
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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#ifndef _pyKey_h_
#define _pyKey_h_

// pyKey   - the wrapper class around a plKey so that Python can handle it

#include "pnKeyedObject/plKey.h"

#include <Python.h>
#include "pyGlueHelpers.h"

class plPythonFileMod;
class pySceneObject;
class plPipeline;

//#include "plPythonHelpers.h"

class pyKey
        plKey               fKey;       // the plKey that we are holding onto
#ifndef BUILDING_PYPLASMA // pyPlasma (and other plugins) don't need all this extra junk)
        plPythonFileMod*    fPyFileMod;     // pointer to the PythonFileModifier

        hsBool          fNetForce;

    pyKey(plKey key);
    pyKey(plKey key, plPythonFileMod* pymod);

    // required functions for PyObject interoperability
    static PyObject *New(plKey key);
    static PyObject *New(pyKey *key);
    static PyObject *New(plKey key, plPythonFileMod *pyMod);
    static PyObject *New(pyKey *key, plPythonFileMod *pyMod);
    PYTHON_CLASS_CHECK_DEFINITION; // returns true if the PyObject is a pyKey object
    PYTHON_CLASS_CONVERT_FROM_DEFINITION(pyKey); // converts a PyObject to a pyKey (throws error if not correct type)

    static void AddPlasmaClasses(PyObject *m);

    // override the equals to operator
    hsBool operator==(const pyKey &key) const;
    hsBool operator!=(const pyKey &key) const { return !(key == *this); }

    // getter and setters
    virtual plKey getKey() { return fKey; }
    virtual void setKey(plKey key) { fKey=key; }
    virtual const char* getName() const { return fKey ? fKey->GetName() : "nil";    }
    PyObject* GetPySceneObject();

    virtual void SetNetForce(hsBool state);

    // methods to be sent to the plKey
    // send enable message to the plKey
    virtual void Enable();
    // send disable message to the plKey
    virtual void Disable();
    // if this is a modifier then get the (first) object its attached to
    virtual PyObject* GetParentObject();

    // special functions when the plKey is a pointer to the PythonModifier
    // (Only called from C++, not from Python directly)
    // Was the last plNotifyMsg a locally sent?
    virtual hsBool WasLocalNotify();
    // Is this python file mod attached to a clone?
    virtual hsBool IsAttachedToClone();
    // (old style - Used in pyNotify)
    // get the notify list count
    virtual Int32 NotifyListCount();
    // (old style - Used in pyNotify)
    // get a notify list item
    virtual plKey GetNotifyListItem(Int32 i);
    // Set the dirty state on the PythonModifier
    virtual void DirtySynchState(const char* SDLStateName, UInt32 sendFlags);

    // register and unregister for control key envents
    virtual void EnableControlKeyEvents();
    virtual void DisableControlKeyEvents();

    virtual plPipeline* GetPipeline();
    // build and send enable message to the plKey
    virtual void IEnable(hsBool state);

#endif // _pyKey_h_