/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "pyImage.h" #include "cyMisc.h" #ifndef BUILDING_PYPLASMA #include "../plGImage/plMipmap.h" #endif #ifndef BUILDING_PYPLASMA plMipmap* pyImage::GetImage() { if (fMipmap) return fMipmap; return ( plMipmap::ConvertNoRef(fMipMapKey->ObjectIsLoaded()) ); } // GetPixelColor // takes an x and y coord (x and y from 0 to 1) and returns the pixel color at that location PyObject* pyImage::GetPixelColor(float x, float y) { if (x > 1.0) x = 1.0; if (x < 0.0) x = 0.0; if (y > 1.0) y = 1.0; if (y < 0.0) y = 0.0; plMipmap* image; if (fMipmap) image = fMipmap; else image = plMipmap::ConvertNoRef(fMipMapKey->ObjectIsLoaded()); if (image) { UInt32 height = image->GetHeight(); UInt32 width = image->GetWidth(); UInt32 iX = (UInt32)((float)width * x); UInt32 iY = (UInt32)((float)height * y); hsColorRGBA pixColor; image->SetCurrLevel(0); UInt32 *color = image->GetAddr32(iX,iY); pixColor.FromARGB32(*color); return pyColor::New(pixColor); } PYTHON_RETURN_NONE; } // GetColorLoc // takes a color to look for and returns the x and y coord for its location (x and y from 0 to 1), if the // color exists in more than one location, then the location with the lowest x and y will be returned. // if the color is not found, it trys to return the closest match PyObject* pyImage::GetColorLoc(const pyColor &color) { plMipmap* image; if (fMipmap) image = fMipmap; else image = plMipmap::ConvertNoRef(fMipMapKey->ObjectIsLoaded()); if (image) { UInt32 height = image->GetHeight(); UInt32 width = image->GetWidth(); double minSqrDist = 9999999; hsPoint3 closestMatch; image->SetCurrLevel(0); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { hsColorRGBA pixColor; pixColor.FromARGB32(*(image->GetAddr32(x,y))); PyObject* imgColorObj = pyColor::New(pixColor); pyColor* imgColor = pyColor::ConvertFrom(imgColorObj); if ((*imgColor) == color) { Py_DECREF(imgColorObj); float fX, fY; fX = (float)x / (float)width; fY = (float)y / (float)height; return pyPoint3::New(hsPoint3(fX, fY, 0)); } double dist = pow((imgColor->getRed() - color.getRed()),2) + pow((imgColor->getGreen() - color.getGreen()),2) + pow((imgColor->getBlue() - color.getBlue()),2); if (dist < minSqrDist) { minSqrDist = dist; float fX, fY; fX = (float)x / (float)width; fY = (float)y / (float)height; closestMatch.fX = fX; closestMatch.fY = fY; } Py_DECREF(imgColorObj); } } return pyPoint3::New(closestMatch); } PYTHON_RETURN_NONE; } // GetWidth // returns the width of the image UInt32 pyImage::GetWidth() { plMipmap* image; if (fMipmap) image = fMipmap; else image = plMipmap::ConvertNoRef(fMipMapKey->ObjectIsLoaded()); if (image) return image->GetWidth(); return 0; } // GetHeight // returns the height of the image UInt32 pyImage::GetHeight() { plMipmap* image; if (fMipmap) image = fMipmap; else image = plMipmap::ConvertNoRef(fMipMapKey->ObjectIsLoaded()); if (image) return image->GetHeight(); return 0; } #include "../plJPEG/plJPEG.h" void pyImage::SaveAsJPEG(const wchar* fileName, UInt8 quality) { if (quality <= 0 || quality > 100) { quality = 75; } plJPEG::Instance().SetWriteQuality( quality ); plJPEG::Instance().WriteToFile( fileName, this->GetImage() ); } #include "hsResMgr.h" #include "../pnKeyedObject/plUoid.h" PyObject* pyImage::LoadJPEGFromDisk(const wchar* filename, UInt16 width, UInt16 height) { plMipmap* theMipmap = plJPEG::Instance().ReadFromFile(filename); if (theMipmap) { if (width > 0 && height > 0) { if (!theMipmap->ResizeNicely(width, height, plMipmap::kDefaultFilter)) { delete theMipmap; PYTHON_RETURN_NONE; } } // let's create a nice name for this thing based on the filename std::string name = "PtImageFromDisk_"; const wchar* i = filename; int charsChecked = 0; while (*i != '\\' && *i != '\0' && charsChecked < 1024) { i++; charsChecked++; } if (*i == '\0') { i = filename; } else { i++; } char* cName = hsWStringToString(i); name = name + cName; hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->NewKey(name.c_str(), theMipmap, plLocation::kGlobalFixedLoc); return pyImage::New( theMipmap ); } else PYTHON_RETURN_NONE; } #endif