
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
 or by snail mail at:
      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
      Mead, WA   99021

#ifndef plVoiceChat_h
#define plVoiceChat_h

#include "hsTemplates.h"
#include "plWin32Sound.h"
#include "hsThread.h"

// voice flags
#define VOICE_ENCODED       ( 1 << 0 )
#define VOICE_NARROWBAND    ( 1 << 1 )
#define VOICE_ENH           ( 1 << 2 )
#define BUFFER_LEN_SECONDS      4
#define FREQUENCY               8000

struct hsVector3;
struct SpeexBits;
class  plWinAudible;
class  plPlate;
class  plStatusLog;
class  plSpeex;
typedef struct ALCdevice_struct ALCdevice;

// Sound used for playing back dynamic voice chat data. this allows us to hook voice chat into the audio system
class plVoiceSound : public plWin32Sound
    hsBool LoadSound( hsBool is3D );
    void AddVoiceData(void *data, unsigned bytes);
    void Update();
    void Play();
    virtual void SetStartPos(unsigned bytes){}
    virtual bool    ILoadDataBuffer( void ){ return true; }
    virtual void    IUnloadDataBuffer( void ){}

    virtual void    IDerivedActuallyPlay( void );
    virtual void    ISetActualTime( double t ){}
    virtual float   GetActualTimeSec() { return 0.0f; }
    virtual void    IRefreshParams( void );
    static unsigned fCount;
    double   fLastUpdate;

class plVoicePlayer
    void PlaybackVoiceMessage(void* data, unsigned size, int numFramesInBuffer);
    void PlaybackUncompressedVoiceMessage(void* data, unsigned size);
    void SetVelocity(const hsVector3 vel);
    void SetPosition(const hsPoint3 pos);
    void SetOrientation(const hsPoint3 pos);
    void SetTalkIcon(int index, UInt32 str){}
    void ClearTalkIcon(){}
    plVoiceSound *GetSoundPtr() { return &fSound; }
    static void Enable(hsBool enable) { fEnabled = enable; }

    plVoiceSound fSound;
    static hsBool fEnabled;

class plVoiceRecorder

    void Update(double time);
    void SetMikeOpen(hsBool b);
    void DrawTalkIcon(hsBool b);
    void DrawDisabledIcon(hsBool b);
    void    SetTalkIcon(int index, UInt32 str);
    void    ClearTalkIcon();

    static hsBool   RecordingEnabled() { return fRecording; }
    static hsBool   NetVoiceEnabled() { return fNetVoice; }
    static hsBool   CompressionEnabled() { return fCompress; }
    static void     EnablePushToTalk(hsBool b) { fMicAlwaysOpen = !b; }
    static void     EnableIcons(hsBool b) { fShowIcons = b; }
    static void     EnableRecording(hsBool b) { fRecording = b; }
    static void     EnableNetVoice(hsBool b) { fNetVoice = b; }
    static void     EnableCompression(hsBool b) { fCompress = b; }
    static void     SetSampleRate(short s) { fSampleRate = s; }
    static void     SetSquelch(hsScalar f) { fRecordThreshhold = f; }

    static void IncreaseRecordingThreshhold();
    static void DecreaseRecordingThreshhold();

    static void SetQuality(int quality);    // sets the quality of encoding
    static void SetMode(int mode);  // sets nb or wb mode
    static void SetVBR(bool vbr);
    static void SetComplexity(int c);
    static void SetENH(hsBool b);
    static short GetSampleRate() { return fSampleRate; }
    hsBool                  fMikeOpen;
    hsBool                  fMikeJustClosed;
    static hsBool           fMicAlwaysOpen;
    static hsBool           fShowIcons;
    static hsBool           fCompress;
    static hsBool           fNetVoice;
    static hsBool           fRecording;
    static short            fSampleRate;
    plPlate*                fDisabledIcon;
    plPlate*                fTalkIcon;
    static hsScalar         fRecordThreshhold;

// Speex voice encoder/decoder class
class plSpeex 
    enum Mode
    static plSpeex *GetInstance()   
        static plSpeex instance;
        return &instance;

    hsBool Init(Mode mode);
    hsBool Shutdown();
    hsBool Encode(short *data, int numFrames, int *packedLength, hsRAMStream *out);
    hsBool Decode(UInt8 *data, int size, int numFrames, int *numOutputBytes, short *out);
    int    GetFrameSize() { return fFrameSize; }
    void   VBR(hsBool b);                                   // turn variable bit rate on/off
    void   SetVBR(UInt32 vbr);                              // Set variable bit rate quality
    void   ABR(hsBool b);                                   // turn average bit rate on/off
    void   SetABR(UInt32 abr);                              // Set average bit rate quality
    void   SetQuality(UInt32 quality);                      // Set encoder quality
    hsBool IsUsingVBR()         { return fVBR; }
    int    GetQuality()         { return fQuality; }
    void   SetENH(hsBool b);
    void   SetComplexity(UInt8 c);

    hsBool Initialized() { return fInitialized; }
    SpeexBits*                  fBits;                  // main speex structure
    hsBool                      fBitsInit;
    void*                       fEncoderState;
    void*                       fDecoderState;
    int                         fSampleRate;
    int                         fFrameSize;             // frame size from speex - 160 for nb
    int                         fQuality;               // 0-10 speex encode quality
    hsBool                      fVBR;                   // toggle variable bit rate
    int                         fAverageBitrate;        // n-bits per second
    UInt8                       fComplexity;            // 1-10 sets cpu resources allowed for encoder
    hsBool                      fENH;                   // perceptual enhancement
    hsBool                      fInitialized;           

#endif //plVoiceChat_h