
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
 or by snail mail at:
      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
      Mead, WA   99021


#include "plAvBrain.h"
#include "hsTemplates.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/plKey.h"

class plArmatureMod;
class plWalkingController;
class plAIMsg;

class plAvBrainCritter : public plArmatureBrain
    enum CritterMode
        kIdle = 0,
        // anything >= kNumDefaultModes is user

    enum Anims
        kIdleAnim = 0,
        // anything >= kNumDefaultAnims this is user

    virtual ~plAvBrainCritter();

    GETINTERFACE_ANY(plAvBrainCritter, plArmatureBrain);

    hsBool Apply(double time, hsScalar elapsed);
    hsBool MsgReceive(plMessage* msg);

    virtual void Activate(plArmatureModBase* avMod);
    virtual void Deactivate();
    virtual void Suspend();
    virtual void Resume();

    void AddBehavior(const std::string& animationName, const std::string& behaviorName, bool loop = true, bool randomStartPos = true,
        float fadeInLen = 2.f, float fadeOutLen = 2.f);
    void StartBehavior(const std::string& behaviorName, bool fade = true);
    bool RunningBehavior(const std::string& behaviorName) const;
    void LocallyControlled(bool local) {fLocallyControlled = local;}
    bool LocallyControlled() const {return fLocallyControlled;}

    std::string BehaviorName(int behavior) const;
    std::string AnimationName(int behavior) const;
    int CurBehavior() const {return fCurMode;}
    int NextBehavior() const {return fNextMode;}

    std::string IdleBehaviorName() const;
    std::string RunBehaviorName() const;

    void GoToGoal(hsPoint3 newGoal, bool avoidingAvatars = false);
    hsPoint3 CurrentGoal() const {return fFinalGoalPos;}
    bool AvoidingAvatars() const {return fAvoidingAvatars;}
    bool AtGoal() const;

    void StopDistance(hsScalar stopDistance) {fStopDistance = stopDistance; fStopDistanceSquared = fStopDistance * fStopDistance;}
    hsScalar StopDistance() const {return fStopDistance;}

    void SightCone(hsScalar coneRad);
    hsScalar SightCone() const {return fSightConeAngle;}
    void SightDistance(hsScalar sightDis) {fSightDistance = sightDis; fSightDistanceSquared = fSightDistance * fSightDistance;}
    hsScalar SightDistance() const {return fSightDistance;}
    void HearingDistance(hsScalar hearDis);
    hsScalar HearingDistance() const {return fHearingDistance;}

    bool CanSeeAvatar(unsigned long id) const;
    bool CanHearAvatar(unsigned long id) const;

    std::vector<unsigned long> PlayersICanSee() const;
    std::vector<unsigned long> PlayersICanHear() const;

    hsVector3 VectorToPlayer(unsigned long id) const;

    void AddReceiver(const plKey key);
    void RemoveReceiver(const plKey key);

    virtual void DumpToDebugDisplay(int& x, int& y, int lineHeight, char* strBuf, plDebugText& debugTxt);

    plWalkingController* GetCallbackAction() {return fCallbackAction;}

    // For the console
    static bool fDrawDebug;

    virtual hsBool IInitBaseAnimations();

    int IPickBehavior(int behavior) const;
    int IPickBehavior(const std::string& behavior) const;

    void IFadeOutBehavior(); // fades out fCurMode
    void IStartBehavior(); // fades in and initializes fNextMode, then sets fCurMode
    void IProcessBehavior(double time, float elapsed); // processes fCurMode
    void IEvalGoal();
    hsScalar IGetTurnStrength(double time) const;

    std::vector<unsigned long> IGetAgePlayerIDList() const;

    bool ICanSeeAvatar(plArmatureMod* avatar) const;
    bool ICanHearAvatar(plArmatureMod* avatar) const;

    std::vector<plArmatureMod*> IAvatarsICanSee() const;
    std::vector<plArmatureMod*> IAvatarsICanHear() const;

    plWalkingController* fCallbackAction;
    int fCurMode; // current behavior we are running
    int fNextMode; // the next behavior to run (-1 if we aren't switching on next eval)
    bool fFadingNextBehavior; // is the next behavior supposed to blend?

    bool fLocallyControlled; // is our local AI script the one making all the choices?

    bool fAvoidingAvatars; // are we avoiding avatars to the best of our ability when pathfinding?
    hsPoint3 fFinalGoalPos; // the location we are pathfinding to
    hsPoint3 fImmediateGoalPos; // the location of the point we are immediately going towards (not necessarily our final goal)
    hsScalar fDotGoal; // dot product to our goal
    hsScalar fAngRight; // dot product of our local right-hand vector to our goal

    hsScalar fStopDistance; // how close we need to get to our goal before stopping
    hsScalar fStopDistanceSquared; // the above, squared, for faster calculation

    hsScalar fSightConeAngle; // in radians, the width of the cone we can see (/2 on each side of where we face, so 90deg cone is 45deg on each side)
    hsScalar fSightConeDotMin; // the minimum dot-product of the cone we can see (1 - straight ahead only, 0 - 90deg either side, -1 - 180 behind, or full 360)
    hsScalar fSightDistance; // how far away we can see (cone in front of us)
    hsScalar fSightDistanceSquared; // the above, squared, for faster calculation
    hsScalar fHearingDistance; // how far away we can hear (360 degrees)
    hsScalar fHearingDistanceSquared; // the above, squared, for faster calculation
    hsScalar fLoudHearingDistanceSquared; // how far away we can hear loud noises, squared, for faster calculation

    std::map<std::string, std::vector<int> > fUserBehaviors; // string is behavior name, internal vector is the list of behaviors that are randomly picked from

    std::vector<plKey> fReceivers; // list of people that want messages from us