/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #ifndef plCullTree_inc #define plCullTree_inc #include "hsBounds.h" #include "hsGeometry3.h" #include "hsBitVector.h" #include "plCuller.h" #include "plScene/plCullPoly.h" #ifdef HS_DEBUGGING #define DEBUG_POINTERS #endif // HS_DEBUGGING class plCullTree; class plCullNode; // for vis struct hsPoint3; struct hsVector3; struct hsColorRGBA; class plCullTree : public plCuller { protected: // Visualization stuff, to be nuked from production version. mutable hsBool fCapturePolys; mutable hsTArray<hsPoint3> fVisVerts; mutable hsTArray<hsVector3> fVisNorms; mutable hsTArray<hsColorRGBA> fVisColors; mutable hsTArray<UInt16> fVisTris; mutable hsScalar fVisYon; mutable hsTArray<plCullPoly> fScratchPolys; mutable hsLargeArray<Int16> fScratchClear; mutable hsLargeArray<Int16> fScratchSplit; mutable hsLargeArray<Int16> fScratchCulled; mutable hsBitVector fScratchBitVec; mutable hsBitVector fScratchTotVec; void IVisPolyShape(const plCullPoly& poly, hsBool dark) const; void IVisPolyEdge(const hsPoint3& p0, const hsPoint3& p1, hsBool dark) const; void IVisPoly(const plCullPoly& poly, hsBool dark) const; hsPoint3 fViewPos; Int16 fRoot; mutable hsTArray<plCullNode> fNodeList; // Scratch list we make the tree from. plCullNode* IGetRoot() const { return IGetNode(fRoot); } plCullNode* IGetNode(Int16 i) const { return i >= 0 ? &fNodeList[i] : nil; } void ITestNode(const plSpaceTree* space, Int16 who, hsTArray<Int16>& outList) const; // Appends to outlist void ITestList(const plSpaceTree* space, const hsTArray<Int16>& inList, hsTArray<Int16>& outList) const; Int16 IAddPolyRecur(const plCullPoly& poly, Int16 iNode); Int16 IMakeHoleSubTree(const plCullPoly& poly) const; Int16 IMakePolySubTree(const plCullPoly& poly) const; Int16 IMakePolyNode(const plCullPoly& poly, int i0, int i1) const; // Some scratch areas for the nodes use when building the tree etc. hsTArray<plCullPoly>& ScratchPolys() const { return fScratchPolys; } hsLargeArray<Int16>& ScratchClear() const { return fScratchClear; } hsLargeArray<Int16>& ScratchSplit() const { return fScratchSplit; } hsLargeArray<Int16>& ScratchCulled() const { return fScratchCulled; } hsBitVector& ScratchBitVec() const { return fScratchBitVec; } hsBitVector& ScratchTotVec() const { return fScratchTotVec; } void ISetupScratch(UInt16 nNodes); friend class plCullNode; public: plCullTree(); ~plCullTree(); void Reset(); // Called before starting to add polys for this frame. void InitFrustum(const hsMatrix44& world2NDC); void SetViewPos(const hsPoint3& pos); void AddPoly(const plCullPoly& poly); UInt32 GetNumNodes() const { return fNodeList.GetCount(); } virtual void Harvest(const plSpaceTree* space, hsTArray<Int16>& outList) const; virtual hsBool BoundsVisible(const hsBounds3Ext& bnd) const; virtual hsBool SphereVisible(const hsPoint3& center, hsScalar rad) const; // Visualization stuff. Only to be called by the pipeline (or some other vis manager). void SetVisualizationYon(hsScalar y) const { fVisYon = y; } void BeginCapturePolys() const { fCapturePolys = true; } void EndCapturePolys() const { fCapturePolys = false; } hsTArray<hsPoint3>& GetCaptureVerts() const { return fVisVerts; } hsTArray<hsVector3>& GetCaptureNorms() const { return fVisNorms; } hsTArray<hsColorRGBA>& GetCaptureColors() const { return fVisColors; } hsTArray<UInt16>& GetCaptureTris() const { return fVisTris; } void ReleaseCapture() const; }; class plCullNode { public: enum plCullStatus { kClear, kCulled, kSplit, kPureSplit }; protected: hsVector3 fNorm; hsScalar fDist; hsBool fIsFace; Int16 fInnerChild; Int16 fOuterChild; const plCullTree* fTree; plCullNode* IGetNode(Int16 i) const; #ifdef DEBUG_POINTERS mutable plCullNode* fInnerPtr; mutable plCullNode* fOuterPtr; void ISetPointersRecur() const; #else // DEBUG_POINTERS void ISetPointersRecur() const {} #endif // DEBUG_POINTERS // Bounds only version plCullNode::plCullStatus ITestBoundsRecur(const hsBounds3Ext& bnd) const; plCullNode::plCullStatus ITestSphereRecur(const hsPoint3& center, hsScalar rad) const; // Using the nodes plCullNode::plCullStatus ITestNode(const plSpaceTree* space, Int16 who, hsLargeArray<Int16>& clear, hsLargeArray<Int16>& split, hsLargeArray<Int16>& culled) const; void ITestNode(const plSpaceTree* space, Int16 who, hsBitVector& totList, hsBitVector& outList) const; void IHarvest(const plSpaceTree* space, hsTArray<Int16>& outList) const; // Constructing the tree hsScalar IInterpVert(const hsPoint3& p0, const hsPoint3& p1, hsPoint3& out) const; plCullNode::plCullStatus ISplitPoly(const plCullPoly& poly, plCullPoly*& innerPoly, plCullPoly*& outerPoly) const; void IMarkClipped(const plCullPoly& poly, const hsBitVector& onVerts) const; void ITakeHalfPoly(const plCullPoly& scrPoly, const hsTArray<int>& vtxIdx, const hsBitVector& onVerts, plCullPoly& outPoly) const; void IBreakPoly(const plCullPoly& poly, const hsTArray<hsScalar>& depths, hsBitVector& inVerts, hsBitVector& outVerts, hsBitVector& onVerts, plCullPoly& srcPoly) const; hsTArray<plCullPoly>& ScratchPolys() const { return fTree->ScratchPolys(); } hsLargeArray<Int16>& ScratchClear() const { return fTree->ScratchClear(); } hsLargeArray<Int16>& ScratchSplit() const { return fTree->ScratchSplit(); } hsLargeArray<Int16>& ScratchCulled() const { return fTree->ScratchCulled(); } hsBitVector& ScratchBitVec() const { return fTree->ScratchBitVec(); } hsBitVector& ScratchTotVec() const { return fTree->ScratchTotVec(); } friend class plCullTree; public: void Init(const plCullTree* t, const hsVector3& n, hsScalar d) { fIsFace = false; fTree = t; fInnerChild = fOuterChild = -1; SetPlane(n, d); } void Init(const plCullTree* t, const plCullPoly& poly) { Init(t, poly.fNorm, poly.fDist); } void SetPlane(const hsVector3& n, hsScalar d) { fNorm = n; fDist = d; } const hsVector3& GetNormal() const { return fNorm; } const hsScalar GetDist() const { return fDist; } plCullStatus TestBounds(const hsBounds3Ext& bnd) const; plCullStatus TestSphere(const hsPoint3& center, hsScalar rad) const; }; inline plCullNode* plCullNode::IGetNode(Int16 i) const { return fTree->IGetNode(i); } #endif // plCullTree_inc