
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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      14617 N Newport Hwy
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#ifndef plLayerInterface_inc
#define plLayerInterface_inc

#include "pnNetCommon/plSynchedValue.h"
#include "pnNetCommon/plSynchedObject.h"
#include "hsGMatState.h"

struct hsMatrix44;
struct hsColorRGBA;
class plBitmap;
class plMessage;
class hsGMatState;
class plShader;

class plLayerInterface : public plSynchedObject
    friend class plLayerSDLModifier;
    enum plLayerDirtyBits {
        kTransform          = 0x1,
        kPreshadeColor      = 0x2,
        kAmbientColor       = 0x4,
        kOpacity            = 0x8,
        kTexture            = 0x10,
        kState              = 0x20,
        kUVWSrc             = 0x40,
        kLODBias            = 0x80,
        kSpecularColor      = 0x100,
        kSpecularPower      = 0x200,
        kRuntimeColor       = 0x400,
        kVertexShader       = 0x800,
        kPixelShader        = 0x1000,
        kBumpEnvXfm         = 0x2000,

        kAllDirty           = 0xffffffff
    enum plUVWSrcModifiers {
        kUVWPassThru                                = 0x00000000,
        kUVWIdxMask                                 = 0x0000ffff,
        kUVWNormal                                  = 0x00010000,
        kUVWPosition                                = 0x00020000,
        kUVWReflect                                 = 0x00030000

    plLayerInterface*       fUnderLay;
    plLayerInterface*       fOverLay;

    // These are accessible so that if you're interface doesn't touch a field,
    // it can set it's pointer to the previous interfaces pointer to that field
    // and never even do a copy. For any fields this interface will alter, you
    // need to alloc your own copy, and in your eval get the previous interface's
    // value, modify it, and write it to your copy. 
    // So, if you don't touch a field, copy the pointer from prev into your channel pointer,
    // else alloc your own and set the value to whatever you like.
    // Then you only need to update your value when the source value changes (you'll know
    // from dirty bits), or when you want to (you'll know from secs/frame).
    // fOwnedChannels specifies which channels you have allocated and own (and will delete)
    UInt32                  fOwnedChannels;
    // fPassThruChannels are channels which we need to pass through our underlay's values,
    // even if we have a differing opinion on what the value should be. This let's us arbitrate
    // between different layers that control the same channels. A layer can claim control of
    // a channel by telling all other layers to pass through that channel via the 
    // ClaimChannels(UInt32 chans) member function. See .cpp for arbitration rules.
    UInt32                  fPassThruChannels;

    hsMatrix44*             fTransform;
    hsColorRGBA*            fPreshadeColor;
    hsColorRGBA*            fRuntimeColor;      // Diffuse color to be used with runtime lights vs. static preshading
    hsColorRGBA*            fAmbientColor;
    hsColorRGBA*            fSpecularColor;
    hsScalar*               fOpacity;
    // Would like to abstract out the mipmap, but we'll bring it
    // along for now.
    plBitmap**              fTexture;

    // (Currently) unanimatables.
    hsGMatState*            fState;
    UInt32*                 fUVWSrc;
    hsScalar*               fLODBias;
    hsScalar*               fSpecularPower;

    plShader**              fVertexShader;
    plShader**              fPixelShader;

    hsMatrix44*             fBumpEnvXfm;

    void                    IUnthread();
    void                    ISetPassThru(UInt32 chans);

    virtual ~plLayerInterface();

    CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plLayerInterface );
    GETINTERFACE_ANY( plLayerInterface, plSynchedObject );

    plLayerInterface*       BottomOfStack() { return fUnderLay ? fUnderLay->BottomOfStack() : this; }
    plLayerInterface*       TopOfStack() { return fOverLay ? fOverLay->TopOfStack() : this; }

    // Used by debug code.
    plLayerInterface*       GetUnderLay() { return fUnderLay; }
    plLayerInterface*       GetOverLay() { return fOverLay; }

    const hsMatrix44&       GetTransform() const { return *fTransform; }
    const hsColorRGBA&      GetPreshadeColor() const { return *fPreshadeColor; }
    const hsColorRGBA&      GetRuntimeColor() const { return *fRuntimeColor; }
    const hsColorRGBA&      GetAmbientColor() const { return *fAmbientColor; }
    const hsColorRGBA&      GetSpecularColor() const { return *fSpecularColor; }
    hsScalar                GetOpacity() const { return *fOpacity; }

    plBitmap*               GetTexture() const { return *fTexture; }

    // (Currently) unanimatables
    UInt32                  GetUVWSrc() const { return *fUVWSrc; }
    hsScalar                GetLODBias() const { return *fLODBias; }
    hsScalar                GetSpecularPower() const { return *fSpecularPower; }

    const hsGMatState&      GetState() const { return *fState; }
    UInt32                  GetBlendFlags() const { return fState->fBlendFlags; }
    UInt32                  GetClampFlags() const { return fState->fClampFlags; }
    UInt32                  GetShadeFlags() const { return fState->fShadeFlags; }
    UInt32                  GetZFlags() const { return fState->fZFlags; }
    UInt32                  GetMiscFlags() const { return fState->fMiscFlags; }

    plShader*               GetVertexShader() const { return *fVertexShader; }
    plShader*               GetPixelShader() const { return *fPixelShader; }

    const hsMatrix44&       GetBumpEnvMatrix() const { return *fBumpEnvXfm; }

    // ClaimChannels will tell every other layer on this stack (besides this) to
    // pass through the value, giving this layer the final say on it's value
    void                    ClaimChannels(UInt32 chans);

    // Eval may be called multiple times per frame, or even multiple times per render (for multiple
    // renders per frame). The burden of deciding whether any update is necessary falls to the 
    // derived interface, but here's some info to go on.
    // secs - world time. Time dependent effects (like time of day) look mostly at this.
    // frame - incremented each time the camera moves. View dependent effects look at this.
    // ignore - fields marked ignore will be overwritten (not modified) by an downstream layer, so don't bother computing.
    // return value of fUnderLay->Eval() - bits are true for fields that an interface earlier in the chain dirtied. A field
    //      flagged dirty that you modify (as opposed to overwrite) should be updated regardless of secs and frame.
    virtual UInt32          Eval(double secs, UInt32 frame, UInt32 ignore);

    // Attach gives you a chance to decide whether you want to pass through fields from prev (by copying 
    // the pointers which you then sooner put long pins through your own eyes than modify). Alloc
    // your own fields before Attach, and you can play with them at will. Base class will pass through
    // (via pointer copy) all nil fields. Detach nils out any fields that are just pass through, and
    // unthreads the requested layer from the stack, returning new top-of-stack.
    // Given two stacks A->B and C->D, A->Attach(C) makes A->B->C->D
    virtual plLayerInterface*   Attach(plLayerInterface* prev);
    // Given stack A->B->C->D, A->Detach(C) gives two stacks, A->B and C->D (returned value is A)
    // If A == C (A->B->C && A->Remove(A)), it returns nil, since the it's removed A from the stack, 
    // so the two stacks are now nil and A->B->C
    virtual plLayerInterface*   Detach(plLayerInterface* nuke);
    // Given stack A->B->C->D, A->Remove(C) gives two stacks, A->B->D and C. It returns the stack with C removed.
    // If A==C (A->B->C && A->Remove(A)), it returns B->C.
    virtual plLayerInterface*   Remove(plLayerInterface* nuke);

    plLayerInterface*           GetAttached();
    void                        AttachViaNotify(plLayerInterface *prev); // Export only

    hsBool                  OwnChannel(UInt32 which) const { return 0 != (fOwnedChannels & which); }

    virtual void            Read(hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr);
    virtual void            Write(hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr);

    virtual hsBool          MsgReceive(plMessage* msg);


#endif // plLayerInterface_inc