/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ /***************************************************************************** * * $/Plasma20/Sources/Plasma/NucleusLib/pnUtils/Private/pnUtBigNum.cpp * ***/ #include "../Pch.h" #pragma hdrstop /**************************************************************************** * * Constants and macros * ***/ const unsigned VAL_BITS = 8 * sizeof(BigNum::Val); const BigNum::DVal VAL_RANGE = ((BigNum::DVal)1) << VAL_BITS; #define LOW(dval) ((Val)(dval)) #define HIGH(dval) ((Val)((dval) / VAL_RANGE)) #define PACK(low, high) ((DVal)((high) * VAL_RANGE + (low))) #define ALLOC_TEMP(struct, count) \ (struct).UseTempAlloc((Val *)_alloca((count) * sizeof(Val)), count) /**************************************************************************** * * BigNum private methods * ***/ //=========================================================================== void BigNum::SetVal (unsigned index, Val value) { ARRAY(Val)::operator[](index) = value; } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::SetVal (unsigned index, DVal value, Val * carry) { ARRAY(Val)::operator[](index) = LOW(value); *carry = HIGH(value); } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::Trim (unsigned count) { ASSERT(count <= Count()); while (count && !ARRAY(Val)::operator[](count - 1)) --count; SetCountFewer(count); } //=========================================================================== BigNum * BigNum::UseTempAlloc (Val * ptr, unsigned count) { m_isTemp = true; AttachTemp(ptr, count); return this; } /**************************************************************************** * * BigNum public methods * ***/ //=========================================================================== BigNum::BigNum () : m_isTemp(false) { } //=========================================================================== BigNum::BigNum (const BigNum & a) : m_isTemp(false) { Set(a); } //=========================================================================== BigNum::BigNum (unsigned a) : m_isTemp(false) { Set(a); } //=========================================================================== BigNum::BigNum (unsigned bytes, const void * data) : m_isTemp(false) { FromData(bytes, data); } //=========================================================================== BigNum::BigNum (const wchar str[], Val radix) : m_isTemp(false) { FromStr(str, radix); } //=========================================================================== BigNum::~BigNum () { if (m_isTemp) Detach(); } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::Add (const BigNum & a, Val b) { // this = a + b const unsigned count = a.Count(); GrowToCount(count + 1, true); unsigned index = 0; Val carry = b; for (; index < count; ++index) SetVal(index, (DVal)((DVal)a[index] + (DVal)carry), &carry); if (carry) SetVal(index++, carry); Trim(index); } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::Add (const BigNum & a, const BigNum & b) { // this = a + b const unsigned aCount = a.Count(); const unsigned bCount = b.Count(); const unsigned count = aCount + bCount; GrowToCount(count + 1, true); unsigned index = 0; Val carry = 0; for (; index < count; ++index) { Val aVal = (index < aCount) ? a[index] : (Val)0; Val bVal = (index < bCount) ? b[index] : (Val)0; SetVal(index, (DVal)((DVal)aVal + (DVal)bVal + (DVal)carry), &carry); } if (carry) SetVal(index++, carry); Trim(index); } //=========================================================================== int BigNum::Compare (Val a) const { // -1 if (this < a) // 0 if (this == a) // 1 if (this > a) // Handle the case where this number has more digits than the comparand const unsigned count = Count(); ASSERT(!count || (*this)[count - 1]); if (count > 1) return 1; // Handle the case where this number has fewer digits than the comparand if (!count) return a ? -1 : 0; // Handle the case where both numbers share the same number of digits Val thisVal = (*this)[0]; return (thisVal > a) ? 1 : (thisVal < a) ? -1 : 0; } //=========================================================================== int BigNum::Compare (const BigNum & a) const { // -1 if (this < a) // 0 if (this == a) // 1 if (this > a) // Handle the case where this number has more digits than the comparand const unsigned thisCount = Count(); const unsigned compCount = a.Count(); ASSERT(!thisCount || (*this)[thisCount - 1]); ASSERT(!compCount || a[compCount - 1]); if (thisCount > compCount) return 1; // Handle the case where this number has fewer digits than the comparand if (thisCount < compCount) return -1; // Handle the case where both numbers share the same number of digits for (unsigned index = thisCount; index--; ) { Val thisVal = (*this)[index]; Val compVal = a[index]; if (thisVal == compVal) continue; return (thisVal > compVal) ? 1 : -1; } return 0; } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::Div (const BigNum & a, Val b, Val * remainder) { // this = a / b, remainder = a % b const unsigned count = a.Count(); SetCount(count); *remainder = 0; for (unsigned index = count; index--; ) { DVal value = PACK(a[index], *remainder); SetVal(index, (Val)(value / b)); *remainder = (Val)(value % b); } Trim(count); } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::Div (const BigNum & a, const BigNum & b, BigNum * remainder) { // this = a / b, remainder = a % b // either this or remainder may be nil ASSERT(this != remainder); // Check for division by zero ASSERT(b.Count() && b[b.Count() - 1]); // Normalize the operands so that the highest bit is set in the most // significant word of the denominator const unsigned shift = 8 * sizeof(Val) - MathHighBitPos(b[b.Count() - 1]) - 1; BigNum aaBuffer; BigNum bbBuffer; BigNum * aa = shift ? ALLOC_TEMP(aaBuffer, a.Count() + 1) : (BigNum *)&a; BigNum * bb = shift ? ALLOC_TEMP(bbBuffer, b.Count() + 1) : (BigNum *)&b; if (shift) { aa->Shl(a, shift); bb->Shl(b, shift); } // Perform the division DivNormalized(*aa, *bb, remainder); // Denormalize the remainder if (remainder) remainder->Shr(*remainder, shift); } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::DivNormalized (const BigNum & a, const BigNum & b, BigNum * remainder) { // this = a / b, remainder = a % b // either this or remainder may be nil // high bit of b must be set ASSERT(this != remainder); // Check for division by zero ASSERT(b.Count() && b[b.Count() - 1]); // Verify that the operands are normalized ASSERT(MathHighBitPos(b[b.Count() - 1]) == 8 * sizeof(Val) - 1); // Handle the case where the denominator is greater than the numerator if ((b.Count() > a.Count()) || (b.Compare(a) > 0)) { if (remainder && (remainder != &a)) remainder->Set(a); if (this) ZeroCount(); return; } // Create a distinct buffer for the denominator if necessary BigNum denomTemp; BigNum * denom = ((&b != this) && (&b != remainder)) ? (BigNum *)&b : ALLOC_TEMP(denomTemp, b.Count()); denom->Set(b); // Store the numerator into the remainder buffer BigNum numerTemp; BigNum * numer = remainder ? remainder : ALLOC_TEMP(numerTemp, a.Count()); numer->Set(a); // Prepare the destination buffer const unsigned numerCount = numer->Count(); const unsigned denomCount = denom->Count(); if (this) this->SetCount(numerCount + 1 - denomCount); // Calculate the quotient one word at a time DVal t = (DVal)((DVal)(*denom)[denomCount - 1] + (DVal)1); for (unsigned quotientIndex = numerCount + 1 - denomCount; quotientIndex--; ) { // Calculate the approximate value of the next quotient word, // erring on the side of underestimation Val low = (*numer)[quotientIndex + denomCount - 1]; Val high = (quotientIndex + denomCount < numerCount) ? (*numer)[quotientIndex + denomCount] : (Val)0; ASSERT(high < t); Val quotient = (Val)(PACK(low, high) / t); // Calculate the product of the denominator and this quotient word // (using zero for all lower quotient words) and subtract the product // from the current numerator if (quotient) { Val borrow = 0; Val carry = 0; for (unsigned denomIndex = 0; denomIndex != denomCount; ++denomIndex) { DVal product = (DVal)(Mul((*denom)[denomIndex], quotient) + carry); carry = HIGH(product); numer->SetVal(quotientIndex + denomIndex, (DVal)((DVal)(*numer)[quotientIndex + denomIndex] - (DVal)LOW(product) - (DVal)borrow), &borrow); borrow = (Val)((Val)0 - (Val)borrow); } if (quotientIndex + denomCount != numerCount) { numer->SetVal(quotientIndex + denomCount, (DVal)((DVal)(*numer)[quotientIndex + denomIndex] - (DVal)carry - (DVal)borrow), &borrow); carry = 0; } ASSERT(!carry); ASSERT(!borrow); } // Check whether we underestimated the quotient word, and adjust // it if necessary for (;;) { // Test whether the current numerator is still greater than or // equal to the denominator if ((quotientIndex + denomCount == numerCount) || !(*numer)[quotientIndex + denomCount]) { bool numerLess = false; for (unsigned denomIndex = denomCount; !numerLess && denomIndex--; ) { Val numerVal = (*numer)[quotientIndex + denomIndex]; Val denomVal = (*denom)[denomIndex]; numerLess = (numerVal < denomVal); if (numerVal != denomVal) break; } if (numerLess) break; } // Increment the quotient by one, and correct the current // numerator for this adjustment by subtracting the denominator ++quotient; Val borrow = 0; for (unsigned denomIndex = 0; denomIndex != denomCount; ++denomIndex) { numer->SetVal(quotientIndex + denomIndex, (DVal)((DVal)(*numer)[quotientIndex + denomIndex] - (DVal)(*denom)[denomIndex] - (DVal)borrow), &borrow); borrow = (Val)((Val)0 - (Val)borrow); } if (borrow) numer->SetVal(quotientIndex + denomCount, (DVal)((DVal)(*numer)[quotientIndex + denomCount] - (DVal)borrow), &borrow); ASSERT(!borrow); } ASSERT((quotientIndex + denomCount == numerCount) || !(*numer)[quotientIndex + denomCount]); // Store the final quotient word if (this) this->SetVal(quotientIndex, quotient); } // The final remainder is the remaining portion of the numerator if (remainder) { ASSERT(remainder == numer); remainder->Trim(denomCount); } // Trim the result if (this) this->Trim(numerCount + 1 - denomCount); } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::FromData (unsigned bytes, const void * data) { ASSERT(data || !bytes); // Calculate the number of words required to hold the data unsigned count = (bytes + sizeof(Val) - 1) / sizeof(Val); SetCount(count); // Fill in whole words unsigned index = 0; unsigned offset = 0; for (; offset + sizeof(Val) <= bytes; ++index, offset += sizeof(Val)) SetVal(index, *(const Val *)((const byte *)data + offset)); // Fill in the final partial word if (offset < bytes) { Val value = 0; MemCopy(&value, (const byte *)data + offset, bytes - offset); SetVal(index, value); } } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::FromStr (const wchar str[], Val radix) { ASSERT(str); // Decode the prefix if (str[0] == L'0') { if ((str[1] == L'x') || (str[1] == L'X')) { str += 2; if (!radix) radix = 16; } else if ((str[1] >= L'0') && (str[1] <= L'9')) { str += 1; if (!radix) radix = 8; } else if (!radix) { ZeroCount(); return; } } else if (!radix) radix = 10; // Decode the number ZeroCount(); for (; *str; ++str) { // Decode the next character Val value; if ((*str >= L'0') && (*str <= '9')) value = (Val)(*str - L'0'); else if ((*str >= L'a') && (*str <= L'z')) value = (Val)(*str + 10 - L'a'); else if ((*str >= L'A') && (*str <= L'Z')) value = (Val)(*str + 10 - L'A'); else break; if (value >= radix) break; // Apply it to the result Mul(*this, radix); Add(*this, value); } } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::Gcd (const BigNum & a, const BigNum & b) { // Allocate working copies of a and b BigNum aa; BigNum bb; unsigned maxCount = max(a.Count(), b.Count()); ALLOC_TEMP(aa, maxCount + 1); ALLOC_TEMP(bb, maxCount + 1); aa.Set(a); bb.Set(b); // Find the greatest common denominator using Euclid's algorithm Set(bb); while (aa.Count()) { Set(aa); aa.Mod(bb, aa); bb.Set(*this); } } //=========================================================================== const void * BigNum::GetData (unsigned * bytes) const { if (bytes) *bytes = Bytes(); return Ptr(); } //=========================================================================== unsigned BigNum::HighBitPos () const { // returns the position of the highest set bit, or -1 if no bits are set for (unsigned index = Count(); index--; ) { Val val = (*this)[index]; if (!val) continue; return index * 8 * sizeof(Val) + MathHighBitPos(val); } return (unsigned)-1; } //=========================================================================== bool BigNum::InverseMod (const BigNum & a, const BigNum & b) { // finds value for this such that (a ^ -1) == (this mod b) // returns false if a has no inverse modulo b // Verify that a and b are nonzero ASSERT(a.Count()); ASSERT(b.Count()); // Verify that a is less than b ASSERT(a.Compare(b) < 0); // Verify that either a or b is odd. If both are even then they cannot // possibly be relatively prime, so there cannot be a solution. if (!(a.IsOdd() || b.IsOdd())) return false; // Allocate buffers for intermediate values BigNum uArray[3]; BigNum tArray[3]; BigNum * u = uArray; BigNum * t = tArray; // Find the inverse using the extended Euclidean algorithm u[0].SetOne(); u[1].SetZero(); u[2].Set(b); t[0].Set(a); t[1].Sub(b, 1); t[2].Set(a); do { do { if (!u[2].IsOdd()) { if (u[0].IsOdd() || u[1].IsOdd()) { u[0].Add(u[0], a); u[1].Add(u[1], b); } u[0].Shr(u[0], 1); u[1].Shr(u[1], 1); u[2].Shr(u[2], 1); } if (!t[2].IsOdd() || (u[2].Compare(t[2]) < 0)) SWAP(u, t); } while (!u[2].IsOdd()); while ((u[0].Compare(t[0]) < 0) || (u[1].Compare(t[1]) < 0)) { u[0].Add(u[0], a); u[1].Add(u[1], b); } u[0].Sub(u[0], t[0]); u[1].Sub(u[1], t[1]); u[2].Sub(u[2], t[2]); } while (t[2].Count()); while ((u[0].Compare(a) >= 0) && (u[1].Compare(b) >= 0)) { u[0].Sub(u[0], a); u[1].Sub(u[1], b); } // If the greatest common denominator is not one then there is no // solution if (u[2].Compare(1)) return false; // Return the solution Sub(b, u[1]); return true; } //=========================================================================== bool BigNum::IsMultiple (Val a) const { // returns true if (this % a) == 0 DVal remainder = 0; for (unsigned index = Count(); index--; ) remainder = (DVal)(PACK((*this)[index], remainder) % a); return !remainder; } //=========================================================================== bool BigNum::IsOdd () const { // returns true if this is an odd number return Count() ? (*this)[0] & 1 : false; } //=========================================================================== bool BigNum::IsPrime () const { // returns true if there is a strong likelihood that this is prime // Verify that the number is odd, or is exactly equal to two if (!Count() || (!((*this)[0] & 1) && ((Count() > 1) || ((*this)[0] > 2)))) return false; // Verify that the number is not evenly divisible by a small prime static const Val smallPrimes[] = {3, 5, 7, 11}; unsigned loop; for (loop = 0; loop != arrsize(smallPrimes); ++loop) if (IsMultiple(smallPrimes[loop])) return false; if (Compare(smallPrimes[arrsize(smallPrimes)-1]) <= 0) return true; // Rabin-Miller Test // Calculate b, where b is the number of times 2 divides (this - 1) BigNum this_1; ALLOC_TEMP(this_1, Count()); this_1.Sub(*this, 1); const unsigned b = this_1.LowBitPos(); // Calculate m, such that this == 1 + 2 ^ b * m BigNum m; ALLOC_TEMP(m, Count()); m.Shr(this_1, b); // For a number of witnesses, test whether the witness demonstrates this // number to be composite via Fermat's Little Theorem, or has a // nontrivial square root mod n static const Val witnesses[] = {3, 5, 7}; BigNum z; ALLOC_TEMP(z, 2 * (Count() + 1)); for (loop = 0; loop != arrsize(witnesses); ++loop) { // Initialize z to (witness ^ m % this) z.PowMod(witnesses[loop], m, *this); // This passes the test if (z == 1) if (!z.Compare(1)) continue; for (unsigned j = 0; z.Compare(this_1); ) { // This fails the test if we reach b iterations. ++j; if (j == b) return false; // Square z. This fails the test if z mod this equals 1. z.MulMod(z, z, *this); if (!z.Compare(1)) return false; } } return true; } //=========================================================================== unsigned BigNum::LowBitPos () const { // returns the position of the lowest set bit, or -1 if no bits are set for (unsigned index = 0, count = Count(); index < count; ++index) { Val val = (*this)[index]; if (!val) continue; for (unsigned bit = 0; ; ++bit) if (val & (1 << bit)) return index * 8 * sizeof(Val) + bit; } return (unsigned)-1; } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::Mod (const BigNum & a, const BigNum & b) { // this = a % b ((BigNum *)nil)->Div(a, b, this); } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::ModNormalized (const BigNum & a, const BigNum & b) { // this = a % b // high bit of b must be set ((BigNum *)nil)->DivNormalized(a, b, this); } //=========================================================================== BigNum::DVal BigNum::Mul (BigNum::Val a, BigNum::Val b) { // returns a * b return (DVal)a * (DVal)b; } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::Mul (const BigNum & a, Val b) { // this = a * b const unsigned count = a.Count(); GrowToCount(count + 1, true); unsigned index = 0; Val carry = 0; for (; index < count; ++index) SetVal(index, (DVal)(Mul(a[index], b) + carry), &carry); if (carry) SetVal(index++, carry); Trim(index); } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::Mul (const BigNum & a, const BigNum & b) { // this = a * b const unsigned aCount = a.Count(); const unsigned bCount = b.Count(); const unsigned count = aCount + bCount; SetCount(count); if (!count) return; // We perform the multiplication from left to right, so that we don't // overwrite any operand words before they're used in the case that // the destination is not distinct from either of the operands SetVal(count - 1, 0); for (unsigned index = count - 1; index--; ) { // Iterate every combination of aIndex + bIndex that adds up to // index, and sum the products of those words DVal value = 0; const unsigned aStart = (index < bCount) ? 0 : (index + 1 - bCount); const unsigned aTerm = min(index + 1, aCount); for (unsigned aIndex = aStart; aIndex != aTerm; ++aIndex) { // Accumulate the product of this pair of words value = (DVal)(Mul(a[aIndex], b[index - aIndex]) + value); // If the product exceeds the word size, apply carry Val carry = HIGH(value); for (unsigned carryIndex = index + 1; carry; ++carryIndex) SetVal(carryIndex, (DVal)((DVal)(*this)[carryIndex] + (DVal)carry), &carry); value = LOW(value); } // Store the sum of products as the final value for index SetVal(index, LOW(value)); } Trim(count); } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::MulMod (const BigNum & a, const BigNum & b, const BigNum & c) { // this = a * b % c if (this != &c) { Mul(a, b); Mod(*this, c); } else { BigNum temp; ALLOC_TEMP(temp, a.Count() + b.Count()); temp.Mul(a, b); Mod(temp, c); } } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::PowMod (Val a, const BigNum & b, const BigNum & c) { // this = a ^ b % c // Verify that b is distinct from this BigNum bbBuffer; const BigNum & bb = (&b != this) ? b : bbBuffer; if (&bb != &b) { ALLOC_TEMP(bbBuffer, b.Count()); bbBuffer.Set(b); } // Generate a table which may allow us to process two bits at once Val aMult[4] = { 1, a, (Val)(a * a), (Val)(a * a * a) }; bool overflow = (aMult[2] < a) || (aMult[3] < a) || (c.Compare(aMult[3]) <= 0); // Normalize the denominator so that the high bit is set. The result // will be built shifted an equivalent amount. const unsigned shift = 8 * sizeof(Val) - MathHighBitPos(c[c.Count() - 1]) - 1; BigNum cc; ALLOC_TEMP(cc, c.Count() + 1); cc.Shl(c, shift); // Perform the exponentiation from left to right two bits at a time if (!overflow) { SetBits(shift, 1); bool anySet = false; for (unsigned index = bb.Count(); index--; ) for (unsigned bit = 8 * sizeof(Val); bit; ) { bit -= 2; if (anySet) { Square(*this); Shr(*this, shift); ModNormalized(*this, cc); Square(*this); Shr(*this, shift); ModNormalized(*this, cc); } unsigned entry = (bb[index] >> bit) & 3; if (entry) { Mul(*this, aMult[entry]); ModNormalized(*this, cc); anySet = true; } } } // Perform the exponentiation from left to right a single bit at a time else { SetBits(shift, 1); bool anySet = false; for (unsigned index = bb.Count(); index--; ) for (unsigned bit = 8 * sizeof(Val); bit--; ) { if (anySet) { Square(*this); ModNormalized(*this, cc); } if (bb[index] & (1 << bit)) { Mul(*this, a); ModNormalized(*this, cc); anySet = true; } } } // Denormalize the result Shr(*this, shift); } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::PowMod (const BigNum & a, const BigNum & b, const BigNum & c) { // this = a ^ b % c // Verify that a and b are distinct from this BigNum distinctTemp; const BigNum & aa = (&a != this) ? a : distinctTemp; const BigNum & bb = (&b != this) ? b : distinctTemp; if ((&aa != &a) || (&bb != &b)) { ALLOC_TEMP(distinctTemp, Count()); distinctTemp.Set(*this); } // Generate a table which will allow us to process two bits at once BigNum a2; BigNum a3; ALLOC_TEMP(a2, 2 * aa.Count() + 1); ALLOC_TEMP(a3, 3 * aa.Count() + 1); a2.Mul(aa, aa); a2.Mod(a2, c); a3.Mul(aa, a2); a3.Mod(a3, c); const BigNum * aMult[] = { nil, &aa, &a2, &a3 }; // Normalize the denominator so that the high bit is set. The result // will be built shifted an equivalent amount. const unsigned shift = 8 * sizeof(Val) - MathHighBitPos(c[c.Count() - 1]) - 1; BigNum cc; ALLOC_TEMP(cc, c.Count() + 1); cc.Shl(c, shift); // Perform the exponentiation from left to right two bits at a time SetBits(shift, 1); bool anySet = false; for (unsigned index = bb.Count(); index--; ) for (unsigned bit = 8 * sizeof(Val); bit; ) { bit -= 2; if (anySet) { Square(*this); Shr(*this, shift); ModNormalized(*this, cc); Square(*this); Shr(*this, shift); ModNormalized(*this, cc); } unsigned entry = (bb[index] >> bit) & 3; if (entry) { Mul(*this, *aMult[entry]); ModNormalized(*this, cc); anySet = true; } } // Denormalize the result Shr(*this, shift); } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::Rand (const BigNum & a, BigNum * seed) { // this = random number less than a ASSERT(seed != &a); ASSERT(seed != this); // Verify that a is distinct from this BigNum distinctTemp; const BigNum & aa = (&a != this) ? a : distinctTemp; if (&aa != &a) { ALLOC_TEMP(distinctTemp, a.Count()); distinctTemp.Set(a); } // Count the number of bits in a unsigned bits = aa.HighBitPos() + 1; for (;;) { // Generate a random number with the same number of bits as a Rand(bits, seed); // Check whether the number is less than a if (Compare(aa) < 0) break; } } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::Rand (unsigned bits, BigNum * seed) { // this = random number with bits or fewer bits ASSERT(seed != this); // Prepare the output buffer const unsigned count = (bits + 8 * sizeof(Val) - 1) / (8 * sizeof(Val)); SetCount(count); if (!count) return; // Prepare the seed unsigned seedCount = seed->Count(); if (!seedCount) seed->SetCount(++seedCount); unsigned seedIndex = 0; // Produce a random number with the correct number of words for (unsigned index = 0; index < count; ++index) { // Read the next word of the seed dword randValue = (*seed)[seedIndex] ^ ((index == seedIndex) ? 0x075bd924 : 0); // Produce one word of randomness, 16 bits at a time Val value = 0; for (unsigned bit = 0; bit < 8 * sizeof(Val); bit += 16) { const dword A = 0xbc8f; const dword Q = 0xadc8; const dword R = 0x0d47; dword div = randValue / Q; randValue = A * (randValue - Q * div) - R * div; randValue &= 0x7fffffff; value |= (randValue & 0xffff) << bit; } // Store the random word SetVal(index, value); // Update the seed and move to the seed next word seed->SetVal(seedIndex, (Val)randValue); if (++seedIndex >= seedCount) seedIndex = 0; } // Mask the final word to contain the correct number of bits Val mask = (Val)((Val)-1 >> (count * 8 * sizeof(Val) - bits)); SetVal(count - 1, (Val)((*this)[count - 1] & mask)); // Trim the result Trim(count); // Rotate the seed so the next unused seed word will be the first seed // word used in the next random operation if (seedIndex) { BigNum saved; ALLOC_TEMP(saved, seedCount); saved.Set(*seed); for (unsigned index = 0; index < seedCount; ++index) (*seed)[index] = saved[(index + seedIndex) % seedCount]; } } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::RandPrime (unsigned bits, BigNum * seed) { // Calculate the required number of words to hold the generated number unsigned count = (bits + 8 * sizeof(Val) - 1) / (8 * sizeof(Val)); // For large bit counts, calculate the prime number as 2 * q * n + 1, // where q is a random prime with fewer bits, and n is a random number // chosen as follows: // n >= (2 ^ (bits - 1) - 1) / (2 * q) // n < (2 ^ bits - 1) / (2 * q) if (bits > 128) { // Choose a prime number q, and multiply it by 2 BigNum q_2; ALLOC_TEMP(q_2, count / 2 + 2); q_2.RandPrime(bits / 2, seed); q_2.Mul(q_2, 2); // Calculate the lower bound BigNum lowerBound; ALLOC_TEMP(lowerBound, count + 1); lowerBound.SetBits(0, bits - 1); lowerBound.Div(lowerBound, q_2, nil); // Calculate the upper bound BigNum upperBound; ALLOC_TEMP(upperBound, count + 1); upperBound.SetBits(0, bits); upperBound.Div(upperBound, q_2, nil); // Calculate the number of bits in the upper bound unsigned upperBoundBits = upperBound.HighBitPos() + 1; for (;;) { // Choose a random number between the lower and upper bounds Rand(upperBoundBits, seed); if (Compare(upperBound) >= 0) continue; if (Compare(lowerBound) < 0) continue; // Calculate 2 * q * n + 1 Mul(*this, q_2); Add(*this, 1); // Test whether the result is prime if (IsPrime()) break; } } // For small bit counts, choose a random number with the requested // number of bits, then keep incrementing it until we find a prime else { // Define the upper bound for a number with the requested number // of bits BigNum bound; ALLOC_TEMP(bound, count + 1); bound.SetBits(bits, 1); for (;;) { // Choose a random number with (bits - 1) bits Rand(bits - 1, seed); // Subtract it from the upper bound to generate a number with // the high bit set Sub(bound, *this); // Keep incrementing the number until we find a prime if (!IsOdd()) Add(*this, 1); while (!IsPrime()) Add(*this, 2); // If the number reached or exceeded the upper bound, try again if (Compare(bound) < 0) break; } } } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::Set (const BigNum & a) { // this = a if (&a == this) return; const unsigned count = a.Count(); SetCount(count); for (unsigned index = count; index--; ) SetVal(index, a[index]); } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::Set (unsigned a) { // this = a ZeroCount(); if (a) for (unsigned index = 0; ; ++index) { SetCount(index + 1); SetVal(index, LOW(a)); if (a < VAL_RANGE) break; a = (unsigned)(a / VAL_RANGE); } } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::SetBits (unsigned setBitsOffset, unsigned setBitsCount) { // this = binary [1...][0...], where 'setBitsOffset' is the number of // zero bits and 'setBitsCount' is the number of one bits if (!setBitsCount) { ZeroCount(); return; } const unsigned setBitsTerm = setBitsOffset + setBitsCount - 1; const unsigned bitsPerWord = 8 * sizeof(Val); const unsigned firstSetWord = setBitsOffset / bitsPerWord; const unsigned lastSetWord = (setBitsOffset + setBitsCount - 1) / bitsPerWord; Val firstSetMask = (Val)((Val)-1 << (setBitsOffset % bitsPerWord)); Val lastSetMask = (Val)((Val)-1 >> (bitsPerWord - setBitsTerm % bitsPerWord - 1)); if (firstSetWord == lastSetWord) firstSetMask = lastSetMask = (Val)(firstSetMask & lastSetMask); SetCount(lastSetWord + 1); unsigned index = 0; for (; index < firstSetWord; ++index) SetVal(index, 0); SetVal(index++, firstSetMask); if (firstSetWord == lastSetWord) return; for (; index < lastSetWord; ++index) SetVal(index, (Val)-1); SetVal(index, lastSetMask); } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::SetOne () { // this = 1 SetCount(1); SetVal(0, 1); } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::SetZero () { // this = 0 ZeroCount(); } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::Shl (const BigNum & a, unsigned b) { // this = a << b ASSERT(b < 8 * sizeof(Val)); if (!b) { Set(a); return; } const unsigned bInv = 8 * sizeof(Val) - b; const unsigned count = a.Count(); SetCount(count + 1); Val curr = 0; for (unsigned index = count; index >= 1; --index) { Val next = a[index - 1]; SetVal(index, (Val)((next >> bInv) | (curr << b))); curr = next; } SetVal(0, (Val)(curr << b)); Trim(count + 1); } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::Shr (const BigNum & a, unsigned b) { // this = a >> b ASSERT(b < 8 * sizeof(Val)); if (!b) { Set(a); return; } const unsigned bInv = 8 * sizeof(Val) - b; const unsigned count = a.Count(); SetCount(count); if (!count) return; Val curr = a[0]; for (unsigned index = 0; index + 1 < count; ++index) { Val next = a[index + 1]; SetVal(index, (Val)((next << bInv) | (curr >> b))); curr = next; } SetVal(count - 1, (Val)(curr >> b)); Trim(count); } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::Square (const BigNum & a) { // this = a * a const unsigned aCount = a.Count(); const unsigned count = 2 * aCount; SetCount(count); if (!count) return; // We perform the multiplication from left to right, so that we don't // overwrite any operand words before they're used in the case that // the destination is not distinct from the operand SetVal(count - 1, 0); for (unsigned index = count - 1; index--; ) { // Iterate every combination of source indices that adds up to // index, and sum the products of those words DVal value = 0; unsigned aIndex = (index < aCount) ? 0 : (index + 1 - aCount); unsigned bIndex; for (; (int)((bIndex = index - aIndex) - aIndex) >= 0; ++aIndex) { // Calculate the product of this pair of words DVal product = Mul(a[aIndex], a[bIndex]); // Add the product to the sum. If it exceeds the word size, // apply carry. value = (DVal)(value + product); Val carry = HIGH(value); unsigned carryIndex; for (carryIndex = index + 1; carry; ++carryIndex) SetVal(carryIndex, (DVal)((DVal)(*this)[carryIndex] + (DVal)carry), &carry); value = LOW(value); // If this pair of words should be multiplied twice, add the // product again. if (aIndex == bIndex) continue; value = (DVal)(value + product); carry = HIGH(value); for (carryIndex = index + 1; carry; ++carryIndex) SetVal(carryIndex, (DVal)((DVal)(*this)[carryIndex] + (DVal)carry), &carry); value = LOW(value); } // Store the sum of products as the final value for index SetVal(index, LOW(value)); } Trim(count); } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::Sub (const BigNum & a, Val b) { // this = a - b const unsigned count = a.Count(); SetCount(count); Val borrow = b; for (unsigned index = 0; index < count; ++index) { SetVal(index, (DVal)((DVal)a[index] - (DVal)borrow), &borrow); borrow = (Val)((Val)0 - (Val)borrow); } ASSERT(!borrow); Trim(index); } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::Sub (const BigNum & a, const BigNum & b) { // this = a - b const unsigned count = a.Count(); const unsigned bCount = b.Count(); GrowToCount(count, true); Val borrow = 0; for (unsigned index = 0; index < count; ++index) { Val bVal = (index < bCount) ? b[index] : (Val)0; SetVal(index, (DVal)((DVal)a[index] - (DVal)bVal - (DVal)borrow), &borrow); borrow = (Val)((Val)0 - (Val)borrow); } ASSERT(!borrow); Trim(index); } //=========================================================================== void BigNum::ToStr (BigNum * buffer, Val radix) const { ASSERT(this != buffer); // Calculate the number of characters in the prefix unsigned prefixChars; if (radix == 16) prefixChars = 2; else if (radix == 8) prefixChars = 1; else prefixChars = 0; // Preallocate space for the output string unsigned charsPerVal = 0; for (Val testVal = (Val)-1; testVal; testVal = (Val)(testVal / radix)) ++charsPerVal; const unsigned charsTotal = max(1, Count()) * charsPerVal + prefixChars + 1; buffer->SetCount((charsTotal * sizeof(wchar) + sizeof(Val) - 1) / sizeof(Val)); // Build the prefix wchar * prefix = (wchar *)buffer->Ptr(); if (prefixChars) { prefix[0] = L'0'; if (radix == 16) prefix[1] = L'x'; else ASSERT(prefixChars == 1); } // Build the number starting with the least significant digit wchar * start = prefix + prefixChars; wchar * curr = start; BigNum work; ALLOC_TEMP(work, Count()); work.Set(*this); do { // Extract the next value Val remainder; work.Div(work, radix, &remainder); // Encode it as a character in the output string if (remainder >= 10) *curr++ = (wchar)(L'a' + (unsigned)remainder - 10); else *curr++ = (wchar)(L'0' + (unsigned)remainder); } while (work.Count()); *curr = 0; // Reverse the order of the output string for (wchar * left = start, * right = curr - 1; left < right; ++left, --right) SWAP(*left, *right); }