/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "hsTypes.h" #include "hsBounds.h" #include "hsFastMath.h" #include "plVisLOSMgr.h" #include "plSpaceTree.h" #include "plDrawableSpans.h" #include "plAccessGeometry.h" #include "plAccessSpan.h" #include "plSurface/hsGMaterial.h" #include "plSurface/plLayerInterface.h" #include "plScene/plSceneNode.h" #include "plScene/plPageTreeMgr.h" // Stuff for cursor los #include "plInputCore/plInputDevice.h" #include "plPipeline.h" #include "plTweak.h" #include <algorithm> #include <functional> plVisLOSMgr* plVisLOSMgr::Instance() { static plVisLOSMgr inst; return &inst; } hsBool plVisLOSMgr::ICheckSpaceTreeRecur(plSpaceTree* space, int which, hsTArray<plSpaceHit>& hits) { const plSpaceTreeNode& node = space->GetNode(which); if( node.fFlags & plSpaceTreeNode::kDisabled ) return false; hsScalar closest; // If it's a hit if( ICheckBound(node.fWorldBounds, closest) ) { // If it's a leaf, if( node.IsLeaf() ) { // add it to the list with the closest intersection point, plSpaceHit* hit = hits.Push(); hit->fIdx = which; hit->fClosest = closest; return true; } // else recurse on its children else { hsBool retVal = false; if( ICheckSpaceTreeRecur(space, node.GetChild(0), hits) ) retVal = true; if( ICheckSpaceTreeRecur(space, node.GetChild(1), hits) ) retVal = true; return retVal; } } return false; } struct plCompSpaceHit : public std::binary_function<plSpaceHit, plSpaceHit, bool> { bool operator()( const plSpaceHit& lhs, const plSpaceHit& rhs) const { return lhs.fClosest < rhs.fClosest; } }; hsBool plVisLOSMgr::ICheckSpaceTree(plSpaceTree* space, hsTArray<plSpaceHit>& hits) { hits.SetCount(0); if( space->IsEmpty() ) return false; // Hierarchical search down the tree for bounds intersecting the current ray. hsBool retVal = ICheckSpaceTreeRecur(space, space->GetRoot(), hits); // Now sort them front to back. plSpaceHit* begin = hits.AcquireArray(); plSpaceHit* end = begin + hits.GetCount(); std::sort(begin, end, plCompSpaceHit()); return retVal; } hsBool plVisLOSMgr::ISetup(const hsPoint3& pStart, const hsPoint3& pEnd) { fCurrFrom = pStart; fCurrTarg = pEnd; fMaxDist = hsVector3(&fCurrTarg, &fCurrFrom).Magnitude(); const hsScalar kMinMaxDist(0); return fMaxDist > kMinMaxDist; } hsBool plVisLOSMgr::Check(const hsPoint3& pStart, const hsPoint3& pEnd, plVisHit& hit) { if( !fPageMgr ) return false; // Setup any internals, like fMaxDist if( !ISetup(pStart, pEnd) ) return false; // Go through the nodes in the PageMgr and find the closest // point of intersection for each scene node. If none are before // pEnd, return false. // Node come out sorted by closest point, front to back static hsTArray<plSpaceHit> hits; if( !ICheckSpaceTree(fPageMgr->GetSpaceTree(), hits) ) return false; // In front to back order, check inside each node. // Our max distance can be changing as we do this, because a // face hit will limit how far we need to look. When we hit the // first node with a closest distance < fMaxDist, we're done. hsBool retVal = false; int i; for( i = 0; i < hits.GetCount(); i++ ) { if( hits[i].fClosest > fMaxDist ) break; if( ICheckSceneNode(fPageMgr->GetNodes()[hits[i].fIdx], hit) ) retVal = true; } return retVal; } hsBool plVisLOSMgr::ICheckSceneNode(plSceneNode* node, plVisHit& hit) { static hsTArray<plSpaceHit> hits; if( !ICheckSpaceTree(node->GetSpaceTree(), hits) ) return false; hsBool retVal = false; int i; for( i = 0; i < hits.GetCount(); i++ ) { if( hits[i].fClosest > fMaxDist ) break; if( (node->GetDrawPool()[hits[i].fIdx]->GetRenderLevel().Level() > 0) && !node->GetDrawPool()[hits[i].fIdx]->GetNativeProperty(plDrawable::kPropHasVisLOS) ) continue; if( ICheckDrawable(node->GetDrawPool()[hits[i].fIdx], hit) ) retVal = true; } return retVal; } hsBool plVisLOSMgr::ICheckDrawable(plDrawable* d, plVisHit& hit) { plDrawableSpans* ds = plDrawableSpans::ConvertNoRef(d); if( !ds ) return false; static hsTArray<plSpaceHit> hits; if( !ICheckSpaceTree(ds->GetSpaceTree(), hits) ) return false; const hsBool isOpaque = !ds->GetRenderLevel().Level(); const hsTArray<plSpan *> spans = ds->GetSpanArray(); hsBool retVal = false; int i; for( i = 0; i < hits.GetCount(); i++ ) { if( hits[i].fClosest > fMaxDist ) break; if( isOpaque || (spans[hits[i].fIdx]->fProps & plSpan::kVisLOS) ) { if( ICheckSpan(ds, hits[i].fIdx, hit) ) retVal = true; } } return retVal; } hsBool plVisLOSMgr::ICheckSpan(plDrawableSpans* dr, UInt32 spanIdx, plVisHit& hit) { if( !(dr->GetSpan(spanIdx)->fTypeMask & plSpan::kIcicleSpan) ) return false; plAccessSpan src; plAccessGeometry::Instance()->OpenRO(dr, spanIdx, src); const hsBool twoSided = !!(src.GetMaterial()->GetLayer(0)->GetMiscFlags() & hsGMatState::kMiscTwoSided); hsBool retVal = false; // We move into local space, look for hits, and convert the closest we find // (if any) back into world space at the end. hsPoint3 currFrom = src.GetWorldToLocal() * fCurrFrom; hsPoint3 currTarg = src.GetWorldToLocal() * fCurrTarg; hsVector3 currDir(&currTarg, &currFrom); hsScalar maxDist = currDir.Magnitude(); currDir /= maxDist; plAccTriIterator tri(&src.AccessTri()); for( tri.Begin(); tri.More(); tri.Advance() ) { // Project the current ray onto the tri plane hsVector3 norm = hsVector3(&tri.Position(1), &tri.Position(0)) % hsVector3(&tri.Position(2), &tri.Position(0)); hsScalar dotNorm = norm.InnerProduct(currDir); const hsScalar kMinDotNorm = 1.e-3f; if( dotNorm >= -kMinDotNorm ) { if( !twoSided ) continue; if( dotNorm <= kMinDotNorm ) continue; } hsScalar dist = hsVector3(&tri.Position(0), &currFrom).InnerProduct(norm); if( dist > 0 ) continue; dist /= dotNorm; hsPoint3 projPt = currFrom; projPt += currDir * dist; // If the distance from source point to projected point is too long, skip if( dist > maxDist ) continue; // Find the 3 cross products (v[i+1]-v[i]) X (proj - v[i]) dotted with current ray hsVector3 cross0 = hsVector3(&tri.Position(1), &tri.Position(0)) % hsVector3(&projPt, &tri.Position(0)); hsScalar dot0 = cross0.InnerProduct(currDir); hsVector3 cross1 = hsVector3(&tri.Position(2), &tri.Position(1)) % hsVector3(&projPt, &tri.Position(1)); hsScalar dot1 = cross1.InnerProduct(currDir); hsVector3 cross2 = hsVector3(&tri.Position(0), &tri.Position(2)) % hsVector3(&projPt, &tri.Position(2)); hsScalar dot2 = cross2.InnerProduct(currDir); // If all 3 are negative, projPt is a hit // If all 3 are positive and we're two sided, projPt is a hit // We've already checked for back facing (when we checked for edge on in projection), // so we'll accept either case here. if( ((dot0 <= 0) && (dot1 <= 0) && (dot2 <= 0)) ||((dot0 >= 0) && (dot1 >= 0) && (dot2 >= 0)) ) { if( dist < maxDist ) { maxDist = dist; hit.fPos = projPt; retVal = true; } } } plAccessGeometry::Instance()->Close(src); if( retVal ) { hit.fPos = src.GetLocalToWorld() * hit.fPos; fCurrTarg = hit.fPos; fMaxDist = hsVector3(&fCurrTarg, &fCurrFrom).Magnitude(); } return retVal; } hsBool plVisLOSMgr::ICheckBound(const hsBounds3Ext& bnd, hsScalar& closest) { if( bnd.GetType() != kBoundsNormal ) return false; if( bnd.IsInside(&fCurrFrom) || bnd.IsInside(&fCurrTarg) ) { closest = 0; return true; } const int face[6][4] = { {0,1,3,2}, {1,5,7,3}, {2,3,7,6}, {5,4,6,7}, {0,4,5,1}, {0,2,6,4} }; hsPoint3 corn[8]; bnd.GetCorners(corn); hsBool retVal = false; const hsPoint3& currFrom = fCurrFrom; const hsPoint3& currTarg = fCurrTarg; hsVector3 currDir(&currTarg, &currFrom); const hsScalar maxDistSq = currDir.MagnitudeSquared(); currDir *= hsFastMath::InvSqrt(maxDistSq); int i; for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { const hsPoint3& p0 = corn[face[i][0]]; const hsPoint3& p1 = corn[face[i][1]]; const hsPoint3& p2 = corn[face[i][2]]; const hsPoint3& p3 = corn[face[i][3]]; // Project the current ray onto the tri plane hsVector3 norm = hsVector3(&p1, &p0) % hsVector3(&p2, &p0); hsScalar dotNorm = norm.InnerProduct(currDir); const hsScalar kMinDotNorm = 1.e-3f; if( dotNorm >= -kMinDotNorm ) { continue; } hsScalar dist = hsVector3(&p0, &currFrom).InnerProduct(norm); if( dist >= 0 ) continue; dist /= dotNorm; // If the distance from source point to projected point is too long, skip if( dist > fMaxDist ) continue; hsPoint3 projPt = currFrom; projPt += currDir * dist; // Find the 3 cross products (v[i+1]-v[i]) X (proj - v[i]) dotted with current ray hsVector3 cross0 = hsVector3(&p1, &p0) % hsVector3(&projPt, &p0); hsScalar dot0 = cross0.InnerProduct(currDir); hsVector3 cross1 = hsVector3(&p2, &p1) % hsVector3(&projPt, &p1); hsScalar dot1 = cross1.InnerProduct(currDir); hsVector3 cross2 = hsVector3(&p3, &p2) % hsVector3(&projPt, &p2); hsScalar dot2 = cross2.InnerProduct(currDir); hsVector3 cross3 = hsVector3(&p0, &p3) % hsVector3(&projPt, &p3); hsScalar dot3 = cross3.InnerProduct(currDir); // If all 4 are negative, projPt is a hit if( (dot0 <= 0) && (dot1 <= 0) && (dot2 <= 0) && (dot3 <= 0) ) { closest = dist; return true; } } return false; } hsBool plVisLOSMgr::CursorCheck(plVisHit& hit) { Int32 sx= Int32(plMouseDevice::Instance()->GetCursorX() * fPipe->Width()); Int32 sy= Int32(plMouseDevice::Instance()->GetCursorY() * fPipe->Height()); hsPoint3 from = fPipe->GetViewPositionWorld(); plConst(hsScalar) dist(1.e5f); hsPoint3 targ; fPipe->ScreenToWorldPoint(1, 0, &sx, &sy, dist, 0, &targ); return Check(from, targ, hit); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "plPipeline.h" #include "../pnSceneObject/plSceneObject.h" static plSceneObject* marker = nil; static plPipeline* pipe = nil; void VisLOSHackBegin(plPipeline* p, plSceneObject* m) { marker = m; pipe = p; } void VisLOSHackPulse() { if( !pipe ) return; plVisHit hit; if( plVisLOSMgr::Instance()->CursorCheck(hit) ) { if( marker ) { hsMatrix44 l2w = marker->GetLocalToWorld(); l2w.fMap[0][3] = hit.fPos.fX; l2w.fMap[1][3] = hit.fPos.fY; l2w.fMap[2][3] = hit.fPos.fZ; l2w.NotIdentity(); hsMatrix44 w2l; l2w.GetInverse(&w2l); marker->SetTransform(l2w, w2l); } } }