
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

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the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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 or by snail mail at:
      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
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#ifndef hsBiExpander_inc
#define hsBiExpander_inc

#include "hsMemory.h"
#include "hsTemplates.h"

////////////// Expander ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template <class T> class hsExpander {
    Int32       fNumPost;
    Int32       fNumPostAlloc;
    T*          fArray; 

    Int32       fGrowBy; // default = 0, to double
    Int32       fMinSize; // default = 1, min == 1

    Int32       fCurrent;

    hsExpander(const hsExpander& x);                    // make it passed as ref or pointer

    void        IExpand(int newSize);
    enum { kMissingIndex = -1 };

                hsExpander(Int32 minSize = 1, Int32 growBy = 0);
    virtual     ~hsExpander();

    hsExpander<T>& operator=(const hsExpander<T>&orig) { return Copy(orig); }
    hsExpander<T>& Copy(const hsExpander<T>& orig);

    void        SetCount(int cnt) { if( cnt >= fNumPostAlloc )IExpand(cnt); fNumPost = cnt; }
    Int32       GetCount() const { return fNumPost; }
    hsBool      Empty() const { return GetCount() == 0; }
    const T&    Get(Int32 index) const;
    Int32       Get(Int32 index, Int32 count, T data[]) const;
    Int32       Find(const T&) const;   // returns kMissingIndex if not found

    void        SetArray(T* a, Int32 cnt);
    T*          GetArray() { return fArray; }
    T&          operator[]( Int32 index );
    Int32       Append(const T&); // returns t's index
    T*          Append();
    Int32       Push(const T& t) { return Append(t); }
    T*          Push() { return Append(); }
    T*          Top() { return fNumPost ? fArray + fNumPost-1 : nil; }
    Int32       Pop(T* t); // returns count of remaining
    Int32       Pop();
    void        Reset();    // clears out everything

    T&          Head() { return fArray[0]; }
    T&          Tail() { return fArray[fNumPost-1]; }
    T&          Current() { return fArray[fCurrent]; }
    void        First();
    void        Last();
    void        Plus() { ++fCurrent; }
    hsBool  More() { return (fCurrent < fNumPost); }

template <class T>
hsExpander<T>& hsExpander<T>::Copy(const hsExpander<T>& orig)
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < GetCount(); i++ )
        fArray[i] = orig.fArray[i];
    return *this;

template <class T>
void hsExpander<T>::SetArray(T* a, Int32 cnt)
    delete [] fArray;
    if( a )
        fArray = a;
    fNumPost = fNumPostAlloc = cnt;

template <class T>
void hsExpander<T>::IExpand(int newSize)
    Int32 newPostAlloc = fNumPostAlloc;
    if( !newPostAlloc )
    while( newPostAlloc <= newSize )
        newPostAlloc = fGrowBy ? newPostAlloc + fGrowBy : newPostAlloc << 1;
    T* newArray = TRACKED_NEW T[newPostAlloc];
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < fNumPost; i++ )
        newArray[i] = fArray[i];
    delete [] (fArray);
    fArray = newArray;
    fNumPostAlloc = newPostAlloc;

template <class T>
hsExpander<T>::hsExpander(Int32 minSize, Int32 growBy)
    hsThrowIfBadParam(minSize < 0);
    hsThrowIfBadParam(growBy < 0);

    fMinSize = minSize+1;
    fGrowBy = growBy;
    fArray  = TRACKED_NEW T[fMinSize];
    fNumPostAlloc = fMinSize;
    fNumPost = 0;

template <class T>
    delete [] fArray;

template <class T> 
void hsExpander<T>::First()
    fCurrent = 0; 

template <class T> 
void hsExpander<T>::Last()
    fCurrent = fNumPost-1; 

template <class T> 
T& hsExpander<T>::operator[]( Int32 index )
    hsDebugCode(hsThrowIfBadParam((index < 0)||(index >= fNumPost));)

    return fArray[index];

template <class T> 
const T& hsExpander<T>::Get( Int32 index ) const
    hsDebugCode(hsThrowIfBadParam((index < 0)||(index >= fNumPost));)

    return fArray[index];

template <class T>
Int32 hsExpander<T>::Get(Int32 index, Int32 count, T data[]) const
    if( count > 0 )
    {   hsThrowIfNilParam(data);
        hsThrowIfBadParam((index < 0)||(index >= fNumPost));

        if (index + count > fNumPost)
            count = fNumPost - index;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            data[i] = fArray[i + index];
    return count;

template <class T>
Int32 hsExpander<T>::Find(const T& obj) const
    for (int i = 0; i < fNumPost; i++)
        if (fArray[i] == obj)
            return i;
    return kMissingIndex;

template <class T>
Int32 hsExpander<T>::Append(const T& obj)
    hsAssert(!(fNumPost >= fNumPostAlloc), "Must be less");
    if( fNumPost == fNumPostAlloc-1 )
    fArray[fNumPost] = obj;
    return fNumPost++;

template <class T>
T* hsExpander<T>::Append()
    hsAssert(!(fNumPost >= fNumPostAlloc), "Must be less");
    if( fNumPost == fNumPostAlloc-1 )
    return fArray + fNumPost++;

template <class T>
Int32 hsExpander<T>::Pop(T*t)
    if( t )
        *t = fArray[fNumPost];
    return GetCount();

template <class T>
Int32 hsExpander<T>::Pop()
    return GetCount();

template <class T>
void hsExpander<T>::Reset()
    fNumPost = 0;

////////////// BiExpander /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template <class T> class hsBiExpander {
    Int32       fNumPre;
    Int32       fNumPost;
    Int32       fNumPreAlloc;
    Int32       fNumPostAlloc;
    T*          fArray; 

    Int32       fGrowBy; // default = 0, to double
    Int32       fMinSize; // default = 1, min == 1

    Int32       fCurrent;

    hsBiExpander<T>& operator=(const hsBiExpander<T>&);     // don't allow assignment
    hsBiExpander(const hsBiExpander<T>&);                   // make it passed as ref or pointer

    void        IExpand(int newSize, hsBool towardEnd = true);
    enum { kMissingIndex = -1 };

                hsBiExpander(Int32 minSize = 1, Int32 growBy = 0);
    virtual     ~hsBiExpander();

    Int32       GetFirst() const { return -fNumPre; }
    Int32       GetCount() const { return fNumPre + fNumPost; }
    hsBool      Empty() const { return GetCount() == 0; }
    const T&    Get(Int32 index) const;
    Int32       Get(Int32 index, Int32 count, T data[]) const;
    Int32       Find(const T&) const;   // returns kMissingIndex if not found

    void        SetArray(T* a, Int32 cnt, Int32 numPre=0);
    T**         GetArray() { return fArray - fNumPre; }
    T&          operator[]( Int32 index );
    T*          Append(); // returns t's index
    T*          Push(); // returns t's index
    Int32       Append(const T&); // returns t's index
    Int32       Push(const T&); // returns t's index
    Int32       Pop(T*t = nil) { return PopHead(t); } // returns count of remaining
    Int32       PopHead(T*t = nil); // returns count of remaining
    Int32       PopTail(T*t = nil); // returns count of remaining
    void        Reset();    // clears out everything

    T&          Head() { return fArray[-fNumPre]; }
    T&          Tail() { return fArray[fNumPost-1]; }
    T&          Current() { return fArray[fCurrent]; }
    void        First();
    void        Last();
    void        Plus() { ++fCurrent; }
    void        Minus() { --fCurrent; }
    hsBool      More() { return (fCurrent < fNumPost)&&(fCurrent >= -fNumPre); }

template <class T>
void hsBiExpander<T>::SetArray(T* a, Int32 cnt, Int32 numPre)
    if( !numPre )
        fNumPreAlloc = fNumPre = numPre;
        fNumPostAlloc = fNumPost = cnt - numPre;
        fArray = a + numPre;

template <class T>
void hsBiExpander<T>::IExpand(int newSize, hsBool towardEnd)
    Int32 newPreAlloc = fNumPreAlloc;
    Int32 newPostAlloc = fNumPostAlloc;
    if( towardEnd )
        if( !newPostAlloc )
        while( newPostAlloc <= newSize )
            newPostAlloc = fGrowBy ? newPostAlloc + fGrowBy : newPostAlloc << 1;
        if( !newPreAlloc )
        while( newPreAlloc <= newSize )
            newPreAlloc = fGrowBy ? newPreAlloc + fGrowBy : newPreAlloc << 1;
    T* newArray = TRACKED_NEW T[newPreAlloc + newPostAlloc];
    newArray += newPreAlloc;
    int i;
    for( i = -fNumPre; i < fNumPost; i++ )
        newArray[i] = fArray[i];
//  HSMemory::BlockMove(fArray-fNumPre, newArray-fNumPre, 
//      (fNumPre+fNumPost)*sizeof(*fArray));
    delete [] (fArray-fNumPreAlloc);
    fArray = newArray;
    fNumPreAlloc = newPreAlloc;
    fNumPostAlloc = newPostAlloc;

template <class T>
hsBiExpander<T>::hsBiExpander(Int32 minSize, Int32 growBy)
    hsThrowIfBadParam(minSize < 0);
    hsThrowIfBadParam(growBy < 0);

    fMinSize = minSize+1;
    fGrowBy = growBy;
    fArray  = TRACKED_NEW T[fMinSize << 1];
    fNumPreAlloc = fNumPostAlloc = fMinSize;
    fArray += fNumPreAlloc;
    fNumPre = fNumPost = 0;

template <class T>
    delete [] (fArray - fNumPreAlloc);

template <class T> 
void hsBiExpander<T>::First()
    fCurrent = -fNumPre; 

template <class T> 
void hsBiExpander<T>::Last()
    fCurrent = fNumPost-1; 

template <class T> 
T& hsBiExpander<T>::operator[]( Int32 index )
    hsDebugCode(hsThrowIfBadParam((index < -fNumPre)||(index >= fNumPost));)

    return fArray[index];

template <class T> 
const T& hsBiExpander<T>::Get( Int32 index ) const
    hsDebugCode(hsThrowIfBadParam((index < -fNumPre)||(index >= fNumPost));)

    return fArray[index];

template <class T>
Int32 hsBiExpander<T>::Get(Int32 index, Int32 count, T data[]) const
    if( count > 0 )
    {   hsThrowIfNilParam(data);
        hsThrowIfBadParam((index < -fNumPre)||(index >= fNumPost));

        if (index + count > fNumPost)
            count = fNumPost - index;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            data[i] = fArray[i + index];
    return count;

template <class T>
Int32 hsBiExpander<T>::Find(const T& obj) const
    for (int i = -fNumPre; i < fNumPost; i++)
        if (fArray[i] == obj)
            return i;
    return kMissingIndex;

template <class T>
T* hsBiExpander<T>::Append()
    hsAssert(!(fNumPost >= fNumPostAlloc), "Must be less");
    if( fNumPost == fNumPostAlloc-1 )
        IExpand(fNumPostAlloc, true);
    return fArray + fNumPost++;

template <class T>
T* hsBiExpander<T>::Push()
    hsAssert(!(fNumPre >= fNumPreAlloc), "Must be less");
    if( ++fNumPre == fNumPreAlloc )
        IExpand(fNumPreAlloc, false);
    return fArray - fNumPre;

template <class T>
Int32 hsBiExpander<T>::Append(const T& obj)
    hsAssert(!(fNumPost >= fNumPostAlloc), "Must be less");
    if( fNumPost == fNumPostAlloc-1 )
        IExpand(fNumPostAlloc, true);
    fArray[fNumPost] = obj;
    return fNumPost++;

template <class T>
Int32 hsBiExpander<T>::Push(const T& obj)
    hsAssert(!(fNumPre >= fNumPreAlloc), "Must be less");
    if( ++fNumPre == fNumPreAlloc )
        IExpand(fNumPreAlloc, false);
    fArray[-fNumPre] = obj;
    return -fNumPre;

template <class T>
Int32 hsBiExpander<T>::PopHead(T*t)
    if( t )
        *t = fArray[-fNumPre];
    return GetCount();

template <class T>
Int32 hsBiExpander<T>::PopTail(T*t)
    if( t )
        *t = fArray[fNumPost];
    return GetCount();

template <class T>
void hsBiExpander<T>::Reset()
    fNumPre = fNumPost = 0;

#endif // hsBiExpander_inc