/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "plPXPhysical.h" #include <NxPhysics.h> #include "hsResMgr.h" #include "hsStream.h" #include "hsTimer.h" #include "plProfile.h" #include "hsQuat.h" #include "hsSTLStream.h" #include "plSimulationMgr.h" #include "plPhysical/plPhysicalSDLModifier.h" #include "plPhysical/plPhysicalSndGroup.h" #include "plPhysical/plPhysicalProxy.h" #include "pnSceneObject/plSimulationInterface.h" #include "pnSceneObject/plCoordinateInterface.h" #include "pnKeyedObject/plKey.h" #include "pnMessage/plCorrectionMsg.h" #include "pnMessage/plNodeRefMsg.h" #include "pnMessage/plSDLModifierMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plSimStateMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plSimInfluenceMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plLinearVelocityMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plAngularVelocityMsg.h" #include "plDrawable/plDrawableGenerator.h" #include "plNetClient/plNetClientMgr.h" #include "plNetTransport/plNetTransportMember.h" #include "plStatusLog/plStatusLog.h" #include "plPXConvert.h" #include "plPXPhysicalControllerCore.h" #include "../plModifier/plDetectorLog.h" #if 0 #define SpamMsg(x) x #else #define SpamMsg(x) #endif #define LogActivate(func) if (fActor->isSleeping()) SimLog("%s activated by %s", GetKeyName(), func); PhysRecipe::PhysRecipe() : mass(0.f) , friction(0.f) , restitution(0.f) , bounds(plSimDefs::kBoundsMax) , group(plSimDefs::kGroupMax) , reportsOn(0) , objectKey(nil) , sceneNode(nil) , worldKey(nil) , convexMesh(nil) , triMesh(nil) , radius(0.f) , offset(0.f, 0.f, 0.f) , meshStream(nil) { l2s.Reset(); } plProfile_Extern(MaySendLocation); plProfile_Extern(LocationsSent); plProfile_Extern(PhysicsUpdates); static void ClearMatrix(hsMatrix44 &m) { m.fMap[0][0] = 0.0f; m.fMap[0][1] = 0.0f; m.fMap[0][2] = 0.0f; m.fMap[0][3] = 0.0f; m.fMap[1][0] = 0.0f; m.fMap[1][1] = 0.0f; m.fMap[1][2] = 0.0f; m.fMap[1][3] = 0.0f; m.fMap[2][0] = 0.0f; m.fMap[2][1] = 0.0f; m.fMap[2][2] = 0.0f; m.fMap[2][3] = 0.0f; m.fMap[3][0] = 0.0f; m.fMap[3][1] = 0.0f; m.fMap[3][2] = 0.0f; m.fMap[3][3] = 0.0f; m.NotIdentity(); } int plPXPhysical::fNumberAnimatedPhysicals = 0; int plPXPhysical::fNumberAnimatedActivators = 0; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // plPXPhysical IMPLEMENTATION // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// plPXPhysical::plPXPhysical() : fSDLMod(nil) , fActor(nil) , fBoundsType(plSimDefs::kBoundsMax) , fLOSDBs(plSimDefs::kLOSDBNone) , fGroup(plSimDefs::kGroupMax) , fReportsOn(0) , fLastSyncTime(0.0f) , fProxyGen(nil) , fSceneNode(nil) , fWorldKey(nil) , fSndGroup(nil) , fWorldHull(nil) , fSaveTriangles(nil) , fHullNumberPlanes(0) , fMass(0.f) , fWeWereHit(false) , fHitForce(0,0,0) , fHitPos(0,0,0) , fInsideConvexHull(false) { } plPXPhysical::~plPXPhysical() { SpamMsg(plSimulationMgr::Log("Destroying physical %s", GetKeyName())); if (fActor) { // Grab any mesh we may have (they need to be released manually) NxConvexMesh* convexMesh = nil; NxTriangleMesh* triMesh = nil; NxShape* shape = fActor->getShapes()[0]; if (NxConvexShape* convexShape = shape->isConvexMesh()) convexMesh = &convexShape->getConvexMesh(); else if (NxTriangleMeshShape* trimeshShape = shape->isTriangleMesh()) triMesh = &trimeshShape->getTriangleMesh(); if (!fActor->isDynamic()) plPXPhysicalControllerCore::RebuildCache(); if (fActor->isDynamic() && fActor->readBodyFlag(NX_BF_KINEMATIC)) { if (fGroup == plSimDefs::kGroupDynamic) fNumberAnimatedPhysicals--; else fNumberAnimatedActivators--; } // Release the actor NxScene* scene = plSimulationMgr::GetInstance()->GetScene(fWorldKey); scene->releaseActor(*fActor); fActor = nil; // Now that the actor is freed, release the mesh if (convexMesh) plSimulationMgr::GetInstance()->GetSDK()->releaseConvexMesh(*convexMesh); if (triMesh) plSimulationMgr::GetInstance()->GetSDK()->releaseTriangleMesh(*triMesh); // Release the scene, so it can be cleaned up if no one else is using it plSimulationMgr::GetInstance()->ReleaseScene(fWorldKey); } if (fWorldHull) delete [] fWorldHull; if (fSaveTriangles) delete [] fSaveTriangles; delete fProxyGen; // remove sdl modifier plSceneObject* sceneObj = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(fObjectKey->ObjectIsLoaded()); if (sceneObj && fSDLMod) { sceneObj->RemoveModifier(fSDLMod); } delete fSDLMod; } static void MakeBoxFromHull(NxConvexMesh* convexMesh, NxBoxShapeDesc& box) { NxConvexMeshDesc desc; convexMesh->saveToDesc(desc); hsScalar minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ; minX = minY = minZ = FLT_MAX; maxX = maxY = maxZ = -FLT_MAX; for (int i = 0; i < desc.numVertices; i++) { float* point = (float*)(((char*)desc.points) + desc.pointStrideBytes*i); float x = point[0]; float y = point[1]; float z = point[2]; minX = hsMinimum(minX, x); minY = hsMinimum(minY, y); minZ = hsMinimum(minZ, z); maxX = hsMaximum(maxX, x); maxY = hsMaximum(maxY, y); maxZ = hsMaximum(maxZ, z); } float xWidth = maxX - minX; float yWidth = maxY - minY; float zWidth = maxZ - minZ; box.dimensions.x = xWidth / 2; box.dimensions.y = yWidth / 2; box.dimensions.z = zWidth / 2; //hsMatrix44 mat; //box.localPose.getRowMajor44(&mat.fMap[0][0]); hsPoint3 trans(minX + (xWidth / 2), minY + (yWidth / 2), minZ + (zWidth / 2)); //mat.SetTranslate(&trans); //box.localPose.setRowMajor44(&mat.fMap[0][0]); hsMatrix44 boxL2W; boxL2W.Reset(); boxL2W.SetTranslate(&trans); plPXConvert::Matrix(boxL2W, box.localPose); } void plPXPhysical::IMakeHull(NxConvexMesh* convexMesh, hsMatrix44 l2w) { NxConvexMeshDesc desc; convexMesh->saveToDesc(desc); // make sure there are some triangles to work with if (desc.numTriangles == 0) return; // get rid of any we may have already had if (fSaveTriangles) delete [] fSaveTriangles; fHullNumberPlanes = desc.numTriangles; fSaveTriangles = TRACKED_NEW hsPoint3[fHullNumberPlanes*3]; for (int i = 0; i < desc.numTriangles; i++) { UInt32* triangle = (UInt32*)(((char*)desc.triangles) + desc.triangleStrideBytes*i); float* vertex1 = (float*)(((char*)desc.points) + desc.pointStrideBytes*triangle[0]); float* vertex2 = (float*)(((char*)desc.points) + desc.pointStrideBytes*triangle[1]); float* vertex3 = (float*)(((char*)desc.points) + desc.pointStrideBytes*triangle[2]); hsPoint3 pt1(vertex1[0],vertex1[1],vertex1[2]); hsPoint3 pt2(vertex2[0],vertex2[1],vertex2[2]); hsPoint3 pt3(vertex3[0],vertex3[1],vertex3[2]); fSaveTriangles[(i*3)+0] = pt1; fSaveTriangles[(i*3)+1] = pt2; fSaveTriangles[(i*3)+2] = pt3; } } void plPXPhysical::ISetHullToWorldWTriangles() { // if we have a detector hull and the world hasn't been updated if (fWorldHull == nil) { fWorldHull = TRACKED_NEW hsPlane3[fHullNumberPlanes]; // use the local2world from the physics engine so that it matches the transform of the positions from the triggerees hsMatrix44 l2w; plPXConvert::Matrix(fActor->getGlobalPose(), l2w); int i; for( i = 0; i < fHullNumberPlanes; i++ ) { hsPoint3 pt1 = fSaveTriangles[i*3]; hsPoint3 pt2 = fSaveTriangles[(i*3)+1]; hsPoint3 pt3 = fSaveTriangles[(i*3)+2]; // local to world translation pt1 = l2w * pt1; pt2 = l2w * pt2; pt3 = l2w * pt3; hsPlane3 plane(&pt1, &pt2, &pt3); fWorldHull[i] = plane; } } } hsBool plPXPhysical::IsObjectInsideHull(const hsPoint3& pos) { if (fSaveTriangles) { ISetHullToWorldWTriangles(); int i; for( i = 0; i < fHullNumberPlanes; i++ ) { if (!ITestPlane(pos, fWorldHull[i])) return false; } return true; } return false; } hsBool plPXPhysical::Should_I_Trigger(hsBool enter, hsPoint3& pos) { // see if we are inside the detector hull, if so, then don't trigger bool trigger = false; bool inside = IsObjectInsideHull(pos); if ( !inside) { trigger = true; fInsideConvexHull = enter; } else { // catch those rare cases on slow machines that miss the collision before avatar penetrated the face if (enter && !fInsideConvexHull) { #ifdef PHYSX_SAVE_TRIGGERS_WORKAROUND trigger = true; fInsideConvexHull = enter; DetectorLogSpecial("**>Saved a missing enter collision: %s",GetObjectKey()->GetName()); #else DetectorLogSpecial("**>Could have saved a missing enter collision: %s",GetObjectKey()->GetName()); #endif PHYSX_SAVE_TRIGGERS_WORKAROUND } } return trigger; } hsBool plPXPhysical::Init(PhysRecipe& recipe) { hsBool startAsleep = false; fBoundsType = recipe.bounds; fGroup = recipe.group; fReportsOn = recipe.reportsOn; fObjectKey = recipe.objectKey; fSceneNode = recipe.sceneNode; fWorldKey = recipe.worldKey; NxActorDesc actorDesc; NxSphereShapeDesc sphereDesc; NxConvexShapeDesc convexShapeDesc; NxTriangleMeshShapeDesc trimeshShapeDesc; NxBoxShapeDesc boxDesc; plPXConvert::Matrix(recipe.l2s, actorDesc.globalPose); switch (fBoundsType) { case plSimDefs::kSphereBounds: { hsMatrix44 sphereL2W; sphereL2W.Reset(); sphereL2W.SetTranslate(&recipe.offset); sphereDesc.radius = recipe.radius; plPXConvert::Matrix(sphereL2W, sphereDesc.localPose); sphereDesc.group = fGroup; actorDesc.shapes.pushBack(&sphereDesc); } break; case plSimDefs::kHullBounds: // FIXME PHYSX - Remove when hull detection is fixed // If this is read time (ie, meshStream is nil), turn the convex hull // into a box. That way the data won't have to change when convex hulls // actually work right. if (fGroup == plSimDefs::kGroupDetector && recipe.meshStream == nil) { #ifdef USE_BOXES_FOR_DETECTOR_HULLS MakeBoxFromHull(recipe.convexMesh, boxDesc); plSimulationMgr::GetInstance()->GetSDK()->releaseConvexMesh(*recipe.convexMesh); boxDesc.group = fGroup; actorDesc.shapes.push_back(&boxDesc); #else #ifdef USE_PHYSX_CONVEXHULL_WORKAROUND // make a hull of planes for testing IsInside IMakeHull(recipe.convexMesh,recipe.l2s); #endif // USE_PHYSX_CONVEXHULL_WORKAROUND convexShapeDesc.meshData = recipe.convexMesh; convexShapeDesc.userData = recipe.meshStream; convexShapeDesc.group = fGroup; actorDesc.shapes.pushBack(&convexShapeDesc); #endif // USE_BOXES_FOR_DETECTOR_HULLS } else { convexShapeDesc.meshData = recipe.convexMesh; convexShapeDesc.userData = recipe.meshStream; convexShapeDesc.group = fGroup; actorDesc.shapes.pushBack(&convexShapeDesc); } break; case plSimDefs::kBoxBounds: { boxDesc.dimensions = plPXConvert::Point(recipe.bDimensions); hsMatrix44 boxL2W; boxL2W.Reset(); boxL2W.SetTranslate(&recipe.bOffset); plPXConvert::Matrix(boxL2W, boxDesc.localPose); boxDesc.group = fGroup; actorDesc.shapes.push_back(&boxDesc); } break; case plSimDefs::kExplicitBounds: case plSimDefs::kProxyBounds: if (fGroup == plSimDefs::kGroupDetector) { SimLog("Someone using an Exact on a detector region: %s", GetKeyName()); } trimeshShapeDesc.meshData = recipe.triMesh; trimeshShapeDesc.userData = recipe.meshStream; trimeshShapeDesc.group = fGroup; actorDesc.shapes.pushBack(&trimeshShapeDesc); break; default: hsAssert(false, "Unknown geometry type during read."); return false; break; } // Now fill out the body, or dynamic part of the physical NxBodyDesc bodyDesc; fMass = recipe.mass; if (recipe.mass != 0) { bodyDesc.mass = recipe.mass; actorDesc.body = &bodyDesc; if (GetProperty(plSimulationInterface::kPinned)) { bodyDesc.flags |= NX_BF_FROZEN; startAsleep = true; // put it to sleep if they are going to be frozen } if (fGroup != plSimDefs::kGroupDynamic || GetProperty(plSimulationInterface::kPhysAnim)) { SetProperty(plSimulationInterface::kPassive, true); // Even though the code for animated physicals and animated activators are the same // keep these code snippets separated for fine tuning. Thanks. if (fGroup == plSimDefs::kGroupDynamic) { // handle the animated physicals.... make kinematic for now. fNumberAnimatedPhysicals++; bodyDesc.flags |= NX_BF_KINEMATIC; startAsleep = true; } else { // handle the animated activators.... fNumberAnimatedActivators++; bodyDesc.flags |= NX_BF_KINEMATIC; startAsleep = true; } } } else { if ( GetProperty(plSimulationInterface::kPhysAnim) ) SimLog("An animated physical that has no mass: %s", GetKeyName()); } actorDesc.userData = this; actorDesc.name = GetKeyName(); // Put the dynamics into actor group 1. The actor groups are only used for // deciding who we get contact reports for. if (fGroup == plSimDefs::kGroupDynamic) actorDesc.group = 1; NxScene* scene = plSimulationMgr::GetInstance()->GetScene(fWorldKey); try { fActor = scene->createActor(actorDesc); } catch (...) { hsAssert(false, "Actor creation crashed"); return false; } hsAssert(fActor, "Actor creation failed"); if (!fActor) return false; NxShape* shape = fActor->getShapes()[0]; shape->setMaterial(plSimulationMgr::GetInstance()->GetMaterialIdx(scene, recipe.friction, recipe.restitution)); // Turn on the trigger flags for any detectors. // // Normally, we'd set these flags on the shape before it's created. However, // in the case where the detector is going to be animated, it'll have a rigid // body too, and that will cause problems at creation. According to Ageia, // a detector shape doesn't actually count as a shape, so the SDK will have // problems trying to calculate an intertial tensor. By letting it be // created as a normal dynamic first, then setting the flags, we work around // that problem. if (fGroup == plSimDefs::kGroupDetector) { shape->setFlag(NX_TRIGGER_ON_ENTER, true); shape->setFlag(NX_TRIGGER_ON_LEAVE, true); } if (GetProperty(plSimulationInterface::kStartInactive) || startAsleep) { if (!fActor->isSleeping()) { if (plSimulationMgr::fExtraProfile) SimLog("Deactivating %s in SetPositionAndRotationSim", GetKeyName()); fActor->putToSleep(); } } if (GetProperty(plSimulationInterface::kDisable)) IEnable(false); if (GetProperty(plSimulationInterface::kSuppressed_DEAD)) IEnable(false); plNodeRefMsg* refMsg = TRACKED_NEW plNodeRefMsg(fSceneNode, plRefMsg::kOnCreate, -1, plNodeRefMsg::kPhysical); hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->AddViaNotify(GetKey(), refMsg, plRefFlags::kActiveRef); if (fWorldKey) { plGenRefMsg* ref = TRACKED_NEW plGenRefMsg(GetKey(), plRefMsg::kOnCreate, 0, kPhysRefWorld); hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->AddViaNotify(fWorldKey, ref, plRefFlags::kActiveRef); } // only dynamic physicals without noSync need SDLs if ( fGroup == plSimDefs::kGroupDynamic && !fProps.IsBitSet(plSimulationInterface::kNoSynchronize) ) { // add SDL modifier plSceneObject* sceneObj = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(fObjectKey->ObjectIsLoaded()); hsAssert(sceneObj, "nil sceneObject, failed to create and attach SDL modifier"); delete fSDLMod; fSDLMod = TRACKED_NEW plPhysicalSDLModifier; sceneObj->AddModifier(fSDLMod); } return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MESSAGE HANDLING // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MSGRECEIVE hsBool plPXPhysical::MsgReceive( plMessage* msg ) { if(plGenRefMsg *refM = plGenRefMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg)) { return HandleRefMsg(refM); } else if(plSimulationMsg *simM = plSimulationMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg)) { plLinearVelocityMsg* velMsg = plLinearVelocityMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if(velMsg) { SetLinearVelocitySim(velMsg->Velocity()); return true; } plAngularVelocityMsg* angvelMsg = plAngularVelocityMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if(angvelMsg) { SetAngularVelocitySim(angvelMsg->AngularVelocity()); return true; } return false; } // couldn't find a local handler: pass to the base else return plPhysical::MsgReceive(msg); } // IHANDLEREFMSG // there's two things we hold references to: subworlds // and the simulation manager. // right now, we're only worrying about the subworlds hsBool plPXPhysical::HandleRefMsg(plGenRefMsg* refMsg) { UInt8 refCtxt = refMsg->GetContext(); plKey refKey = refMsg->GetRef()->GetKey(); plKey ourKey = GetKey(); PhysRefType refType = PhysRefType(refMsg->fType); const char* refKeyName = refKey ? refKey->GetName() : "MISSING"; if (refType == kPhysRefWorld) { if (refCtxt == plRefMsg::kOnCreate || refCtxt == plRefMsg::kOnRequest) { // Cache the initial transform, since we assume the sceneobject already knows // that and doesn't need to be told again IGetTransformGlobal(fCachedLocal2World); } if (refCtxt == plRefMsg::kOnDestroy) { // our world was deleted out from under us: move to the main world // hsAssert(0, "Lost world"); } } else if (refType == kPhysRefSndGroup) { switch (refCtxt) { case plRefMsg::kOnCreate: case plRefMsg::kOnRequest: fSndGroup = plPhysicalSndGroup::ConvertNoRef( refMsg->GetRef() ); break; case plRefMsg::kOnDestroy: fSndGroup = nil; break; } } else { hsAssert(0, "Unknown ref type, who sent us this?"); } return true; } void plPXPhysical::IEnable(hsBool enable) { fProps.SetBit(plSimulationInterface::kDisable, !enable); if (!enable) { fActor->raiseActorFlag(NX_AF_DISABLE_COLLISION); if (fActor->isDynamic()) fActor->raiseBodyFlag(NX_BF_FROZEN); else plPXPhysicalControllerCore::RebuildCache(); } else { fActor->clearActorFlag(NX_AF_DISABLE_COLLISION); // PHYSX FIXME - after re-enabling a possible detector, we need to check to see if any avatar is already in the PhysX turdy hull detector region plSimulationMgr::GetInstance()->UpdateAvatarInDetector(fWorldKey, this); if (fActor->isDynamic()) fActor->clearBodyFlag(NX_BF_FROZEN); else plPXPhysicalControllerCore::RebuildCache(); } } plPhysical& plPXPhysical::SetProperty(int prop, hsBool status) { if (GetProperty(prop) == status) { const char* propName = "(unknown)"; switch (prop) { case plSimulationInterface::kDisable: propName = "kDisable"; break; case plSimulationInterface::kPinned: propName = "kPinned"; break; case plSimulationInterface::kPassive: propName = "kPassive"; break; case plSimulationInterface::kPhysAnim: propName = "kPhysAnim"; break; case plSimulationInterface::kStartInactive: propName = "kStartInactive"; break; case plSimulationInterface::kNoSynchronize: propName = "kNoSynchronize"; break; } const char* name = "(unknown)"; if (GetKey()) name = GetKeyName(); if (plSimulationMgr::fExtraProfile) plSimulationMgr::Log("Warning: Redundant physical property set (property %s, value %s) on %s", propName, status ? "true" : "false", name); } switch (prop) { case plSimulationInterface::kDisable: IEnable(!status); break; case plSimulationInterface::kPinned: if (fActor->isDynamic()) { // if the body is already unpinned and you unpin it again, // you'll wipe out its velocity. hence the check. hsBool current = fActor->readBodyFlag(NX_BF_FROZEN); if (status != current) { if (status) fActor->raiseBodyFlag(NX_BF_FROZEN); else { fActor->clearBodyFlag(NX_BF_FROZEN); LogActivate("SetProperty"); fActor->wakeUp(); } } } break; } fProps.SetBit(prop, status); return *this; } plProfile_Extern(SetTransforms); #define kMaxNegativeZPos -2000.f bool CompareMatrices(const hsMatrix44 &matA, const hsMatrix44 &matB, float tolerance) { return (fabs(matA.fMap[0][0] - matB.fMap[0][0]) < tolerance) && (fabs(matA.fMap[0][1] - matB.fMap[0][1]) < tolerance) && (fabs(matA.fMap[0][2] - matB.fMap[0][2]) < tolerance) && (fabs(matA.fMap[0][3] - matB.fMap[0][3]) < tolerance) && (fabs(matA.fMap[1][0] - matB.fMap[1][0]) < tolerance) && (fabs(matA.fMap[1][1] - matB.fMap[1][1]) < tolerance) && (fabs(matA.fMap[1][2] - matB.fMap[1][2]) < tolerance) && (fabs(matA.fMap[1][3] - matB.fMap[1][3]) < tolerance) && (fabs(matA.fMap[2][0] - matB.fMap[2][0]) < tolerance) && (fabs(matA.fMap[2][1] - matB.fMap[2][1]) < tolerance) && (fabs(matA.fMap[2][2] - matB.fMap[2][2]) < tolerance) && (fabs(matA.fMap[2][3] - matB.fMap[2][3]) < tolerance) && (fabs(matA.fMap[3][0] - matB.fMap[3][0]) < tolerance) && (fabs(matA.fMap[3][1] - matB.fMap[3][1]) < tolerance) && (fabs(matA.fMap[3][2] - matB.fMap[3][2]) < tolerance) && (fabs(matA.fMap[3][3] - matB.fMap[3][3]) < tolerance); } // Called after the simulation has run....sends new positions to the various scene objects // *** want to do this in response to an update message.... void plPXPhysical::SendNewLocation(hsBool synchTransform, hsBool isSynchUpdate) { // we only send if: // - the body is active or forceUpdate is on // - the mass is non-zero // - the physical is not passive hsBool bodyActive = !fActor->isSleeping(); hsBool dynamic = fActor->isDynamic(); if ((bodyActive || isSynchUpdate) && dynamic)// && fInitialTransform) { plProfile_Inc(MaySendLocation); if (!GetProperty(plSimulationInterface::kPassive)) { hsMatrix44 curl2w = fCachedLocal2World; // we're going to cache the transform before sending so we can recognize if it comes back IGetTransformGlobal(fCachedLocal2World); if (!CompareMatrices(curl2w, fCachedLocal2World, .0001f)) { plProfile_Inc(LocationsSent); plProfile_BeginLap(PhysicsUpdates, GetKeyName()); // quick peek at the translation...last time it was corrupted because we applied a non-unit quaternion // hsAssert(real_finite(fCachedLocal2World.fMap[0][3]) && // real_finite(fCachedLocal2World.fMap[1][3]) && // real_finite(fCachedLocal2World.fMap[2][3]), "Bad transform outgoing"); if (fCachedLocal2World.GetTranslate().fZ < kMaxNegativeZPos) { SimLog("Physical %s fell to %.1f (%.1f is the max). Suppressing.", GetKeyName(), fCachedLocal2World.GetTranslate().fZ, kMaxNegativeZPos); // Since this has probably been falling for a while, and thus not getting any syncs, // make sure to save it's current pos so we'll know to reset it later DirtySynchState(kSDLPhysical, plSynchedObject::kBCastToClients); IEnable(false); } hsMatrix44 w2l; fCachedLocal2World.GetInverse(&w2l); plCorrectionMsg *pCorrMsg = TRACKED_NEW plCorrectionMsg(GetObjectKey(), fCachedLocal2World, w2l, synchTransform); pCorrMsg->Send(); if (fProxyGen) fProxyGen->SetTransform(fCachedLocal2World, w2l); plProfile_EndLap(PhysicsUpdates, GetKeyName()); } } } } void plPXPhysical::ApplyHitForce() { if (fActor && fWeWereHit) { fActor->addForceAtPos(plPXConvert::Vector(fHitForce), plPXConvert::Point(fHitPos), NX_FORCE); fWeWereHit = false; } } void plPXPhysical::ISetTransformGlobal(const hsMatrix44& l2w) { hsAssert(fActor->isDynamic(), "Shouldn't move a static actor"); NxMat34 mat; if (fWorldKey) { plSceneObject* so = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(fWorldKey->ObjectIsLoaded()); hsAssert(so, "Scene object not loaded while accessing subworld."); // physical to subworld (simulation space) hsMatrix44 p2s = so->GetCoordinateInterface()->GetWorldToLocal() * l2w; plPXConvert::Matrix(p2s, mat); if (fProxyGen) { hsMatrix44 w2l; p2s.GetInverse(&w2l); fProxyGen->SetTransform(p2s, w2l); } } // No need to localize else { plPXConvert::Matrix(l2w, mat); if (fProxyGen) { hsMatrix44 w2l; l2w.GetInverse(&w2l); fProxyGen->SetTransform(l2w, w2l); } } if (GetProperty(plSimulationInterface::kPhysAnim)) { hsAssert(fActor->readBodyFlag(NX_BF_KINEMATIC),"This Should be kinematic"); fActor->moveGlobalPose(mat); } else fActor->setGlobalPose(mat); } // the physical may have several parents between it and the subworld object, // but the *havok* transform is only one level away from the subworld. // to avoid any confusion about this difference, we avoid referring to the // subworld as "parent" and use, for example, "l2s" (local-to-sub) instead // of the canonical plasma "l2p" (local-to-parent) void plPXPhysical::IGetTransformGlobal(hsMatrix44& l2w) const { plPXConvert::Matrix(fActor->getGlobalPose(), l2w); if (fWorldKey) { plSceneObject* so = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(fWorldKey->ObjectIsLoaded()); hsAssert(so, "Scene object not loaded while accessing subworld."); // We'll hit this at export time, when the ci isn't ready yet, so do a check if (so->GetCoordinateInterface()) { const hsMatrix44& s2w = so->GetCoordinateInterface()->GetLocalToWorld(); l2w = s2w * l2w; } } } void plPXPhysical::IGetPositionSim(hsPoint3& pos) const { pos = plPXConvert::Point(fActor->getGlobalPosition()); } void plPXPhysical::IGetRotationSim(hsQuat& rot) const { rot = plPXConvert::Quat(fActor->getGlobalOrientationQuat()); } void plPXPhysical::ISetPositionSim(const hsPoint3& pos) { if (GetProperty(plSimulationInterface::kPhysAnim)) fActor->moveGlobalPosition(plPXConvert::Point(pos)); else fActor->setGlobalPosition(plPXConvert::Point(pos)); } void plPXPhysical::ISetRotationSim(const hsQuat& rot) { if (GetProperty(plSimulationInterface::kPhysAnim)) fActor->moveGlobalOrientation(plPXConvert::Quat(rot)); else fActor->setGlobalOrientation(plPXConvert::Quat(rot)); } // This form is assumed by convention to be global. void plPXPhysical::SetTransform(const hsMatrix44& l2w, const hsMatrix44& w2l, hsBool force) { // hsAssert(real_finite(l2w.fMap[0][3]) && real_finite(l2w.fMap[1][3]) && real_finite(l2w.fMap[2][3]), "Bad transform incoming"); // make sure the physical is dynamic. // also make sure there is some difference between the matrices... // ... but not when a subworld... because the subworld maybe animating and if the object is still then it is actually moving within the subworld if (force || (fActor->isDynamic() && (fWorldKey || !CompareMatrices(l2w, fCachedLocal2World, .0001f))) ) { ISetTransformGlobal(l2w); plProfile_Inc(SetTransforms); } else { if ( !fActor->isDynamic() && plSimulationMgr::fExtraProfile) SimLog("Setting transform on non-dynamic: %s.", GetKeyName()); } } // GETTRANSFORM void plPXPhysical::GetTransform(hsMatrix44& l2w, hsMatrix44& w2l) { IGetTransformGlobal(l2w); l2w.GetInverse(&w2l); } hsBool plPXPhysical::GetLinearVelocitySim(hsVector3& vel) const { hsBool result = false; if (fActor->isDynamic()) { vel = plPXConvert::Vector(fActor->getLinearVelocity()); result = true; } else vel.Set(0, 0, 0); return result; } void plPXPhysical::SetLinearVelocitySim(const hsVector3& vel) { if (fActor->isDynamic()) fActor->setLinearVelocity(plPXConvert::Vector(vel)); } void plPXPhysical::ClearLinearVelocity() { SetLinearVelocitySim(hsVector3(0, 0, 0)); } hsBool plPXPhysical::GetAngularVelocitySim(hsVector3& vel) const { hsBool result = false; if (fActor->isDynamic()) { vel = plPXConvert::Vector(fActor->getAngularVelocity()); result = true; } else vel.Set(0, 0, 0); return result; } void plPXPhysical::SetAngularVelocitySim(const hsVector3& vel) { if (fActor->isDynamic()) fActor->setAngularVelocity(plPXConvert::Vector(vel)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // NETWORK SYNCHRONIZATION // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// plKey plPXPhysical::GetSceneNode() const { return fSceneNode; } void plPXPhysical::SetSceneNode(plKey newNode) { #ifdef HS_DEBUGGING plKey oldNode = GetSceneNode(); char msg[1024]; if (newNode) sprintf(msg,"Physical object %s cannot change scenes. Already in %s, trying to switch to %s.",fObjectKey->GetName(),oldNode->GetName(),newNode->GetName()); else sprintf(msg,"Physical object %s cannot change scenes. Already in %s, trying to switch to <nil key>.",fObjectKey->GetName(),oldNode->GetName()); hsAssert(oldNode == newNode, msg); #endif // HS_DEBUGGING } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // READING AND WRITING // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "plPXStream.h" void plPXPhysical::Read(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr) { plPhysical::Read(stream, mgr); ClearMatrix(fCachedLocal2World); PhysRecipe recipe; recipe.mass = stream->ReadSwapScalar(); recipe.friction = stream->ReadSwapScalar(); recipe.restitution = stream->ReadSwapScalar(); recipe.bounds = (plSimDefs::Bounds)stream->ReadByte(); recipe.group = (plSimDefs::Group)stream->ReadByte(); recipe.reportsOn = stream->ReadSwap32(); fLOSDBs = stream->ReadSwap16(); //hack for swim regions currently they are labeled as static av blockers if(fLOSDBs==plSimDefs::kLOSDBSwimRegion) { recipe.group=plSimDefs::kGroupMax; } // recipe.objectKey = mgr->ReadKey(stream); recipe.sceneNode = mgr->ReadKey(stream); recipe.worldKey = mgr->ReadKey(stream); mgr->ReadKeyNotifyMe(stream, TRACKED_NEW plGenRefMsg(GetKey(), plRefMsg::kOnCreate, 0, kPhysRefSndGroup), plRefFlags::kActiveRef); hsPoint3 pos; hsQuat rot; pos.Read(stream); rot.Read(stream); rot.MakeMatrix(&recipe.l2s); recipe.l2s.SetTranslate(&pos); fProps.Read(stream); if (recipe.bounds == plSimDefs::kSphereBounds) { recipe.radius = stream->ReadSwapScalar(); recipe.offset.Read(stream); } else if (recipe.bounds == plSimDefs::kBoxBounds) { recipe.bDimensions.Read(stream); recipe.bOffset.Read(stream); } else { // Read in the cooked mesh plPXStream pxs(stream); if (recipe.bounds == plSimDefs::kHullBounds) recipe.convexMesh = plSimulationMgr::GetInstance()->GetSDK()->createConvexMesh(pxs); else recipe.triMesh = plSimulationMgr::GetInstance()->GetSDK()->createTriangleMesh(pxs); } Init(recipe); hsAssert(!fProxyGen, "Already have proxy gen, double read?"); hsColorRGBA physColor; hsScalar opac = 1.0f; if (fGroup == plSimDefs::kGroupAvatar) { // local avatar is light purple and transparent physColor.Set(.2f, .1f, .2f, 1.f); opac = 0.4f; } else if (fGroup == plSimDefs::kGroupDynamic) { // Dynamics are red physColor.Set(1.f,0.f,0.f,1.f); } else if (fGroup == plSimDefs::kGroupDetector) { if(!fWorldKey) { // Detectors are blue, and transparent physColor.Set(0.f,0.f,1.f,1.f); opac = 0.3f; } else { // subworld Detectors are green physColor.Set(0.f,1.f,0.f,1.f); opac = 0.3f; } } else if (fGroup == plSimDefs::kGroupStatic) { if (GetProperty(plSimulationInterface::kPhysAnim)) // Statics that are animated are more reddish? physColor.Set(1.f,0.6f,0.2f,1.f); else // Statics are yellow physColor.Set(1.f,0.8f,0.2f,1.f); // if in a subworld... slightly transparent if(fWorldKey) opac = 0.6f; } else { // don't knows are grey physColor.Set(0.6f,0.6f,0.6f,1.f); } fProxyGen = TRACKED_NEW plPhysicalProxy(hsColorRGBA().Set(0,0,0,1.f), physColor, opac); fProxyGen->Init(this); } void plPXPhysical::Write(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr) { plPhysical::Write(stream, mgr); hsAssert(fActor, "nil actor"); hsAssert(fActor->getNbShapes() == 1, "Can only write actors with one shape. Writing first only."); NxShape* shape = fActor->getShapes()[0]; NxMaterialIndex matIdx = shape->getMaterial(); NxScene* scene = plSimulationMgr::GetInstance()->GetScene(fWorldKey); NxMaterial* mat = scene->getMaterialFromIndex(matIdx); float friction = mat->getStaticFriction(); float restitution = mat->getRestitution(); stream->WriteSwapScalar(fActor->getMass()); stream->WriteSwapScalar(friction); stream->WriteSwapScalar(restitution); stream->WriteByte(fBoundsType); stream->WriteByte(fGroup); stream->WriteSwap32(fReportsOn); stream->WriteSwap16(fLOSDBs); mgr->WriteKey(stream, fObjectKey); mgr->WriteKey(stream, fSceneNode); mgr->WriteKey(stream, fWorldKey); mgr->WriteKey(stream, fSndGroup); hsPoint3 pos; hsQuat rot; IGetPositionSim(pos); IGetRotationSim(rot); pos.Write(stream); rot.Write(stream); fProps.Write(stream); if (fBoundsType == plSimDefs::kSphereBounds) { const NxSphereShape* sphereShape = shape->isSphere(); stream->WriteSwapScalar(sphereShape->getRadius()); hsPoint3 localPos = plPXConvert::Point(sphereShape->getLocalPosition()); localPos.Write(stream); } else if (fBoundsType == plSimDefs::kBoxBounds) { const NxBoxShape* boxShape = shape->isBox(); hsPoint3 dim = plPXConvert::Point(boxShape->getDimensions()); dim.Write(stream); hsPoint3 localPos = plPXConvert::Point(boxShape->getLocalPosition()); localPos.Write(stream); } else { if (fBoundsType == plSimDefs::kHullBounds) hsAssert(shape->isConvexMesh(), "Hull shape isn't a convex mesh"); else hsAssert(shape->isTriangleMesh(), "Exact shape isn't a trimesh"); // We hide the stream we used to create this mesh away in the shape user data. // Pull it out and write it to disk. hsVectorStream* vecStream = (hsVectorStream*)shape->userData; stream->Write(vecStream->GetEOF(), vecStream->GetData()); delete vecStream; } } // // TESTING SDL // Send phys sendState msg to object's plPhysicalSDLModifier // hsBool plPXPhysical::DirtySynchState(const char* SDLStateName, UInt32 synchFlags ) { if (GetObjectKey()) { plSynchedObject* so=plSynchedObject::ConvertNoRef(GetObjectKey()->ObjectIsLoaded()); if (so) { fLastSyncTime = hsTimer::GetSysSeconds(); return so->DirtySynchState(SDLStateName, synchFlags); } } return false; } void plPXPhysical::GetSyncState(hsPoint3& pos, hsQuat& rot, hsVector3& linV, hsVector3& angV) { IGetPositionSim(pos); IGetRotationSim(rot); GetLinearVelocitySim(linV); GetAngularVelocitySim(angV); } void plPXPhysical::SetSyncState(hsPoint3* pos, hsQuat* rot, hsVector3* linV, hsVector3* angV) { bool initialSync = plNetClientApp::GetInstance()->IsLoadingInitialAgeState() && plNetClientApp::GetInstance()->GetJoinOrder() == 0; // If the physical has fallen out of the sim, and this is initial age state, and we're // the first person in, reset it to the original position. (ie, prop the default state // we've got right now) if (pos && pos->fZ < kMaxNegativeZPos && initialSync) { SimLog("Physical %s loaded out of range state. Forcing initial state to server.", GetKeyName()); DirtySynchState(kSDLPhysical, plSynchedObject::kBCastToClients); return; } if (pos) ISetPositionSim(*pos); if (rot) ISetRotationSim(*rot); if (linV) SetLinearVelocitySim(*linV); if (angV) SetAngularVelocitySim(*angV); SendNewLocation(false, true); } void plPXPhysical::ExcludeRegionHack(hsBool cleared) { NxShape* shape = fActor->getShapes()[0]; shape->setFlag(NX_TRIGGER_ON_ENTER, !cleared); shape->setFlag(NX_TRIGGER_ON_LEAVE, !cleared); fGroup = cleared ? plSimDefs::kGroupExcludeRegion : plSimDefs::kGroupDetector; shape->setGroup(fGroup); /*if switching a static need to inform the controller that it needs to rebuild the collision cache otherwise will still think that the detector is still static or that the static is still a detector*/ plPXPhysicalControllerCore::RebuildCache(); } hsBool plPXPhysical::OverlapWithCapsule(NxCapsule& cap) { NxShape* shape = fActor->getShapes()[0]; return shape->checkOverlapCapsule(cap); } hsBool plPXPhysical::IsDynamic() const { return fGroup == plSimDefs::kGroupDynamic && !GetProperty(plSimulationInterface::kPhysAnim); } #include "../plSurface/hsGMaterial.h" #include "../plSurface/plLayerInterface.h" // Some helper functions for pulling info out of a PhysX trimesh description inline hsPoint3& GetTrimeshVert(NxTriangleMeshDesc& desc, int idx) { return *((hsPoint3*)(((char*)desc.points)+desc.pointStrideBytes*idx)); } void GetTrimeshTri(NxTriangleMeshDesc& desc, int idx, UInt16* out) { if (hsCheckBits(desc.flags, NX_MF_16_BIT_INDICES)) { UInt16* descTris = ((UInt16*)(((char*)desc.triangles)+desc.pointStrideBytes*idx)); out[0] = descTris[0]; out[1] = descTris[1]; out[2] = descTris[2]; } else { UInt32* descTris = ((UInt32*)(((char*)desc.triangles)+desc.pointStrideBytes*idx)); out[0] = (UInt16)descTris[0]; out[1] = (UInt16)descTris[1]; out[2] = (UInt16)descTris[2]; } } // Some helper functions for pulling info out of a PhysX trimesh description inline hsPoint3& GetConvexVert(NxConvexMeshDesc& desc, int idx) { return *((hsPoint3*)(((char*)desc.points)+desc.pointStrideBytes*idx)); } void GetConvexTri(NxConvexMeshDesc& desc, int idx, UInt16* out) { if (hsCheckBits(desc.flags, NX_MF_16_BIT_INDICES)) { UInt16* descTris = ((UInt16*)(((char*)desc.triangles)+desc.pointStrideBytes*idx)); out[0] = descTris[0]; out[1] = descTris[1]; out[2] = descTris[2]; } else { UInt32* descTris = ((UInt32*)(((char*)desc.triangles)+desc.pointStrideBytes*idx)); out[0] = (UInt16)descTris[0]; out[1] = (UInt16)descTris[1]; out[2] = (UInt16)descTris[2]; } } // Make a visible object that can be viewed by users for debugging purposes. plDrawableSpans* plPXPhysical::CreateProxy(hsGMaterial* mat, hsTArray<UInt32>& idx, plDrawableSpans* addTo) { plDrawableSpans* myDraw = addTo; hsMatrix44 l2w, unused; GetTransform(l2w, unused); hsBool blended = ((mat->GetLayer(0)->GetBlendFlags() & hsGMatState::kBlendMask)); NxShape* shape = fActor->getShapes()[0]; NxTriangleMeshShape* trimeshShape = shape->isTriangleMesh(); if (trimeshShape) { NxTriangleMeshDesc desc; trimeshShape->getTriangleMesh().saveToDesc(desc); hsTArray<hsPoint3> pos; hsTArray<UInt16> tris; const int kMaxTris = 10000; const int kMaxVerts = 32000; if ((desc.numVertices < kMaxVerts) && (desc.numTriangles < kMaxTris)) { pos.SetCount(desc.numVertices); tris.SetCount(desc.numTriangles * 3); for (int i = 0; i < desc.numVertices; i++ ) pos[i] = GetTrimeshVert(desc, i); for (int i = 0; i < desc.numTriangles; i++) GetTrimeshTri(desc, i, &tris[i*3]); myDraw = plDrawableGenerator::GenerateDrawable(pos.GetCount(), pos.AcquireArray(), nil, // normals - def to avg (smooth) norm nil, // uvws 0, // uvws per vertex nil, // colors - def to white true, // do a quick fake shade nil, // optional color modulation tris.GetCount(), tris.AcquireArray(), mat, l2w, blended, &idx, myDraw); } else { int curTri = 0; int trisToDo = desc.numTriangles; while (trisToDo > 0) { int trisThisRound = trisToDo > kMaxTris ? kMaxTris : trisToDo; trisToDo -= trisThisRound; pos.SetCount(trisThisRound * 3); tris.SetCount(trisThisRound * 3); for (int i = 0; i < trisThisRound; i++) { GetTrimeshTri(desc, curTri, &tris[i*3]); pos[i*3 + 0] = GetTrimeshVert(desc, tris[i*3+0]); pos[i*3 + 1] = GetTrimeshVert(desc, tris[i*3+1]); pos[i*3 + 2] = GetTrimeshVert(desc, tris[i*3+2]); curTri++; } myDraw = plDrawableGenerator::GenerateDrawable(pos.GetCount(), pos.AcquireArray(), nil, // normals - def to avg (smooth) norm nil, // uvws 0, // uvws per vertex nil, // colors - def to white true, // do a quick fake shade nil, // optional color modulation tris.GetCount(), tris.AcquireArray(), mat, l2w, blended, &idx, myDraw); } } } NxConvexShape* convexShape = shape->isConvexMesh(); if (convexShape) { NxConvexMeshDesc desc; convexShape->getConvexMesh().saveToDesc(desc); hsTArray<hsPoint3> pos; hsTArray<UInt16> tris; pos.SetCount(desc.numVertices); tris.SetCount(desc.numTriangles * 3); for (int i = 0; i < desc.numVertices; i++ ) pos[i] = GetConvexVert(desc, i); for (int i = 0; i < desc.numTriangles; i++) GetConvexTri(desc, i, &tris[i*3]); myDraw = plDrawableGenerator::GenerateDrawable(pos.GetCount(), pos.AcquireArray(), nil, // normals - def to avg (smooth) norm nil, // uvws 0, // uvws per vertex nil, // colors - def to white true, // do a quick fake shade nil, // optional color modulation tris.GetCount(), tris.AcquireArray(), mat, l2w, blended, &idx, myDraw); } NxSphereShape* sphere = shape->isSphere(); if (sphere) { float radius = sphere->getRadius(); hsPoint3 offset = plPXConvert::Point(sphere->getLocalPosition()); myDraw = plDrawableGenerator::GenerateSphericalDrawable(offset, radius, mat, l2w, blended, nil, &idx, myDraw); } NxBoxShape* box = shape->isBox(); if (box) { hsPoint3 dim = plPXConvert::Point(box->getDimensions()); myDraw = plDrawableGenerator::GenerateBoxDrawable(dim.fX*2.f, dim.fY*2.f, dim.fZ*2.f, mat,l2w,blended, nil,&idx,myDraw); } return myDraw; }