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//  plKeyMap - Generic class that defines a mapping of 1-or-2 key codes to
//              ControlEventCodes

#ifndef _plKeyMap_h
#define _plKeyMap_h

#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "plInputMap.h"
#include "plControlEventCodes.h"

#include "hsTemplates.h"

//// plKeyCombo //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Tiny class/data type representing a single key combo. Ex. shift+C

class plKeyCombo
        plKeyDef    fKey;
        UInt8       fFlags;

        // The ordering of this lets us treat the flags as a priority number.
        // kCtrl + kShift > kCtrl > kShift > no flags
        enum Flags
            kShift  = 0x01,
            kCtrl   = 0x02

        static plKeyCombo   kUnmapped;

        plKeyCombo( plKeyDef k, UInt8 flags = 0 ) : fKey( k ), fFlags( flags ) { }
        hsBool  IsSatisfiedBy(const plKeyCombo &combo) const;       

        hsBool  operator==( const plKeyCombo &rhs ) const { return ( fKey == rhs.fKey ) && ( fFlags == rhs.fFlags ); }
        hsBool  operator!=( const plKeyCombo &rhs ) const { return ( fKey != rhs.fKey ) || ( fFlags != rhs.fFlags ); }

//// For the Particularly Lazy... ////////////////////////////////////////////

class plShiftKeyCombo : public plKeyCombo
        plShiftKeyCombo( plKeyDef k ) : plKeyCombo( k, kShift ) {}

class plCtrlKeyCombo : public plKeyCombo
        plCtrlKeyCombo( plKeyDef k ) : plKeyCombo( k, kCtrl ) {}

class plCtrlShiftKeyCombo : public plKeyCombo
        plCtrlShiftKeyCombo( plKeyDef k ) : plKeyCombo( k, kCtrl | kShift ) {}

//// plKeyBinding ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Record for a single binding of 1-or-2 keys to a ControlEventCode, with
//  optional string if necessary (for, say console command bindings)

class plKeyBinding

        ControlEventCode    fCode;
        UInt32              fCodeFlags; // Needed?
        plKeyCombo          fKey1;      // KEY_UNMAPPED for not-used
        plKeyCombo          fKey2;
        char                *fString;


        plKeyBinding( ControlEventCode code, UInt32 codeFlags, const plKeyCombo &key1, const plKeyCombo &key2, const char *string = nil );
        virtual ~plKeyBinding();

        ControlEventCode    GetCode( void ) const { return fCode; }
        UInt32              GetCodeFlags( void ) const { return fCodeFlags; }
        const plKeyCombo    &GetKey1( void ) const { return fKey1; }
        const plKeyCombo    &GetKey2( void ) const { return fKey2; }
        const char          *GetExtendedString( void ) const { return fString; }
        const plKeyCombo    &GetMatchingKey( plKeyDef keyDef ) const;

        void    SetKey1( const plKeyCombo &newCombo );
        void    SetKey2( const plKeyCombo &newCombo );
        void    ClearKeys( void );
        hsBool  HasUnmappedKey() const;

//// plKeyMap ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Basically an array of plKeyBindings with some extra helpers

class plKeyMap : public plInputMap

        // Konstants for the bind preference
        enum BindPref
            kNoPreference = 0,      // Just bind to any free one, else first
            kNoPreference2nd,       // Bind to a free one, or second key if no free one
            kFirstAlways,           // Bind to first key no matter what
            kSecondAlways           // Ditto but for 2nd key


        hsTArray<plKeyBinding *>    fBindings;

        plKeyBinding    *IFindBindingByKey( const plKeyCombo &combo ) const;
        void             IFindAllBindingsByKey( const plKeyCombo &combo, hsTArray<plKeyBinding*> &result ) const;
        plKeyBinding    *IFindBinding( ControlEventCode code ) const;
        plKeyBinding    *IFindConsoleBinding( const char *command ) const;

        void            IActuallyBind( plKeyBinding *binding, const plKeyCombo &combo, BindPref pref );
        void            ICheckAndBindDupe( plKeyDef origKey, plKeyDef dupeKey );

        virtual ~plKeyMap();

        // Adds a given control code to the map. Once you add it, you can't change its flags. Returns false if the code is already present
        hsBool  AddCode( ControlEventCode code, UInt32 codeFlags );

        // Same but for console commands. No flags b/c console commands always use the same flags
        hsBool  AddConsoleCommand( const char *command );

        // Adds a key binding to a given code. Returns false if the code isn't in this map or if key is already mapped.
        hsBool  BindKey( const plKeyCombo &combo, ControlEventCode code, BindPref pref = kNoPreference );

        // Console command version
        hsBool  BindKeyToConsoleCmd( const plKeyCombo &combo, const char *command, BindPref pref = kNoPreference );

        // Searches for the binding for a given code. Returns nil if not found
        const plKeyBinding  *FindBinding( ControlEventCode code ) const;

        // Searches for the binding by key. Returns nil if not found
        const plKeyBinding  *FindBindingByKey( const plKeyCombo &combo ) const;

        // Finds multiple bindings (when there are unneeded ctrl/shift flags)
        void FindAllBindingsByKey( const plKeyCombo &combo, hsTArray<const plKeyBinding*> &result ) const;
        // Searches for the binding by console command. Returns nil if not found
        const plKeyBinding* plKeyMap::FindConsoleBinding( const char *command ) const;

        // Make sure the given keys are clear of bindings, i.e. not used
        void    EnsureKeysClear( const plKeyCombo &key1, const plKeyCombo &key2 );

        // Unmaps the given key, no matter what binding it is in
        void    UnmapKey( const plKeyCombo &combo );

        // Unmaps the keys for a single binding
        void    UnmapBinding( ControlEventCode code );

        // Unmaps all the bindings, but leaves the code records themselves
        void    UnmapAllBindings( void );

        // Erases the given code binding. Note: should never really be used, but provided here for completeness
        void    EraseBinding( ControlEventCode code );

        // Clears ALL bindings
        void    ClearAll( void );

        static const char* GetStringCtrl();
        static const char* GetStringShift();
        static const char* GetStringUnmapped();

        UInt32              GetNumBindings( void ) const { return fBindings.GetCount(); }
        const plKeyBinding  &GetBinding( UInt32 i ) const { return *fBindings[ i ]; }
        void                HandleAutoDualBinding( plKeyDef key1, plKeyDef key2 );

        static char     *ConvertVKeyToChar( UInt32 vk );
        static plKeyDef ConvertCharToVKey( const char *c );

        static Win32keyConvert  fKeyConversionEnglish[];
        static Win32keyConvert  fKeyConversionFrench[];
        static Win32keyConvert  fKeyConversionGerman[];
        //static Win32keyConvert  fKeyConversionSpanish[];
        //static Win32keyConvert  fKeyConversionItalian[];


#endif // _plKeyMap_h