
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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//                                                                           //
//  plTextGenerator Class Functions                                          //
//  Cyan, Inc.                                                               //
//                                                                           //
//// Version History //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//                                                                           //
//  12.13.2001 mcn - Created.                                                //
//                                                                           //

#include "hsWindows.h"
#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "hsMatrix44.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/hsKeyedObject.h"
#include "plTextGenerator.h"
#include "plGImage/plMipmap.h"
#include "plPipeline/hsGDeviceRef.h"
#include "pnMessage/plRefMsg.h"

#include "plgDispatch.h"
#include "hsResMgr.h"

// Because tempKeys haven't been fixed yet (mf says to blame Eric Ellis), reffing
// objects when we have a tempKey (or they have a tempKey) just don't work. In
// fact, it will do nasty things like crashing on shutdown. Until then, we simply
// won't do the refs. Note that this is BAD, but given the only time we currently
// use these objects are very limited, controlled cases that *should* be okay
// for now, we should be reasonably safe. For now.
//#define MCN_DO_REFS

//// Constructor & Destructor /////////////////////////////////////////////////

    fHost = nil;

plTextGenerator::plTextGenerator( plMipmap *host, UInt16 width, UInt16 height )
    fHost = nil;
    Attach( host, width, height );

    // This also won't work until tempKeys work, since the mipmap will be gone by 
    // this time, in which case, calling Detach() crashes
#ifdef MCN_DO_REFS

//// Attach ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Grab onto a plMipmap, suck the texture out of it and replace it with our
//  own.        

void    plTextGenerator::Attach( plMipmap *host, UInt16 width, UInt16 height )
    UInt16      textWidth, textHeight;

    hsAssert( fHost == nil, "Attempting to attach an already attached plTextGenerator" );

    fHost = host;

    /// Suck the old texture data out

    /// Make some new

    // Note that we need POW-2 textures, so we go for the next one up that will
    // fit what we need
    for( textWidth = 1; textWidth < width; textWidth <<= 1 );
    for( textHeight = 1; textHeight < height; textHeight <<= 1 );

    fWidth = width;
    fHeight = height;
    fHost->fImage = (void *)IAllocateOSSurface( textWidth, textHeight );
    fHost->SetConfig( plMipmap::kARGB32Config );
    fHost->fWidth = textWidth;
    fHost->fHeight = textHeight;
    fHost->fPixelSize = 32;
    fHost->fRowBytes = textWidth * 4;
    fHost->fNumLevels = 1;
    fHost->fFlags |= plMipmap::kUserOwnsBitmap | plMipmap::kDontThrowAwayImage;
    fHost->fCompressionType = plMipmap::kUncompressed;
    fHost->fUncompressedInfo.fType = plMipmap::UncompressedInfo::kRGB8888;
    fHost->fTotalSize = fHost->GetLevelSize( 0 );

    // Destroy the old texture ref, since it's probably completely nutsoid at this point.
    // This should force the pipeline to recreate one more suitable for our use
    fHost->SetDeviceRef( nil );

    // Some init color
    hsColorRGBA color;
    color.Set( 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f );
    ClearToColor( color );

#ifdef MCN_DO_REFS
    /// Of course, brilliantly enough, if we did an attach on the constructor, we don't have a key
    /// yet, so we better give ourselves one before we can call AddViaNotify()
    if( GetKey() == nil )
        char    str[ 256 ];
        sprintf( str, "plTextGen:%s", fHost->GetKeyName() );
        hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->NewKey( str, this, plLocation::kGlobalFixedLoc );

    /// Send ourselves a passive ref of the mipmap, so we get notified if and when it goes away
    hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->AddViaNotify( fHost->GetKey(), TRACKED_NEW plGenRefMsg( GetKey(), plRefMsg::kOnCreate, 0, 0 ), plRefFlags::kActiveRef );
    /// All done!

//// IAllocateOSSurface ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  OS-specific. Allocates a rectangular bitmap of the given dimensions that
//  the OS can draw text into. Returns a pointer to the pixels.

UInt32      *plTextGenerator::IAllocateOSSurface( UInt16 width, UInt16 height )

    BITMAPINFO  bmi;

    // Create a new DC and bitmap that we can draw characters to
    memset( &bmi.bmiHeader, 0, sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) );
    bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER );
    bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
    bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -(int)height;
    bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
    bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
    bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
    fWinRGBDC = CreateCompatibleDC( nil );
    fWinRGBBitmap = CreateDIBSection( fWinRGBDC, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void **)&fWinRGBBits, nil, 0 );
    SetMapMode( fWinRGBDC, MM_TEXT );
    SetBkMode( fWinRGBDC, TRANSPARENT );
    SetTextAlign( fWinRGBDC, TA_TOP | TA_LEFT );

    SelectObject( fWinRGBDC, fWinRGBBitmap );

    // Now create a second DC/bitmap combo, this one for writing alpha values to
    memset( &bmi.bmiHeader, 0, sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) );
    bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER );
    bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
    bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -(int)height;
    bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
    bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
    bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8;
    fWinAlphaDC = CreateCompatibleDC( nil );
    fWinAlphaBitmap = CreateDIBSection( fWinAlphaDC, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void **)&fWinAlphaBits, nil, 0 );
    SetMapMode( fWinAlphaDC, MM_TEXT );
    SetBkMode( fWinAlphaDC, TRANSPARENT );
    SetTextAlign( fWinAlphaDC, TA_TOP | TA_LEFT );

    SelectObject( fWinAlphaDC, fWinAlphaBitmap );

    return (UInt32 *)fWinRGBBits;

//// Detach ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Release the mipmap unto itself.

void    plTextGenerator::Detach( void )
    if( fHost == nil )
//  hsAssert( fHost != nil, "Attempting to detach unattached host" );

    SetFont( nil, 0 );

    fHost->fFlags &= ~( plMipmap::kUserOwnsBitmap | plMipmap::kDontThrowAwayImage );

    // Destroy the old texture ref, since we're no longer using it
    fHost->SetDeviceRef( nil );

    plMipmap    *oldHost = fHost;

    fHost = nil;

#ifdef MCN_DO_REFS
    // Now send ourselves a unref msg, just in case we were called directly (if this was done by 
    // message, we'll get called a few times, but that's ok, we're set up to handle that, and it
    // won't happen 'cept on destruction so the speed penalty shouldn't be a problem)
    GetKey()->Release( oldHost->GetKey() );

//// IDestroyOSSurface ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Opposite of allocate. DUH!

void    plTextGenerator::IDestroyOSSurface( void )

    fHost->fImage = nil;    // DeleteObject() will get rid of it for us
    DeleteObject( fWinRGBBitmap );
    DeleteDC( fWinRGBDC );

    DeleteObject( fWinAlphaBitmap );
    DeleteDC( fWinAlphaDC );

//// ClearToColor /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    plTextGenerator::ClearToColor( hsColorRGBA &color )
    int     i;
    UInt32  *data = (UInt32 *)fHost->fImage;
    UInt32  hexColor = color.ToARGB32();


    for( i = 0; i < fHost->fWidth * fHost->fHeight; i++ )
        data[ i ] = hexColor;

    // Fill our alpha bitmap as well, since we use that too
    memset( fWinAlphaBits, (UInt8)( color.a * 255.f ), fHost->fWidth * fHost->fHeight );

//// SetFont //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  OS-specific. Load the given font for drawing the text with.

void    plTextGenerator::SetFont( const char *face, UInt16 size, hsBool antiAliasRGB )
    if( fWinFont != nil )
        DeleteObject( fWinFont );
        fWinFont = nil;
    if( fWinAlphaFont != nil )
        DeleteObject( fWinAlphaFont );
        fWinAlphaFont = nil;

    if( face != nil )
        int nHeight = -MulDiv( size, GetDeviceCaps( fWinRGBDC, LOGPIXELSY ), 72 );
        fWinFont = CreateFont( nHeight, 0, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS,
        hsAssert( fWinFont != nil, "Cannot create Windows font for plTextGenerator" );

        // The font for the alpha channel is identical except that it's antialiased, whereas the RGB version isn't.
        fWinAlphaFont = CreateFont( nHeight, 0, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS,
                                CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, (!antiAliasRGB) ? ANTIALIASED_QUALITY : DEFAULT_QUALITY, VARIABLE_PITCH, face );
        hsAssert( fWinAlphaFont != nil, "Cannot create Windows font for plTextGenerator" );

        SelectObject( fWinRGBDC, fWinFont );
        SelectObject( fWinAlphaDC, fWinAlphaFont );

//// SetTextColor /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  blockRGB basically forces the RGB channel to write in blocks instead of
//  actual characters. This isn't useful unless you're relying on the alpha
//  channel to do the text (opaque text and transparent background), in which
//  case you want plenty of block color in your RGB channel because it'll get
//  alpha-ed out by the alpha channel.

void    plTextGenerator::SetTextColor( hsColorRGBA &color, hsBool blockRGB )
    int r = (int)(color.r * 255.f);
    int g = (int)(color.g * 255.f);
    int b = (int)(color.b * 255.f);
    int a = (int)(color.a * 255.f);

    if( blockRGB )
        ::SetBkColor( fWinRGBDC, RGB( r, g, b ) );
        ::SetBkMode( fWinRGBDC, OPAQUE );
        ::SetBkMode( fWinRGBDC, TRANSPARENT );

    ::SetTextColor( fWinRGBDC, RGB( r, g, b ) );
    ::SetTextColor( fWinAlphaDC, RGB( a, a, a ) );

//// DrawString ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    plTextGenerator::DrawString( UInt16 x, UInt16 y, const char *text )
    wchar_t *wText = hsStringToWString(text);
    delete [] wText;

void    plTextGenerator::DrawString( UInt16 x, UInt16 y, const wchar_t *text )
    ::TextOutW( fWinRGBDC, x, y, text, wcslen( text ) );
    ::TextOutW( fWinAlphaDC, x, y, text, wcslen( text ) );


//// DrawClippedString ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    plTextGenerator::DrawClippedString( Int16 x, Int16 y, const char *text, UInt16 width, UInt16 height )
    wchar_t *wText = hsStringToWString(text);
    delete [] wText;

void    plTextGenerator::DrawClippedString( Int16 x, Int16 y, const wchar_t *text, UInt16 width, UInt16 height )
    RECT    r;
    ::SetRect( &r, x, y, x + width, y + height );

    ::ExtTextOutW( fWinRGBDC, x, y, ETO_CLIPPED, &r, text, wcslen( text ), nil );
    ::ExtTextOutW( fWinAlphaDC, x, y, ETO_CLIPPED, &r, text, wcslen( text ), nil );


//// DrawClippedString ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    plTextGenerator::DrawClippedString( Int16 x, Int16 y, const char *text, UInt16 clipX, UInt16 clipY, UInt16 width, UInt16 height )
    wchar_t *wText = hsStringToWString(text);
    delete [] wText;

void    plTextGenerator::DrawClippedString( Int16 x, Int16 y, const wchar_t *text, UInt16 clipX, UInt16 clipY, UInt16 width, UInt16 height )
    RECT    r;
    ::SetRect( &r, clipX, clipY, clipX + width, clipY + height );

    ::ExtTextOutW( fWinRGBDC, x, y, ETO_CLIPPED, &r, text, wcslen( text ), nil );
    ::ExtTextOutW( fWinAlphaDC, x, y, ETO_CLIPPED, &r, text, wcslen( text ), nil );


//// DrawWrappedString ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    plTextGenerator::DrawWrappedString( UInt16 x, UInt16 y, const char *text, UInt16 width, UInt16 height )
    wchar_t *wText = hsStringToWString(text);
    delete [] wText;

void    plTextGenerator::DrawWrappedString( UInt16 x, UInt16 y, const wchar_t *text, UInt16 width, UInt16 height )
    RECT    r;
    ::SetRect( &r, x, y, x + width, y + height );

//  HBRUSH brush = ::CreateSolidBrush( RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) );
//  ::FillRect( fWinRGBDC, &r, brush );
//  ::DeleteObject( brush );
    ::DrawTextW( fWinRGBDC, text, wcslen( text ), &r, 
                DT_TOP | DT_LEFT | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_WORDBREAK );
    ::DrawTextW( fWinAlphaDC, text, wcslen( text ), &r, 
                DT_TOP | DT_LEFT | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_WORDBREAK );


//// CalcStringWidth //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

UInt16      plTextGenerator::CalcStringWidth( const char *text, UInt16 *height )
    wchar_t *wText = hsStringToWString(text);
    UInt16 retVal = CalcStringWidth(wText,height);
    delete [] wText;
    return retVal;

UInt16      plTextGenerator::CalcStringWidth( const wchar_t *text, UInt16 *height )

    SIZE size;
    ::GetTextExtentPoint32W( fWinRGBDC, text, wcslen( text ), &size );

    if( height != nil )
        *height = (UInt16)size.cy;

    return (UInt16)size.cx;

//// CalcWrappedStringSize ////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    plTextGenerator::CalcWrappedStringSize( const char *text, UInt16 *width, UInt16 *height )
    wchar_t *wText = hsStringToWString(text);
    delete [] wText;

void    plTextGenerator::CalcWrappedStringSize( const wchar_t *text, UInt16 *width, UInt16 *height )

    RECT    r;
    ::SetRect( &r, 0, 0, *width, 0 );

    ::DrawTextW( fWinRGBDC, text, wcslen( text ), &r, DT_TOP | DT_LEFT | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_WORDBREAK | DT_CALCRECT );

    *width = (UInt16)(r.right);
    if( height != nil )
        *height = (UInt16)r.bottom;

//// FillRect /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    plTextGenerator::FillRect( UInt16 x, UInt16 y, UInt16 width, UInt16 height, hsColorRGBA &color )

    RECT    rc;
    ::SetRect( &rc, x, y, x + width, y + height );

    int r = (int)(color.r * 255.f);
    int g = (int)(color.g * 255.f);
    int b = (int)(color.b * 255.f);
    int a = (int)(color.a * 255.f);

    HBRUSH brush = ::CreateSolidBrush( RGB( r, g, b ) );
    ::FillRect( fWinRGBDC, &rc, brush );
    ::DeleteObject( brush );

    brush = ::CreateSolidBrush( RGB( a, a, a ) );
    ::FillRect( fWinAlphaDC, &rc, brush );
    ::DeleteObject( brush );

//// FrameRect ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    plTextGenerator::FrameRect( UInt16 x, UInt16 y, UInt16 width, UInt16 height, hsColorRGBA &color )

    RECT    rc;
    ::SetRect( &rc, x, y, x + width, y + height );

    int r = (int)(color.r * 255.f);
    int g = (int)(color.g * 255.f);
    int b = (int)(color.b * 255.f);
    int a = (int)(color.a * 255.f);

    HBRUSH brush = ::CreateSolidBrush( RGB( r, g, b ) );
    ::FrameRect( fWinRGBDC, &rc, brush );
    ::DeleteObject( brush );

    brush = ::CreateSolidBrush( RGB( a, a, a ) );
    ::FrameRect( fWinAlphaDC, &rc, brush );
    ::DeleteObject( brush );

//// FlushToHost //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    plTextGenerator::FlushToHost( void )
    // Flush the GDI first, to make sure it's done

    // Now copy our alpha channel over. I hate the GDI
    UInt32      i = fHost->fWidth * fHost->fHeight;
    UInt32      *dest = fWinRGBBits;
    UInt8       *src = fWinAlphaBits;

/*  while( i-- )
        *dest &= 0x00ffffff;
        *dest |= ( *src ) << 24;
//      *dest |= ( *dest << 16 ) & 0xff000000;
        dest[ i ] &= 0x00ffffff;
        dest[ i ] |= src[ i ] << 24;
    } while( i );

    // Dirty the mipmap's deviceRef, if there is one
    if( fHost->GetDeviceRef() != nil )
        fHost->GetDeviceRef()->SetDirty( true );

//// GetTextWidth/Height //////////////////////////////////////////////////////

UInt16  plTextGenerator::GetTextWidth( void )
    return ( fHost != nil ) ? (UInt16)(fHost->fWidth) : 0;

UInt16  plTextGenerator::GetTextHeight( void )
    return ( fHost != nil ) ? (UInt16)(fHost->fHeight) : 0;

//// GetLayerTransform ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Since the textGen can actually create a texture bigger than you were expecting,
//  you want to be able to apply a layer texture transform that will compensate. This
//  function will give you that transform. Just feed it into plLayer->SetTransform().

hsMatrix44  plTextGenerator::GetLayerTransform( void )
    hsMatrix44  xform;
    hsVector3   scale;

    scale.Set( (float)GetWidth() / (float)GetTextWidth(), 
               (float)GetHeight() / (float)GetTextHeight(), 1.f );

    xform.MakeScaleMat( &scale );
    return xform;

//// MsgReceive ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

hsBool  plTextGenerator::MsgReceive( plMessage *msg )
#ifdef MCN_DO_REFS
    plGenRefMsg *refMsg = plGenRefMsg::ConvertNoRef( msg );
    if( refMsg != nil )
        if( refMsg->GetContext() & ( plRefMsg::kOnCreate | plRefMsg::kOnRequest ) )
            // Don't do anything--already did an attach
        else if( refMsg->GetContext() & ( plRefMsg::kOnDestroy | plRefMsg::kOnRemove ) )
        return true;

    return hsKeyedObject::MsgReceive( msg );