!link.IsLinked()); ASSERT(!conns.Head()); } }; struct ConnectParam { SimpleNetChannel * channel; FSimpleNetOnConnect callback; void * param; ~ConnectParam () { if (channel) channel->DecRef(); } }; /***************************************************************************** * * Local data * ***/ static bool s_running; static CCritSect s_critsect; static FSimpleNetQueryAccept s_queryAccept; static void * s_queryAcceptParam; static HASHTABLEDECL( SimpleNetChannel, THashKeyVal, link ) s_channels; /***************************************************************************** * * Local functions * ***/ //============================================================================ static void NotifyConnSocketConnect (SimpleNetConn * conn) { conn->TransferRef("Connecting", "Connected"); conn->connectParam->callback( conn->connectParam->param, conn, kNetSuccess ); DEL(conn->connectParam); conn->connectParam = nil; } //============================================================================ static void NotifyConnSocketConnectFailed (SimpleNetConn * conn) { s_critsect.Enter(); { conn->link.Unlink(); } s_critsect.Leave(); conn->connectParam->callback( conn->connectParam->param, nil, kNetErrConnectFailed ); DEL(conn->connectParam); conn->connectParam = nil; conn->DecRef("Connecting"); conn->DecRef("Lifetime"); } //============================================================================ static void NotifyConnSocketDisconnect (SimpleNetConn * conn) { bool abandoned; SimpleNetChannel * channel; s_critsect.Enter(); { abandoned = conn->abandoned; if (nil != (channel = s_channels.Find(conn->channelId))) channel->IncRef(); conn->link.Unlink(); } s_critsect.Leave(); if (channel && !abandoned) { channel->onError(conn, kNetErrDisconnected); channel->DecRef(); } conn->DecRef("Connected"); } //============================================================================ static bool NotifyConnSocketRead (SimpleNetConn * conn, AsyncNotifySocketRead * read) { SimpleNetChannel * channel; s_critsect.Enter(); { if (nil != (channel = s_channels.Find(conn->channelId))) channel->IncRef(); } s_critsect.Leave(); if (!channel) return false; bool result = true; const byte * curr = read->buffer; const byte * term = curr + read->bytes; while (curr < term) { // Reading oversize msg? if (conn->oversizeBuffer.Count()) { unsigned spaceLeft = conn->oversizeMsg->messageBytes - conn->oversizeBuffer.Count(); unsigned copyBytes = min(spaceLeft, term - curr); conn->oversizeBuffer.Add(curr, copyBytes); curr += copyBytes; // Wait until we have received the entire message if (copyBytes != spaceLeft) break; // Dispatch oversize msg if (!channel->onMsg(conn, conn->oversizeMsg)) { result = false; break; } conn->oversizeBuffer.SetCount(0); continue; } // Wait until we receive the entire message header if (term - curr < sizeof(SimpleNet_MsgHeader)) break; SimpleNet_MsgHeader * msg = (SimpleNet_MsgHeader *) read->buffer; // Sanity check message size if (msg->messageBytes < sizeof(*msg)) { result = false; break; } // Handle oversized messages if (msg->messageBytes > kAsyncSocketBufferSize) { conn->oversizeBuffer.SetCount(msg->messageBytes); conn->oversizeMsg = (SimpleNet_MsgHeader *) conn->oversizeBuffer.Ptr(); *conn->oversizeMsg = *msg; curr += sizeof(*msg); continue; } // Wait until we have received the entire message const byte * msgTerm = (const byte *) curr + msg->messageBytes; if (msgTerm > term) break; curr = msgTerm; // Dispatch msg if (!channel->onMsg(conn, msg)) { result = false; break; } } // Return count of bytes we processed read->bytesProcessed = curr - read->buffer; channel->DecRef(); return result; } //============================================================================ static bool AsyncNotifySocketProc ( AsyncSocket sock, EAsyncNotifySocket code, AsyncNotifySocket * notify, void ** userState ) { bool result = true; SimpleNetConn * conn; switch (code) { case kNotifySocketListenSuccess: { AsyncNotifySocketListen * listen = (AsyncNotifySocketListen *) notify; const SimpleNet_ConnData & connect = *(const SimpleNet_ConnData *) listen->buffer; listen->bytesProcessed += sizeof(connect); SimpleNetChannel * channel; s_critsect.Enter(); { if (nil != (channel = s_channels.Find(connect.channelId))) channel->IncRef(); } s_critsect.Leave(); if (!channel) break; conn = NEWZERO(SimpleNetConn); conn->channelId = channel->GetValue(); conn->IncRef("Lifetime"); conn->IncRef("Connected"); conn->sock = sock; *userState = conn; bool accepted = s_queryAccept( s_queryAcceptParam, channel->GetValue(), conn, listen->remoteAddr ); if (!accepted) { SimpleNetDisconnect(conn); } else { s_critsect.Enter(); { channel->conns.Link(conn); } s_critsect.Leave(); } channel->DecRef(); } break; case kNotifySocketConnectSuccess: { conn = (SimpleNetConn *) notify->param; *userState = conn; bool abandoned; s_critsect.Enter(); { conn->sock = sock; conn->cancelId = 0; abandoned = conn->abandoned; } s_critsect.Leave(); if (abandoned) AsyncSocketDisconnect(sock, true); else NotifyConnSocketConnect(conn); } break; case kNotifySocketConnectFailed: conn = (SimpleNetConn *) notify->param; NotifyConnSocketConnectFailed(conn); break; case kNotifySocketDisconnect: conn = (SimpleNetConn *) *userState; NotifyConnSocketDisconnect(conn); break; case kNotifySocketRead: conn = (SimpleNetConn *) *userState; result = NotifyConnSocketRead(conn, (AsyncNotifySocketRead *) notify); break; } return result; } //============================================================================ static void Connect (const NetAddress & addr, ConnectParam * cp) { SimpleNetConn * conn = NEWZERO(SimpleNetConn); conn->channelId = cp->channel->GetValue(); conn->connectParam = cp; conn->IncRef("Lifetime"); conn->IncRef("Connecting"); s_critsect.Enter(); { cp->channel->conns.Link(conn); SimpleNet_Connect connect; connect.hdr.connType = kConnTypeSimpleNet; connect.hdr.hdrBytes = sizeof(connect.hdr); connect.hdr.buildId = BuildId(); connect.hdr.buildType = BuildType(); connect.hdr.branchId = BranchId(); connect.hdr.productId = ProductId(); connect.data.channelId = cp->channel->GetValue(); AsyncSocketConnect( &conn->cancelId, addr, AsyncNotifySocketProc, conn, &connect, sizeof(connect) ); conn = nil; cp = nil; } s_critsect.Leave(); DEL(conn); DEL(cp); } //============================================================================ static void AsyncLookupCallback ( void * param, const wchar name[], unsigned addrCount, const NetAddress addrs[] ) { ref(name); ConnectParam * cp = (ConnectParam *)param; if (!addrCount) { if (cp->callback) cp->callback(cp->param, nil, kNetErrNameLookupFailed); DEL(cp); return; } Connect(addrs[0], (ConnectParam *)param); } /***************************************************************************** * * Exported functions * ***/ //============================================================================ void SimpleNetInitialize () { s_running = true; AsyncSocketRegisterNotifyProc( kConnTypeSimpleNet, AsyncNotifySocketProc ); } //============================================================================ void SimpleNetShutdown () { s_running = false; ASSERT(!s_channels.Head()); AsyncSocketUnregisterNotifyProc( kConnTypeSimpleNet, AsyncNotifySocketProc ); } //============================================================================ void SimpleNetConnIncRef (SimpleNetConn * conn) { ASSERT(s_running); ASSERT(conn); conn->IncRef(); } //============================================================================ void SimpleNetConnDecRef (SimpleNetConn * conn) { ASSERT(s_running); ASSERT(conn); conn->DecRef(); } //============================================================================ bool SimpleNetStartListening ( FSimpleNetQueryAccept queryAccept, void * param ) { ASSERT(s_running); ASSERT(queryAccept); ASSERT(!s_queryAccept); s_queryAccept = queryAccept; s_queryAcceptParam = param; NetAddress addr; NetAddressFromNode(0, kNetDefaultSimpleNetPort, &addr); return (0 != AsyncSocketStartListening(addr, nil)); } //============================================================================ void SimpleNetStopListening () { ASSERT(s_running); NetAddress addr; NetAddressFromNode(0, kNetDefaultSimpleNetPort, &addr); AsyncSocketStopListening(addr, nil); s_queryAccept = nil; s_queryAcceptParam = nil; } //============================================================================ void SimpleNetCreateChannel ( unsigned channelId, FSimpleNetOnMsg onMsg, FSimpleNetOnError onError ) { ASSERT(s_running); SimpleNetChannel * channel = NEWZERO(SimpleNetChannel)(channelId); channel->IncRef(); s_critsect.Enter(); { #ifdef HS_DEBUGGING { SimpleNetChannel * existing = s_channels.Find(channelId); ASSERT(!existing); } #endif channel->onMsg = onMsg; channel->onError = onError; s_channels.Add(channel); channel->IncRef(); } s_critsect.Leave(); channel->DecRef(); } //============================================================================ void SimpleNetDestroyChannel (unsigned channelId) { ASSERT(s_running); SimpleNetChannel * channel; s_critsect.Enter(); { if (nil != (channel = s_channels.Find(channelId))) { s_channels.Unlink(channel); while (SimpleNetConn * conn = channel->conns.Head()) { SimpleNetDisconnect(conn); channel->conns.Unlink(conn); } } } s_critsect.Leave(); if (channel) channel->DecRef(); } //============================================================================ void SimpleNetStartConnecting ( unsigned channelId, const wchar addr[], FSimpleNetOnConnect onConnect, void * param ) { ASSERT(s_running); ASSERT(onConnect); ConnectParam * cp = NEW(ConnectParam); cp->callback = onConnect; cp->param = param; s_critsect.Enter(); { if (nil != (cp->channel = s_channels.Find(channelId))) cp->channel->IncRef(); } s_critsect.Leave(); ASSERT(cp->channel); // Do we need to lookup the address? const wchar * name = addr; while (unsigned ch = *name) { ++name; if (!(isdigit(ch) || ch == L'.' || ch == L':')) { AsyncCancelId cancelId; AsyncAddressLookupName( &cancelId, AsyncLookupCallback, addr, kNetDefaultSimpleNetPort, cp ); break; } } if (!name[0]) { NetAddress netAddr; NetAddressFromString(&netAddr, addr, kNetDefaultSimpleNetPort); Connect(netAddr, cp); } } //============================================================================ void SimpleNetDisconnect ( SimpleNetConn * conn ) { ASSERT(s_running); ASSERT(conn); s_critsect.Enter(); { conn->abandoned = true; if (conn->sock) { AsyncSocketDisconnect(conn->sock, true); conn->sock = nil; } else if (conn->cancelId) { AsyncSocketConnectCancel(AsyncNotifySocketProc, conn->cancelId); conn->cancelId = nil; } } s_critsect.Leave(); conn->DecRef("Lifetime"); } //============================================================================ void SimpleNetSend ( SimpleNetConn * conn, SimpleNet_MsgHeader * msg ) { ASSERT(s_running); ASSERT(msg); ASSERT(msg->messageBytes != (dword)-1); ASSERT(conn); s_critsect.Enter(); { if (conn->sock) AsyncSocketSend(conn->sock, msg, msg->messageBytes); } s_critsect.Leave(); }