# define PATH_SEPARATOR '\\'
# define PATH_SEPARATOR_STR "\\"
# define PATH_SEPARATOR '/'
/** Represents a filename or path, including utilities for manipulating,
* splitting, and joining path components.
* \sa plFileInfo
class plFileName
/** Construct an empty filename. */
plFileName() { }
/** Construct a filename from the UTF-8 character data in \a cstr. */
plFileName(const char *cstr) : fName(cstr) { }
/** Construct a filename from the plString argument \a copy. */
plFileName(const plString ©) : fName(copy) { }
/** Copy constructor. */
plFileName(const plFileName ©) : fName(copy.fName) { }
/** Assignment operator. Same as plFileName(const char *). */
plFileName &operator=(const char *cstr)
return *this;
/** Assignment operator. Same as plFileName(const plString &). */
plFileName &operator=(const plString ©)
return *this;
/** Assignment operator. Same as plFileName(const plFileName &). */
plFileName &operator=(const plFileName ©)
return *this;
/** Comparison operator. */
bool operator==(const char *other) const { return fName.operator==(other); }
/** Comparison operator. */
bool operator==(const plFileName &other) const { return fName.operator==(other.fName); }
/** Inverse of operator==(const char *other) const. */
bool operator!=(const char *other) const { return fName.operator!=(other); }
/** Inverse of operator==(const plFileName &other) const. */
bool operator!=(const plFileName &other) const { return fName.operator!=(other.fName); }
/** Operator overload for use in containers which depend on \c std::less. */
bool operator<(const plFileName &other) const { return fName.Compare(other.fName) < 0; }
/** Functor which compares two filenames case-insensitively for sorting. */
struct less_i
bool operator()(const plFileName &_L, const plFileName &_R) const
{ return _L.fName.Compare(_R.fName, plString::kCaseInsensitive) < 0; }
/** Return whether this filename is valid (not empty). */
bool IsValid() const { return !fName.IsEmpty(); }
/** Return the length of the filename string (UTF-8). */
size_t GetSize() const { return fName.GetSize(); }
/** Convert the filename to a string. This does not resolve relative
* paths or normalize slashes, it just returns the stored name string.
const plString &AsString() const { return fName; }
/** Return the name portion of the path (including extension).
* For example:
* plFileName("C:\\Path\\Filename.ext") => "Filename.ext"
plString GetFileName() const;
/** Return the file extension from the filename.
* For example:
* plFileName("C:\\Path\\Filename.ext") => "ext"
plString GetFileExt() const;
/** Return the name portion of the path, excluding its extension.
* For example:
* plFileName("C:\\Path\\Filename.ext") => "Filename"
plString GetFileNameNoExt() const;
/** Return the path with the filename portion stripped off.
* For example:
* plFileName("C:\\Path\\Filename.ext") => "C:\\Path"
plFileName StripFileName() const;
/** Return the filename with the extension stripped off.
* For example:
* plFileName("C:\\Path\\Filename.ext") => "C:\\Path\\Filename"
plFileName StripFileExt() const;
/** Normalize slashes to a particular format. By default, we use the
* OS's native slash format.
* For example:
* plFileName("C:\\Path/Filename.ext").Normalize('\\') => "C:\\Path\\Filename.ext"
plFileName Normalize(char slash = PATH_SEPARATOR) const;
/** Expand relative filenames and ./.. pieces to an absolute path. */
plFileName AbsolutePath() const;
/** Join two path components together with the correct path separator.
* For example:
* plFileName::Join("C:\\Path", "Filename.ext") => "C:\\Path\\Filename.ext"
static plFileName Join(const plFileName &base, const plFileName &path);
/** Join three path components together with the correct path separator.
* \todo Make this more efficient.
static plFileName Join(const plFileName &base, const plFileName &path,
const plFileName& path2)
{ return Join(Join(base, path), path2); }
/** Join four path components together with the correct path separator.
* \todo Make this more efficient.
static plFileName Join(const plFileName &base, const plFileName &path,
const plFileName& path2, const plFileName &path3)
{ return Join(Join(Join(base, path), path2), path3); }
/** Append UTF-8 data from a C-style string pointer to the end of this
* filename object. Not to be confused with Join() -- do not use this
* for joining path components, or you will be shot by Zrax.
plFileName &operator+=(const char *cstr) { return operator=(fName + cstr); }
/** Append the string \a str to the end of this filename object.
* Not to be confused with Join() -- do not use this for joining path
* components, or you will be shot by Zrax.
plFileName &operator+=(const plString &str) { return operator=(fName + str); }
plString fName;
// See the comments in plString's nullptr_t constructors for more info:
plFileName(std::nullptr_t) { }
void operator=(std::nullptr_t) { }
void operator==(std::nullptr_t) const { }
void operator!=(std::nullptr_t) const { }
/** Concatentate a plFileName with a string constant. Not to be confused with
* plFileName::Join() -- do not use this for joining path components, or you
* will be shot by Zrax.
inline plFileName operator+(const plFileName &left, const char *right)
{ return left.AsString() + right; }
/** Concatentate a plFileName with a string constant. Not to be confused with
* plFileName::Join() -- do not use this for joining path components, or you
* will be shot by Zrax.
inline plFileName operator+(const char *left, const plFileName &right)
{ return left + right.AsString(); }
/** Structure to get information about a file by name.
* \sa plFileName
class plFileInfo
/** Construct an invalid plFileInfo which points to no file. */
: fFileSize(-1), fCreateTime(), fModifyTime(), fFlags() { }
/** Construct a plFileInfo and fill it with info about the specified
* file, if it exists.
explicit plFileInfo(const plFileName &filename);
/** Retrieve the filename associated with this info structure. */
const plFileName &FileName() const { return fName; }
/** Return whether the plFileInfo has been initialized. */
bool IsValid() const { return fName.IsValid(); }
/** Determine whether the file exists on the filesystem. */
bool Exists() const { return (fFlags & kEntryExists); }
/** Returns the size of the file on the disk, in bytes. */
int64_t FileSize() const { return fFileSize; }
/** Returns the creation time of the file. */
uint64_t CreateTime() const { return fCreateTime; }
/** Returns the last modification time of the file. */
uint64_t ModifyTime() const { return fModifyTime; }
/** Returns \p true if this file is a directory. */
bool IsDirectory() const { return (fFlags & kIsDirectory) != 0; }
/** Returns \p true if this file is a regular file. */
bool IsFile() const { return (fFlags & kIsNormalFile) != 0; }
plFileName fName;
int64_t fFileSize;
uint64_t fCreateTime, fModifyTime;
enum {
kEntryExists = (1<<0),
kIsDirectory = (1<<1),
kIsNormalFile = (1<<2),
uint32_t fFlags;
namespace plFileSystem
/** Get the current working directory of the application. */
plFileName GetCWD();
/** Change the current working directory. */
bool SetCWD(const plFileName &cwd);
/** Open a file using the correct platform fopen API. */
FILE *Open(const plFileName &filename, const char *mode);
/** Delete a file from the filesystem. */
bool Unlink(const plFileName &filename);
/** Move or rename a file. */
bool Move(const plFileName &from, const plFileName &to);
/** Copy a file to a new location. */
bool Copy(const plFileName &from, const plFileName &to);
/** Create a directory. If \a checkParents is \p true, this will also
* check the whole path and create any parent directories as needed.
bool CreateDir(const plFileName &dir, bool checkParents = false);
/** Fetch a list of files contained in the supplied \a path.
* If \a pattern is specified (e.g. "*.tmp"), use that to filter
* matches. Otherwise, all files in the path will be returned.
* Note that returned filenames include the provided path -- to
* get only the filename, call .GetFileName() on an entry.
std::vector ListDir(const plFileName &path,
const char *pattern = nullptr);
/** Fetch a list of subdirectories in the specified \a path.
* The returned list does not include the "." or ".." entries.
std::vector ListSubdirs(const plFileName &path);
/** Get the User's data directory. If it doesn't exist, this will
* create it.
plFileName GetUserDataPath();
/** Get the Init script direcotory. If it doesn't exist, this will
* create it. */
plFileName GetInitPath();
/** Get the Log output directory. If it doesn't exist, this will
* create it. */
plFileName GetLogPath();
/** Get the full path and filename of the current process. */
plFileName GetCurrentAppPath();
/** Create a temporary filename. If path is specified, the returned
* filename will be relative to the supplied path -- otherwise, the
* system temp path is used.
plFileName GetTempFilename(const char *prefix = "tmp", const plFileName &path = "");
/** Convert a file size from bytes to a human readable size. */
plString ConvertFileSize(uint64_t size);
#endif // plFileSystem_Defined