
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

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(at your option) any later version.

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//                                                                          //
//  plInitFileReader - Helper class that parses a standard-format .ini file //
//                     and allows you to specify derived classes to handle  //
//                     interpreting specific portions.                      //
//                                                                          //

#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "plInitFileReader.h"

#include "hsStream.h"
#include "hsUtils.h"
#include "hsStringTokenizer.h"
#include "plEncryptedStream.h"

plInitSectionTokenReader::plInitSectionTokenReader( const char *separators ) : fSeparators( separators )

hsBool      plInitSectionTokenReader::ParseLine( const char *line, UInt32 userData )
    hsStringTokenizer izer( line, fSeparators );

    char *token = izer.next();
    return IParseToken( token, &izer, userData );

void    plInitFileReader::IInitReaders( plInitSectionReader **readerArray )
    UInt32      i;

    for( i = 0; readerArray[ i ] != nil; i++ )
        fSections.Append( readerArray[ i ] );

    hsAssert( fSections.GetCount() > 0, "No sections for initFileReader" );

    fCurrSection = fSections[ 0 ];

plInitFileReader::plInitFileReader( plInitSectionReader **readerArray, UInt16 lineSize )
    fRequireEncrypted = true;
    fCurrLine = nil;
    fLineSize = lineSize;
    fStream = fOurStream = nil;
    IInitReaders( readerArray );
    fUnhandledSection = nil;

plInitFileReader::plInitFileReader( const char *fileName, plInitSectionReader **readerArray, UInt16 lineSize )
    fRequireEncrypted = true;
    fCurrLine = nil;
    fLineSize = lineSize;
    fStream = fOurStream = nil;
    IInitReaders( readerArray );
    if( !Open( fileName ) )
        hsAssert( false, "Constructor open for plInitFileReader failed!" );
    fUnhandledSection = nil;

plInitFileReader::plInitFileReader( hsStream *stream, plInitSectionReader **readerArray, UInt16 lineSize )
    fRequireEncrypted = true;
    fCurrLine = nil;
    fLineSize = lineSize;
    fStream = fOurStream = nil;
    IInitReaders( readerArray );
    if( !Open( stream ) )
        hsAssert( false, "Constructor open for plInitFileReader failed!" );
    fUnhandledSection = nil;

    delete [] fCurrLine;

hsBool  plInitFileReader::Open( const char *fileName )
    if( fStream != nil )
        hsAssert( false, "Unable to open initFileReader; already open" );
        return false;

    fOurStream = plEncryptedStream::OpenEncryptedFile( fileName, fRequireEncrypted );

    if( fOurStream == nil )
        return false;

    fStream = fOurStream;

    return true;

hsBool  plInitFileReader::Open( hsStream *stream )
    if( fStream != nil )
        hsAssert( false, "Unable to open initFileReader; already open" );
        return false;

    fStream = stream;
    return true;

hsBool  plInitFileReader::Parse( UInt32 userData )
    hsAssert( fStream != nil, "Nil stream in initFileReader::Parse(); file not yet open?" );

    if( fCurrLine == nil )
        fCurrLine = TRACKED_NEW char[ fLineSize + 1 ];

    // Start parsing lines
    while( fStream->ReadLn( fCurrLine, fLineSize ) )
        // puts( fCurrLine );

        // Is line a section header?
        if( fCurrLine[ 0 ] == '[' )
            // Yes--match against our sections and switch to the given one
            char *end = strchr( fCurrLine, ']' );
            if( end != nil )
                *end = 0;

            UInt32      i;

            bool foundSection = false;
            for( i = 0; i < fSections.GetCount(); i++ )
                if( stricmp( fSections[ i ]->GetSectionName(), &fCurrLine[ 1 ] ) == 0 )
                    fCurrSection = fSections[ i ];
                    foundSection = true;

            if (!foundSection && fUnhandledSection)
                fCurrSection = fUnhandledSection;
            // Nope, just a line, pass to our current section tokenizer
            if( !fCurrSection->ParseLine( fCurrLine, userData ) )
                return false;

    return true;

void    plInitFileReader::Close( void )
    if( fStream == nil )

    if( fStream == fOurStream )
        delete fOurStream;
        fOurStream = nil;

    fStream = nil;