/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Avatar Console Commands and Groups // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE #define LIMIT_CONSOLE_COMMANDS 1 #endif #include "pfConsoleCore/pfConsoleCmd.h" #include "plgDispatch.h" #include "pfConsole.h" #include "hsResMgr.h" #include "pfMessage/plArmatureEffectMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plOneShotMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plAvatarMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plInputEventMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plSimStateMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plCCRMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plLinkToAgeMsg.h" #include "pnMessage/plNotifyMsg.h" #include "plModifier/plSpawnModifier.h" #include "plResMgr/plKeyFinder.h" #include "plAvatar/plArmatureMod.h" #include "plAvatar/plAvBrainCritter.h" #include "plAvatar/plAvBrainHuman.h" #include "plAvatar/plAvBrainSwim.h" #include "plAvatar/plAvBrainGeneric.h" #include "plAvatar/plAvatarMgr.h" #include "plAvatar/plSeekPointMod.h" #include "plAvatar/plOneShotMod.h" #include "plAvatar/plAGAnim.h" #include "plAvatar/plAvBrainUser.h" #include "plAvatar/plAvBrainHuman.h" #include "plAvatar/plNPCSpawnMod.h" #include "plAvatar/plAGAnimInstance.h" #include "plAvatar/plArmatureEffects.h" #include "plAvatar/plAvTaskSeek.h" //#include "../plHavok1/plSimulationMgr.h" #include "pnNetCommon/plNetApp.h" #include "plNetClient/plNetClientMgr.h" #include "plDrawable/plInstanceDrawInterface.h" #include "plDrawable/plDrawableSpans.h" #define PF_SANITY_CHECK( cond, msg ) { if( !( cond ) ) { PrintString( msg ); return; } } //// DO NOT REMOVE!!!! //// This is here so Microsoft VC won't decide to "optimize" this file out PF_CONSOLE_FILE_DUMMY(Avatar) //// DO NOT REMOVE!!!! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Please see pfConsoleCommands.cpp for detailed instructions on // how to add console commands. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // UTILITIES - LOCAL AND OTHERWISE // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// plKey FindSceneObjectByName(const char* name, const char* ageName, char* statusStr, bool subString=false); plKey FindObjectByName(const char* name, int type, const char* ageName, char* statusStr, bool subString=false); plKey FindObjectByNameAndType(const char* name, const char* typeName, const char* ageName, char* statusStr, bool subString=false); void PrintStringF(void pfun(const char *),const char * fmt, ...); PF_CONSOLE_GROUP( Avatar ) #ifndef LIMIT_CONSOLE_COMMANDS PF_CONSOLE_SUBGROUP( Avatar, Spawn ) PF_CONSOLE_SUBGROUP( Avatar, Multistage ) PF_CONSOLE_SUBGROUP( Avatar, X ) // experimental stuff PF_CONSOLE_SUBGROUP( Avatar, Climb ) PF_CONSOLE_SUBGROUP( Avatar, Turn ) // Turning config PF_CONSOLE_SUBGROUP( Avatar, Physics ) PF_CONSOLE_SUBGROUP( Avatar, Warp ) PF_CONSOLE_SUBGROUP( Avatar, Anim ) // anim commands PF_CONSOLE_SUBGROUP( Avatar, AG ) // animation graph stuff PF_CONSOLE_SUBGROUP( Avatar, LOD ) #endif // LIMIT_CONSOLE_COMMANDS #include "plAvatar/plAnimStage.h" plAvBrainHuman * GetMainAvatarBrain() { plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); if(avatar) { plAvBrainHuman *brain = plAvBrainHuman::ConvertNoRef(avatar->GetBrain(0)); if(brain) return brain; } return nil; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // THE COMMANDS // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // SPAWNING // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef LIMIT_CONSOLE_COMMANDS PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Spawn, Show, "", "Print a list of spawn points.") { plAvatarMgr *mgr = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance(); int n = mgr->NumSpawnPoints(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { const plSpawnModifier * spawn = mgr->GetSpawnPoint(i); if(spawn) { PrintStringF(PrintString, "%d. %s", i, spawn->GetKey()->GetName()); } } } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Spawn, Go, "int which", "Go a spawn point indicated by number.") { plAvatarMgr *mgr = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance(); int n = params[0]; int max = mgr->NumSpawnPoints(); if(n < max) { plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); if (avatar) { double fakeTime = 0.0f; avatar->SpawnAt(n, fakeTime); } } } static int whichSpawn = 0; PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Spawn, next, "", "Go to the next spawn point in sequence.") { plAvatarMgr *mgr = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance(); int max = mgr->NumSpawnPoints(); whichSpawn = ++whichSpawn < max ? whichSpawn : 0; plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); if(avatar) { PrintStringF(PrintString, "Spawning at point %d", whichSpawn); double fakeTime = 0.0f; avatar->SpawnAt(whichSpawn, fakeTime); } } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Spawn, prev, "", "Go to the prev spawn point in sequence.") { plAvatarMgr *mgr = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance(); int max = mgr->NumSpawnPoints(); whichSpawn= --whichSpawn >= 0 ? whichSpawn: max-1; plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); if(avatar) { PrintStringF(PrintString, "Spawning at point %d", whichSpawn); double fakeTime = 0.0f; avatar->SpawnAt(whichSpawn, fakeTime); } } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Spawn, Respawn,"", "Moves the avatar back to the start point.") { plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); if (avatar) { avatar->Spawn(0); } } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Spawn, SetSpawnOverride, "string spawnPointName", "Overrides the normal spawn point choice to be the object specified.") { plArmatureMod::SetSpawnPointOverride( (const char *)params[ 0 ] ); char str1[ 512 ]; sprintf( str1, "Spawn point override set to object %s", (const char *)params[ 0 ] ); PrintString( str1 ); } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Spawn, DontPanic,"", "Toggles the Don't panic link flag.") { plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); if (avatar) { bool state = avatar->ToggleDontPanicLinkFlag(); char str1[256]; sprintf(str1, "DontPanic set to %s", state?"true":"false"); PrintString( str1 ); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TURN TUNING // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Turn, GetMaxTurn, "int walk", "Show the maximum turn speed in radians per second.") { plAvBrainHuman *brain = GetMainAvatarBrain(); float maxTurn = brain->GetMaxTurnSpeed((int)params[0] != 0); PrintStringF(PrintString, "Avatar max turn speed is %f radians per second.", maxTurn); } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Turn, SetMaxTurn, "float maxTurn, int walk", "Set the maximum turn speed in radians per second.") { plAvBrainHuman *brain = GetMainAvatarBrain(); float newMaxTurn = params[0]; brain->SetMaxTurnSpeed(newMaxTurn, (int)params[1] != 0); PrintStringF(PrintString, "Set the avatar max turn speed to %f radians per second.", newMaxTurn); } // TURN TIME PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Turn, GetTurnTime, "int walk", "Show the amount of time required to reach max turn speed.") { plAvBrainHuman *brain = GetMainAvatarBrain(); float turnTime = brain->GetTimeToMaxTurn((int)params[0] != 0); PrintStringF(PrintString, "The amount of time required to reach max avatar turn speed is %f seconds.", turnTime); } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Turn, SetTurnTime, "float turnTime, int walk", "Set the amount of time required to reach max turn speed.") { plAvBrainHuman *brain = GetMainAvatarBrain(); float newTurnTime = params[0]; brain->SetTimeToMaxTurn(newTurnTime, (int)params[1] != 0); PrintStringF(PrintString, "Set the amount of time required to reach max avatar turn speed to %f seconds.", newTurnTime); } // TURN TYPE PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Turn, GetTurnType, "int walk", "Show the amount of time required to reach max turn speed.") { plAvBrainHuman *brain = GetMainAvatarBrain(); int turnType = brain->GetTurnCurve((int)params[0] != 0); PrintStringF(PrintString, "The avatar turn curve type is %d.", turnType); } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Turn, SetTurnType, "int turnType, int walk", "Set the turn acceleration curve type [0..2].") { plAvBrainHuman *brain = GetMainAvatarBrain(); int newCurveType = params[0]; brain->SetTurnCurve(plAvBrainHuman::TurnCurve(newCurveType), (int)params[1] != 0); PrintStringF(PrintString, "Set turn curve to %d.", newCurveType); } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Turn, SetMouseTurnSensitivity, "float sensitivity", "Set how strong the mouse affects turning.") { plArmatureMod::SetMouseTurnSensitivity(params[0]); PrintStringF(PrintString, "Set mouse sensitivity to %f", (float)params[0]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MULTISTAGE // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MULTISTAGE.TRIGGER PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Multistage, Trigger, "string multiComp", "Triggers the named Multistage Animation component") { char str[256]; plKey key = FindObjectByNameAndType((const char*)params[0], "plMultistageBehMod", nil, str, true); PrintString(str); if (key) { plNotifyMsg *msg = TRACKED_NEW plNotifyMsg; msg->fType = plNotifyMsg::kActivator; msg->fState = 1; // Triggered // Setup the event data in case this is a OneShot responder that needs it plKey playerKey = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar()->GetKey(); proPickedEventData *ed = TRACKED_NEW proPickedEventData; ed->fPicker = playerKey; ed->fPicked = key; // ??? msg->AddEvent(ed); // Send it to the responder modifier msg->AddReceiver(key); plgDispatch::MsgSend(msg); } } // MULTISTAGE.ADVANCE PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Multistage, Advance, "", "Advances the avatar's current multistage to the next stage.") { plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); if (avatar) { plKey avKey = avatar->GetKey(); plAvBrainGenericMsg *msg = TRACKED_NEW plAvBrainGenericMsg(nil, avKey, plAvBrainGenericMsg::kNextStage, 0, true, 0.5f); msg->Send(); } } // MULTISTAGE.REGRESS PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Multistage, Regress, "", "Regresses the avatar's current multistage to the previous stage.") { plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); if (avatar) { plKey avKey = avatar->GetKey(); plAvBrainGenericMsg *msg = TRACKED_NEW plAvBrainGenericMsg(nil, avKey, plAvBrainGenericMsg::kPrevStage, 0, true, 0.5f); msg->Send(); } } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Multistage, Mode, "string stage1, string stage2, string stage3", "make a simple multistage") { plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); const char *one = params[0]; const char *two = params[1]; const char *three = params[2]; PushSimpleMultiStage(avatar, one, two, three, true, true, plAGAnim::kBodyFull); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MISCKELANYOUS // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar, Debug, "", "Toggle the avatar debug display.") { static int toggle = 0; plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); if(avatar) { toggle = toggle ? 0 : 1; avatar->SetDebugState(toggle); } } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar, DebugByID, "int PlayerID", "Show debug display for a specific avatar.") { plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->FindAvatarByPlayerID((int)params[0]); if (avatar) { avatar->SetDebugState(!avatar->GetDebugState()); } } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar, LogSmartSeek, "int enabled", "Enable/Disable smart seek logging (avatar.log)") { plAvTaskSeek::fLogProcess = ((int)params[0] == 1); } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar, PopBrain, "", "Remove the topmost brain from the avatar. Careful there, sport.") { plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); if(avatar) { avatar->PopBrain(); } } #include "plScene/plRelevanceMgr.h" PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar, MarkRelevanceRegion, "string regionA, string regionB, int wantsUpdate", "Mark whether avatars in regionA want updates on those on regionB" ) { plRelevanceMgr *mgr = plRelevanceMgr::Instance(); char *regA = params[0]; char *regB = params[1]; mgr->MarkRegion(mgr->GetIndex(regA), mgr->GetIndex(regB), params[2]); } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar, ToggleRelevanceRegions, "", "Enable/Disable all relevance regions" ) { plRelevanceMgr *mgr = plRelevanceMgr::Instance(); mgr->SetEnabled(!mgr->GetEnabled()); char buff[256]; sprintf(buff, "All relevance regions are now %s", (mgr->GetEnabled() ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED")); PrintString(buff); } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar, SeekPoint, "string seekpoint", "Move to the given seekpoint.") { char *spName = params[0]; plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); if(avatar) { char buff[256]; plKey seekKey = FindSceneObjectByName(spName, nil, buff); plSeekPointMod *mod = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->FindSeekPoint(spName); if(mod) { plKey seekKey = mod->GetKey(); plSeekPointMod *seekMod = (plSeekPointMod *)seekKey->GetObjectPtr(); plSceneObject *seekTarget = seekMod->GetTarget(0); plKey targetKey = seekTarget->GetKey(); plKey avKey = avatar->GetKey(); hsScalar unused = 0.0f; plAvSeekMsg *msg = TRACKED_NEW plAvSeekMsg(nil, avKey, targetKey, unused, false); plgDispatch::MsgSend(msg); } } } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar, ShowLocations, "", "Show player positions/orientations" ) { hsBool curVal = plNetClientApp::GetInstance()->GetFlagsBit(plNetClientApp::kShowAvatars); plNetClientApp::GetInstance()->SetFlagsBit(plNetClientApp::kShowAvatars, !curVal); } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar, SetFootEffect, "int group", "Force the avatar to use certain footstep effects" ) { const plArmatureMod *avMod = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); if (avMod) { plArmatureEffectStateMsg *msg = TRACKED_NEW plArmatureEffectStateMsg(); msg->AddReceiver(avMod->GetArmatureEffects()->GetKey()); msg->fSurface = (int)params[0]; plgDispatch::MsgSend(msg); } } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar, SetStealthMode, "int mode", "Set the stealth mode of your avatar.") { const plArmatureMod *avMod = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); if (avMod) { int mode=params[0]; plKey avKey=avMod->GetTarget(0)->GetKey(); int level = mode==plAvatarStealthModeMsg::kStealthVisible ? 0 : 1; // send msg to make myself invisible locally plAvatarStealthModeMsg *msg = TRACKED_NEW plAvatarStealthModeMsg(); msg->SetSender(avKey); msg->fMode = mode; msg->fLevel = level; plgDispatch::MsgSend(msg); // send net msg to other players to synch them up // the msg will go to their NetClientMgr who will decide whether they see // our avatar as total or semi-invisible based on the invis level. plCCRInvisibleMsg *invisMsg = TRACKED_NEW plCCRInvisibleMsg; // ctor sets flags and receiver invisMsg->fInvisLevel=level; invisMsg->fAvKey=avKey; invisMsg->Send(); } } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar, SortFaces, "", "Toggle sorting of polys on the avatar" ) { const plArmatureMod *avMod = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); const plSceneObject *so = avMod->GetClothingSO(0); plInstanceDrawInterface *idi = plInstanceDrawInterface::ConvertNoRef(const_cast(so->GetDrawInterface())); plDrawableSpans *drawable = idi->GetInstanceDrawable(); drawable->SetNativeProperty(plDrawable::kPropSortFaces, !drawable->GetNativeProperty(plDrawable::kPropSortFaces)); } #endif // LIMIT_CONSOLE_COMMANDS PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar, SetMouseTurnSensitivity, "float sensitivity", "Set how strong the mouse affects turning.") { plArmatureMod::SetMouseTurnSensitivity(params[0]); PrintStringF(PrintString, "Set mouse sensitivity to %f", (float)params[0]); } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar, ClickToTurn, "bool b", "Set click-to-turn functionality.") { bool b = params[0]; plArmatureMod::fClickToTurn = b; } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar, FakeLinkToObj, "string objName", "Pseudo-Link the avatar to the specified object's location") { char *spName = params[0]; char buff[256]; plKey seekKey = FindSceneObjectByName(spName, nil, buff); if (!seekKey) { PrintString("Can't find object with that name, fake link failed."); return; } plPseudoLinkEffectMsg* msg = TRACKED_NEW plPseudoLinkEffectMsg; msg->fAvatarKey = plNetClientMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalPlayerKey(); msg->fLinkObjKey = seekKey; plgDispatch::MsgSend(msg); } #ifndef LIMIT_CONSOLE_COMMANDS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PHYSICS // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Physics, TogglePhysical, "", "Disable/enable physics on the avatar.") { plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); if(avatar) { plControlEventMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plControlEventMsg; pMsg->SetControlActivated(true); pMsg->SetControlCode(B_CONTROL_TOGGLE_PHYSICAL); avatar->MsgReceive(pMsg); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Animation // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Anim, BlendAnim, "string Animation, float blendFactor", "Blend the given animation with the current animation.") { char *animationName = params[0]; float blendFactor = params[1]; plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); if (avatar && animationName) { plAGAnim * anim = plAGAnim::FindAnim(animationName); if(anim) { plAGAnimInstance * inst = avatar->AttachAnimationBlended(animationName, blendFactor); inst->SetLoop(true); } else PrintString("BlendAnim: Couldn't find animation."); } } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Anim, BlendAnimPri, "string Animation, float blendFactor, int priority", "Blend animation using priority.") { char *animationName = params[0]; float blendFactor = params[1]; int priority = params[2]; plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); if (avatar && animationName) { plAGAnim * anim = plAGAnim::FindAnim(animationName); if(anim) { plAGAnimInstance * inst = avatar->AttachAnimationBlended(animationName, blendFactor, priority); inst->SetLoop(true); } else PrintString("BlendAnim: Couldn't find animation."); } } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Anim, PlaySimpleAnim, "string AvatarName, string Animation", "Play a simple (root not animated) one time animation on the avatar") { plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->FindAvatarByModelName(params[0]); if (avatar) avatar->PlaySimpleAnim(params[1]); } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Anim, DetachAnim, "string Animation", "Remove the given animation from the avatar.") { char *animationName = params[0]; plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); if (avatar && animationName) { plAGAnimInstance * instance = avatar->FindAnimInstance(animationName); if(instance) avatar->DetachAnimation(instance); else PrintString("DetachAnim: Couldn't find animation on avatar."); } } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Anim, SetBlend, "string Animation, float blend", "Set the blend of the given animation.") { char *animationName = params[0]; float blend = params[1]; plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); if (avatar && animationName) { plAGAnimInstance *anim = avatar->FindAnimInstance(animationName); if(anim) anim->SetBlend(blend); else PrintString("SetBlend: Couldn't find animation."); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // LOD // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_LOD, SetLOD, "int lod", "Show only the selected LOD.") { plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); if(avatar) { plArmatureLODMod *lodder = plArmatureLODMod::ConvertNoRef(avatar); if(lodder) { int lod = params[0]; lodder->SetLOD(lod); } else { PrintString("SetLOD: found avatar, but it doesn't support LOD."); } } else { PrintString("SetLOD: couldn't find avatar with that name."); } } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_LOD, LimitLOD, "int newLOD", "Zero is (always) highest detail; 2 is (currently) lowest." ) { int newLOD = params[0]; if(newLOD >= 0 && newLOD <= 2) plArmatureLODMod::fMinLOD = newLOD; } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_LOD, SetLODDistance, "float newDist", "Set Distance for switching Avatar LOD" ) { plArmatureLODMod::fLODDistance = float(params[0]); } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_LOD, GetLODDistance, "", "Get Distance for switching Avatar LOD" ) { char buffer[256]; sprintf(buffer, "Lod Distance = %f", plArmatureLODMod::fLODDistance); PrintString(buffer); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLIMBING // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "plAvatar/plAvBrainClimb.h" PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Climb, Start, "string direction", "Specify initial mount direction: up, down, left, right") { plArmatureMod *avMod = const_cast(plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar()); if(avMod) { const char *dirStr = params[0]; plAvBrainClimb::Mode mode; if(stricmp(dirStr, "up") == 0) mode = plAvBrainClimb::kMountingUp; else if(stricmp(dirStr, "down") == 0) mode = plAvBrainClimb::kMountingDown; else if(stricmp(dirStr, "left") == 0) mode = plAvBrainClimb::kMountingLeft; else if(stricmp(dirStr, "right") == 0) mode = plAvBrainClimb::kMountingRight; plAvBrainClimb *brain = TRACKED_NEW plAvBrainClimb(mode); avMod->PushBrain(brain); } } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Climb, EnableDismount, "string direction", "Let the avatar dismount in the specified direction.") { plArmatureMod *avMod = const_cast(plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar()); if(avMod) { plKey mgr = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetKey(); plKey avKey = avMod->GetKey(); const char *dirStr = params[0]; plClimbMsg::Direction dir; if(stricmp(dirStr, "up") == 0) dir = plClimbMsg::kUp; else if(stricmp(dirStr, "down") == 0) dir = plClimbMsg::kDown; else if(stricmp(dirStr, "left") == 0) dir = plClimbMsg::kLeft; else if(stricmp(dirStr, "right") == 0) dir = plClimbMsg::kRight; plClimbMsg *msg = TRACKED_NEW plClimbMsg(mgr, avKey, plClimbMsg::kEnableDismount, dir, true); msg->Send(); } } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Climb, EnableClimb, "string direction, int onOff", "Allow or forbid climbing in the given direction.") { plArmatureMod *avMod = const_cast(plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar()); if(avMod) { plKey mgr = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetKey(); plKey avKey = avMod->GetKey(); const char *dirStr = params[0]; plClimbMsg::Direction dir; if(stricmp(dirStr, "up") == 0) dir = plClimbMsg::kUp; else if(stricmp(dirStr, "down") == 0) dir = plClimbMsg::kDown; else if(stricmp(dirStr, "left") == 0) dir = plClimbMsg::kLeft; else if(stricmp(dirStr, "right") == 0) dir = plClimbMsg::kRight; hsBool enable = static_cast(params[1]) ? true : false; plClimbMsg *msg = TRACKED_NEW plClimbMsg(mgr, avKey, plClimbMsg::kEnableClimb, dir, enable); msg->Send(); } } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Climb, Release, "", "") { plArmatureMod *avMod = const_cast(plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar()); if(avMod) { plKey mgr = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetKey(); plKey avKey = avMod->GetKey(); plClimbMsg *msg = TRACKED_NEW plClimbMsg(mgr, avKey, plClimbMsg::kRelease); msg->Send(); } } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Climb, FallOff, "", "") { plArmatureMod *avMod = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); if(avMod) { plKey mgr = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetKey(); plKey avKey = avMod->GetKey(); plClimbMsg *msg = TRACKED_NEW plClimbMsg(mgr, avKey, plClimbMsg::kFallOff); msg->Send(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // SWIMMING // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PF_CONSOLE_SUBGROUP( Avatar, Swim ) PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Swim, Start, "", "") { plArmatureMod *avMod = const_cast(plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar()); if(avMod) { plAvBrainSwim * brayne = TRACKED_NEW plAvBrainSwim(); avMod->PushBrain(brayne); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // WARP // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // void WarpPlayerToAnother(hsBool iMove, UInt32 remoteID) PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Warp, WarpToPlayer, "int PlayerID", "Warp our player to the same position as another player.") { plAvatarMgr::WarpPlayerToAnother(true, (int)params[0]); } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Warp, WarpPlayerHere, "int PlayerID", "Warp another player to the same position as us.") { plAvatarMgr::WarpPlayerToAnother(false, (int)params[0]); } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_Warp, WarpToXYZ, "float x, float y, float z", "Warp our avatar to the given location.") { plAvatarMgr::WarpPlayerToXYZ((float)params[0], (float)params[1], (float)params[2]); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // AG (Animation Graph) // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "hsTimer.h" PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_AG, DumpFull, "", "print out the animation graph for the avatar") { plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); double time = hsTimer::GetSysSeconds(); avatar->DumpAniGraph(nil, false, time); } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_AG, DumpFullOptimized, "", "print out the optimized animation graph for the avatar") { plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); double time = hsTimer::GetSysSeconds(); avatar->DumpAniGraph(nil, true, time); } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_AG, DumpSingle, "string boneName", "print out the animation graph for the given (avatar) bone") { plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); double time = hsTimer::GetSysSeconds(); const char *bone = params[0]; avatar->DumpAniGraph(bone, false, time); } PF_CONSOLE_CMD( Avatar_AG, DumpSingleOptimized, "string boneName", "print out the optimized animatoin graph for the given (avatar) bone") { plArmatureMod *avatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); double time = hsTimer::GetSysSeconds(); const char *bone = params[0]; avatar->DumpAniGraph(bone, true, time); } #endif // LIMIT_CONSOLE_COMMANDS