
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

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(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

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#ifndef plTimedValue_inc
#define plTimedValue_inc

#include "hsTimer.h"

class hsStream;

// plTimedValue
// To use, replace your member var of type T with plTimedValue<T>.
// You can then pretty much treat it as normal. To set it to interpolate
// to a new value over secs seconds, use Set(newVal, secs).
// For I/O, see plTimedSimple and plTimedCompound.
template <class T> class plTimedValue
    T           fGoal;
    T           fInit;
    double      fStart;
    hsScalar    fInvSecs;

    plTimedValue() {}
    plTimedValue(const plTimedValue<T>& o) { Set(o, 0.f); }
    plTimedValue(const T& v) { Set(v, 0.f); }

    plTimedValue<T>& operator=(const plTimedValue<T>& o) { return Set(o, 0.f); }
    plTimedValue<T>& operator=(const T& v) { return Set(v, 0.f); }

    plTimedValue<T>& Set(const T& v, hsScalar secs=0);

    operator T () const { return Value(); }

    T Value() const;


// Read/Writable version of plTimedValue, for intrinsic types (e.g. int, float, bool).
// Must be a type that hsStream has an overloaded ReadSwap/WriteSwap defined.
template <class T> class plTimedSimple : public plTimedValue<T>
    plTimedSimple<T>& operator=(const plTimedValue<T>& o) { return Set(o, 0.f); }
    plTimedSimple<T>& operator=(const T& v) { return Set(v, 0.f); }

    plTimedSimple<T>& Set(const T& v, hsScalar secs=0) { plTimedValue<T>::Set(v, secs); return *this; }

    void Read(hsStream* s);
    void Write(hsStream* s) const;

// Read/Writable version of plTimedValue, for compound types (e.g. hsVector3, hsColorRGBA).
// May be any type that has Read(hsStream*)/Write(hsStream*) defined.
template <class T> class plTimedCompound : public plTimedValue<T>
    plTimedCompound<T>& operator=(const plTimedValue<T>& o) { return Set(o, 0.f); }
    plTimedCompound<T>& operator=(const T& v) { return Set(v, 0.f); }

    plTimedCompound<T>& Set(const T& v, hsScalar secs=0) { plTimedValue<T>::Set(v, secs); return *this; }

    void Read(hsStream* s);
    void Write(hsStream* s) const;

template <class T> 
plTimedValue<T>& plTimedValue<T>::Set(const T& v, hsScalar secs)
    if( secs <= 0 )
        fGoal = fInit = v;
        fInvSecs = 0;
        fInit = Value();
        fStart = hsTimer::GetSysSeconds();
        fInvSecs = 1.f / secs;
        fGoal = v;
    return *this;

template <class T> 
T plTimedValue<T>::Value() const
    if( fInvSecs > 0 )
        hsScalar t = (hsScalar)((hsTimer::GetSysSeconds() - fStart) * fInvSecs);
        hsAssert(t >= 0, "Moving back in time");

        if( t < 1.f )
            return fGoal * t + fInit * (1.f - t);

    return fGoal;

template <class T> 
void plTimedSimple<T>::Read(hsStream* s)
    T val;
    Set(val, 0.f);

template <class T> 
void plTimedSimple<T>::Write(hsStream* s) const
    T val = Value();

template <class T> 
void plTimedCompound<T>::Read(hsStream* s)
    T val;
    Set(val, 0.f);

template <class T> 
void plTimedCompound<T>::Write(hsStream* s) const
    T val = Value();

#endif // plTimedValue_inc