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// pfLocalizationDataMgr - singleton class for managing the
//                         localization XML data tree

#include "HeadSpin.h"
#include "plString.h"

#include "plResMgr/plLocalization.h"

#include "plFile/plEncryptedStream.h"
#include "plStatusLog/plStatusLog.h"

#include "pfLocalizedString.h"
#include "pfLocalizationMgr.h"
#include "pfLocalizationDataMgr.h"

#include <expat.h>
#include <stack>

// LocalizationXMLFile - a basic class for storing all the
//                       localization data grabbed from a single XML
//                       file

class LocalizationXMLFile
    //replace friend by static because of conflits with subtitleXMLFile
    static void XMLCALL StartTag(void *userData, const XML_Char *element, const XML_Char **attributes);
    static void XMLCALL EndTag(void *userData, const XML_Char *element);
    static void XMLCALL HandleData(void *userData, const XML_Char *data, int stringLength);
    friend class LocalizationDatabase;

    // first string is language, second is data
    typedef std::map<plString, plString> element;

    // the string is the element name
    typedef std::map<plString, element> set;

    // the string is the set name
    typedef std::map<plString, set> age;

    // the string is the age name
    typedef std::map<plString, age> ageMap;

    bool fWeExploded; // alternative to massive error stack
    plFileName fFilename;
    XML_Parser fParser;

    struct tagInfo
        plString fTag;
        std::map<plString, plString> fAttributes;
    std::stack<tagInfo> fTagStack;

    int fSkipDepth; // if we need to skip a block, this is the depth we need to skip to

    bool fIgnoreContents; // are we ignoring the contents between tags?
    plString fCurrentAge, fCurrentSet, fCurrentElement, fCurrentTranslation;

    ageMap fData;

    void IHandleLocalizationsTag(const tagInfo & parentTag, const tagInfo & thisTag);

    void IHandleAgeTag(const tagInfo & parentTag, const tagInfo & thisTag);
    void IHandleSetTag(const tagInfo & parentTag, const tagInfo & thisTag);
    void IHandleElementTag(const tagInfo & parentTag, const tagInfo & thisTag);
    void IHandleTranslationTag(const tagInfo & parentTag, const tagInfo & thisTag);

    LocalizationXMLFile() : fWeExploded(false) { }

    bool Parse(const plFileName & fileName); // returns false on failure
    void AddError(const plString & errorText);

// A few small helper structs
// I am setting these up so the header file can use this data without having to put
// the LocalizationXMLFile class into the header file
struct LocElementInfo
    LocalizationXMLFile::element fElement;

struct LocSetInfo
    LocalizationXMLFile::set fSet;

struct LocAgeInfo
    LocalizationXMLFile::age fAge;

// Memory functions

static void * XMLCALL XmlMalloc (size_t size) {
    return malloc(size);

static void * XMLCALL XmlRealloc (void * ptr, size_t size) {
    return realloc(ptr, size);

static void XMLCALL XmlFree (void * ptr) {

XML_Memory_Handling_Suite gHeapAllocator = {

//// XML Parsing functions ///////////////////////////////////////////

void XMLCALL LocalizationXMLFile::StartTag(void *userData, const XML_Char *element, const XML_Char **attributes)
    plString wElement = element;
    LocalizationXMLFile *file = (LocalizationXMLFile*)userData;
    std::map<plString, plString> wAttributes;

    for (int i = 0; attributes[i]; i += 2)
        wAttributes[attributes[i]] = attributes[i+1];

    LocalizationXMLFile::tagInfo parentTag;
    if (!file->fTagStack.empty())
        parentTag = file->fTagStack.top();

    LocalizationXMLFile::tagInfo newTag;
    newTag.fTag = wElement;
    newTag.fAttributes = wAttributes;


    if (file->fSkipDepth != -1) // we're currently skipping

    // now we handle this tag
    if (wElement == "localizations")
        file->IHandleLocalizationsTag(parentTag, newTag);
    else if (wElement == "age")
        file->IHandleAgeTag(parentTag, newTag);
    else if (wElement == "set")
        file->IHandleSetTag(parentTag, newTag);
    else if (wElement == "element")
        file->IHandleElementTag(parentTag, newTag);
    else if (wElement == "translation")
        file->IHandleTranslationTag(parentTag, newTag);
        file->AddError(plFormat("Unknown tag {} found", wElement));

void XMLCALL LocalizationXMLFile::EndTag(void *userData, const XML_Char *element)
    plString wElement = element;
    LocalizationXMLFile *file = (LocalizationXMLFile*)userData;

    if (file->fSkipDepth != -1) // we're currently skipping
        // check to see if we are done with the block we wanted skipped
        if (file->fTagStack.size() == file->fSkipDepth)
            file->fSkipDepth = -1; // we're done skipping

    if (wElement == "age") // we left the age block
        file->fCurrentAge = "";
    else if (wElement == "set") // we left the set block
        file->fCurrentSet = "";
    else if (wElement == "element") // we left the element block
        file->fCurrentElement = "";
    else if (wElement == "translation") // we left the translation block
        file->fIgnoreContents = true;
        file->fCurrentTranslation = "";


void XMLCALL LocalizationXMLFile::HandleData(void *userData, const XML_Char *data, int stringLength)
    LocalizationXMLFile *file = (LocalizationXMLFile*)userData;
    if (file->fIgnoreContents)
        return; // we're ignoring data, so just return
    if (file->fSkipDepth != -1) // we're currently skipping

    // This gets all data between tags, including indentation and newlines
    // so we'll have to ignore data when we aren't expecting it (not in a translation tag)
    plString contents = plString::FromUtf8(data, stringLength);

    // we must be in a translation tag since that's the only tag that doesn't ignore the contents
    file->fData[file->fCurrentAge][file->fCurrentSet][file->fCurrentElement][file->fCurrentTranslation] += contents;

//// LocalizationXMLFile Functions ///////////////////////////////////


//// IHandleSubtitlesTag() ///////////////////////////////////////////

void LocalizationXMLFile::IHandleLocalizationsTag(const LocalizationXMLFile::tagInfo & parentTag, const LocalizationXMLFile::tagInfo & thisTag)
    if (!parentTag.fTag.IsEmpty()) // we only allow <localizations> tags at root level
        AddError("localizations tag only allowed at root level");

//// IHandleAgeTag() /////////////////////////////////////////////////

void LocalizationXMLFile::IHandleAgeTag(const LocalizationXMLFile::tagInfo & parentTag, const LocalizationXMLFile::tagInfo & thisTag)
    // it has to be inside the subtitles tag
    if (parentTag.fTag != "localizations")
        AddError("age tag can only be directly inside a localizations tag");

    // we have to have a name attribute
    if (thisTag.fAttributes.find("name") == thisTag.fAttributes.end())
        AddError("age tag is missing the name attribute");

    fCurrentAge = thisTag.fAttributes.find("name")->second;

//// IHandleSetTag() /////////////////////////////////////////////////

void LocalizationXMLFile::IHandleSetTag(const LocalizationXMLFile::tagInfo & parentTag, const LocalizationXMLFile::tagInfo & thisTag)
    // it has to be inside the age tag
    if (parentTag.fTag != "age")
        AddError("set tag can only be directly inside a age tag");

    // we have to have a name attribute
    if (thisTag.fAttributes.find("name") == thisTag.fAttributes.end())
        AddError("set tag is missing the name attribute");

    fCurrentSet = thisTag.fAttributes.find("name")->second;

//// IHandleElementTag() /////////////////////////////////////////////

void LocalizationXMLFile::IHandleElementTag(const LocalizationXMLFile::tagInfo & parentTag, const LocalizationXMLFile::tagInfo & thisTag)
    // it has to be inside the element tag
    if (parentTag.fTag != "set")
        AddError("element tag can only be directly inside a set tag");

    // we have to have a name attribute
    if (thisTag.fAttributes.find("name") == thisTag.fAttributes.end())
        AddError("element tag is missing the name attribute");

    fCurrentElement = thisTag.fAttributes.find("name")->second;

//// IHandleTranslationTag() /////////////////////////////////////////

void LocalizationXMLFile::IHandleTranslationTag(const LocalizationXMLFile::tagInfo & parentTag, const LocalizationXMLFile::tagInfo & thisTag)
    // it has to be inside the element tag
    if (parentTag.fTag != "element")
        AddError("translation tag can only be directly inside a element tag");

    // we have to have a language attribute
    if (thisTag.fAttributes.find("language") == thisTag.fAttributes.end())
        AddError("translation tag is missing the language attribute");

    fIgnoreContents = false; // we now want contents between tags
    fCurrentTranslation = thisTag.fAttributes.find("language")->second;

//// Parse() /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

bool LocalizationXMLFile::Parse(const plFileName& fileName)
    fFilename = fileName;

    while (!fTagStack.empty())

    fCurrentAge = "";
    fCurrentSet = "";
    fCurrentElement = "";
    fCurrentTranslation = "";

    fIgnoreContents = true;
    fSkipDepth = -1;

    char Buff[FILEBUFFERSIZE];

    fParser = XML_ParserCreate_MM(NULL, &gHeapAllocator, NULL);
    if (!fParser)
        AddError("ERROR: Couldn't allocate memory for parser");
        return false;

    XML_SetElementHandler(fParser, StartTag, EndTag);
    XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(fParser, HandleData);
    XML_SetUserData(fParser, (void*)this);

    hsStream *xmlStream = plEncryptedStream::OpenEncryptedFile(fileName);
    if (!xmlStream)
        pfLocalizationDataMgr::GetLog()->AddLineF("ERROR: Can't open file stream for %s", fileName.AsString().c_str());
        return false;

    bool done = false;
        size_t len;

        len = xmlStream->Read(FILEBUFFERSIZE, Buff);
        done = xmlStream->AtEnd();

        if (XML_Parse(fParser, Buff, (int)len, done) == XML_STATUS_ERROR)
            pfLocalizationDataMgr::GetLog()->AddLineF("ERROR: Parse error at line %d: %S",
                XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(fParser), XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(fParser)));
            done = true;

        if (fWeExploded) // some error occurred in the parser
            done = true;
    } while (!done);

    fParser = nil;
    delete xmlStream;
    return true;

//// AddError() //////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void LocalizationXMLFile::AddError(const plString& errorText)
    pfLocalizationDataMgr::GetLog()->AddLineF("ERROR (line %d): %s",
        XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(fParser), errorText.c_str());
    fSkipDepth = fTagStack.size(); // skip this block
    fWeExploded = true;

// LocalizationDatabase - a basic class for storing all the subtitle
//                        data grabbed from a XML directory (handles
//                        the merging and final validation of the data)

class LocalizationDatabase
    plFileName fDirectory; // the directory we're supposed to parse

    std::vector<LocalizationXMLFile> fFiles; // the various XML files in that directory

    LocalizationXMLFile::ageMap fData;

    LocalizationXMLFile::element IMergeElementData(LocalizationXMLFile::element firstElement, LocalizationXMLFile::element secondElement, const plFileName & fileName, const plString & path);
    LocalizationXMLFile::set IMergeSetData(LocalizationXMLFile::set firstSet, LocalizationXMLFile::set secondSet, const plFileName & fileName, const plString & path);
    LocalizationXMLFile::age IMergeAgeData(LocalizationXMLFile::age firstAge, LocalizationXMLFile::age secondAge, const plFileName & fileName, const plString & path);
    void IMergeData(); // merge all localization data in the files

    void IVerifyElement(const plString &ageName, const plString &setName, LocalizationXMLFile::set::iterator& curElement);
    void IVerifySet(const plString &ageName, const plString &setName);
    void IVerifyAge(const plString &ageName);
    void IVerifyData(); // verify the localization data once it has been merged in

    LocalizationDatabase() {}

    void Parse(const plFileName & directory);
    LocalizationXMLFile::ageMap GetData() {return fData;}

//// LocalizationDatabase Functions //////////////////////////////////

//// IMergeElementData ///////////////////////////////////////////////

LocalizationXMLFile::element LocalizationDatabase::IMergeElementData(LocalizationXMLFile::element firstElement, LocalizationXMLFile::element secondElement, const plFileName & fileName, const plString & path)
    // copy the data over, alerting the user to any duplicate translations
    LocalizationXMLFile::element::iterator curTranslation;
    for (curTranslation = secondElement.begin(); curTranslation != secondElement.end(); curTranslation++)
        if (firstElement.find(curTranslation->first) != firstElement.end())
            pfLocalizationDataMgr::GetLog()->AddLineF("Duplicate %s translation for %s found in file %s. Ignoring second translation.",
                curTranslation->first.c_str(), path.c_str(), fileName.AsString().c_str());
            firstElement[curTranslation->first] = curTranslation->second;

    return firstElement;

//// IMergeSetData ///////////////////////////////////////////////////

LocalizationXMLFile::set LocalizationDatabase::IMergeSetData(LocalizationXMLFile::set firstSet, LocalizationXMLFile::set secondSet, const plFileName & fileName, const plString & path)
    // Merge all the elements
    LocalizationXMLFile::set::iterator curElement;
    for (curElement = secondSet.begin(); curElement != secondSet.end(); curElement++)
        // if the element doesn't exist in the current set, add it
        if (firstSet.find(curElement->first) == firstSet.end())
            firstSet[curElement->first] = curElement->second;
        else // merge the element in
            firstSet[curElement->first] = IMergeElementData(firstSet[curElement->first], curElement->second, fileName, 
                plFormat("{}.{}", path, curElement->first));

    return firstSet;

//// IMergeAgeData ///////////////////////////////////////////////////

LocalizationXMLFile::age LocalizationDatabase::IMergeAgeData(LocalizationXMLFile::age firstAge, LocalizationXMLFile::age secondAge, const plFileName & fileName, const plString & path)
    // Merge all the sets
    LocalizationXMLFile::age::iterator curSet;
    for (curSet = secondAge.begin(); curSet != secondAge.end(); curSet++)
        // if the set doesn't exist in the current age, just add it
        if (firstAge.find(curSet->first) == firstAge.end())
            firstAge[curSet->first] = curSet->second;
        else // merge the data in
            firstAge[curSet->first] = IMergeSetData(firstAge[curSet->first], curSet->second, fileName, 
                plFormat("{}.{}", path, curSet->first));

    return firstAge;

//// IMergeData() ////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void LocalizationDatabase::IMergeData()
    for (int i = 0; i < fFiles.size(); i++)
        LocalizationXMLFile::ageMap fileData = fFiles[i].fData;
        LocalizationXMLFile::ageMap::iterator curAge;
        for (curAge = fileData.begin(); curAge != fileData.end(); curAge++)
            // if the age doesn't exist in the current merged database, just add it with no more checking
            if (fData.find(curAge->first) == fData.end())
                fData[curAge->first] = curAge->second;
            else // otherwise, merge the data in
                fData[curAge->first] = IMergeAgeData(fData[curAge->first], curAge->second, fFiles[i].fFilename, curAge->first);

//// IVerifyElement() ////////////////////////////////////////////////

void LocalizationDatabase::IVerifyElement(const plString &ageName, const plString &setName, LocalizationXMLFile::set::iterator& curElement)
    std::vector<plString> languageNames;
    plString defaultLanguage;

    int numLocales = plLocalization::GetNumLocales();
    for (int curLocale = 0; curLocale <= numLocales; curLocale++)
        plString name = plLocalization::GetLanguageName((plLocalization::Language)curLocale);
    defaultLanguage = languageNames[0];

    plString elementName = curElement->first;
    LocalizationXMLFile::element& theElement = curElement->second;
    LocalizationXMLFile::element::iterator curTranslation = theElement.begin();

    while (curTranslation != theElement.end())
        // Make sure this language exists!
        bool languageExists = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < languageNames.size(); i++)
            if (languageNames[i] == curTranslation->first)
                languageExists = true;

        if (!languageExists)
            pfLocalizationDataMgr::GetLog()->AddLineF("ERROR: The language %s used by %s.%s.%s is not supported. Discarding translation.",
                curTranslation->first.c_str(), ageName.c_str(), setName.c_str(), elementName.c_str());
            curTranslation = theElement.erase(curTranslation);

    for (int i = 1; i < languageNames.size(); i++)
        if (theElement.find(languageNames[i]) == theElement.end())
            pfLocalizationDataMgr::GetLog()->AddLineF("WARNING: Language %s is missing from the translations in element %s.%s.%s. You'll want to get translations for that!",
                languageNames[i].c_str(), ageName.c_str(), setName.c_str(), elementName.c_str());

//// IVerifySet() ////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void LocalizationDatabase::IVerifySet(const plString &ageName, const plString &setName)
    LocalizationXMLFile::set& theSet = fData[ageName][setName];
    LocalizationXMLFile::set::iterator curElement = theSet.begin();

    plString defaultLanguage = plLocalization::GetLanguageName((plLocalization::Language)0);

    while (curElement != theSet.end())
        // Check that we at least have a default language translation for fallback
        if (curElement->second.find(defaultLanguage) == curElement->second.end())
            pfLocalizationDataMgr::GetLog()->AddLineF("ERROR: Default language %s is missing from the translations in element %s.%s.%s. Deleting element.",
                defaultLanguage.c_str(), ageName.c_str(), setName.c_str(), curElement->first.c_str());
            curElement = theSet.erase(curElement);
            IVerifyElement(ageName, setName, curElement);

//// IVerifyAge() ////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void LocalizationDatabase::IVerifyAge(const plString &ageName)
    LocalizationXMLFile::age& theAge = fData[ageName];
    LocalizationXMLFile::age::iterator curSet;
    for (curSet = theAge.begin(); curSet != theAge.end(); curSet++)
        IVerifySet(ageName, curSet->first);

//// IVerifyData() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////

void LocalizationDatabase::IVerifyData()
    LocalizationXMLFile::ageMap::iterator curAge;
    for (curAge = fData.begin(); curAge != fData.end(); curAge++)

//// Parse() /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void LocalizationDatabase::Parse(const plFileName & directory)
    fDirectory = directory;

    std::vector<plFileName> locFiles = plFileSystem::ListDir(directory, "*.loc");
    for (auto iter = locFiles.begin(); iter != locFiles.end(); ++iter)
        LocalizationXMLFile newFile;
        bool retVal = newFile.Parse(*iter);
        if (!retVal)
            pfLocalizationDataMgr::GetLog()->AddLineF("WARNING: Errors in file %s", iter->GetFileName().c_str());

        pfLocalizationDataMgr::GetLog()->AddLineF("File %s parsed and added to database", iter->GetFileName().c_str());



//// pf3PartMap Functions ////////////////////////////////////////////

//// ISplitString() //////////////////////////////////////////////////

template<class mapT>
void pfLocalizationDataMgr::pf3PartMap<mapT>::ISplitString(plString key, plString &age, plString &set, plString &name)
    std::vector<plString> tokens = key.Tokenize(".");
    if (tokens.size() >= 1)
        age = tokens[0];
    if (tokens.size() >= 2)
        set = tokens[1];
    if (tokens.size() >= 3)
        name = tokens[2];

//// exists() ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

template<class mapT>
bool pfLocalizationDataMgr::pf3PartMap<mapT>::exists(const plString & key)
    plString age, set, name;
    ISplitString(key, age, set, name);
    if (age.IsEmpty() || set.IsEmpty() || name.IsEmpty()) // if any are missing, it's invalid, so we don't have it
        return false;

    // now check individually
    auto curAge = fData.find(age);
    if (curAge == fData.end()) // age doesn't exist
        return false;
    auto curSet = curAge->second.find(set);
    if (curSet == curAge->second.end()) // set doesn't exist
        return false;
    auto curElement = curSet->second.find(name);
    if (curElement == curSet->second.end()) // name doesn't exist
        return false;

    // we passed all the tests, return true!
    return true;

//// setExists() /////////////////////////////////////////////////////

template<class mapT>
bool pfLocalizationDataMgr::pf3PartMap<mapT>::setExists(const plString & key)
    plString age, set, name;
    ISplitString(key, age, set, name);
    if (age.IsEmpty() || set.IsEmpty()) // if any are missing, it's invalid, so we don't have it (ignoring name)
        return false;

    // now check individually
    auto curAge = fData.find(age);
    if (curAge == fData.end()) // age doesn't exist
        return false;
    auto curSet = curAge->second.find(set);
    if (curSet == curAge->second.end()) // set doesn't exist
        return false;

    // we passed all the tests, return true!
    return true;

//// erase() /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

template<class mapT>
void pfLocalizationDataMgr::pf3PartMap<mapT>::erase(const plString & key)
    plString age, set, name;
    ISplitString(key, age, set, name);
    if (age.IsEmpty() || set.IsEmpty() || name.IsEmpty()) // if any are missing, it's invalid, so we don't delete it

    // now check individually
    auto curAge = fData.find(age);
    if (curAge == fData.end()) // age doesn't exist
    auto curSet = curAge->second.find(set);
    if (curSet == curAge->second.end()) // set doesn't exist
    auto curElement = curSet->second.find(name);
    if (curElement == curSet->second.end()) // name doesn't exist

    // ok, so now we want to nuke it!
    if (curSet->second.size() == 0) // is the set now empty?
        curAge->second.erase(curSet); // nuke it!
    if (curAge->second.size() == 0) // is the age now empty?
        fData.erase(curAge); // nuke it!

//// operator[]() ////////////////////////////////////////////////////

template<class mapT>
mapT &pfLocalizationDataMgr::pf3PartMap<mapT>::operator[](const plString &key)
    plString age, set, name;
    ISplitString(key, age, set, name);
    return fData[age][set][name];

//// getAgeList() ////////////////////////////////////////////////////

template<class mapT>
std::vector<plString> pfLocalizationDataMgr::pf3PartMap<mapT>::getAgeList()
    std::vector<plString> retVal;
    typename ThreePartMap::iterator curAge;

    for (curAge = fData.begin(); curAge != fData.end(); curAge++)

    return retVal;

//// getSetList() ////////////////////////////////////////////////////

template<class mapT>
std::vector<plString> pfLocalizationDataMgr::pf3PartMap<mapT>::getSetList(const plString & age)
    std::vector<plString> retVal;
    typename std::map<plString, std::map<plString, mapT> >::iterator curSet;

    auto curAge = fData.find(age);
    if (curAge == fData.end())
        return retVal; // return an empty list, the age doesn't exist

    for (curSet = curAge->second.begin(); curSet != curAge->second.end(); curSet++)

    return retVal;

//// getNameList() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////

template<class mapT>
std::vector<plString> pfLocalizationDataMgr::pf3PartMap<mapT>::getNameList(const plString & age, const plString & set)
    std::vector<plString> retVal;
    typename std::map<plString, mapT>::iterator curName;

    auto curAge = fData.find(age);
    if (curAge == fData.end())
        return retVal; // return an empty list, the age doesn't exist

    auto curSet = curAge->second.find(set);
    if (curSet == curAge->second.end())
        return retVal; // return an empty list, the set doesn't exist

    for (curName = curSet->second.begin(); curName != curSet->second.end(); curName++)

    return retVal;

//// pfLocalizationDataMgr Functions /////////////////////////////////

pfLocalizationDataMgr   *pfLocalizationDataMgr::fInstance = nil;
plStatusLog             *pfLocalizationDataMgr::fLog = nil; // output logfile

//// Constructor/Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////

pfLocalizationDataMgr::pfLocalizationDataMgr(const plFileName & path)
    hsAssert(!fInstance, "Tried to create the localization data manager more than once!");
    fInstance = this;

    fDataPath = path;

    fDatabase = nil;

    fInstance = nil;

    if (fDatabase)
        delete fDatabase;
        fDatabase = nil;

//// ICreateLocalizedElement /////////////////////////////////////////

pfLocalizationDataMgr::localizedElement pfLocalizationDataMgr::ICreateLocalizedElement()
    int numLocales = plLocalization::GetNumLocales();
    pfLocalizationDataMgr::localizedElement retVal;

    for (int curLocale = 0; curLocale <= numLocales; curLocale++)
        retVal[plLocalization::GetLanguageName((plLocalization::Language)curLocale)] = "";

    return retVal;

//// IGetCurrentLanguageName /////////////////////////////////////////

plString pfLocalizationDataMgr::IGetCurrentLanguageName()
    return plLocalization::GetLanguageName(plLocalization::GetLanguage());

//// IGetAllLanguageNames ////////////////////////////////////////////

std::vector<plString> pfLocalizationDataMgr::IGetAllLanguageNames()
    int numLocales = plLocalization::GetNumLocales();
    std::vector<plString> retVal;

    for (int curLocale = 0; curLocale <= numLocales; curLocale++)
        plString name = plLocalization::GetLanguageName((plLocalization::Language)curLocale);

    return retVal;

//// IConvertSubtitle ////////////////////////////////////////////////

void pfLocalizationDataMgr::IConvertElement(LocElementInfo *elementInfo, const plString & curPath)
    pfLocalizationDataMgr::localizedElement newElement;
    int16_t numArgs = -1;

    LocalizationXMLFile::element::iterator curTranslation;
    for (curTranslation = elementInfo->fElement.begin(); curTranslation != elementInfo->fElement.end(); curTranslation++)
        uint16_t argCount = newElement[curTranslation->first].GetArgumentCount();
        if (numArgs == -1) // just started
            numArgs = argCount;
        else if (argCount != numArgs)
            fLog->AddLineF("WARNING: Argument number mismatch in element %s for %s", curPath.c_str(), curTranslation->first.c_str());

    fLocalizedElements[curPath] = newElement;

//// IConvertSet /////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void pfLocalizationDataMgr::IConvertSet(LocSetInfo *setInfo, const plString & curPath)
    LocalizationXMLFile::set::iterator curElement;
    for (curElement = setInfo->fSet.begin(); curElement != setInfo->fSet.end(); curElement++)
        LocElementInfo elementInfo;
        elementInfo.fElement = curElement->second;

        IConvertElement(&elementInfo, plFormat("{}.{}", curPath, curElement->first));

//// IConvertAge /////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void pfLocalizationDataMgr::IConvertAge(LocAgeInfo *ageInfo, const plString & curPath)
    LocalizationXMLFile::age::iterator curSet;
    for (curSet = ageInfo->fAge.begin(); curSet != ageInfo->fAge.end(); curSet++)
        LocSetInfo setInfo;
        setInfo.fSet = curSet->second;

        IConvertSet(&setInfo, plFormat("{}.{}", curPath, curSet->first));

//// IWriteText //////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void pfLocalizationDataMgr::IWriteText(const plFileName & filename, const plString & ageName, const plString & languageName)
    bool weWroteData = false; // did we actually write any data of consequence?
    bool setEmpty = true;

    // we will try to pretty print it all so it's easy to read for the devs
    plStringStream fileData;
    fileData << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
    fileData << "<localizations>\n";
    fileData << "\t<age name=\"" << ageName << "\">\n";

    std::vector<plString> setNames = GetSetList(ageName);
    for (int curSet = 0; curSet < setNames.size(); curSet++)
        setEmpty = true; // so far, this set is empty
        plStringStream setCode;
        setCode << "\t\t<set name=\"" << setNames[curSet] << "\">\n";

        std::vector<plString> elementNames = GetElementList(ageName, setNames[curSet]);
        for (int curElement = 0; curElement < elementNames.size(); curElement++)
            setCode << "\t\t\t<element name=\"" << elementNames[curElement] << "\">\n";
            plString key = plFormat("{}.{}.{}", ageName, setNames[curSet], elementNames[curElement]);

            if (fLocalizedElements[key].find(languageName) != fLocalizedElements[key].end())
                weWroteData = true;
                setEmpty = false;
                setCode << "\t\t\t\t<translation language=\"" << languageName << "\">";
                setCode << fLocalizedElements[key][languageName].ToXML();
                setCode << "</translation>\n";

            setCode << "\t\t\t</element>\n";

        setCode << "\t\t</set>\n";

        if (!setEmpty)
            fileData << setCode.GetString();

    fileData << "\t</age>\n";
    fileData << "</localizations>\n";

    if (weWroteData)
        // now spit the results out to the file
        hsStream *xmlStream = plEncryptedStream::OpenEncryptedFileWrite(filename);
        xmlStream->Write(fileData.GetLength(), fileData.GetRawBuffer());
        delete xmlStream;

//// Initialize //////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void pfLocalizationDataMgr::Initialize(const plFileName & path)
    if (fInstance)

    fInstance = new pfLocalizationDataMgr(path);
    fLog = plStatusLogMgr::GetInstance().CreateStatusLog(30, "LocalizationDataMgr.log",
        plStatusLog::kFilledBackground | plStatusLog::kAlignToTop | plStatusLog::kTimestamp);

//// Shutdown ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void pfLocalizationDataMgr::Shutdown()
    if ( fLog != nil )
        delete fLog;
        fLog = nil;

    if (fInstance)
        delete fInstance;
        fInstance = nil;

//// SetupData ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void pfLocalizationDataMgr::SetupData()
    if (fDatabase)
        delete fDatabase;

    fDatabase = new LocalizationDatabase();

    fLog->AddLine("File reading complete, converting to native data format");

    // and now we read all the data out of the database and convert it to our native formats

    // transfer localization data
    LocalizationXMLFile::ageMap data = fDatabase->GetData();
    LocalizationXMLFile::ageMap::iterator curAge;
    for (curAge = data.begin(); curAge != data.end(); curAge++)
        LocAgeInfo ageInfo;
        ageInfo.fAge = curAge->second;

        IConvertAge(&ageInfo, curAge->first);


//// GetElement //////////////////////////////////////////////////////

pfLocalizedString pfLocalizationDataMgr::GetElement(const plString & name)
    pfLocalizedString retVal; // if this returns before we initialize it, it will be empty, indicating failure

    if (!fLocalizedElements.exists(name)) // does the requested element exist?
        return retVal; // nope, so return failure

    plString languageName = IGetCurrentLanguageName();
    if (fLocalizedElements[name].find(languageName) == fLocalizedElements[name].end()) // current language isn't specified
        languageName = "English"; // force to english
        if (fLocalizedElements[name].find(languageName) == fLocalizedElements[name].end()) // make sure english exists
            return retVal; // language doesn't exist
    retVal = fLocalizedElements[name][languageName];
    return retVal;

//// GetSpecificElement //////////////////////////////////////////////

pfLocalizedString pfLocalizationDataMgr::GetSpecificElement(const plString & name, const plString & language)
    pfLocalizedString retVal; // if this returns before we initialize it, it will have an ID of 0, indicating failure

    if (!fLocalizedElements.exists(name)) // does the requested subtitle exist?
        return retVal; // nope, so return failure

    if (fLocalizedElements[name].find(language) == fLocalizedElements[name].end())
        return retVal; // language doesn't exist

    retVal = fLocalizedElements[name][language];
    return retVal;

//// GetLanguages ////////////////////////////////////////////////////

std::vector<plString> pfLocalizationDataMgr::GetLanguages(const plString & ageName, const plString & setName, const plString & elementName)
    std::vector<plString> retVal;
    plString key = plFormat("{}.{}.{}", ageName, setName, elementName);
    if (fLocalizedElements.exists(key))
        // age, set, and element exists
        localizedElement elem = fLocalizedElements[key];
        localizedElement::iterator curLanguage;
        for (curLanguage = elem.begin(); curLanguage != elem.end(); curLanguage++)
            plString language = curLanguage->first;
            if (!language.IsEmpty()) // somehow blank language names sneak in... so don't return them
    return retVal;

//// GetElementXMLData ///////////////////////////////////////////////

plString pfLocalizationDataMgr::GetElementXMLData(const plString & name, const plString & languageName)
    if (fLocalizedElements.exists(name) && (fLocalizedElements[name].find(languageName) != fLocalizedElements[name].end()))
        return fLocalizedElements[name][languageName].ToXML();
    return "";

//// GetElementPlainTextData /////////////////////////////////////////

plString pfLocalizationDataMgr::GetElementPlainTextData(const plString & name, const plString & languageName)
    if (fLocalizedElements.exists(name) && (fLocalizedElements[name].find(languageName) != fLocalizedElements[name].end()))
        return fLocalizedElements[name][languageName];
    return "";

//// SetElementXMLData ///////////////////////////////////////////////

bool pfLocalizationDataMgr::SetElementXMLData(const plString & name, const plString & languageName, const plString & xmlData)
    if (!fLocalizedElements.exists(name))
        return false; // doesn't exist

    return true;

//// SetElementPlainTextData /////////////////////////////////////////

bool pfLocalizationDataMgr::SetElementPlainTextData(const plString & name, const plString & languageName, const plString & plainText)
    if (!fLocalizedElements.exists(name))
        return false; // doesn't exist

    fLocalizedElements[name][languageName] = plainText;
    return true;

//// AddLocalization /////////////////////////////////////////////////

bool pfLocalizationDataMgr::AddLocalization(const plString & name, const plString & newLanguage)
    if (!fLocalizedElements.exists(name))
        return false; // doesn't exist

    // copy the english over so it can be localized
    fLocalizedElements[name][newLanguage] = fLocalizedElements[name]["English"];
    return true;

//// AddElement //////////////////////////////////////////////////////

bool pfLocalizationDataMgr::AddElement(const plString & name)
    if (fLocalizedElements.exists(name))
        return false; // already exists

    pfLocalizedString newElement;
    fLocalizedElements[name]["English"] = newElement;
    return true;

//// DeleteLocalization //////////////////////////////////////////////

bool pfLocalizationDataMgr::DeleteLocalization(const plString & name, const plString & languageName)
    if (!fLocalizedElements.exists(name))
        return false; // doesn't exist

    if (fLocalizedElements[name].find(languageName) == fLocalizedElements[name].end())
        return false; // doesn't exist

    return true;

//// DeleteElement ///////////////////////////////////////////////////

bool pfLocalizationDataMgr::DeleteElement(const plString & name)
    if (!fLocalizedElements.exists(name))
        return false; // doesn't exist

    // delete it!
    return true;

//// WriteDatabaseToDisk /////////////////////////////////////////////

void pfLocalizationDataMgr::WriteDatabaseToDisk(const plFileName & path)
    std::vector<plString> ageNames = GetAgeList();
    std::vector<plString> languageNames = IGetAllLanguageNames();
    for (int curAge = 0; curAge < ageNames.size(); curAge++)
        for (int curLanguage = 0; curLanguage < languageNames.size(); curLanguage++)
            plFileName locPath = plFileName::Join(path, plFormat("{}{}.loc",
                                    ageNames[curAge], languageNames[curLanguage]));
            IWriteText(locPath, ageNames[curAge], languageNames[curLanguage]);

//// OutputTreeToLog /////////////////////////////////////////////////

void pfLocalizationDataMgr::OutputTreeToLog()
    std::vector<plString> ages = GetAgeList();

    fLog->AddLine("Localization tree:\n");

    for (std::vector<plString>::iterator i = ages.begin(); i != ages.end(); ++i)
        plString age = *i;
        fLog->AddLineF("\t%s", age.c_str());

        std::vector<plString> sets = GetSetList(age);
        for (std::vector<plString>::iterator j = sets.begin(); j != sets.end(); ++j)
            plString set = (*j);
            fLog->AddLineF("\t\t%s", set.c_str());

            std::vector<plString> names = GetElementList(age, set);
            for (std::vector<plString>::iterator k = names.begin(); k != names.end(); ++k)
                plString name = (*k);
                fLog->AddLineF("\t\t\t%s", name.c_str());